When Zhang Fan saw Liang Chao walking in, he already knew it in his heart. He must have heard something from Liang Chao's side. Moreover, although Liang Chao hadn't spoken yet, it was obvious that he came in. At that time, he was still holding the basic file in his arms. Seeing this, Liang Chao didn't even need to speak. Zhang Fan understood that he must have found out about Mao Zhengqing.

As for the whereabouts of that Zheng Yang, if Liang Chao was also found, it would be a great thing.

"My lord, General Liu," Liang Chao said, saluting to the two of them, "My lord, you ordered the humble official to investigate the matter of Mao Zhengqing. The humble official has already found out. As for the whereabouts of that Zheng Yang, the brothers below are now here. The investigation in Yongning's mansion has not found out yet, so please stay with me for a few days."

"Let's not worry about Zheng Yang's matter, let's talk about Mao Zhengqing's matter first," Zhang Fan said up to this point, seeing Liu Xian getting up to leave, he hurriedly said, "General Liu, there is no need to shy away from this. If it's something important, it's okay for the general to listen to it, and, presumably, the general is also a little curious about this matter about Mao Zhengqing."

Liu Xian, who was about to leave, sat down again when he heard what Zhang Fan said. Obviously, just like what Zhang Fan said, he was also very curious about Mao Zhengqing. Now that Zhang Fan said he would He also listened, and naturally he would not refuse.

"My lord," seeing that the two of them were waiting for him to speak, Liang Chao stopped being wordy and said, "It has been several years since I entered Jinyiwei in a humble position. There are many people who have experienced strange encounters among them. However, I have to say that this matter of Mao Zhengqing is the first time I have seen it. It is not that his matter is so bizarre, but this Mao Zhengqing, but it also makes humble officials look at each other with admiration, "

Liang Chao was not in a hurry to tell about Mao Zhengqing, but expressed his own views on Mao Zhengqing. Liang Chao's reporting method was already unusual. After all, what Zhang Fan wanted to hear was not It's not his opinion, but what the facts are. But regardless of these for the time being, Liang Chao's opinion is already unusual. What kind of things did Mao Zhengqing go through before, so that Liang Chao could see it? Anyone who has done so many strange things will say that he is very unusual.

In this way, Zhang Fan and Liu Xian, who hadn't heard what was going on, became even more interested.

"This Mao Zhengqing is from the prefecture of Syria. Although there are no officials in his family, I heard that there are a few who won the exam. The family is also considered to be well-off. He was a Jinshi in the 38th year of Jiajing," Liang Chao saw Zhang Fan and Liu It was obvious that both of them had become interested, so they stopped whetting their appetites and began to say, "After becoming a Jinshi that year, I heard that Mao Zhengqing had a good literary talent and good handwriting, and he was originally like this. He looked like a snob, but he was spotted by Yan's group on the spot. Speaking of which, even without the arrangement of Yan's group, with Mao Zhengqing's ability, It is absolutely a matter of course to go to the Hanlin Academy to be a good scholar.

"In short, this Mao Zhengqing has a great future. At that time, because Mao Zhengqing came here, our people here also brought his file from the capital. Looking at the file, Mao Zhengqing was in the Hanlin Academy. When he was a concubine, he was really conscientious. He was the fastest to learn the things taught by the Hanlin. Moreover, I heard that he mastered everything and learned from one instance. He was definitely a talent. Elder Xu Ge, who seldom talked, praised him, saying that he would definitely achieve great things in the future. At that time, Xu Jie even mentioned to the Ministry of Officials that after three years, he wanted Mao Zhengqing to enter the Ministry of Rites and be the head of the Ministry.

"It's just that things didn't happen like this later. In fact, it was because Mao Zhengqing himself was so talented that he even provoked Elder Xu Ge, who hadn't spoken much for many years, to stand up and speak for him. In this way, this made the Yan family who had already taken a fancy to him feel dissatisfied. However, they didn't want to let Mao Zhengqing go, and they still wanted to pull him in.

"Since then, people from the Yan family have been coming to talk to Mao Zhengqing, hoping that he can join, but this Mao Zhengqing is quite upright, although he seems to be very smooth now, but in this file According to the records, Mao Zhengqing at that time was not like this. Mao Zhengqing at that time was rather upright. He didn't let go of his promise to them.

"However, after a long time, the members of Yan's party became a little impatient, and they also saw that Mao Zhengqing was not close to them, and with Mao Zhengqing's talents and learning, after entering an official position in the future, he will definitely have something to do. Achievement, in that case, it will become their obstacle in the future, so they want to get rid of him.

"It's just that Mao Zhengqing was in the Imperial Academy almost all day long at that time, and there was no chance to kill him at all, so the members of Yan's party didn't plan to kill him, but changed a method and got him After a lot of trouble, he was released as an official. That's it. Originally, Mao Zhengqing had a bright future, but he didn't expect that this good man would leave the capital after a year of service.

"Afterwards, Mao Zhengqing became the magistrate of the seventh rank. After such a year, he became the magistrate of Yongning Prefecture five years ago, and there was no more movement. By the way, I heard from the people in Weizhong that originally After Mao Zhengqing became the county magistrate, members of Yan's party wanted to kill him to avoid future troubles, but they didn't expect that at that time, Yan Song didn't ask questions much, and Yan Shifan caused a lot of troubles besides being arrogant, which made him They had no way to free up their hands to deal with Mao Zhengqing. In the 41st year of Jiajing, Yan Song fell, and Yan Song's party was finished, and Mao Zhengqing also lost his life because of this."

Zhang Fan and Liu Xian just listened to Liang Chao's words, and didn't intend to interrupt. The matter of Mao Zhengqing was exactly as Liang Chao said before. When occupying the government, there should be such a story, and it should be.

However, his story also makes people want to sigh. Perhaps, because of Yan Song, many people who are not close to Mao Zhengqing have the same experience as Mao Zhengqing. Moreover, this kind of This kind of person, Zhang Fan and the others have seen too many people, and it is no longer unusual, but even so, every time they meet another one, they still can't help but make people want to lament.

"However..." Liang Chao continued, "This Mao Zhengqing has undergone some changes because of this incident. This is the fate he has fallen into now. Logically speaking, he should be an upright person and will never compromise with others.

"However, according to the records in the file, since Mao Zhengqing became the magistrate of the seventh rank, his temperament has completely changed. Although he has never done evil or corrupted the law, his attitude as an official is indeed very different. Now, for many things, he no longer insists on his own opinion like in the past. If he can make decisions, he will naturally intervene, but if he encounters things that he cannot make decisions, he will back down. With Mao Zhengqing in it, even if he backed down, the people involved would not suffer any loss.

"Over time, the people in the place where he was an official have a bad impression of him, and they all think that he has taken money from others, but in fact, Mao Zhengqing has been an official for more than ten years. He didn't accept it. If you really count it, his life is much poorer than Hai Rui's.

"Humble job is that I can't figure out what it is that made Mao Zhengqing look like this,"

Liang Chao's words once again caused Zhang Fan and Liu Xian to fall into contemplation. This is indeed a problem. When people encounter setbacks, some will persevere, and some will change, but Mao Zhengqing doesn't understand him. In the end is to persist or change.

It is not right to say that he has changed. After all, he has never done anything evil. Even though he has compromised a lot on many things, he has never let the people suffer, but if he said If he hasn't changed, his current attitude cannot be explained at all.

"By the way," Zhang Fan asked suddenly, "His wife, that Zhou family, can you find out anything?"

"I have checked the humble position," Liang Chao nodded, and said, "The Zhou family is also from the prefecture of Syria, and they have known Mao Zhengqing since childhood. However, the Zhou family's family background is really better than the Mao family's." There are too many, I heard that my ancestor was an official, and I heard that the two are in love with each other, but Zhou's father doesn't like Mao Zhengqing, he wants his daughter to marry some high-ranking official in Beijing, I heard There is also some connection with Yan's party.

"After that, because of Yan Song's downfall, the Zhou family was completely ruined. At this time, Mao Zhengqing had already become a county magistrate under the Xuzhou government. However, Mao Zhengqing had a deep affection for the Zhou family, so he still married her. for a wife,"

After hearing these words, Zhang Fan began to think about it, but Liu Xian, who was at the side, was a little curious, wondering why Zhang Fan would ask about Mao Zhengqing's wife.

"From this point of view," Liu Xian said, "We have mistakenly blamed Mao Zhengqing. He is also a good official, but he doesn't really want to stand out. What does Mr. Zhang think?"

"I still can't figure out some things, and I want to talk to Mao Zhengqing again," Zhang Fan said suddenly, "And Liang Chao, you have to hurry up and find that Zheng Yang for me."

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