The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1214 Came to Yongning

More than 2 people, this number is not small at all, and after these people have all surrendered, how to resettle them has become a problem. Naturally, it is impossible to just put them back like this, even if Zhang Fan wrote The amnesty order was issued, and neither Liu Xian nor Zhang Fan would violate it, but even if these people were not in danger of their lives, it was impossible to just let them go back.

Of course, these people don’t know the reason. In their view, this is a matter of course. After all, they have just surrendered now, and it is impossible for the Ming army to do that. They must be detained for a period of time After all, no matter what, these people did rise up to rebel with those two people. Even if they didn't kill any of them, the fact of their rebellion is impossible to change. In their view, their own It is a good thing to be able to avoid death, but the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot escape. In other words, they have already expected that there will be a series of punishments against them in the future.

However, Zhang Fan and Liu Xian understood that although it was necessary to take them into custody, it was not the main reason. The most important thing was that they had to wait until the official court discussion on how to deal with these people, or the imperial decree came down. Only one thing can be considered as the end. However, although the two parties think something is wrong, the final result is the same, so now both parties don't mention anything about the current matter.

Now, these 2 people have been watched by Liu Xian's [-] troops, and even if the court has not yet decided to come down, Zhang Fan and Liu Xian have already figured out what to do with them , although it was said that this was done without the intention of the court, and some of them were cut first and played later, but whether it was Zhang Fan, Liu Xian, or even Feng Bao who participated in the discussion, they all felt that doing so was beneficial, and could make people in the court It is easier to exempt these people from the death penalty that they should not have received.

The remaining 1 people followed Zhang Fan and Liu Xian into the Yongning Mansion. Even though those people were very confident that they did not violate the conditions stipulated by Zhang Fan, but this For Zhang Fan, it still made him a little uneasy, so he hurriedly wanted to go to the city to see what happened.

Of course, the leaders of several big tribes among those people followed, but speaking of it, it is not necessary whether they come with them now, but Zhang Fan insisted on this. He had some expectations and felt that in Yongning There are still times when these people are needed in the government.

Liu Xian was a little puzzled about this. He couldn't figure out why Zhang Fan did this, but he didn't ask too much. Besides, it wasn't a troublesome thing in itself.

But Feng Bao, who has known Zhang Fan for a long time, already guessed what Zhang Fan meant, and after guessing, Feng Bao also wanted to laugh a little. Zhang Fan wanted to use these people for the purpose, how could he not I know, but, Liu Xian doesn't care about that matter, Zhang Fan doesn't need it, and neither does Feng Bao, but not all people in this world are like them, or it can be said the other way around, they are It's different.

When Liu Xian and others came to Yongning Mansion, they could see that the gate of Yongning Mansion had already been opened, and there were a few people wearing official uniforms standing at the gate, obviously welcoming them. This is an official in Yongning Mansion.

As for the greeting of these people, both Zhang Fan and Liu Xian wanted to laugh in their hearts.

At the beginning, when Zhang Yong and Wang Xin led more than 2 people to rebel, the first and only city they took down was Yongning Mansion. With one knife and one arrow, this Yongning Mansion was successfully taken down. It sounds like, maybe people think that the people in Yongning Mansion are because of these rebels, they are numerous and powerful, so in order to protect the common people, they have no choice but to take down Yongning Mansion. A helpless act made in between.

However, no matter who is in the officialdom, it is absolutely impossible to believe this kind of thing. After all, when these officials encounter such a thing, the first thing they think of is how to save their lives Yes, and once Kaesong surrenders and the rebels enter the city, the lives of officials like them will be the first to be in danger.

Therefore, it is impossible for Zhang Fan and the others to believe that possibility, and the most likely thing is that these people have already received the news that those two people planned to bring more than 2 people to rebel together, not that they The two parties are colluding, but at the very least, this kind of behavior of not resisting to save one's life will definitely not be less.

As for why these people didn't run away after getting the news before, I'm afraid the reason is human greed, which is really endless. These people want to save their lives, but at the same time, they don't want to lose their lives. An official, but while being able to maintain his official position, he wanted to use it to make a fortune.

Even if these rebels fail in the future, even if they are inquired by the court, they can evade and say that the incident happened too suddenly. They have no choice but to open the city and surrender in order to protect the people in the city. Using the excuses given, not only can he keep his official position, but he might also be able to ask for credit from the court.

Although these sounds really shameless and too shameless, these people undoubtedly think like this, and there is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking. In most cases, things will indeed develop like this .

It's just that the incident this time is quite special. I am afraid that in the eyes of these people, it is inevitable that this incident will end in the failure of these 2 people, but no matter what, it will take a few fights. Come on, their plan is more likely to come true.

But now, they never imagined that this matter would end so quickly, so suddenly, and so peacefully, yes, peacefully. It has only been five or six years since the two people died. In just one day, the whole thing was over, and not a single drop of blood flowed, not a trace of gunpowder smoke spread, let alone any fire ignited, which was definitely beyond their expectations.

And they are not idiots. After the surprise passed, they immediately realized that this situation is a dangerous, fatal danger for them. However, at this time, even if it is more dangerous , Even with knives on their necks, they have nowhere to go, and they have been trapped to death in this city.

That's right, Yongning Mansion is indeed not small, it doesn't mean that as a mansion, it has so many counties and towns under its jurisdiction, but just a city like Yongning Mansion is not small, it can accommodate more than 1 people, even Even if there are more than 2 people, all 3 people are in this city, it is not too small at all, but for them, this place has now become a huge prison, trapping them inside, Awaiting the fate of being arraigned.

So in order to resist, they can only try their best to please the victors of this war, that is, Liu Xian and Zhang Fan. Of course, they still don't know that Liu Xian is not the person who presides over this matter, but It was Zhang Fan, so when they knew that those people were going to leave the city to surrender, they had already gathered to discuss how to please Liu Xian.

However, whether they knew whether Liu Xian or Zhang Fan was the host of this matter, it was all the same, because neither Liu Xian nor Zhang Fan could have any good looks towards them.

And the difference is that Liu Xian may talk to them directly, without knowing how to cover up, strip off their hypocritical appearance, and show no mercy, while Zhang Fan will be more tactful and slow down. Slowly let them reveal their flaws, but I am afraid that Zhang Fan's method may make them even more dead without a place to bury them, but in the final analysis, no matter who they are, they all have the same ending. This has not changed.

Of course, they don't know this yet.

When they came in front of these people, Liu Xian and the others stopped. Liu Xian only brought 1 people here, but it was more than enough to deal with this place. Now, there are 9000 people stationed outside the city. Those who really followed Liu Xian into the city, There are only about 1000 people. The most important thing for these people is to maintain the chaotic situation that may occur in Yongning Mansion. After all, this place has just been liberated from being occupied by people, so it is really uncertain what will happen.

"General," several people hurriedly asked before Liu Xian got off his horse.

"It's too late for the future, and I've caused you all to suffer," Liu Xian said with a smile on his face, and said such an apology. He had already discussed it with Zhang Fan before, and it was obvious that there was something wrong with it. People are all left to Zhang Fan to deal with, and he only needs to contribute at the right time, so now, Liu Xian doesn't want to glare at them, but smiles instead.

Although this is against Liu Xian's previous behavior style, it is also a situation he has never experienced before. It is also a very good experience to come here once in a while. Besides, although he is angry with these people , Liu Xian also knew that it was impossible to scold them angrily as soon as they came. Doing so would not only fail to upset them, but also ruin his mood.

"Where is the general?" the only person among them wearing a scarlet official uniform hurriedly said, "The general is here, and the officials and others are really very happy."

This is the magistrate of Yongning Mansion. Although he still doesn't know his name, Zhang Fan understands that he is probably the one who needs to deal with the most. Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but smile.

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