The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1224 Continue to plan

It was originally expected that almost all the food would be distributed by Sishi, but in fact, it was a kind of situation that all the food was not distributed until around noon.

It's not because of something happened in the middle, it's really because of some careful thinking, it's hard to figure out, no, it's not unpredictable, it's really because of this kind of petty bourgeois thinking that slows down the overall progress.

As I said before, because the distribution of food takes a lot of time, so after calculation, many people can't get the food home to cook immediately, not to mention, there are some people whose names are not recorded in the roster of the government office Therefore, Zhang Fan asked people to take out more grain from the treasury and distribute porridge and rice.

Originally, this was done to relieve such temporary tension and to prevent any accidents from happening. Moreover, it is really a reasonable thing to do, and there is no bias, but it is biased, some People's little thoughtfulness plays a big role, but in the final analysis, they just want to take advantage of it.

Even though everyone has five dens of food, some people still think that the food belongs to the food, and before receiving the food, they have to ask for a bowl of porridge. Even if they are already very hungry, they can still persist until they receive the food. After finishing the food, go back to cook, but even so, some people still want to take advantage of it.

Therefore, although it is said that the porridge there is to deal with those who have not received food and those beggars, in fact, in the end, there are almost the same number of people queuing on both sides.

Moreover, there is really no way to solve this kind of thing. At least, during this period of time, Liu Xian has never thought of any way to deal with this situation. He must let those people take it. If they say , I am really hungry, that is something that cannot be verified.

As for Liu Xian, it was true that he had nothing to do with this situation at the beginning, but after that, he didn't bother to take care of it. Seeing that the number of people still waiting to receive the food gradually decreased, he also went to rest in the yamen.

In short, this matter lasted until around noon before it was considered over.

As for Zhang Fan and the others, they were so tired that they were still sleeping.

Of course, in Yongning City, at this time, most people are resting. After a few days, those who were kicked out of their homes finally returned to their homes. After these few days, the people did not sleep well. Yi returned to his home, had a full meal, and naturally slept well, not to mention, it seemed that the people in the city were blessed by misfortune, and got so much more food for no reason. It made them sleep more soundly.

And Zhang Fan and the others are resting. Those who wanted to deal with Zhang Fan should have taken advantage of this opportunity to discuss how to deal with Zhang Fan. After all, Zhang Fan came too suddenly, and they didn't have any Prepare.

But even in the face of such a good opportunity, no one did it, because these people were too tired, and they didn't have the energy to gather together to discuss these conspiracies.

Therefore, now this Yongning Mansion, which has just been liberated, is really quiet now, and [-]% of the people are all resting. When it wakes up, they don't know what will happen again, but those who fell It's not something that needs to be considered now. In fact, for these people, there is no need to prepare anything in advance for what will happen next. They just need to follow things down. But, of course, The script has already been written long ago, and what kind of ending someone will have is already doomed, but for many people, they can't see clearly, or even if they can see clearly, they are unwilling to go Just believe it.

This sleep was really a long time, and it wasn't until about You o'clock in the evening that Zhang Fan woke up. Speaking of which, this made Zhang Fan feel a little strange, because there are still many things around him now, and These are all major issues that cannot be solved unless they are resolved, but Zhang Fan does not feel the slightest pressure on himself now, and even this sleep of his can be regarded as the best sleep he has had in the past few days Well, during these five hours or so, he really didn't wake up.

Maybe it's because, even though Zhang Fan has a lot of things waiting for him to deal with now, in the final analysis, it's him making trouble for others, not others. He deserved it, and Zhang Fan didn't have the slightest psychological burden on it. Since this was the case, there was really no reason why Zhang Fan couldn't sleep well.

When he woke up, he found that Feng Bao had already been sitting in the lobby of the yamen, drinking tea, and Liu Xian beside him had also woken up, and he seemed to be in good spirits.

It was nothing that Feng Bao woke up first, after all he went to bed earlier, but Liu Xian obviously woke up earlier than Zhang Fan despite going to bed several hours later, what should I say, maybe this It is a characteristic of being a general, even if it is not in wartime, but as long as it is in this situation, sleep seems to have never been their main problem.

However, Zhang Fan was not obsessed with it, he said hello to the two of them, and then found a chair and sat down.

"By the way," it was obvious that Zhang Fan was still paying attention to things outside at this moment. He just sat down and asked without even picking up his teacup, "General Liu, what's going on outside now?" Undoubtedly, if something really happened outside, Liu Xian might have pulled him off the bed long ago, but even so, Zhang Fan still had to ask, so as to reassure him.

"Master Zhang, don't worry, nothing happened outside," Liu Xian nodded, and said, "Actually, I didn't wait until the food was distributed, so I went back to sleep. After I got up, I asked, the food has been distributed It's over, and there are still a lot left. After all, there are always some discrepancies among the tens of thousands of people. Some people want to pretend to claim it, but they are also found out. The people below are very sharp-eyed.

"I asked people to return the extra food to the treasury, but there were still more than a thousand stones left, so I asked people to continue to give porridge to the beggars in the city."

"That's great," Zhang Fan felt relieved after hearing Liu Xian's words, and then asked again, "Those rich people in the city still come to make trouble."

"How would they dare?" Liu Xian also laughed when he talked about this matter, "After what happened to Ding Youyang, those rich people in the city would know the origin of Mr. Zhang's identity if they wanted to come, so they didn't dare to do it at all. Those who come to make noise, not to mention, hum, even if they come, so what, I have already ordered, if there are such people who come to make noise, just hit them with sticks, "

It seemed that Liu Xian didn't like those people very much.

"Now, those people will suffer a lot," Feng Bao also said with a smile on the sidelines. "So much food was lost for no reason and distributed to the common people. I think they are very upset in their hearts."

"What does it matter?" Zhang Fan didn't care about it, "Besides, the grain hoarded by those people was originally scavenged from the hands of the common people. Since the founding of the country, the agricultural tax collected by the imperial court every year has Even if it falls again, although sometimes it only falls once every few years or more than ten years, but in the past two hundred years, it has never risen, but the food these people collect from the people below is getting more and more The more people suffer, the common people have suffered for 200 years, so it’s just right to let them suffer this once, anyway, the food they receive is not enough for them to eat.”

"Master Zhang said," Feng Bao continued, "and, it will be much better in the future. Our family heard that Mr. Zhang's teacher, Mr. Zhang is now planning to implement the 'one whip method' across the country. I've seen it too, and it's indeed a good thing, and with Master Zhang's current status in the court and the empress dowager's importance, it won't be too much trouble to implement it. It can be searched, but it is much less than before, "

"I don't care what happens to those people. As long as they don't violate the laws of the court, they will go." Zhang Fan took a sip of the tea in his hand and said, "The most important thing is that the lives of ordinary people will be different in the future. It’s going to be better, as long as the people’s lives are better, the rebellion in various places will be better in the future, and the court will be stable.”

"Master Zhang is right," Liu Xian also expressed his opinion, "and at that time, as long as this 'one whip method' is used together with the 'examination method' that Master Zhang implemented before, there will be no difference Big problem, as long as this is the case, the court will be stable, and I, Ming, will be able to return to the prosperous times of Hongwu and Yongle years."

Several people chatted for a while, and suddenly, Feng Bao said: "By the way, Mr. Zhang, what shall we do next?"

"Of course we have to wait for the imperial edict," Zhang Fan said, "but during this period of time, I'm still in charge here, and I have to find trouble for these people."

"Oh," Liu Xian became interested, "First, it's about the food. Now that the food has been settled, next, it's the turn of those money."

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "Speaking of which, the money can't be obtained like food. Those rich families have accumulated it for two or three generations. Give them all, and the people will be in trouble, after all, there is not as much money as food, if the distribution is not right, there will be troubles."

"What's the plan of Mr. Zhang?" Feng Bao asked from the side.

"I've thought about it," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Thinking about it, besides those wealthy people, the rich people here, I'm afraid these officials are also indispensable."

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