The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1245 Open and Transparent

Speaking of which, the common people are really easy to fool, no matter the reason you use, whether it is good intentions or nothing more, as long as you let them know and give them hope, of course, if you can give them some practical The good thing is that it couldn't be better.

It's just that Zhang Fan's handling of the money made the common people have some criticisms, but what Zhang Fan did made them unable to find any faults, so no one made any more noise.

On the other hand, Ding Youyang and his team were very, very upset about this matter. Not only did they not deceive Zhang Fan, but they also paid 80 taels of silver for nothing. Get the money back, but if they dare to do this, I am afraid that the government will not need to come forward. The people in Yongning City alone will definitely be enough for them to drink a pot.

What method did Zhang Fan use? The money could not be returned to the people. I don’t know how much money they each had, and there was no way to pay it back. Therefore, Zhang Fan simply didn’t hand over a penny to the people. The 90 taels of silver were all placed in the yamen and Mao Zhengqing managed it on his behalf. However, this is not fixed, but it is all used on the people.

What happened this time, the 2 people in Yongning Mansion did not do anything outrageous, which is one of the reasons why Zhang Fan and the others were able to make these people surrender without killing them. It's not just these, there is another point, that is, Yongning's mansion, basically did not suffer any damage.

Perhaps several families' homes were disturbed, or a lot of things were broken, but none of the houses were damaged or burned. In short, none of these things were damaged, that is to say, in After the Yongning Mansion was liberated, the people returned to their homes. They only needed to tidy up before they could continue to live. There was nothing to repair.

In this way, the cost of post-war reconstruction will be infinitely close to zero. However, these are not the key points. The point is that in this way, the money will not be used for this. If not, this It must be a waste, and Zhang Fan knows exactly how much corruption there will be in this kind of thing.

In short, the current situation is the best.

And since the money is not used in this area, it saves a lot. However, this is not the main thing. Zhang Fan said in public to these people and Mao Zhengqing that the money will still be used in the future. Among the common people, if any family wants to repair the house, buy something, or even marry a wife, just go to the yamen and say something, and they can get a sum of money according to the situation.

People here have never heard of this kind of thing. Speaking of it, the government and court in the past would spend money for the people, but it is definitely not like this. Most of them are repairing rivers, houses and other things, but It is absolutely impossible to hand over the money to the people to do it themselves.

As for Zhang Fan's decision, it can be seen how surprised they were.

Not only that, but Zhang Fan also made it very clear that the money was given to the people in the city by those big households in the city. In this way, it is absolutely impossible for these people to take the money back. And the most important thing is not these. In this way, the money will be considered as a personal donation, and in this case, even the imperial court has no way to control this matter, and corruption will be eliminated.

Handing it over to Mao Zhengqing, Zhang Fan is naturally at ease. People can deceive people, but black and white dossiers cannot. In other words, although Mao Zhengqing is a bit cowardly, he is definitely not a corrupt official. Zhang Fan will definitely rest assured that he will take care of and distribute them.

However, just because Zhang Fan is relieved does not mean that other people will also be relieved. Just like the common people in Yongning Mansion, some people have come into contact with Mao Zhengqing, but they understand Mao Zhengqing's character, but most of the people still do not follow Mao Zhengqing. What kind of dealings did Zhengqing have, not to mention, Mao Zhengqing's appearance on weekdays, it is clear that he is not a good official. No matter how decent he is on the inside, his appearance is already misleading. Come on, no matter how much Zhang Fan promised, the people below would not believe it.

Therefore, Zhang Fan did not spend any effort on how to make the people believe in Mao Zhengqing. He did one more thing in response to this matter.

First of all, Zhang Fan asked people to move the money here. In front of so many people, he counted them clearly. Although there were more than 90 taels, they were stacked in boxes and it was very convenient to count them. However, Zhang Fan There is a purpose in doing this, so the number of times this time is very meticulous, and even the extra pennies are counted clearly, and it is still in front of so many people, it can't be faked at all of.

At the end of the count, there was a total of 92 two hundred and twenty-six taels of silver, and there were 1000 Wen coins, not much, not a lot.

However, just like this, it is obvious that these common people don't know what they are planning to do.

However, Zhang Fan then explained to them that the amount of this money will be posted at the gate of the yamen, so that all the people in the city can see clearly, and in the future, once someone uses it, how much money is used, even if it is less The amount of money should also be written clearly, and posted at the gate of the yamen, so that the common people can see clearly with their own eyes, where the money is used, and whether anyone has corrupted it.

This is another thing that I have never heard of before. When did the government spend money, I told the people, whether it is greedy or not, I have never said these things to the people. precedent.

But this time, what Zhang Fan did did surprised the people present, but after being surprised, they understood that it was really good to do this. The expenses are all public. Whoever used how much can all be seen at a glance. In this way, if someone wants to be corrupt, and if they are not accounted for, it will be exposed all at once.

Of course, some people may say that if someone really covets something, it will not be visible from the numbers, but the silver is really less, and the silver cannot be counted every day. In this case, what should I do.

This point, Zhang Fan also said, this matter is not only supervised by Mao Zhengqing, Jin Yiwei will not let go, once someone dares to do this, they will immediately send someone to investigate this matter and find out who it is If he did this, he would have to spit it all out, and there would be an additional punishment.

Maybe some common people don't know how capable Jin Yiwei is, but they absolutely understand that all officials are afraid of Jin Yiwei, and for them, although they still don't know what kind of person Zhang Fan is However, the first impression Zhang Fan gave them was really good, so they believed Zhang Fan's words.

In short, this matter can be regarded as resolved now.

Although the people haven't got the money yet, even if they have money, the price of things in Yongning Mansion is not what they can afford. Everyone has food, maybe, if they want to eat meat, it will be a little troublesome, but it is not the time when they can't live.

In short, under such circumstances, Zhang Fan has settled the matter, and although the common people still have some unspeakable things, no one objected to this matter. The money will be used on them in the end. Of course, even the people may be a little tired of what the government said, but they can't think of a better way now.

Divide the money equally, and no one will pay 92 taels. This is indeed a good way to make them applaud, but by that time, no one in the household will encounter any trouble because of this. Even if Zhang Fan doesn't mention this kind of thing, they can think of it .

"Master Zhang," and on the way back, Feng Bao had something to ask Zhang Fan, "How did Master Zhang come up with this idea, and asked the court to post the amount of silver used as a notice, Let the people know at a glance, "

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan didn't answer Feng Bao's words right away, but instead looked at him with curious eyes and asked, "Could it be that Eunuch thinks it's not good to do this?"

"Hmm..." Facing Zhang Fan's question, Feng Bao pondered for a while and said, "It's never happened that the government tells the people how much money they have left, and what's more, the government needs the people to do things." Worrying.

"It's just that if this side is willing, that's nothing. Seriously speaking, regardless of the daily expenses of the court, such as things like today, it is really beneficial to do this. After all, these The money belongs to the common people, and since it is said to be given to them, it cannot be moved, and it is not wrong to let them look at their own money.

"Besides, when money is involved, these people will never be ambiguous. Once someone dares to make an idea, they will be seen immediately. This way, it's good,"

"In this case, that is to say..." Zhang Fan looked at Feng Bao and said, "Elder-in-law agreed to do this."

"Well, our family naturally has no reason to object," Feng Bao nodded, agreeing with Zhang Fan's words, "Besides, Mr. Zhang's words also gave our family an idea. Think about it again, and then talk to the empress dowager to see if she agrees, if she agrees, that would be a great thing, too."

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