The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1220 I have the final say

Originally, food was a very important issue. Although Zhang Fan was the first to bring it up, in fact, both Mao Zhengqing and the people in the city had long been very concerned about this issue, but now, they They are all busy counting their own things and preventing others from snatching them, so they don't have time to take care of these at the moment. However, they don't have time to take care of them. It doesn't mean that they don't take care of them. Not having time to take this issue into consideration will make this issue even heavier in their hearts.

Therefore, when Mao Zhengqing agreed to Zhang Fan and took people to the treasury of Yongning Mansion to pick up food, not long after he left, people gathered at the Yamen, making it clear that they were here to ask for food.

Most of the people who came first were ordinary people. Although they looked a bit miserable and looked like they had been hungry for a while, they were fine. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits. All the people in the city felt that they were going to the northwest of the city, but they didn't abuse them too much, and they were given food, but I'm afraid there wasn't much, and they looked like they were so energetic when they were grabbing things just now. A look.

At first Zhang Fan saw these people coming, and he didn't feel anything strange. After all, he had expected this kind of situation, but when he saw more and more people coming, and they were all like that. Zhang Fan was indeed puzzled when he had a strange expression, but after thinking about it for a while, he understood why, and Zhang Fan who understood it also laughed.

In the beginning, Zhang Fan really couldn't understand what they meant when they first came here one or two times, but as the number of people gradually increased, and they all had the same face, Zhang Fan felt strange. These people came here clearly to ask for food, but none of these people opened their mouths. They all looked at this side with a kind of anger and reluctance, but with some doubts.

This made Zhang Fan a little puzzled, but there were hundreds of people on the opposite side, all of them were like this, which made Zhang Fan have to think about it, and this thought made the matter easier.

The people who came here looked at the way these people were dressed, they were all ordinary people, and there were no people from rich and powerful families. Of course, those people also wanted to eat, and it was impossible for them to ask for food by themselves. People, it is very likely that they will go to Mao Zhengqing directly. Even if they come here to ask for it, if it is impossible for them to come in person, they will definitely send servants or the like. However, among the people in front of him, Zhang Fan did not see A man dressed like a servant.

As an aside, because Zhang Fan also expected that kind of situation, when Mao Zhengqing left before, Zhang Fan had already asked people to go with him. First, he was afraid that someone would go to Mao Zhengqing to ask for food first, and Mao Zhengqing would give it to him privately. He went to such a person, but his identity was Jin Yiwei, and those big families would never dare to do anything again.

This made Zhang Fan think of what he said to Mao Zhengqing just now, and those worries, these ordinary people don't have them, even if not all ordinary people would think so much, but some people would still think about it, and now, here There are already so many people here, Zhang Fan is sure that all of these people know it well.

Although I understand that they can't discuss it in advance, it's just that these people are obviously very tacit now. They don't speak up when so many people come, presumably because they understand that they are weak and weak, just relying on one or a few of them , will definitely not be Mao Zhengqing's opponent.

And when there are more people, as long as someone speaks and Mao Zhengqing refuses, the people next to him will help, and after that, people will come to ask for food. As long as there are more and more people, Mao Zhengqing and the others have nothing to do.

But now, they did not see Mao Zhengqing, but Zhang Fan and the three of them, and some sergeants who were still here.

Before, Liu Xian had already ordered that 1000 of the [-] people who entered the city should be divided into four teams to patrol around the north, south, south, east and west of Yongning Mansion. It was not for them to help. Although Yongning Mansion has just been liberated now, but The city has not suffered any damage, so there is no need to worry about this, and the most important thing is to let them maintain order. Once they see any excessive disputes and some lawless people want to take the opportunity to make trouble, they will immediately Will shoot.

But here, there are only two hundred soldiers left. Speaking of which, this number is really small. After all, although there are all Han people here, the city has just returned, and these people have just returned home. Who knows this kind of thing What will happen, but neither Liu Xian, Zhang Fan, nor even Feng Bao are afraid of it, they are not worried about it.

In short, these people who came to beg for food originally came for Mao Zhengqing, but when they got here, they saw Zhang Fan and the others, as well as those soldiers.

Although Zhang Fan and the others entered the city in a big way, they didn't hide anything, but at the same time, they didn't make any publicity, and even Liu Xian had sent his soldiers to patrol the city just now, but this Yongning City is not small. In a short period of time, there must be places that the soldiers did not patrol. In this way, it is natural that some people do not know the news of Zhang Fan's entry into the city.

On the other hand, there was a subtle "stalemate" between the two sides. Some people obviously knew the news of Zhang Fan's entry into the city, and they whispered the news to those around them who didn't know.

And after such a short period of time, the dispute was obviously over, and more and more people found themselves hungry, and more and more people gathered at the gate of the yamen.

It's just that these people still didn't open their mouths and just stood there. I don't know if it was because of these soldiers that they felt scared, or because Mao Zhengqing was gone and Zhang Fan was replaced by three people. I still don't know how to tell them.

However, obviously, as time goes by, this already hungry stomach cannot automatically become full, and it will only become more and more hungry. At this time, how can people control so much, so...

The next moment, someone wanted to come forward to speak, but they were stopped by soldiers just after walking a few steps.

There was no big dispute here, but how could the three of Zhang Fan and the others not notice it.

"Over there, what's going on," Liu Xian asked knowingly.

"Report to the general," the soldier turned to Liu Xian and said, "This man said he wanted food."

And following the soldier's words, other people present also heard it, and immediately, someone shouted something like "I want food too", and the people behind may not have heard Liu Xian and that person at first. What the soldiers said, but they heard the people in front shouting for food, so these people also shouted.

It didn't take long for the cries for food to be heard, and almost all the people who came here were shouting.

It doesn't matter if you shout, but with more and more people, the scene gradually tends to become chaotic.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan and the three looked at each other and nodded, then Liu Xian stepped forward and shouted for them to calm down.

Speaking of which, Liu Xian's voice was not low, but even so, in the face of so many people, his voice could not overwhelm them. It was because of the people who came to beg for food, and because Mao Zhengqing was not here. The reason, when they were a little confused, was that Liu Xian, a newcomer, seemed to be more powerful than Mao Zhengqing at first glance, but it was not clear whether he was not familiar with someone like Mao Zhengqing who was soft and fearful. Therefore, Liu Xian's words calmed down the people who heard it at the front, and this kind of silence seemed to have a lot of appeal. As the people in front became quiet, the people behind gradually stopped After shouting, it didn't take long, although there were still people whispering something, but no one shouted anymore.

"Everyone," Liu Xian saw that no one was shouting, so he said, "Everyone has suffered for the past few days. I would have known that all of you are hungry now, and you also have families with young and old. , If there is no food to satisfy the hunger, it is really impossible, so the general has already asked Mao Zhifu to go to the treasury to pick up the food, please wait a moment, "

As soon as Liu Xian's voice fell, no one shouted anything, but they began to whisper to each other with a louder voice than before.

The voices of these people were not deliberately concealed, so Zhang Fan and the others could clearly hear what the people closest to them were saying.

Although the words are different, most of them mean the same thing, that is, obviously these people don't believe in Mao Zhengqing, not even Liu Xian, and some people even think that Liu Xian is in collusion with Mao Zhengqing Category.

It can be seen from this that there is really a big problem with Mao Zhengqing being an official on weekdays, which has aroused such complaints from the people.

Liu Xian sighed in his heart, and continued: "I know what you are worried about, but I can guarantee that when the food is returned to you this time, the imperial court will never withhold a grain without permission. I have heard before that those who The CCP scavenged [-] shi of grain from all of you, and I have already ordered Mao Zhifu to bring all the [-] shi of grain and distribute it equally to the people of this city."

At this moment, all the people present who heard the news were stunned, and the next moment, they broke out. There are only 1 shi of grain in this Yongning Mansion, which is only more than [-] people. That is to say, everyone can get nearly Five deniers of grain, this is definitely a great thing.


"No," a voice suddenly sounded, loud and angry, "how can we do this?"

"Who spoke?" Liu Xian asked loudly, not annoyed.

After Liu Xian's voice fell, several people came out from the crowd,

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