The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1212 Very Contradictory

Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Although those few people still don't know whether what he said is true or not.But the bare minimum.The confidence on Zhang Fan's face was very high.But it showed without any concealment.But no matter what.His confidence.But it made the other party believe what he said.even.Under Zhang Fan's secret observation.Even what the person who sneaked in said to him.Didn't show much suspicion either.

but.When they heard from Zhang Fan that there were still other conditions.But he was a little surprised.after all.They are the ones who go to spread the word.And the words to be passed on to the past.They were back in Liu Xian's camp.I have already heard Fang Zhenqian say it.But now Zhang Fan said that there are other conditions.This made these people a little confused.

But obviously.They are just people who go to spread the word.Not those on the other now.Although Zhang Fan's words surprised them.But they didn't ask right away.Second, even the person who sneaked in had many doubts about Zhang Fan's words.I really want to ask now.But in this way.It is very likely that his identity was exposed.So even with a face full of surprise and such a look that I can't help but want to ask.But in the end.He still didn't ask anything.An expression of suspicion and disbelief.Staring at Zhang Fan.

And his expression.Zhang Fan naturally did not miss anything.It's all in the eyes.But he didn't care.and.Even if I really want to laugh in my heart.But there was still a very calm look on his face.

"You don't have to worry too much." Zhang Fan said comfortingly.said to them. "I'm not the kind of person who changes his mind when something happens. I won't take back what I say. And I don't mean to embarrass them on purpose. That condition is actually what I said to you before. .

"Surrender is one thing. But if you want no one to die, there is one rule. They must not hurt the lives of any people in Yongning Mansion. If not, they will pay for their lives. This rule is absolutely non-negotiable." After finishing these words.Zhang Fan's eyes.Once again, he stared at the person who sneaked in.

after all.Let the other seven people answer Zhang Fan's words.Perhaps they will deceive.Or.They had no idea what was really going on.Did any ordinary people die because of this incident?so now.Zhang Fan asked these words.I didn't expect to get any correct answers from these seven people.

But the person who got in was different.He is from there.So how about this matter.He must have been very clear.not to mention.this problem.related to their own safety.So his response to the question.Must be very large.

Just to be able to see how he reacts.Zhang Fan can now get the answer.And now you can get the answer.Then Zhang Fan can immediately start thinking about how to deal with this matter.Instead of waiting to meet and talk with those people to find out what's going on.Think about what to do next.In this way.He has plenty of time.To minimize the possible impact of this incident.

"So it's about this." After the old man heard Zhang Fan's words.It was obviously a sigh of relief.Said. "My lord, such a thing as killing people has never happened. In the Yongning Mansion, no one of the people died because of this. On this point, my lord, please rest assured." Look at the relaxed look he said.It will indeed make people who don't know the details feel relieved.

but.Zhang Fan will not be confused by his words.His eyes are from beginning to end.All the while staring at the face of the person who sneaked in.

Zhang Fan can clearly find out.After that person heard Zhang Fan ask this question.The face is visibly changed.And Zhang Fan who saw him change so much.My heart suddenly tightened.Just at that moment.Zhang Fan began to feel it in his heart.It seemed that the last thing he expected had happened.

If that's the case.This matter is really difficult to handle.

Actually speaking.If this matter can be resolved peacefully.It seems that a few people died, but it is not a big problem.But Zhang Fan didn't want that.If it is said that none of the people died.Even if the sins of these people are forgiven.Even in the court.It is also easier to say.But if people die and they ignore it.There is likely to be a consequence.That is later.More Han people in the southwest will die for this.Maybe it's just because of this one thing.Those tribes felt that the Han people were easy to bully.Changing has another heart.

Now less than a year has passed since the chaos of the Bo people.This is a good time for the imperial court to reorganize the southwest.And once this kind of beginning is used.It will definitely not be a good thing.Zhang Fan can be sure of this.

so.That person showed such a nervous look just now.This really surprised Zhang Fan.I couldn't help but think about the bad things in my heart.Could it be that something like that has already happened.

But the next moment.Zhang Fan saw something that made him feel puzzled.The look of that person.After listening to what Zhang Fan said.became tense.But the nervousness didn't last long.But it turned into a relieved look.It seems to be because of something.The whole person immediately relaxed again.

This.Zhang Fan felt a little unbelievable.The nervous look before.It was obvious that something had happened.

But this is what it looks like now.But it's completely relaxed.It was as if the incident that Zhang Fan was worried about never happened.

This is completely inconsistent.For a moment, Zhang Fan couldn't figure out why.

Or maybe.This thing among them.There is nothing hidden.

"If that's the case..." Zhang Fan thought for a while and couldn't figure it out.Decided to answer them first. "Then everything is easy to talk about. You can go back and talk to them now. As long as they are willing to put down their weapons now. Surrender. I absolutely keep my promise."

"In that case, I'll go back and report later." The old man said.then.These eight people bowed to Zhang Fan and Liu Xian.Just turned around and went back.

And looked at the back of them leaving.Zhang Fan became deep in thought.Thinking about what that person's expression meant just now.

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhang." However.Feng Bao could tell that Zhang Fan had something on his mind.asked. "Is there any problem with those few people just now?"

But Liu Xian didn't notice anything.Hear Feng Bao's question.He also turned his eyes curiously.Put it on Zhang Fan.

"It's not a problem." Zhang Fan thought for a while.I feel that things have come to the present.There is no need to hide anything from them anymore.He opened his mouth to answer. "Those eight people just now. Seven of them were found by Wang Meng in General Liu's camp."

"Seven people." This time.Liu Xian reacted immediately. "Master Zhang means that there is a person among them. It is not the person we found. It was sent over there."

"That's right. That's it." Zhang Fan nodded with certainty.

"How did Mr. Zhang know?" Feng Bao was a little curious about how Zhang Fan knew this.

"I have seen the dozen or so people who came to General Liu's camp that day," Zhang Fan said. "The appearance and body shape of the dozen or so people. I remember all of them clearly. And the eight people who came just now. There is one of them. Although there is no difference in body shape, it is also wearing the clothes of one of them. But his appearance is not at all the same as the previous one. "

"This..." Liu Xian thought at first that Zhang Fan got the news through some other means.But he didn't expect Zhang Fan to say it.Such a very "primitive" method is used.And a laborious way.This surprised Liu Xian a little.He couldn't help asking with some disbelief. "Master Zhang is sure he read it right."

"I know General Liu must have doubts about my words." Zhang Fan didn't mean to blame Liu Xian.After all, his memory.It's really a little too scary.Not even at first.He himself didn't believe it.Now Liu Xian says he doesn't believe it.Zhang Fan naturally had no reason to blame him. "However. On this matter. Please believe me, both of you. I am absolutely not wrong."

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Liu Xian no longer struggled with the question of whether he could remember or not.And Feng Bao didn't mean to doubt Zhang Fan.Although Feng Bao didn't know Zhang Fan's special ability.But he had been in contact with Zhang Fan in the past.But also some understanding.So he wasn't surprised.

However, Zhang Fan's problem was exposed.The two began to care about the rest.

"What did Mr. Zhang discover just now?" Feng Bao asked.And Liu Xian at the side also looked at Zhang Fan.Waiting for his answer.

"When I said the condition just now, I stared at that person secretly. When that person heard what I said, he immediately looked nervous." Zhang Fan said.

"Could it be..." Now.Even Liu Xian's expression changed.He didn't want anyone to die either.And he is the same as Zhang Fan.Know the difference between the dead and the undead in this matter.What a huge impact it can have.So he heard what Zhang Fan said.He also became tense immediately.

"No." Zhang Fan said. "When he just heard me finish speaking, he really looked nervous. But immediately. He changed his appearance. It looked as if nothing had happened. This made me feel a little strange."

Hear Zhang Fan's words.Both Liu Xian and Feng Bao fell silent.They were also thinking about Zhang Fan's words.

But this thing is really weird.Let them think for a long time but can't come up with any results.

at this time.There is already an answer on the other side.

"General. Father-in-law." Zhang Fan said. "Someone has already come from the opposite side. Now we can't figure out what it is. Why don't we wait until we enter Yongning Mansion and have a look. Everything will naturally come to light."

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