It's very simple, and it's a matter of course. As long as ordinary people hear the current situation, how can they make such a decision? The [-] shi of grain should be divided among them equally.

However, this is only a method that ordinary people would think of, and as long as they are officials, they all know that if they really follow this method, big things will happen. After all, Yongning Mansion and other states There is no difference in the government. There are ordinary people in the city, and there will naturally be a difference between the poor and the rich. The family will naturally store more food.

In this case, if the [-] shi of grain collected was divided equally among them, it would not only be unfair, but also cause a lot of trouble.

The reason why Zhang Fan made such a decision was not because he wanted to do something to fight the local tyrants and divide the land. Although he also hated those people, he understood that this is the process of the times, and it cannot be changed by you alone. Moreover, even if you can change it, you can change it for a while, but you can't change it for a lifetime. In the future, when he leaves, he will return to his original appearance. Moreover, I am afraid that those people who are powerful because of this may also die because of it. suffer.

Zhang Fan naturally understands these things in his heart, but he is still going to do this. Why, because if this is not the case, such things as impostors may still happen. It's not ordinary people, but those rich people, who knows how much food they have in their homes, so it's hard to say that if you want to send someone to see how big their granary is, it's not enough to send him as much food .

In this way, these rich people can live in peace, but Zhang Fan understands that if he really does this, the situation will be more serious than the previous method.

However, this food has to be distributed, so Zhang Fan just passed this kind of thing in his mind, weighed the pros and cons, and understood what should be done, so he was so sure about it. Mao Zhengqing said so.

However, what Zhang Fan said was affirmative, but Mao Zhengqing was a little afraid to agree. In comparison, he also understood what Zhang Fan said, but he would not take the overall situation into consideration. What he had to consider was, those Although the number of people is small, even he may be able to understand the interests of people with power and money. If it is true that the people below make trouble, the consequences will be unimaginable, but in this way, Mao Zhengqing will still give priority to these things People's problems, or to prioritize their own things.

Now, when Zhang Fan said this, Mao Zhengqing naturally didn't want to agree, but the problem is that Zhang Fan has a higher official position than him, and the power specifically restrains him. The magistrate of Yongning should listen to him in all affairs, big and small, but now he has to listen to Zhang Fan, and he still has to listen to Zhang Fan, otherwise, if he offends those people, it will only be the queen of autumn. , but if he annoys Zhang Fan now, he knows that something will happen to him soon.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, even if the current Mao Zhengqing didn't want to carry out Zhang Fan's orders, he had no reason to refuse now. He had to carry out Zhang Fan's orders to him.

However, even so, Mao Zhengqing could see that Zhang Fan had already made up his mind, but he still hoped to see some hope, even if that hope was only very small, but compared to others, Mao Zhengqing Zhengqing was still willing to give it a try.

"But my lord..." Mao Zhengqing was afraid that he would not have time to talk to Zhang Fan, and missed his only small opportunity, so he hurriedly said, "This way, although it can solve the urgent problem, it is right. The people in the city are unfair, if they start to quarrel in the future, what should we do?"

"It's not fair, why is it unfair?" Zhang Fan asked with a curious look, "Could it be that in this Yongning mansion, there are still those big households who have hoarded countless grains?"

When Zhang Fan asked, Mao Zhengqing's face was covered with cold sweat. It was not because of anything else, but because of a previous incident. Before, when Xu Jie had just taken office, Gao Gong took over as the first assistant scholar of the cabinet. The seat, that matter ended with a high-arch victory.

However, Gao Gong was not satisfied with that kind of victory. He still had a grudge against Xu Jie and wanted to put him to death. If they really got any evidence, because of Xu Jie's hard work, it is impossible for Long Qing to really kill him if he thinks about it.

It's just that Gao Gong was unwilling to do anything, so Gao Gong thought of a way.

After Xu Jie became an official, if you still want to find trouble with him, you can only find trouble after he became an official. However, what kind of trouble you want to find can make a person who has become an official also be in danger , it is not very easy.

Perhaps for some people, it is easy to do this. After all, some people are not satisfied with power. It also happened that the people in the court manipulated something. If it was such a thing, they could find a way to put people to death.

But it is obvious that Xu Jie is obviously not this kind of person. Although he said that he was going to be an official at the beginning, he was already at the end of his life, and there was no way to do so. Moreover, no one in the court knew that Xu Jie was already an official at that time. He was disheartened, and after he returned home, he didn't have those thoughts at all.

If it was a different person, Gao Gong could easily kill him by accusing him of some trumped-up charges, but Xu Jie couldn't do that. Once Gao Gong dared to do this, there would definitely be someone in the court Standing up to speak out for Xu Jie, in this way, Gao Gong's lie will be exposed immediately, and even himself will be in danger.

Therefore, Gao Gong thought of a different method, the best way is to investigate another matter, but in the process of investigating this matter, Xu Jie was "accidentally" investigated. You can take revenge without knowing it, and even if other people suspect him at that time, there is no evidence to name him as the one who did it, so it will be easier to handle.

Therefore, Gao Gong thought of a method of measuring the land and attacking local tyrants and landlords. The purpose was actually to deal a final blow to Xu Jie.

At that time, Gao Gong was the chief assistant of the cabinet, with great power, so the article he promulgated was aimed at the whole country. However, because his eyes had always been on Xu Jie, in fact, this article was implemented The most severe ones are Nanzhili, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, but he doesn't care about other places, and because of this, officials in many places also regard this as a way to make a fortune for themselves, threatening Those local people who have a lot of fertile land in their homes and are not very backgrounded behind them, if they are unwilling to pay, then you have to show them a good look. Many people really made a small fortune because of this.

Afterwards, Gao Gong did not achieve his goal and did not kill Xu Jie. In the end, Gao Gong even became a loser himself, and was expelled from the capital in embarrassment.

However, after taking over, Zhang Juzheng did not abolish this provision, and Longqing died, Empress Dowager Li came to power, and Zhu Yijun ascended the throne, no matter what happened, he never said that he would abolish this provision. Up to now, this rule has been implemented all the time, but because Gao Gong is no longer in the court, no one cares about it.

It's just that if no one cares about it, no one cares about it. If these officials are asked about this matter, they will definitely remember it.

But now it is like this, Zhang Fan's words make Mao Zhengqing unable to answer, if he said that there are really several big families in Yongning Mansion, not only there are thousands of hectares of fertile land in their homes, but also the granaries in their homes are full, Zhang Fan will be able to punish him.

You Mao Zhengqing, since you know this, why don’t you deal with him? You know these things after you don’t deal with him. Isn’t this just saying, what is your relationship with that person? This is completely equivalent to Mao Zhengqing might not be able to figure out some things if he jumped into the fire pit without asking himself, but he was not a fool. He couldn't do something that was obviously tantamount to suicide.

However, at the same time, he didn't want to cause trouble for himself. After all, he had already received a lot of benefits from those individuals. If he didn't ask now, would those people come back in time? Zhang Fan sued him here, saying that he had already taken their money.

After weighing for a long time, Mao Zhengqing figured it out. Now he can only follow Zhang Fan. Those people, he will explain to them at that time. If they dare to report him to Zhang Fan, Mao Zhengqing is done. Don't even think about it, in this way, those people should be able to be restrained.

After thinking about this, Mao Zhengqing nodded to Zhang Fan, and said, "My lord, I will listen to my lord, and I will ask people to get fifty thousand shi of grain out of the granary and distribute it to the people in the city."

"Well, that's the right thing to do." Zhang Fan didn't know what changed Mao Zhengqing's mind, but he didn't care. , we are not going to end well,"

"Xiaguan understands," Mao Zhengqing said, "Xiaguan will let people... No, Xiaguan personally takes people there." After finishing speaking, Mao Zhengqing called a few people, turned and left,

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