The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1234 Let Him Come Over

After Zhang Fan left Mao Zhengqing's house.First thing to do.That is to find Liang Chao.Tell him to investigate Mao Zhengqing immediately.and.this time.After Zhang Fan explained the matter to Liang Chao.He also asked him a special sentence.Be careful when asking him to investigate.The matter of Mao Zhengqing must be thoroughly investigated.Can't let go of any one thing.

Liang Chao naturally agreed.But he seemed very puzzled that Zhang Fan would explain himself to do this matter like this.For Liang Chao.Received Zhang Fan's order to investigate a person.It's just too much.But for Liang Chao.this kind of thing.It is under the jurisdiction of Jinyiwei.The most basic basics.Even if Zhang Fan didn't explain.He will definitely take care of this matter seriously.certainly.In fact, Zhang Fan had never specifically explained anything to him before.To make him so careful not to miss or something.

But this time it was different.After Zhang Fan gave him the order.He actually pointed this out to him.This made Liang Chao a little confused.If it is said that someone has changed.For example, a person whose status is relatively prominent.Or just look at it and know that the stakes are high.And with many people.In this case.Liang Chao can understand.

only.This Mao Zhengqing.To be honest, Liang Chao couldn't figure it out.Say he matters.It is true.After all, this time the rebellion happened.Now Zhang Fan wants to investigate thoroughly again.This Mao Zhengqing naturally has a lot to do with it.But compared to Mao Zhengqing.Liang Chao didn't realize how important he was.Or rather related.Liang Chao didn't think so either.This Mao Zhengqing will have a deep relationship in it.He is definitely not the kind of person who is hard to find out.

But even with this doubt.Liang Chao didn't intend to ask Zhang Fan.this kind of thing.I guess he even asked.Zhang Fan might not explain it to him.Moreover.Just wait until he finds out about Mao Zhengqing.Thinking about it, he could understand it.

And what Zhang Fan explained.And not just this one.There is one other thing.Just ask Liang Chao to find someone.That's right.It was the seventh-rank official of Yongning Mansion who went to nowhere now.Zheng Yang.Liang Chao didn't have any doubts about this.Immediately agreed.

Zhang Fan is concerned about this matter.I'm not in a hurry.The gate of Yongning Mansion was opened.If it really has something to do with this Zheng Yang.That's easy.Besieged from Yongning Mansion.And from the day it was occupied by those 2 people.Until today when Liu Xian's army entered the city.This Yongning Mansion is in addition to the 2 people.There is no longer a single person.And even those 2 people.Now they are all guarded by Liu Xian's army.That is.Anyway.This Zheng Yang must still be in Yongning Mansion.It's just that I don't know where to hide.

But it doesn't matter anymore.As long as he is still in Yongning Mansion.Zhang Fan has confidence.I am confident that Liang Chao and the others will be able to find him out.Even this Yongning Mansion is not small.The population is also tens of thousands.But these are for Jin Yiwei.If you really want to find someone.But it is not difficult.

only.What Liang Chao is thinking now.What Zhang Fan thought.But there are some differences.In Liang Chao's opinion.Mao Zhengqing made it clear that there was a problem.But now Zhang Fan asked him to investigate Mao Zhengqing.It is precisely to find out Mao Zhengqing's crimes.When the time comes.His crimes can be punished one by one.And that Zheng Yang.In Liang Chao's opinion.But it was one that was excluded.Even good officials who were treated miserably.Now Zhang Fan wants him to find Zheng Yang.He was asked to come out and confront Mao Zhengqing face to face.

But this kind of thing.It doesn't matter what Liang Chao thinks about.As long as he can find someone.And investigate the matter clearly.Thinking about it, Zhang Fan didn't need to explain anything to him.He could also understand what was going on here.

And Liang Chao's question.Doesn't mean anything.Zhang Fan didn't think too much about it.after all.It is still a time when there is no speculate.Not only can't come up with any good ideas.On the contrary, it may be a disservice.So before Zhang Fan got the exact news.I won't judge this matter too much.Moreover.He still has things to do right now.

good.Exactly the thing about those silver coins.I heard it from Mao Zhengqing.The big households in the city don't plan to ask for the silver anymore.Instead, he handed over all the money to Zhang Fan.This made Zhang Fan care a little bit.It seems.No matter how low-key that Qian Guogong Mu Changzuo is.This old man of his.That's very loud.Ding Youyang did this.It was clear that they wanted to deal with Zhang Fan.

Regardless of why he did it.It was because he wanted to get back the face that was stripped by Zhang Fan.It is still necessary to show his majesty and prestige in front of those people in Yongning Mansion.Zhang Fan didn't care about these things.Zhang Fan only knew.This Ding Youyang.Bad intentions.Since he has bad intentions.Then of course it needs to be tapped.But how hard should this beating be?Zhang Fan had to make some decisions.

but.Deal with this Ding Youyang.It made Zhang Fan feel that it was he came back.Get someone to do something.but.There is no need to mention this matter now.It will be clear later.

And the next one.Naturally, it is necessary to discuss.How to deal with these silver things.

"It seems that Ding Youyang is a smart person. He can think of such a way." Feng Bao said with a smile. "It's just that. This method of his is really not very new. It is a trick that has been used badly in the court. Speaking of which, what Master Zhang plans to do. Is it to hand the book directly to the court?"

What Feng Bao said.It is one of the ways to solve this matter.very simple thing.It doesn't matter who is trying to bribe you.Then you do it your way.Returning to the body of the person has become.Pretending to be friendly.And absolutely do not refuse.Let's take the bribes first.Then wait until the other person leaves.I will write the dictionaries immediately.Write things down and hand them over.

There is nothing unusual about this approach.But it is the safest one.As long as you tell the court about this in advance.When the time comes.It would be fine if the other party didn't move.As long as he once wanted to do anything.That would be a cocoon.He jumped into the hole he dug.

Although this method is used.That means that you can't get any money.But it's better than safety.Moreover.Both Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.Neither of them are masters of lack of money.Naturally, it is impossible to be tempted by this little money.

"What Eunuch Feng said is true." Liu Xian agreed with Feng Bao's words.Said. "Master Zhang should write the memorial early. It's better to send it to the capital." Liu Xian never thought about how to keep the money.He is not that kind of person.So Feng Bao's words were just said.He agreed immediately.

"This note. Of course I have to write it." Zhang Fan said. "But what to write. It's a bit different." Zhang Fan put forward a different opinion at this time.

"Oh." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Feng Bao asked. "Is it possible? Mr. Zhang has any other ideas."

"I dare not take it as a high opinion." Zhang Fan said. "It's just that. This money is more useful than handing it over to the court. Hehe. General Liu, don't misunderstand. Zhang Fan has never thought of enriching his own pockets. Please think about it, my lords. Now this Yongning The mansion has just settled down. Although those people didn't do anything outrageous. But because of them, not to mention this Yongning mansion, even the surrounding counties and towns are in trouble.

"I think. Instead of handing over the money to the court, it's better to use it for this. It can be considered useful."

What Zhang Fan meant.It is to take these silver coins.Spend it on the common people.Here's what happened this time.Even if there is no war.Not too much damage either.But only the impact of this matter.It has caused many problems.And now.With this money.As long as it is used properly.Naturally, some losses can be made up for.

"This is a good idea." Liu Xian naturally agreed.It's just that he hasn't been happy for long.His face changed again. "It's just that. Will the court agree to do this? I'm afraid those people in the court may not be willing to let go." Liu Xian thought of those people in the court who desperately wanted money.

"That's why I said. What was written in the memorial should be changed." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "Actually, I want to talk to the court. It's not too troublesome. Now, the court is not short of money. It's just two years. The money in the court can be regarded as a lot more. Besides, if there are still people who can't let go I also have to ask the teacher to talk to the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother is a reasonable person. This kind of thing, I can agree to it if I think about it."

"Yes. This is a way." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Liu Xian also agreed. "That. How to deal with that Ding Youyang. Bribing the imperial envoy. This is a capital offense. Even though he is just a commoner, he will lose his head if he does this. Is it possible. Mr. Zhang wants..."

"No." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "How to deal with this Ding Youyang. I haven't figured it out yet. After all, he is also the father-in-law of Qian Guogong no matter what he says. It's not good to do too much. But I won't just let it go. Since I don't want to He, Ding Youyang, came to apologize. Then we have to trouble our Duke, and go to Yongning himself."

"It turns out that Master Zhang came up with this idea." Feng Bao immediately understood what Zhang Fan meant.Also laughed. "It's good. It's good. There is. Our family is waiting to see. What kind of color will Ding Youyang's face change."

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