The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1213 Acceptance and Surrender Success

Liu Xian ruled the army extremely strictly.And not just his soldiers.Even Liu Xian himself.Also very serious.Even on weekdays.Liu Xian looked careless.Doing things is also somewhat informal.but.That's just normal.

It's really a critical moment.certainly.For Liu Xian.The so-called critical moment.That means it's time to be on the battlefield.When it really came to the battlefield.Liu Xian is absolutely meticulous.As long as it is what he thinks of.It will definitely be done meticulously.Absolutely will not leave any loopholes.

Just like now.

Although here.Including Liu Xian and Feng Bao.Even Zhang Fan himself.They are also thinking about what happened just now.But the other party will not slow down their speed because of the consideration here.Not long after.There is already an answer there.They didn't even need Liu Xian's small school to report again.They can see.Someone came here with a torch.

Those who came were the same as before.But after Zhang Fan's reminder just now.Whether it's Liu Xian or Feng Bao.All paid attention.This time.They also found a problem.I also understood what Zhang Fan said just now.It is indeed true.

Although Zhang Fan didn't tell them.What does the person who sneaked in look like?What clothes to wear.It wasn't even mentioned who it was.But this time.It was seven people who came.Instead of the last eight people.Maybe it doesn't matter to these people.Or maybe they didn't expect that Zhang Fan had already discovered the mystery.

but.This is no matter for Liu Xian or Feng Bao.They are also more convinced.The opponent really wanted to surrender.Otherwise.There is no need to do such a troublesome thing.Find someone to mix in with these people and come here together.It's obvious that they are here to sniff out the rumors.That being the case.That's it.The opponent didn't want to fight either.In this way.This is easy to say.

And now.There is already a reply there.

"How did you say it?" This time.Liu Xian asked the question before the other party spoke first.even though.Now this is the general trend.And all the signs before.have also been shown.They were willing to surrender.But at this time.Liu Xian was still a little nervous.This made him ask involuntarily.Want to know the result immediately.

"General. They have already agreed to surrender." It was the same old man who came here before. "Now they have put down their weapons. It's just that it's already dark. The general can't see it. But they have indeed put down their weapons. This point. I dare to guarantee my life."

"Sigh. The elder's words. This general will naturally believe it." Liu Xian waved his hand.Act like you don't care.Said. "In this case, let's go there." Finished.He called his lieutenant.Let him pass the order.

after all.Even if the opposite side surrendered.But there is still a large lineup of more than 2 number of people who went to Najiang was also impossibly small.Although there are more than ten thousand people at every turn.It's really too much work.But Liu Xian was not sloppy at all in this matter.No matter how troublesome it is.No matter how long the time delay.He also has to be fully prepared in this regard.

then. 2 people are stationed in case.The remaining thirty thousand.Follow Liu Xian towards the front.certainly.Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.Nature also followed along.

The distance between the two armies.Say far or not.Not close.Seriously.That is to say, less than a hundred feet.this today.The army walked slowly.Or just like the few people walking back and forth before.It is indeed a bit long.It will take a while.But if the two armies confront each other.It really started fighting.charge forward.This distance of hundreds of feet.That is, we met in the blink of an eye.

now.To be able to walk such a distance without using hands.It really makes people feel a little strange.Feng Bao didn't care.After all, he has never been on the battlefield.But for Zhang Fan.This is a brand new experience.He has been on the battlefield three times.But anyway.Such a long way.But it was still impossible for him to feel any sense of peace.Always full of crises.And now.This kind of journey is easy for both body and mind.It really made him feel a little unbelievable.

And the most overly strange one was Liu Xian.Liu Xian fought all his life.Fight countless battles.Naturally, he also accepted the enemy's surrender.But seriously.Like these days.Didn't even hit.The opponent surrendered.Really is the first time encountered.

in the past.Liu Xian is mostly on the southeast coast.Suppress the Japanese pirates.Perhaps it is because the Japanese plague has been raging along the coast of Daming for too long.Both sides seem to have that kind of inextricable hatred.Even if the opponent wants to surrender.Liu Xian also had to play a game first.Even sometimes.Even those Japanese pirates surrendered.Liu Xian might not let them go.You have to fight hand to hand.It has nothing to do with morality.After all, those Japanese pirates came to plunder the territory of Ming Dynasty.Then be prepared to lose your head.Who will kindly remind them.Now that we are here.Then leave the dead body.

Moreover.Face the pirates.Even the imperial court.It would not be said that Liu Xian's actions were bloodthirsty or inhumane.perhaps.Compared with those countries that bordered the Ming Dynasty on land.Some in the DPRK are also likely to make concessions.But for these Fusang people.And it's still for the Japanese pirates who are bereaved dogs.There is no need for that at all.It can be said that you can kill as many as you can.The more you kill, the better.Anyway, facing those homeless dogs.Even if they are captured.It is also impossible for Fuso to have any daimyo recognize their identity.Instead of leaving them to waste food.It's better to kill it immediately.It is better to suffer from the future.

And after that.When Liu Xian faced those Bo people.I never thought that it would end without starting a war.After all, the fighting power of the Bo people.and their long history.It all shows that these people are absolutely difficult to deal with.Just take it lightly.It could lead to Xian dealt with the Bo people.From the beginning to the end, he was determined to kill them the end.Liu Xian still had no battles that could end without a fight.

this time.It was the first time Liu Xian had this experience.from start to finish.Never played a game at all.And Fang Fang is about to surrender.

So it's such a long way.For Liu Xian's feelings.This is the biggest.

The distance of hundreds of feet.It really didn't take too long.Liu Xian hadn't finished experiencing this novel feeling yet.The army had already reached the 2 people.

Countless torches were lit.It illuminates the appearance on the opposite side.from here.The 2 people on the opposite side can be clearly seen.

I don't know because they knew they were going to surrender.Or is it the case.These 2 people.Standing up is loose.Not at all like a well-trained soldier.Maybe they weren't.But this kind of look is completely equivalent to a hodgepodge of collections.It is really not flattering.

different tribes.Wear different styles of clothing.It makes people feel more like this group of people.It really doesn't look like you're going to fight.

And even if it's in the dark.It's really not very clear.But even on the faces of the few people who can be seen within the visible range.This side can also clearly see the slack look on their faces.All of them are unmotivated.Although it is still not called lost soul.But that lackluster look.It also seems to indicate their current situation.

See here.It can be fully confirmed here.These men did surrender.But even at this point.Liu Xian still had no intention of relaxing.

He looked to the side.Then he said, "Where's the weapon you're waiting for?" Sure enough.Liu Xian was most concerned about this matter.

now.None of these people could see any weapons in their hands.Thinking about it, I already let it go.But even so.Liu Xian still had to do the most reassuring thing.Only then can I relax.

"My lord general." At this time.A person who had never met before spoke to Liu Xian. "We sincerely surrender. The weapons have been placed in the open space." Since this person was able to speak to Liu Xian first.Apparently he was one of the leaders of these rebels.Identity is definitely not to be underestimated.

But now.Liu Xian didn't care about his identity.After hearing his words.Liu Xian just waved to the lieutenant general behind him.The lieutenant should say yes.That is to walk over there with more than a hundred people.

During this time of waiting.Liu Xian had no intention of talking to them.And the other person.Even including some people next to him.They all looked at Liu Xian nervously.Several of them wanted to say something several times.But all of them were secretly stopped by the people around them.Apparently they do too.This is really not a good time to talk.

Just a moment.Liu Xian's deputy came back.He nodded to Liu Xian.Said: "General, the weapons are piled up over there. Although the last general has not counted them yet, the number is indeed [-]." That is to say.These people really put down their weapons.Now it can be described as unarmed.

Listen to the lieutenant's report.This is Liu Xian's peace of mind.He waved his hand behind him again.The army behind him slowly unfolded.Gradually these 2 people were surrounded.

See this formation.The person opposite was a little flustered again.They were afraid that Liu Xian would go back on his word.Want to annihilate them all.

"Everyone's choice is very good." At this moment.Liu Xian said. "Surrender will save you from the disaster of war. A few people will die less. Whether it is for you and me. Or the Han people in the southwest. Or the hundreds of ethnic groups in the southwest. All are beneficial."

Hearing what Liu Xian said.On the other side, this is completely relieved.

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