The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1240 Is it stupid or wise?

When Mao Zhengqing's words came to this point.Choked up.And it's obviously emotional.Even the word Xiaguan that is usually used is no longer used.He directly changed his name and called himself "I" and got up: "I don't know if it's my father-in-law. He is really deceiving people too much on weekdays; or the people of Yan's party are really doing a lot of evil. Everyone can't wait to get rid of it and then quickly. In short. Even in the court, no one has mentioned the matter of the Zhou family. But Zhao Zhifu, the prefect of Xuzhou at that time, remembered it clearly.

"Plus that at that time. Yan Song had just fallen. The court was full. Even the people below. They were all cleaning up the remnants of Yan's party. It looked like that. If you don't find out one or two remnants of Yan's. It seems to be It's like a traitorous official. In this way, the prefect of Zhao just reported the Zhou family's connection with members of Yan's party. The order was issued immediately. The house was searched for crimes. Speaking of which, I couldn't do it at that time It’s just a county magistrate for one year. But I still know a little about these things. At that time, as long as Yan Song was involved in anything, the speed was definitely very fast.

"In short. That's what happened. By the time I arrived at Xuzhou Prefecture, the Zhou family's house had been confiscated. All the property had been confiscated. And the members of the Zhou family, from my father-in-law to a janitor People. None of them were spared. They were all arrested and put in a big prison. His father-in-law heard that he couldn’t bear the blow at that time, so he was put in prison. Before he had time to interrogate, he died suddenly.

"Since the person is dead, I wanted to try the case, but I couldn't find him. So the Yamen of the Xuzhou government randomly charged me with several crimes. It was considered a case. And after that, the man of the Zhou family was arrested. Naturally, they are going to serve corvee. Women, the older ones are not mentioned, but the younger ones are all sent to the Jiaofang Division. My lord, where is the Jiaofang Division? My lord and I are very clear. How to let her go there.

"So. I found the prefect Zhao and told him about it. I wanted him to let her go. Fortunately, the prefect Zhao is not a good official. Otherwise, he would not have been manipulated by his father-in-law. But he I want money. I have no choice. I had to sell my property. I gathered 6 taels of silver and sent it to him. Fortunately, there is no one in my house. My parents also died young. I am the only one left. What kind of trouble did you cause? But when I got to the prefect Zhao, I still got into trouble. I was so talkative. I even knelt down to him. This is what made the prefect Zhao let go. Let her go."

Speaking of which.Mao Zhengqing's eyes became calm.Not as excited as before.Him now.It looked like it was caught in a memory.

And Zhang Fan.Regarding what Mao Zhengqing said.There is nothing special about it.Although there is regret in my heart.But this kind of thing.He has seen too much.So I don't think there is anything.But Zhang Fan is not a cold-blooded person.he understands.The reason why I have this idea.That's because I haven't experienced those things.But for Mao Zhengqing and his wife Zhou Shi who were involved.this kind of experience.It is indeed unforgettable.

Think here.Zhang Fan couldn't help looking at the person outside the window.Zhang Fan can see clearly here.Zhou is wiping tears.Obviously.What Mao Zhengqing said.She heard it all.And touched the weak place in her heart.

Mao Zhengqing still didn't know that his wife was listening to him outside the window.He also didn't notice Zhang Fan's face.I just continued to say: "After that, I took her into my own home. Although the family property and house were sold off. But I am a seventh-rank magistrate after all. There is still a place to live. But. I don't care what I say. He is also a seventh-rank official. He did not marry a wife, but let a woman live in my house. Not only did other colleagues look down on me, but I also felt bad. So at that time, I wanted to marry her.

"But she didn't agree. I understand her thoughts. She must think. Now her Zhou family is at the end of the road. There is no money and status. And I. Although I am just a small seventh-rank county magistrate. But she said Now Yan's party is gone. As long as I am an official honestly, there will always be a day when I will stand out. She... She told me not to delay my career because of him.

"My lord. This kind of thing. How can I, Mao Zhengqing, do it. When my father-in-law disagreed with my marriage with her before, I thought it was nothing. I also thought that after I entered the official career, he would be able to agree with me. But After Yan's one-party incident, I became the magistrate of the seventh grade. I also knew that she had already engaged. At that time, I felt very uncomfortable. But I also swore that I would never marry a wife again in this life.

"Now. This opportunity is in front of me. How can I let it go. Perhaps the adults will think that I am really forced. This is what happened to her. It is already the end of the road. But I am still taking advantage of the situation to threaten her at this time. But. This is my only wish in Mao Zhengqing's life. Other things are easy to talk about. But there is only one thing. I will never give up.

"Finally. Finally, he agreed to marry me. My lord. You know. I was so happy at that time. No matter how firm I was in the court, I was unmoved even when I faced Yan Song's faction. But In the final analysis. At the beginning, I would go to study and become an official. In fact, it was all for her. But now, this wish has come true. How can I not be happy.

"The few months after I got married. They were the happiest days of my life. This is by no means nonsense. It was true. But after that. The situation changed again. And at that time. It was what the adults said before. I When your temperament changes drastically."

Speaking up.Zhang Fan is here today.It was to ask this matter from Mao Zhengqing's mouth.Although this is now the topic.But Zhang Fan didn't think Mao Zhengqing's previous words were nonsense.Even those words did not touch Zhang Fan too deeply.But that is a person's past.It was also the most important thing in Mao Zhengqing's life.It is not something other people can deny.

"I still remember it very clearly. It was half a year after I married her. It was the fifth day of the Lunar New Year in the 42nd year of Jiajing." Mao Zhengqing continued. "That year. It was very cold. I still remember. Ever since I can remember. Until now. It was the coldest year I've ever lived.

"After I married her, I lived in a small courtyard next to the yamen. The yard was not big. Compared with this place, it was even smaller. There were only two rooms. Fortunately, the house in the yamen at that time. I As a county magistrate, it is natural to live there. It is not considered corruption.

"Her home was raided. And I sold all my property. So after we got married, my husband and I just lived off my salary. Although not rich, it was enough. At that time, she still wanted to work outside Some work. But I don't let it. Speaking of it, she grew up rich and well-clothed. She never worked. Even I am about the same. And after I married her, she took care of all the things in the house. The clothes were not washed. She is able to learn; she has never cooked food. She is also learning slowly. Although the clothes are always dirty at the beginning, and the food is not very good. But I don't care.

"Until the fifth day of that year. What happened that day. I still remember it very clearly. That year. Because a group of thieves came out of Luzhou. The case was made on the night of the New Year's Eve. The next story is that they fled to Xuzhou. Yes. So the magistrate issued a notice. Let the counties below pay attention. I was a little worried at the time. I went to the Yamen early in the morning. When the news came that the group had been arrested, it was already time to apply .

"When I got home, I saw her washing clothes. My lord, there are some things you don't know. The clothes at home. She was the one who washed them on weekdays. But that winter was really cold. I was afraid of freezing." Just let her take it to be washed by others. She originally promised to do it well. But I only found out that day. It turned out that it was to save those tens of pennies. She insisted on washing it herself.

"She had never done this kind of work before. Even she had washed clothes for half a year before. But she had never been in such a cold day. At that time, I asked her to put down what she was doing. She still refused. But Then, she got a cold. Her hands and feet were cold, and her face was completely pale. I was shocked at that time. She invited a doctor again, and went to the temple to burn incense.

"Well, she got better. Nothing happened. But I didn't think about it that way anymore. I felt like a loser. I couldn't do it. Let her live like this.

"And as soon as this idea came out, I thought of other ways. The way that any official would think of. I have been a good scholar for a year, and I have been a county magistrate for more than a year. It is impossible not to know some things. I was Just thought. If I can also collect some taels of silver. It’s not greedy. It’s just some small ones. A dozen taels. Hundreds of taels. At most no more than a thousand taels of silver. Then I can let her live a good life. I don’t want to be rich Dagui. I just beg not to make her so tired.

"However. She looks down on this kind of thing the most on weekdays. I mention these things to her on weekdays. It's a joke. But she always looks serious. Tell me not to be like this. So after I got up, I didn't Didn't do it right away. Asked him. I didn't dare say I wanted to do that. I asked him what would happen if I did that.

"She told me. If I did. She wouldn't eat. She wouldn't dress. No more... what was said after that. I don't remember. I made up my mind. Never Do it. She's brilliant. Much smarter than me. If I do it, she'll see it.

"But in this way. Just live like this. It's not a solution. She still has to live like this. And I don't want to. So. I thought of another way. This time. I did it without telling him. "

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