Such a small episode of Ding Youyang.It didn't cause too much trouble for Zhang Fan and the others.And actually.Ding Youyang's matter.Although they don't think it's a good thing.But as a thing that could have been expected.Zhang Fan and the others were not surprised by this.more importantly.this matter.It seems to let them pass the boring time a little bit.even.Let them relax this serious feeling for a while.Speaking up.Ding Youyang can be regarded as a "hero".

certainly.This is just a joke.It's just about Ding Youyang.It really made them relax for a while.

And next.Let go of this relaxed attitude.Although the next thing.It's not a big deal either.It's not time to do big things yet.But next time.Although simple.But you can't relax.certainly.Refers to the next thing.It's actually not that big of a deal.It is such a thing as distributing food to the people.

That's right.It's a very, very simple thing.Even if it is to show fairness.The food will be recorded in the roster of the Yongning government office.An average of five shi grains per person.sent to these people.but.This thing is basically a very simple time.

but.Even it is very simple.But still need to be careful.After all, there are too many people who come to receive food.People from all over the city will come.And what's wrong with Yishi.There will definitely be bigger this matter is very simple.But Zhang Fan will still treat it very carefully.

certainly.Feng Bao is concerned about this kind of thing.There is really no interest.So he went to the government office.Find yourself a comfortable place to sleep.for this.But no one objected.

And Liu Xian.Naturally, such a job will continue immediately.He asked his soldiers to distribute food to the people.Also let them do guard prevent accidents from happening.And Liu Xian himself.He could have gone to rest.But he insisted on staying.Oversee the work here.

Zhang Fan is the same as Liu Xian.He could have gone to rest.after all.three of them.up to now.It's almost twelve hours without sleep.Tiredness is inevitable.But Zhang Fan insisted on staying.In case something unexpected happens.

then.This time there was no fuss.People in Liu Xian.Help Mao Zhengqing and his people.When the first batch of food was shipped over.There is no delay here either.The work of distributing food began immediately.after all.These common people have also been hungry for a day.If the food cannot be received immediately.I'm afraid something serious will happen.

even.When the food has just arrived.It's been a while here.But by Liu Xian's sergeant.Quickly calmed down.And now.The people who came here are queuing up.Come get food.Although only ten people can come up at a time.But this speed is also very fast.Just check the name.and the population at home.Food can be distributed immediately.

only.Five stones of grain for one person.It's really not a small number.And actually.One person simply cannot carry so much.Not to mention.Some people even mentioned that a family of three or four carried fifteen to twenty shi of grain.This is simply impossible.

so.Those who received food in the first place.There is simply no way to get so much food home.Just have to wait there.Send someone to the house or ask someone to borrow a stroller or something.And later people.Obviously have heard the news.Learned well.They will come to collect food with carts and the like.This really made the speed a lot faster.

original.At this time of food distribution.Disputes arising from haggling.It is quite a lot.But now there is no such thing happening.The reason is also very simple.After all, five stones of grain per person.It is not a small amount.And actually.This number already exceeds the amount of grain stored in any commoner's home in the city.Plus.Another round number like five stones.So there is no need to weigh carefully at all.Just fill a bag with the metric hopper in the grain depot.That's one stone.

so.That petty dispute.Never happened.That made the food distribution work this time.It went very smoothly.only.That's just the early days.It was true before.But after a while.Here comes the problem.

what is the problem.Very simple question.That is.People from this Yongning Mansion.It's just too much.certainly.Maybe only 1 people.Doesn't count as much.But this number.For Zhang Fan and the others who could only send out ten servings of food at a time.That's just too much.

Even the distribution of food is fast.But only ten copies at a time.That is.A thousand copies were sent from each to finish the work.The reason why it cannot be increased.It is also because there are only ten places.It's already a little confusing.Not to this time.People kept coming over.

certainly.Liu Xian can also mobilize troops from outside the city to maintain order.but.Such a place at the gate of the yamen.It's just not big enough.And the reason why they chose to distribute food here.Instead of changing places.It is also because this is the very center of Yongning Mansion.The people of the entire Yongning Mansion.The distance to here is the most average.In order to deal with the current situation in this city.Just made such a decision.

but.The problem is not this.The real problem is.Because there are too many people.And there must be a first-come, first-served basis for food distribution.That means.I want to distribute all the food.Zhang Fan made a calculation.This thing will probably last until morning.It can only be completed after Sishi.

so.That means.When the time comes.That is.There are still three or four hours.Some people still can't eat.This is a big problem.

The first to receive food.Now it's time to eat.But there are others who don't.If so.Some people may be resentful because of this.It's not even possible that something unexpected will happen.

so.When Deyin time is about to end.I saw that more than half of the people hadn't received the food yet.This made Zhang Fan change his approach.

He had someone set up a cauldron.Made a lot of porridge and rice.Let those people or homeless people who have not received food.Come here first to satisfy your hunger.

certainly.This batch of grain actually came from the treasury of Yongning Mansion.It is not included in the batch of food that will be distributed.

For Zhang Fan's decision.Mao Zhengqing was naturally dissatisfied.but.Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction.But he didn't dare to say anything against Zhang Fan at all.After all, nowadays.Anyway.Zhang Fan could hold down Mao Zhengqing anywhere.Not to mention.Now Zhang Fan is going to use the food in the treasury.It is also very legitimate.Mao Zhengqing had absolutely no reason to object.

why.After all, times are different now.Even those people have now surrendered.But before any order from the imperial court came down.This counter-insurgency thing.It's not even over.Since it's not over yet.So that is to say.It's still war time.And Zhang Fan is the most in charge of this matter.The general is also good.High officials are worth mentioning.Grain in the surrounding treasury.It was simply arranged by him.certainly.After this incident, Zhang Fan naturally needed to explain it to the court.but.used in this regard.Absolutely no one objected.

In short.Zhang Fan is using a legitimate reason.To use the grain in the Yongning government treasury.No matter where he uses it.As long as he doesn't take it privately.In this way, Mao Zhengqing had no reason to oppose Zhang Fan.

certainly.Food is being distributed here.And there is still porridge.In this way.Although there are many people here.There are also more and more meanings.But the situation at the scene.But it is more stable.After all.Able to eat right away.Can satisfy one's hunger.And they were able to bring food back home.If so.among those below.Whether intentionally or unintentionally.There is no reason to make any more surprises.

only.Not all of them.Those local tyrants and landlords and the like.Absolutely don't like this scene.after all.The people of the whole city.Now everyone gets five shi of grain.Among them, [-]% were originally hoarded at home.Encountered this kind of thing.These people are not in a situation where they can be happy no matter what they think.Even because they were able to hoard so much food.It's not because they exploited a lot of people below.But obviously they don't care about this kind of thing at all.into the granaries of their homes.Treat it as your own.

And even if they use this reason to reason with Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan will also tell them in turn.Those grains are no longer in their family's grain depot.

certainly.Those individuals can also get five shi of grain each.only.Obviously they are very disadvantaged.after all.There are many servants in these families.certainly.They will also get their share.but.Many of these servants are not from Yongning.But they also have to eat now.And all of this has to be counted on their heads.

In short.This matter made these people suffer a lot.but.Before, Ding Youyang, the person with the highest status in Yongning Mansion, approached Zhang Fan for a theory.But he went back in despair.other people.I didn't dare to say anything more.

therefore.This is the reason for the peaceful situation now.

And Zhang Fan.Don't care about these.Don't care about these people either.Now he is resting.But Liu Xian was still staring at the gate of the yamen.after all.The possibility of accidents is now greatly reduced.But it is not without.

Zhang Fan's rest.But it is to recharge your batteries.Things after preparation.

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