Zhang Fan, Liu Xian and others brought the 1000 people to the east gate of Yongning Mansion, but before they arrived, there were already people waiting here. People who look at official uniforms, as a mansion, are qualified to wear such a person, and only the fourth-rank magistrate here, of course, besides this magistrate, there are four people around him, looking at the clothes and clothes. The pattern on the official mansion should be the notice and general judgment of the Yongning Mansion.

However, apart from these five people, there are no other people. It's not that the other people's official positions are too low to be suitable here. Incoming school inspectors, prison supervisors and the like will not be here, but there are three missing officials, one is a promotion official of the seventh rank, one is the experience of the eighth rank, and one is the governor of the ninth rank.

Maybe, these three people didn't come, because they were doing something, or they did something wrong, so they didn't dare to come out to see them, but if you think about it this way, if these three people didn't dare to come out because of the latter reason Seeing them, there is no reason for these magistrates to come out. After all, just relying on the official positions of the seventh, eighth, and ninth ranks, even if they colluded with the enemy, they have no right to order Yongning Prefecture to surrender. .

In this way, it can be said that maybe those three people are serious officials, and they didn't have those small thoughts. As for why they are nowhere to be seen now, maybe they are busy helping the government. Busy, or maybe something unexpected happened.

"General Liu, I have been looking forward to you with great difficulty." Seeing Liu Xian and the others coming, the magistrate spoke first, "My magistrate is Wu Zhengqing, the prefect of Yongning. Mr. Tang and Mr. Yan Guyan, here are the two general judges of this house, Mr. Wang Shanwang and Mr. Hong Yihong, "I will introduce first, this is polite.

"Several adults have suffered these days." Liu Xian did not show any dissatisfaction with them, but greeted them with a smile on his face. After all, since they want to play, they should Just to play with them, "The adults all know the name of this general, so I don't need to report my family name myself,"

"It's natural," Mao Zhengqing said to Liu Xian immediately, showing a flattering look, "No one knows the name of General Liu. Last year, he was the one who just wiped out those Bo people who caused trouble. Now there is something happening." For this kind of thing, when the officials and others heard that it was General Liu who came to put down the rebellion, the officials were relieved. Sure enough, Mr. Liu was so brave that he sent the officials and colleagues, as well as the Yongning Mansion, without a single soldier. It is really admirable that tens of thousands of people were rescued safely."

Not only Mao Zhengqing was like this, but even the four people beside him echoed his words, nodding frequently in agreement. This was obviously flattering Liu Xian.

"General Liu, it's getting late." At this moment, Feng Bao, who was riding side by side with Liu Xian, suddenly said to him, "Although this matter has been resolved safely, it took a whole night of work. , Thinking about it, the soldiers are also very tired, even if they want to help the people in the city rebuild their homes, they need to have strength, no, let’s go to the city quickly, "

"This is..." Mao Zhengqing couldn't help being puzzled when he saw that Feng Bao used this, although it was a suggestion, but spoke to Liu Xian in an orderly tone.

In fact, as early as when Liu Xian and the other three appeared in their field of vision, they already had doubts about the identities of Feng Bao and Zhang Fan.

Among the three people, only Liu Xian was wearing armor, and he was riding in front of the big group of people, so he knew his identity as soon as he drove, but unfortunately, beside Liu Xian, there were two other people riding side by side with him , However, these two people are all wearing ordinary clothes. Although they have an extraordinary bearing, it makes it impossible for them to know their identities.

After walking in a little bit, let them see clearly that Zhang Fan looked handsome, but there was nothing else, just his bearing, which made them feel that Zhang Fan was probably the son of that family, and he must It was obviously not easy for Liu Xian to be able to bring such a person with him when he went into battle, after all, the person who could make Liu Xian do this would definitely not have a low status.

On the other hand, Feng Bao, although he was also wearing ordinary clothes, his femininity was not so easy to cover up. Although these people were only officials like magistrates, they had seen eunuchs before, but they He didn't think too much about Feng Bao's status. After all, it was a war. Even if Liu Xian had a eunuch by his side, it would be fine. He was supposed to be a supervising army sent by the imperial court, but they didn't dare to take it lightly. After all, none of the eunuchs is easy to mess with.

Now, they heard Feng Bao speak to Liu Xian in this tone again, which made them understand even more. It seems that Feng Bao's identity is definitely not simple, so Mao Zhengqing was the one who opened his mouth and wanted to ask clearly. Moreover, not only that, at this time, the panic in his heart has also calmed down a bit. If a eunuch is willing to speak for them, then it will be easy for them to safely get rid of this time. In my impression, eunuchs like nothing more than two things, one is money and the other is power.

They may not have the right, but they still have some money. At the moment when he asked the question, Mao Zhengqing had already started to think about what kind of timing and how much money he should use to bribe Feng Bao.

However, Liu Xian and Zhang Fan on the side understood that Feng Bao spoke at this time not because they ignored him, but because they wanted to play tricks on them.

Although Liu Xian still didn't like eunuchs, compared to these people, Feng Bao was much better than them at this time.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce some adults." Liu Xian slapped his forehead, looking like he almost forgot, and said, "This is Eunuch Feng from the capital. A few days, so I stayed and waited until this time was over before going back,"

"Feng... Father-in-law." Hearing Liu Xian's introduction, the other people were fine, but Mao Zhengqing obviously had some impressions, and couldn't help thinking about it. After a while, his face changed, and he looked at Feng Bao, trembling. Asked, "But... but in the palace... Eunuch Feng, the supervisor of ceremonies,"

"Oh," Feng Bao smiled when he heard Mao Zhengqing's words, and said to him, "It seems that Mr. Mao has heard of our family's name before."

"This... I am disrespectful to an official," Mao Zhengqing almost knelt down when he heard Feng Bao say this, but he also wanted to understand that it was obviously inappropriate to bow down to a eunuch, so he bowed instead. The posture, apart from being standard, is too humble.

And the few people around him also followed Mao Zhengqing to visit Feng Bao. Although they didn't know who Feng Bao was, they deserved such a big gift from Mao Zhengqing, but the word "supervisor of ceremonies" meant nothing to them. He could hear clearly what the supervisor of ceremonies meant. Even though their official positions were not high, they knew very well in their hearts. If they were disrespectful to this person, what would happen to them, they couldn't even imagine.

In Mao Zhengqing's heart, however, he was more confident. If Feng Bao was there, as long as he could curry favor with him, his life as a fourth-rank magistrate would definitely be saved, and even more, as long as he could curry favor with him. In Feng Bao's words, not to mention saving his life, it would be a breeze to achieve prosperity in the future.

"Oh, there's no need for the adults to do this," Feng Bao said with a smile, "Speaking of which, our family is only here to deliver the decree this time, and we still have to listen to General Liu and Lord Zhang."

"Master Zhang," although he didn't know who Feng Bao was referring to, Mao Zhengqing's eyes were already looking at Zhang Fan who was aside.

"Yes," at this time, Liu Xian spoke again. He looked at Zhang Fan, and said to the five people in front of him, "This one is the imperial tutor, Zhang Fan, Mr. Zhang. Some time ago, Mr. Zhang served According to the Queen Mother's will, there are some matters in coming to Shu. I think the adults have heard about it. The court judged the battle this time. What to do depends on Master Zhang's intentions."

"Dangchao...tai...taifu..." This is just one of Zhang Fan's many official titles now, but just this one is enough to scare these people seriously.

Although it is said that the original title of Tai Tuo, whether it is status or power, is well-deserved, but now it is just a title of honor, but in other words, the person who can get this title , and definitely not some unknown person, definitely of high status.

And because of Zhang Fan's title of Grand Tutor, his name became famous all over the court and public of Ming Dynasty. It can be said that as long as he is an official, there is absolutely no one who does not know Zhang Fan's name.

But now, Liu Xian revealed Zhang Fan's name and identity, and no matter whether it was Mao Zhengqing or the other four people, they all knew Zhang Fan's name.

What's more, what they knew about Zhang Fan was not just because he became the Imperial Tutor at a young age, but because of Zhang Fan's other identity, the commander of Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei, these three words, in Daming, are simply the nightmare of officials. Speaking of which, apart from people who are really like Hai Rui, which official has no gray history, and that alone is enough Jin Yiwei threw them into the [-]th floor of hell.

Although they didn't know the purpose of Zhang Fan's coming here, when they heard that Zhang Fan was in charge of this matter instead of Liu Xian, they knew in their hearts that they were in danger.

And Zhang Fan, also imitating Feng Bao, put on a smile, looked at the trembling people in front of him, and said, "My lords, it's a pleasure to meet you."

That smile made these five people shudder,

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