The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1241 Is it stupid or wise?

These few words of Mao Zhengqing narrated what happened to him in the past in a very short way. However, what Mao Zhengqing said was the same as what Zhang Fan had heard from Liang Chao before, or what he had heard from those individuals. What I saw on the dossier was a little different again.

Although Zhang Fan already knew what Mao Zhengqing said before, but compared to listening to other people's narration, or looking at the cold file, listening to Mao Zhengqing, the person involved, said so. , but it gave Zhang Fan a different feeling.

The things were still the same, and even what Mao Zhengqing said was not as detailed as what was recorded in Liang Chao or those files, but Mao Zhengqing never said that he would explain anything to Zhang Fan. Yes, he was actually talking about his own feelings.

And it was these feelings that made Zhang Fan feel many different things. The reason why a person changes from one side to the other, if you read the text, how can you hear it so clearly with your own ears? For Mao Zhengqing, Zhang Fan also understood one thing through his words.

What kind of person Mao Zhengqing is is actually very obvious now, and no matter how talented he is, and no matter how much attention he was when he was a good man in the capital, he even forbears Xu Jie, who has been there for many years, has to say a few good things about him, not to mention his determination and firmness in the face of the powerful Yan Clan.

These are actually not what Mao Zhengqing insisted on. Although he can distinguish between good and bad, and he is also a good person, he is not determined to strengthen his will for these things. He is very smart, and he is not good at reading. After taking the exam for so many years, they may not be able to win a Juren, but Mao Zhengqing took the exam just once. He passed the township exam, general exam, and palace exam, and even entered the second-level class. It shows his intelligence, but reading is not Mao's Zhengqing originally wanted it.

The reason why he knows how to study and wants to be an official is actually for a woman, his current wife. After half of the success, he may feel that he is not far from success, so he started to do some things. What he wanted to do, but the first thing he did was to fight against Yan's party, which was basically unshakable at that time. A bright future is ruined.

And after experiencing this failure, plus the fact that his beloved woman has been betrothed by her father, Mao Zhengqing naturally has nothing else to ask for. Therefore, he also made up his mind to stick to his own opinion, On the road of being an official, go on firmly.

But, who knows, the twists and turns and the sudden downfall of Yan Song made Mao Zhengqing regain his love, and for the woman he loves, that seemingly solemn avenue, whose purpose is to serve the country and the people, is in Mao Zhengqing's life. In front of him, he is worthless at all. What he really wants is his own woman, who can be by his side.

Speaking of this, it is really a matter that makes people think it is a joke. People often say, "The town of beauties is a tomb of heroes." It doesn't matter whether it's ugly or saltless, if Mao Zhengqing, a person who has a chance in his official career, ruined his bright future and his great ambition just because of such a woman, no matter whether it is That person will feel that it is not worth it.

However, Zhang Fan didn't have any intention of laughing at him. No matter what he showed on the outside or what Zhang Fan thought in his heart, Zhang Fan didn't have any intention of laughing at Mao Zhengqing. No matter what he thinks in his heart, no matter how stupid the decision he made looks to others, but this is what Mao Zhengqing decides, and a person's decision, a person's life ideal, That is absolutely not allowing anyone else to judge him, and no one has the qualifications to judge him.

Mao Zhengqing, his life was open and frank. Although he didn't make any great achievements, he never did any bad things. He just wanted to protect the small life of himself and his wife. In this regard, what he did was not wrong at all, and he himself has no need to be ashamed of it.

But just now, Mao Zhengqing said that when he returned home during the coldest Spring Festival, he bumped into his wife who washed clothes by herself in the cold weather because she wanted to save dozens of pennies. It took a long time to recover from the wind and cold. Mao Zhengqing had a lot of thoughts about this, and he had made up his mind.

"That's what I decided at the time, and this time, I didn't tell her, I just did it," Mao Zhengqing looked at Zhang Fan, and continued, "However, even though I said that, it's not a big deal. I never thought of being corrupt, because she refused to allow it, and I never thought of currying favor with officials, or forming a party for personal gain. I still understand, but I'm really not good at that kind of thing, and I'm afraid I might offend someone at that time.

"So I thought of a way. I just want to be an official honestly. I don't want to be in the court, and I don't want to be rich. I just want to live a stable life so that she doesn't have to work so hard. If there is some small money, That's naturally not bad, so I just want to be an official so honestly, and I will always be promoted in the future. When I am promoted to the prefect, I will get more than a dozen shi of grain and more than 20 taels of silver every year. Now, I heard that I have delayed the blessing of Mr. Zhang. I am a fourth-rank magistrate, and now I have nearly 200 taels of salary every year, which is enough for my family to spend. Even if I have children in the future, it will not be a problem .

"It is because of this incident that I have become cowardly. I want to be a stable official. I must not lose my official position because of something. I don't know how to do business, and I don't know how to grow crops. I even Even this official is not doing very well, but once I stop being an official, I don't know how to make a living at all. In that case, what will she do.

"So I thought, I don't want to offend anyone if I'm an official so honestly, so now, no matter who I meet, I always have a low eyebrow and a pleasing look, for fear of offending someone by accident. Get yourself into trouble.

"My lord, it's really strange to talk about this kind of thing. At the beginning, when I just made up my mind, although I always thought in my heart, for her, I was just doing this kind of thing, and It's difficult, but at the beginning, I did this on the surface, but I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart, and I always felt that I didn't want to do it.

"It's funny to say. Originally, I thought that my life might be so awkward, but who knew that this kind of thing was difficult to do a few times before, but I didn't feel it after doing it too much. After three years, I'm completely used to this way, and I can't even change to the previous appearance. Whenever I meet someone, the first thought in my heart is how to speak politely so that he won't get angry. I'm angry.

"This person is really like this. Even if it is in his mouth or in his heart, no matter how unhappy he is, as long as he does it and does it a few times, he will feel that it is not a big deal in his heart. Once he gets used to it , that is something that no one can change.”

As for Zhang Fan, Mao Zhengqing also agrees with Mao Zhengqing's words. People are like this, the kind of people who can stick to their ideals and dreams even if they are released after being imprisoned for decades. , It's not that there are no such people, but there are several such people.

Most people, it can even be said that they are the mainstream of the world, no matter what ideas they had at the beginning, but in the end, they still chose to go with the flow. This is not controversial.

Is it wrong for Mao Zhengqing to do this? Of course he didn't. He just acted cowardly and said something that he didn't think. However, his purpose of doing this was not only for himself, but also for himself. Dear woman, this kind of thing, even if it is said, only ordinary people can agree with him.

What's more, Mao Zhengqing never did or missed anything in his life. Even if he became what he is today, full of lies, no matter who he met, he would bow his head and be polite, but in the final analysis, he didn't He has done any bad things, never coveted a tael of silver that shouldn't belong to him, and never harmed anyone. He even saved the lives of many good people by relying on this method of compromise.

Such a person, no matter who he changed, who has the right to blame him.

Of course, Zhang Fan's purpose was not to accuse him. Apart from being curious about Mao Zhengqing's change, more importantly, Zhang Fan wanted to confirm what he knew.

And then there is...

"Lord Mao," Zhang Fan looked at Mao Zhengqing, and said, "I already know about you, so just treat me as sympathetic to you, and I will make good arrangements for you. Please, it's about that Zheng Yang..."

Just as Zhang Fan was talking and wanted to ask Mao Zhengqing about something, he was interrupted by bursts of sobbing from outside the room.

This voice stunned Zhang Fan and Mao Zhengqing in the room, but Mao Zhengqing was completely stunned, while Zhang Fan's expression turned into a smile.

Looking at Mao Zhengqing, Zhang Fan said apologetically: "When Master Mao first said, Madam Zun was outside the window, but I never reminded Master Mao. I think there are some things, not only I am curious, Madam Madam is more Be curious, hey, Master Mao needless to say, although I have something to ask you today, but I am not in a hurry, I want to talk about the meeting between Mrs. Madam and Lord Mao. When I finish talking, I will return to my hometown, Master Mao a trip, "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Fan got up and left, leaving time for the husband and wife.

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