The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1217 False alarm 1 game

original.Mao Zhengqing and others have already made plans.Wait until the army enters the city.It is to entertain them with a banquet.In their view.After so many hours.Even those 2 people simply surrendered.There was no fighting.But I don't eat for most of the day.No one can stand it.

even though.This is what Yongning Mansion looks like now.But still do it.It's also really inappropriate.and.Said it was a banquet.But it's just about the same as what they used to eat on weekdays.But compared to the current situation in Yongning Mansion.This is already much better.In this way.Mao Zhengqing and others wanted to come.Liu Xian and others may also be able to accept it.And once sitting at the dinner table.Later things are easy to discuss.

And now.Even with the two variables Zhang Fan and Feng Bao coming.It made them panic a lot.But even so.They still have no intention of changing their original plan.perhaps.They understand.Things have come to this point.They were able to fool past possibilities.has become very small.but.Even so.It is impossible for a person to just sit and wait for're still going to give it a try.

therefore.This has just entered the city.

"That's right." Mao Zhengqing seemed to have just remembered something suddenly.Said to Zhang Fan. "Things outside. The lower officials have already heard about it. Several adults have been waiting outside the city since the afternoon. They have not entered the city until now. The lower officials also know that now is not the time to talk about these things. It's just that the adults who want to come have already I'm hungry. I'm busy with things afterwards. If I don't eat enough, I don't have the energy to do things. I'll let someone prepare some meals. It will satisfy the hunger of several adults."

"No need, Lord Mao." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "General Liu and my father-in-law. I have already eaten some military rations when we were waiting outside the city. Although it is not delicious, it is no problem to fill our stomachs. Now, the crisis in Yongning Mansion is just now. In the past. It is the time when governance is urgently needed. As adults can see, this place is also very chaotic. If it continues like this, if something happens at that time, none of us will end up badly. It is important to get down to business quickly."

this one.It was something the three of them had foreseen long ago.They guessed it.After they entered the city.Yongning officials will use such a trick to win over people's hearts.Even bribery or something.Now that I have guessed it.Then avoid it.But they will not be stupid.In order to deal with these few people.Just starve myself.So what Zhang Fan said just now is absolutely correct.before this.They also ate.It is military rations.

rations.It's not really delicious.But rely on it to fill your belly.But it was more than this point.Liu Xian has a deep understanding.And he fought for decades.I have long been accustomed to eating military rations.Now it is not troublesome.

And Zhang Fan.This is not the first time he has eaten military rations.As early as following Wang Chonggu's army to Hetao.When raiding the big tent of the Tartars.He ate it.No less eating either.Although this time.Zhang Fan is also used to fine clothes and fine food.But not to the point of pampering.and.Occasionally eat military rations.But it also made him have endless aftertaste.Always remember what happened back then.

only one.It was Feng Bao.After all, Feng Bao had never fought in battle.It is even more impossible to eat military it's Liu Xian or Zhang Fan.They all felt that Feng Bao would not be used to the dry and hard to swallow taste.But what the two of them didn't expect was that.Feng Bao didn't care about it.I don't know if it's because he ate military rations for the first time.Or for some other reason.always feel.Feng Bao started to eat.There is actually some relish in the taste.But no matter what.That's fine.The main thing is.The three of them are already full.

In this way.Even with delicious current.But for a person who is already full.Food is really not alluring.And now.Mao Zhengqing used such a trick.It's just that this flattery didn't go well.certainly.He didn't suffer any injuries from being slapped on the horse's leg.It just deflated him.

For Zhang Fan and the others.He is deflated.but.For Mao Zhengqing and others.But it made them feel that something was wrong.Not that.It's a chance to fool Zhang Fan and the others.Just this one time.But this is their first time doing it.This is not a good start.It really made them very uneasy.

and.By this time.Although Mao Zhengqing's rationality told him that this should not be the case.But in his heart.There is always a voice speaking.Zhang Fan and the others did this on purpose.

Obviously.This thing is normal.After all, I have been waiting outside the city for so long.hungry.Eating military rations.There is really nothing strange about it.After all, people always have to eat.but now.This is not a good start.But it made Mao Zhengqing feel that.Zhang Fan and the others made it clear that they wanted to deal with him.

have to say.He guessed right.only.his guess.Not much basis.It's just that he's upset right now.Just because of worrying about it.But I have to say.He was still right.

"What your lord said is... what you said is true." Hearing Zhang Fan's answer.Mao Zhengqing hurriedly replied with a smile. "Now. Of course, we still have to focus on business. After all, the catastrophe has just passed. Looking at the people in the city, they have just returned to their homes. Although there is nothing missing except food and money. What kind of thing. But it makes people feel like everything is waiting to be done. As the parent officer of this Yongning Mansion, if I don't help at this time, it is really unreasonable." Seeing that my flattery is not right.Although Mao Zhengqing was a little flustered.But it didn't show on the face.Instead, he looked ashamed.With a very embarrassed tone.Said such words to Zhang Fan.

This made Zhang Fan look at Mao Zhengqing with admiration.original.In Zhang Fan's opinion.This is just a gag.even.Just by being mean.And unsightly means.This is the position of prefect.But now.After listening to his improvised words.suddenly.Zhang Fan thought so.It seems that this Mao Zhengqing is not bad.To be able to be at such a tense juncture.But still able to behave calmly.And adapt accordingly.Zhang Fan was at such a moment.On the contrary, I looked up to him a lot.

Put aside these meaningless thoughts.Zhang Fan looked towards the street around him.When I just walked into the city gate.what he saw.It's chaos.And now.But it wasn't much better.

want to come.When the 2 people were here before.Even without doing anything to the people here.But it is also necessary to drive them out of the house.Zhang Fan thought of this.He also asked Mao Zhengqing about this.And get the answer.Sure enough, it was just as he had guessed.

According to Mao Zhengqing.After those people entered the city.That is to drive all the people in the city out of their homes.There are more than 1 people.All were driven to the northwest of Yongning City.Let them all stay there.2000 people were also sent to guard.

And after that.These people started the search in the house.Actually before.This scavenging behavior begins.When driving the people out of their homes.They have already conducted searches on those who have been driven out of their homes.Neither adults nor children were spared.

I heard Mao Zhengqing talk about this matter.Zhang Fan suddenly became nervous.Just for a while.The first thing he remembered.Naturally, it is about the conditions raised when they surrendered to those [-] people.That is, no common people should be killed by their hands.And now.I heard Mao Zhengqing talk about this matter.Zhang Fan thought of it naturally.When the person he saw before heard the condition he proposed.The weird look on his face.That was something Zhang Fan had never understood.Now add Mao Zhengqing's words.This made Zhang Fan worry.

"Lord Mao." Zhang Fan interrupted Mao Zhengqing who was talking.I intend to ask him to understand. "You said that when those people drove the people out, they also searched them. If you think so, I'm afraid that when these people were driven out, they would also bring a lot of property. If those people searched them. Wouldn't the two sides have a dispute? If so, there are people in the city who died because of this matter."

As soon as Zhang Fan asked.Mao Zhengqing didn't answer yet.But Liu Xian and Feng Bao all looked at him.Ears pricked up.Obviously waiting for his answer.

This made Mao Zhengqing suddenly nervous.When Zhang Fan asked him this question just now.He didn't feel anything yet.In his opinion.Zhang Fan would ask this question.It is also normal.After all, the city had just been liberated from occupation.It is natural to ask such a question.

but.Just when Mao Zhengqing was about to answer Zhang Fan, he felt it.Zhang Fan used a very nervous posture.Come and wait for your answer.even.Not just Zhang Fan.Even Liu Xian and Feng Bao next to him.It's the same expression.This made Mao Zhengqing who had no idea what happened.He got nervous for no reason.He didn't know what happened.But instinct told him.This matter must be very important.

This made Mao Zhengqing hesitate.But he thought about it.It's as if it doesn't matter.They have nothing to do with themselves.It was then that he opened his mouth and said to Zhang Fan: "My lord, it is true. When many people were driven out of their homes, they had hidden property on their bodies. Those people also found out and robbed them. Although there were some people who were injured Fortunately, no one died because of this. The people in the city, but one or two died because they were seriously ill. In addition, they were kicked out of the house. They could not get medical treatment. But I heard that they could not live for a few days But it was really killed. But it wasn’t.”

I heard what Mao Zhengqing said.Only then did Zhang Fan feel relieved.

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