Mao Zhengqing's answer not only relieved Zhang Fan, but also calmed down Liu Xian and Feng Bao beside him. This was what they were most afraid of before, but now, hearing the result of this matter, naturally It's a good thing.

At this point, the three of them all remembered the person from before. Although Zhang Fan was the only one who saw that person's expression, Liu Xian and Feng Bao believed in Zhang Fan. What I don't understand is what Zhang Fan said, the expression of the person he saw was nervous at first, but after that, it turned into a relaxed look.

Originally, this kind of expression made the three of them puzzled, or it was a nervous expression from beginning to end. Although it meant that the least expected thing had happened, it would make people feel difficult, but At the very least, the message will be communicated clearly to them.

Or it is to put on a very relaxed appearance from the beginning to the end, that is to say, nothing that Zhang Fan does not want happens at all. Of course, this is also the best situation. It means that everyone can be happy, so wouldn't it be the best result.

However, the expression of that person before was tense at first, and then relaxed again, which made Zhang Fan and the others unable to understand why this happened, but after listening to Mao Zhengqing's explanation, they understood in their hearts Come to think about why this happened. Thinking about it, those who were nervous were probably beating up a lot of people, but the relieved expressions that followed probably meant that they didn't beat anyone to death.

As for those who died of illness, I am afraid that they may not survive even with treatment as Mao Zhengqing said just now. Perhaps, there are one or two who can still recover if they can get treatment, but Obviously, the occupation of Yongning Mansion by these 2 people also killed them.

Although it is said that these few lives may also be blamed on those people, Zhang Fan is not too worried about this, and it cannot be said that Zhang Fan has no mercy, but he can still see the situation clearly. Well, Zhang Fan had always thought in his heart that if a few people could die, the matter would be settled, and that would not be something worth pursuing. After all, Zhang Fan still understood which was more important.

However, he insisted on the undead, although he didn't say it out loud, but both Liu Xian and Feng Bao understand that even this kind of people who died indirectly by their hands, as long as they didn't kill them lightly , This is easy to say, you don't have to worry about it, you can let this matter pass by.

But if the death was caused by their actions, Zhang Fan can't ignore it. After all, if this kind of thing is not asked, it will definitely become a hidden danger in the southwest region after it gets out in the future.

Now, after hearing Mao Zhengqing's explanation, Zhang Fan felt relieved.

Of course, Mao Zhengqing didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking. However, seeing Zhang Fan's expression relaxed, he felt relieved. No matter what the reason was, as long as Zhang Fan wasn't too fussy , then it doesn't matter, anyway, he doesn't care about those things.

"By the way, Lord Mao," Zhang Fan stopped thinking about this matter and continued to ask Mao Zhengqing, "How many officials are there in this Yongning mansion? I already know the five of you. What about the others? I didn't see it,"

"This..." Regarding Zhang Fan's question, Mao Zhengqing became hesitant for a while.

Seeing Mao Zhengqing like this, Zhang Fan understood in a blink of an eye. It seems that there is something hidden in the question he asked. Although there is too little information available now, he still can't guess what it is, but , I think Mao Zhengqing's next answer will give him some answers.

"I have already introduced you to my lord before," Mao Zhengqing thought for a while, and said to Zhang Fan, "There is one magistrate in this mansion, and that is the official himself. Besides, there are two fellow magistrates and two associates The adults also know about the sentence. In addition, there are one person who promoted the official, one person who experienced, one person who was the governor, one person who was in charge of the mill, one person who inspected the school, and one person who was in charge of the prison. , in addition, there are 67 soldiers guarding the city, all under the jurisdiction of the government, "

"I've seen these arresters and soldiers guarding the city before," Zhang Fan said. Useful, but why didn't he come to greet me, "

Although Zhang Fan's words were plain, those who heard them felt that he was blaming why the officials of Yongning Mansion didn't entertain him well, and they didn't even go to the gate of the city to receive him.

This made Mao Zhengqing unable to answer for a while, and even his face changed, but the next moment, that bad face changed drastically, and he seemed... seemed to be happy, and he hurried Said to Zhang Fan: "My lord, that's the case. There is indeed one official named Situ Gai in this mansion. The rest of the officials did not come to welcome your lord, but the subordinate officials did not call them. But this Situ Gai, the subordinate The official has already told him that he wants him to go to the gate of the city to meet your lord, but he refuses to go, and the next official has nothing to do with him, and now he doesn’t know where he is.”

"Oh, so that's the case," Zhang Fan's expression remained unchanged, but he said in a tone that made it clear that he was very upset, "This Situ Gai is very independent."

"My lord doesn't know something," Mao Zhengqing said hastily, as if sensing the displeasure in Zhang Fan's words, "This Situ Gai has an extremely perverse temper. Although government affairs are not delayed on weekdays, he is really out of gregarious However, none of the officials in the city has made friends with him, and if he has nothing to do on weekdays, he is not in the Yamen, but wanders around the city without knowing what to do."

Having said that, Mao Zhengqing stopped, looked around pretendingly, then approached Zhang Fan, and said in a low voice: "My lord, it's not that I'm speaking ill of my colleagues, it's just that I always feel that this Situ Gai is mysterious and mysterious." Yes, it seems that there are some unknown plans, and sometimes, you can’t see where others are at all, the lower official suspects, this time, I’m afraid he may have something to do with those people, "

It seems that Mao Zhengqing suddenly changed his appearance before. It seems that after hearing Zhang Fan's question, he suddenly thought of a way to shirk responsibility. That's right, if he pushed all the mistakes to another person, then he would naturally It's all right, and it's hard to get rid of this kind of thing, it's not that you say no, it's not right, in many cases, if Jin Yiwei is allowed to go out, even if it is not, it will become yes, and Mao Zhengqing, This can be regarded as the villain's first complaint, and he wants to change Situ into a scapegoat.

Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't believe his words. Of course, he didn't think Situ Gai was a good person just because Mao Zhengqing slandered Situ Gai. After all, he just came to Yongning. The situation here is not familiar. After meeting Mao Zhengqing, he may be able to tell what kind of person he is, but he has never even seen that Situ Gai. What's more, Mao Zhengqing's description of him is also not I can't believe it at all. Besides, the wicked can frame the wicked in the final analysis.

But even so, Mao Zhengqing still provided Zhang Fan with a good clue. Perhaps this Situ Gai was the key to his ability to quickly find out the matter in Yongning Mansion.

No matter what, Zhang Fan had already made up his mind, and he was going to ask Situ Gai for a question in the future.

As they spoke, everyone had already arrived at the magistrate's yamen. The magistrate's yamen in Yongning Mansion was right in the center of Yongning Mansion, so it was a good place.

"By the way, those people searched for it before," Zhang Fan said to Mao Zhengqing, "I think the money and food were all searched by them."

"Exactly," Mao Zhengqing said hastily.

"That is to say, even though the people in the city have returned home, they have no food at home, but that's the case," Zhang Fan continued to ask.

"Exactly," Mao Zhengqing replied again.

"Since that's the case, why doesn't Master Mao return the food to the people?" Zhang Fan asked immediately, "If you continue to be hungry, trouble will arise."

"This lower official naturally understands," Mao Zhengqing said with some hesitation, "but those people collected all the food from the common people and the treasury, and the lower official didn't know how to distribute it to them. How much food each of their families had before, the lower officials don’t know, what should we do if there is something falsely claimed, "

Mao Zhengqing's words made Zhang Fan feel ridiculous and angry. Compared with impersonating the leader and damaging his political achievements, it was not as good as the life and death of the people.

But now, it's not time to turn against Mao Zhengqing, Zhang Fan continued to ask: "Then, Mr. Mao, can you count how much food there is now?"

"The number of this lower official has already been exceeded," Mao Zhengqing replied, "Now there are 17 shi in total."

"How much grain is in the treasury?" Zhang Fan asked again.

"A total of 12 stones," Mao Zhengqing replied.

"That is to say, those people collected [-] shi of grain from the common people, but that's the case," Zhang Fan asked, but he knew in his heart that although there are so many people in this city, [-] shi of grain is indeed not a small amount. That's five stones per person, which is a huge amount, and some local tyrants in the city have hoarded a lot.

"Exactly... so," Mao Zhengqing still nodded and said, but at this time, he was already in a cold sweat, and he already understood what Zhang Fan meant.

"Since this is the case, the matter is not easy," Zhang Fan said with a natural look, "Leave the original 12 shi of grain in the treasury, and distribute the other [-] shi of grain to the common people."

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