Although about the money.Indeed, it took Zhang Fan and the others a while.And in the end, it was because the other party had resorted to some tricks.This is where the solution is found.only.This incident seems to have troubled Zhang Fan and the others for a while.But actually.impact of this matter.Not much.

The bare minimum.Although there are people from both sides.Now they are all revolving around this money.That is, Zhang Fan and the others and those big households in the city headed by Ding Youyang.But actually.These people all add up.It's just a decimal.And the most real people.For example, those people in the city.Speaking of which, their money is also in that sum of money.But these people.But now there is no noise because of the silver thing.

perhaps.It was also because they had just answered home now.And it is also because there is a lot of food in each of them.It made them forget about the money for a while.but.Whether they forgot or not.Think about it later.Anyway for now.These people have settled down.No one did anything because of it.That's a good this time.For Zhang Fan.One less trouble.That's the best.

even though.About that money.Zhang Fan had already figured out how to deal with it.But now is not the time to talk about these the moment.There are other things to do.That is about the verification after the counter-insurgency.By the time.I am afraid that even if there is any edict issued by the imperial court.It is also to be handed over to Zhang Fan.After all, he is definitely the best person to do this.Don't be a second person.In addition, the matter had just ended not long ago.Strike while the iron is hot.Naturally, it would be best to investigate immediately.

only.Doubts in this matter.It's just too much.There are many things that people can't figure out for a while.In addition, Zhang Fan is also a newcomer.Even if you know something about Yongning Mansion.But it is also very one-sided.No conclusions can be drawn from this.

And after contacting Mao Zhengqing.Zhang Fan has some understanding of this matter.But the source of this understanding.But it came from the mouth of others.So not sure.And Zhang Fan really wanted to make a judgment.You still have to see the unchangeable fact with your own eyes.

so.After he got some news from Mao Zhengqing.Immediately ordered Liang Chao to investigate.people.It's a liar.Maybe some people are really bad at lying.Let people see through at a glance.But no one can guarantee that they are [-]% sure in this regard.

However.People can lie though.But the dossier in black and white is not.As long as Jin Yiwei can find the information of the person involved.Zhang Fan will be able to understand.And for Jin Yiwei.Monitoring of officials.No expense was saw those things.Who is loyal and who is traitorous.It can be distinguished at a glance.

And now.Zhang Fan was also waiting for this.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Fan asked Liang Chao to investigate.Uncharacteristically exhorted him.When he was investigating Mao Zhengqing's affairs.There must be no reason left out.this time.Liang Chao is a bit old.But there is no news.But Zhang Fan was not in a hurry.He would rather wait for a few more hours, half a day, or even a day.As long as Liang Chao can get the details.It's still well worth the time. this time.Zhang Fan was concerned about another matter.

early in the morning.Zhang Fan found Liu Xian who had just had breakfast: "General Liu."

"Master Zhang." Seeing Zhang Fan coming.Liu Xian was rather happy. "Come to see me so early today. I don't know if there is something."

"I have something. I want to ask the general." Zhang Fan was not polite.Straight up. "Those two outsiders. How is the situation now?"

"It just so happened." Liu Xian heard Zhang Fan mention this matter.said with a smile. "This morning. Someone came to tell me about the situation there. These 2 people are not a small number. And now they can't be put back. But there is not such a big place to detain them. They can only be held in the Xingdu Division of Sichuan. Find a place in the west. Surround them there.

"It's just that we encountered a troublesome thing yesterday. At the beginning, we also said that we should surround these people first. We can't let them go. But it came true. We really didn't expect so much. After that, the trouble came out. This When 2 people left Yongning Mansion, they didn't bring any food. After all, they came out to surrender. What food did they bring. But now, we are in big trouble here. They have no food. They are locked up by us again ...Then we have to take care of them to eat. We can't watch them starve to death. But I can't get food here for a while. Here in Yongning Mansion. Although there is food in the warehouse, but after the last time Things. I'm afraid I can't move them lightly now. Xingdusi has food. But there is Shu army food. Although I can move it, I don't want to.

"So I sent people to Wumeng Mansion yesterday. I asked for a lot of food. But it will take a few days to deliver it. It will be difficult these days. Those people must not eat or drink, right? .”

"Then how did General Liu resolve this matter in the end." Zhang Fan asked.What Liu Xian said.It is indeed a problem.If it is not resolved.I'm afraid even if the weapon was taken away.But those people probably have to make trouble.This matter must be resolved.

"It's resolved. But it's not because of me." Liu Xian smiled.Said. "I just received the news late last night. At that time, Mr. Zhang had already fallen asleep. So I didn't bother you. That's how it happened. I don't know if Mr. Zhang still remembers. The trick we used when we persuaded those people to surrender ."

"Tricks." Zhang Fan didn't understand what Liu Xian meant for a while. "What kind of trick. Isn't it just to persuade them to surrender. As long as they surrender, they won't be killed. Or they will take their family members... Wait. Could it be that it is related to the family members of those 2 people?"

"That's what happened." Seeing Zhang Fan, Liu Xian understood.nodded.Said. "It's just that. It's not just about relationships anymore. The news I received last night was actually about those people who were hiding. Last night. The news from my subordinates. Suddenly many people came from Yongning I rushed over there nearby. At that time, the people below were startled. It’s just that I haven’t waited to inform me. But I found out. All the people who went there were old, weak, women and children. And they didn’t look like they were wearing weapons.

"Wait until they get there. Ask. It really is the family of those people. I heard that there are thousands of people. I heard from them that they heard the news that those people had surrendered. That's why they came out. I guess they were afraid Let's do something to those people. I want to see it. I heard that we didn't do anything. That's why they all came here with the courage.

"However. They did us a great favor. They brought a lot of food. It can be regarded as solving the problem of those people's meals. Wait until noon today. The food from Wumeng has been brought over. Everything will be done It's all easy to say."

"So that's what happened." Zhang Fan nodded.asked again. "That. What is General Liu's plan for these old and weak women and children? Should they be locked up too. Or let them go back."

"It cannot be closed. There is no other way to close it. Where to close it." Liu Xian shook his head.Said. "Originally there were only 4 of me over there. I was guarding the 2 people. Even if they were all unarmed. But you have to be careful. If you lock up those people again, there will be nearly 3 people .Even if [-] are old, weak, women and children. But once they get into trouble, I really can't stand it. If they are not locked up now, they won't make trouble. And they often bring food over. Save me. A lot of food. Isn’t it a good thing.”

"That's right." Zhang Fan sighed.Said. "It seems that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, these people will be a big trouble. Now, I just hope that the court will issue an imperial decree soon. As soon as the imperial decree arrives, these people will be able to do some work. It can be regarded as solving a lot of troubles. But General Liu is going to be busy. I can leave later. But I will not rest assured of these people if I want to come to the court. At that time, General Liu has to be more careful."

"It's okay to be wary of them." Liu Xian waved his hand.Said he didn't care. "As long as they don't cause trouble. I don't think it's fine.

"It's just that. What Mr. Zhang said just now. I want the imperial court to issue an imperial edict earlier. I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult."

"Oh." Zhang Fan heard Liu Xian say this.It's a little strange.asked. "General Liu. How do you say that?"

"Although Mr. Zhang has also been on the battlefield. But he has not fought many battles." Liu Xian said. "I have fought for decades. Some things are really clear. But after the great war, the imperial court issued an imperial decree. It must be as slow as it is. Think about the time against the Bo people last year. The war was already in April. It's over. But when the imperial court really wanted to issue an imperial edict, it took until the end of the year. Mr. Zhang came here along with the imperial edict.

"However. This time is not certain. Maybe. The court will issue an imperial decree soon this time. Speaking of it, it is all thanks to Mr. Zhang. Think about it. Whether it is the Queen Mother or Your Majesty. Or The ministers in the court. I am afraid that if Mr. Zhang is not in the capital, they will not be at ease."

Facing Liu Xian's words.Zhang Fan originally wanted to refute.But finally.He didn't say anything.He understood what Liu Xian said was right.With his current status.It is impossible to leave the capital for a long time.This time has been a long time.

At this time.The door was opened.Liang Chao walked in.

See Liang Chao.Zhang Fan knew.What he wanted to check has been found.

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