Zhang Fan's meaning was very clear.good.Such things as food.It is really impossible to calculate how many catties someone has.How many rocks.In addition, because of the high arch before.So there is a lot of food at home.Naturally, it is necessary to hide it well.Once you take it out.It's hard to say it's yours.Say no.I am at a disadvantage.Say yes.At that time, I will cause endless trouble for myself.

so.When Zhang Fan said that he would distribute all the food equally to the common people.Although those individuals have complaints.But he didn't dare to say anything.The only one in Yongning Mansion.Some are qualified to speak.That Ding Youyang.Now it is also because of Zhang Fan.Even if he has a son-in-law of the Duke of the country.But they didn't dare to confront Zhang Fan on this matter at all.

But Ding Youyang didn't dare to say anything.How could other people dare to say anything more.so.This food thing.Now these people can only be regarded as having suffered from being dumb.and.I won't talk about the future.But this time.Since they have already suffered this loss.Don't even think about getting it back.

Even after Zhang Fan left.Maybe some people can get some food back from one or two families.But I want to get it all back.It is simply impossible.To know.What does food mean to ordinary people?It is absolutely impossible for them to just watch their rations like this.His life was taken away just like that.

That is.this time.These people are bound to suffer.

but.Suffer on food.But it does not mean above the silver.People like them will also suffer.even though.After those people entered Yongning Mansion.With the silver in the government treasury.A total of more than 100 million taels were searched.But actually.There are not many belonging to the yamen.Although Yongning is a mansion.But actually.There really isn't much money here.The Ming Dynasty never collected commercial taxes.The agricultural tax is only for food and the like.Even now.These years started.Commercial tax is also collected.But there is really not much money that can be collected here.After all, the big heads are all on the Jiangnan side.

And actually.In the treasury of the entire Yongning Mansion.There is only about 10 taels of silver.And the other more than 90 taels of silver.In fact, they are people from the rich families in the city.certainly.A lot was also found from the people.But Zhang Fan didn't need to ask those people to know.The money they looted from the people.Together, it is less than 10 taels.

That is.left over.It really belongs to those rich people.but.The so-called rich.What exactly do they mean.Does it just refer to those big families in the city?No.Absolutely not.I am afraid that some of them belong to those who are officials.If you want to be more specific.That is to say, the group headed by Mao Zhengqing.

certainly.Zhang Fan would not believe it foolishly.The rich man in this huge Yongning Mansion.Silver gathered.There are only a few million taels in this area.It's not about geography.Which state capital was placed in the Ming Dynasty.If you get all the money from those big families.Not all that much.want to come.I am afraid that these people still have a lot of places to hide money.It is very secretive.And those who only know how to get out the silver they see.Foreigners who don't search hard.But it couldn't be found.

But these are not related to Zhang Fan.It is also impossible for him to let those people hand over all the money.This is simply impossible.

Today's problem.It should be placed on top of the visible silver in front of you.How to deal with this batch of silver is the main problem.

but.This is also a troublesome thing.It's not like grain.If there is a lot of hoarding.This shows that there are many private fields in the family.Otherwise, it would be impossible to get so much food.This is also why those people have a thing for food.Although unhappy.But never said why.

Silver, however, is different.after all.The court has never stipulated.Say which family is not allowed to hide a lot of silver.If you are an official, you may cause trouble.But these are ordinary people no matter what.How much money do they have.As long as it wasn't stolen, stolen or cheated.The imperial court has no power to intervene.

and.When these people come to ask for money.Zhang Fan also had no reason to reject them.after all.So much silver.If someone comes to say.These are not just from his life.And what his ancestors earned.legacy.If so.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to turn a blind eye to this matter.

Of course.Zhang Fan would not be so stupid.Just come and say that the money belongs to his family.Zhang Fan gave them all the silver.

but.Even so.I'm afraid that time will come.Wait until these people have finished taking the money.This money may not be enough.In this way.Aren't the common people in Yongning Mansion going to suffer?Although got food.But money is missing.To know.Now Yongning Mansion.Everyone has five stones of grain so much.And even if you want to sell it.It will also be because other people are not short of food.And can not sell the price.

perhaps.Some people have worked so hard to record so many taels.Even dozens of taels of silver.The purpose is to build more rooms in the future.marry a daughter-in-law.Even send your own children to study.And because of such a thing.It all went to waste.This will change the fate of many people.But Zhang Fan didn't want to do that.

After much deliberation.Zhang Fan couldn't think of any good solution.Although he said that he wanted to continue this matter before.Make people like Mao Zhengqing feel bad again.But compare.This matter has become less important.What matters these days.How to deal with this money.

And over there.Whether it is Feng Bao or Liu Xian.Obviously there is no good way.

If.It is also treated like grain.But it doesn't work.Even those big families agreed.By the time.Except for the 10 taels of silver returned to the government office.There are only 10 taels left.And this is 10 taels of silver.If it is also like food.Divide the words equally among the people.That is.Everyone can get ** ten taels of silver.

but.If Zhang Fan really did this.In the future, this Yongning Mansion will definitely have no peace.

after all.This silver is not the same as grain.Which one has more food.Maybe someone will come to snatch it.But now.Everyone in this mansion has food to eat.Every family has grain.Now that I have been able to eat a full stomach.And even if they robbed food.Can't sell for a good price either.So grab the food thing.Basically it won't happen.

But silver is different.perhaps.Because of this time.Let the food price of Yongning Mansion.Dropped a lot.But its worth in silver.But it didn't make any changes.One tael of silver.It's still a tael of silver.How much can you buy before.It is the same now.

And obviously. **Ten taels of silver.for anyone.Even for any ordinary family.It's already a bit too much.Let these people get so much silver all of a sudden.Maybe it will make them very happy.But what happens next.

It is conceivable that.Those who want to commit crimes.You don't even need to step on it to know.The neighbors who live in front of him, around him.Every family has hundreds of taels of silver.Because even he himself got so much.

100 taels of silver.Maybe for those rich people.It's really nothing.But for ordinary people. 100 taels.If you save flowers.It can take two or three years.This is definitely the number that can arouse the desire of those people.

And because of the death of 100 taels of silver.From ancient times to the present.It's just too much.at this point.Zhang Fan didn't need a research certificate at all.will be able to understand.He also lived at the bottom of society.Regardless of whether it was in the previous life.Only this life.This kind of thing can never be changed.There are a lot of people who go to kill and die for a little money.

So this thing.Zhang Fan has always taken it very seriously.Don't dare to be sloppy at all.He definitely doesn't want anyone.any common people.Because of one of my own decisions.And he gave his own life.Not only that.It will also make the whole city panic.Zhang Fan would never do that.

so.Now Zhang Fan was caught in a difficult problem.What should be done.Only then can this matter be perfectly resolved.He couldn't figure it out.He even turned to Feng Bao and Liu Xian for help.But also can not get the answer.

Liu Xian's words.It's not that I look down on him.It is such a thing.He didn't have any good ideas either.He is a general after all.Even in charge of military pay.But military pay is not so troublesome.It's pay time.Just send it on.Where there are so many things to do.

And Feng Bao.Even his resourcefulness.But for this kind of thing.He can be regarded as a big girl on the sedan chair.first encounter.so.Now Zhang Fan asked him that.But he will in a while.I can't think of any perfect solution to this matter.

All of a sudden.The matter seemed to be at an impasse.There is a saying that is "Three Stooges. Better than Zhuge Liang".But the three of them thought for a long time but still couldn't come up with any solution.

Just at this time.There was a knock on the door.

Zhang Fan didn't think too much about it.Just said "come in" along the way.

And opened the door to come in.It was the three people headed by Mao Zhengqing.The other two were the two fellow acquaintances who greeted them at the gate of the city.The name Zhang Fan still remembers clearly.One is Tang Yuan.One is called Yan Gu.

"My lord, it's not too early now." Mao Zhengqing came in and said. "The lower officials have already prepared meals. Please invite the three adults to eat."

original.Zhang Fan wanted to reject him.But the words came to my lips.Zhang Fan changed his mind.He smiled and said: "In this case, there is Lord Lao Mao."

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