The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1244 Countermeasures

common people.Especially the people on this land.have a lot in of them.It's just that they are easily caught.Let alone an infection.Call it deception.In short.As long as what others say has some truth.These people will believe people will gather in front of the post house.I want to ask Zhang Fan for an explanation.This already explains the problem very well.

But at the same time.That's not all they have in common.There are others.One of them is.They are all afraid of the government.They are all afraid of officials.I don't know if it's really because officials are more dignified.The power is relatively large.This situation has been developed over such a long time; or is it true that they have been oppressed for too long.This kind of understanding has already been formed in my heart.but.Either way.people.Still afraid of officials.

Maybe someone will say.if it is like this.Then it is impossible for anyone to stand up and revolt.Since they are afraid of the government.Then just live under oppression like this.There is no need to get up and make trouble.But in fact it is not the case.Otherwise, the probability of a change of dynasty.It also becomes extremely small.

but.that situation.But it is different from now.That is because the common people are really oppressed and unable to live a normal life.Then there are a few good people.Or those with new village ambitions.Stand up and say a few words.after.Set up a banner of rebellion.It became a matter of course.

But now it's different.These people have not yet been driven to the point of rebellion.Even actually.They are eating and drinking now.Another place to sleep.What I came to fight for.It's just your own money.And at this time.It's not just necessary money.In short.These people today.There is no such reason.If so.They will still be afraid of people in office.

In this case.They are still fearful.Zhang Fan stood up and spoke.These people will naturally listen.And because of their interests.These people will also listen very attentively.

And Zhang Fan's first words.Not just telling them a fact.What is more important is what Zhang Fan said.It also made them think.

Although they are some common people.Ninety percent of them have no culture.Many of them have never read a book.illiterate people.But without that book knowledge.But that doesn't mean these people are in this world.Hundreds of years were illiterate.But human nature.It is already able to make these people understand many things.

In this way.Zhang Fan's words.Let these people think about it.And the result of their thinking is.What Zhang Fan said made sense.And it is true.No one is greedy for money.It must be declared openly to the world.did something bad.It should be silent.Muddle through.Don't say this kind of thing is an official.Or ordinary people.Even a three-year-old child knows this.

only.This is also limited.The people can indeed imagine this.But they couldn't figure out why Zhang Fan did if they think what Zhang Fan said makes sense.But this does not solve the problem of their money being out of hand.

therefore.After Zhang Fan finished speaking.The people below began to discuss again.And this kind of thing that makes them unable to understand.It also made their discussions louder and louder.

at this time.It's time for the bad guys to realize they have a role to play.I didn't dare to say it before.It's because no one helps them cover their voices.Just make a sound.It will be revealed in no time.But now it is different.There are so many people talking about it.The sound is also getting louder.This gave them a good chance to take cover.

"Then give us back the money."

"Yeah. Give the money back."



Immediately.Someone shouted in the crowd.The sound is not loud though.But it can be heard clearly.And for a while, I couldn't find out who shouted it.

and.With such shouts.Even other common people also thought of this question.Then he yelled.

And Zhang Fan.Look at the situation below.Although it doesn't feel like anything.And he had expected such a scenario.But encountered this situation.It can still be a little annoying.When Zhang Fan turned his head.He subconsciously looked towards Ding Youyang and his gang.He can see it very clearly.Those people are all smiling now.Obviously thought that his plot had succeeded.

"Fellow folks, please calm down. Listen to me." Zhang Fan said loudly.Speaking up.On this occasion.the voice of one person.Even if you shout it out loud.Not enough either.After all, there are thousands of people talking below.But the people standing in front heard it.But it became quiet.And next.This quietness is almost contagious.slowly.The people behind were also quiet.

will be so.It's actually all about the haven't got the money yet.And I also hope that Zhang Fan will give them an explanation.This is what will quieten down.Otherwise.No matter what Zhang Fan said.None of them will be quiet.

"Today, everyone is here." Zhang Fan said.He pointed to Liu Xian, Mao Zhengqing and others standing beside him.Said. "General Liu and I are foreigners. You folks may not believe what you say. But the magistrate Mao is also here. In this way, it is easy to say.


"And this entire Yongning mansion. There are more than 1 people. That is to say. Those people got ten taels of silver from the folks. No one seized it. Ten taels. It's really not a small amount. But I want to come to these ten taels of silver. Not everyone has this amount. Just ask. How can I return it to you.

"Equal share. There must be some people who don't agree. Let them say how much they have. The folks think for themselves. Is it possible to do this?"

Zhang Fan's words were very polite.He didn't make it very clear.But even so.The people below have also understood.That's what Zhang Fan meant.You will not be honest.Once money is involved.Few people can remain honest.

People who originally had more money in the family than ten taels per person.Absolutely no less.And those who fall short.And why not take advantage of such an opportunity.Make a small fortune.

Unpredictable.This is the most reasonable.And now.Even if someone can stand up and say it out loud.I will never lie.I will never lie about this matter.But I'm afraid no one will believe him.Rather than stand up like this and take your own humiliation.It's better to just stay still.Just listen.

But that's not all the problem is.these people.Even in the face of Zhang Fan's questioning now.Nothing can be said.But the heart is not so silent.No matter what he can't say on the surface.But his money has been taken away after all.And now he still wants the money after all.Now he just has no words to respond to Zhang Fan's words.But that doesn't mean he doesn't want the money.

but.Zhang Fan didn't think too much about it.his purpose.In fact, it is enough to tell the people below not to speak.If you let them continue to be so noisy.Zhang Fan couldn't speak anymore.

In short.It's quiet now.Naturally, Zhang Fan would not let go of this opportunity.Hurry up and speak. "However. Now there is a good thing. The 80 taels of silver. It was supposed to be returned to the original owner. But. They said they don't want it."

"What. No more."

" hundred thousand taels of silver. more."


immediately.There was another discussion below.And even louder than before.

If you think about it, it will be like this.After all, that was 80 taels of silver.The money.Even in those rich and powerful families.It's also a lot of money.Not to mention for ordinary people.This is 80 taels of silver.For them in the end.It's just some numbers.They haven't seen it at all.I don't even dare to think about it.

But even though the following became noisy again because of this.But these did not give those with ulterior motives any chance to intervene.After all, Zhang Fan didn't say anything against them now.

Actually.Zhang Fan said so.It simply blocked their way.original.This 80 taels of silver.It can be said to be one of their trump cards.Speak up about it when the time is right.The people below will definitely clamor for Zhang Fan to give them an explanation.

But now it's all right.Zhang Fan didn't even give them a chance to speak.He said it himself first.

This doesn't just make these people dizzy for a while.I don't know what to do at all.Even the instigators of Ding Youyang.All of a sudden.I also couldn't understand Zhang Fan's intention.

And this time.Ding Youyang and the others already felt that something was wrong.Originally their intention.He just wanted to give those silver coins to Zhang Fan.After Zhang Fan accepted it.They immediately bite back.Said that Zhang Fan took advantage of his status as an imperial envoy.Take advantage of the vacancy that the war has just subsided.Embezzled a large amount of money privately.

but now.They also understood.Zhang Fan never intended to do this.otherwise.He wouldn't say anything about it at all.Still in front of so many people.

And Zhang Fan looked at Ding Youyang and the others.A smile gradually appeared on his face.Continue to speak to the following. "I've already figured out how to use the money. And I promise. Let the folks be satisfied."

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