The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1246 Heading to the Prison

"My lord. My lord." Early in the morning.Liang Chao rushed into the post house noisily.

This made Wang Meng, who just came over, a little confused.After all, he knew Liang Chao.Even if it is a little unsteady on weekdays.But it's not enough to do that.The current Liang Chao.It looks like how excited and excited it is.It's completely incomprehensible.and.Look at the smile on his face.Apparently it didn't look like anything bad had happened.what exactly is it.Let Liang Chao become so excited.Wang Meng couldn't figure it out.

By the way.Before Wang Meng.Originally, they planned to follow Zhang Fan and the others into Yongning City.But after.He changed his mind.He wants to follow the army.Go to the place where 2 people are being held.Maybe Wang Meng was just out of curiosity.Or some other reason.But sure.Definitely because he wanted to go.

only.When he mentioned this matter to Zhang Fan.But he didn't make it clear.but.Zhang Fan also didn't ask him what he meant.perhaps.Zhang Fan had already guessed it.Or maybe he couldn't understand Wang Meng's purpose for doing this.But no matter what.He didn't even ask Wang Meng.instead.Zhang Fan also gave him a reason.Ask him to monitor those people.See if there is anything unusual.

This is completely just a random reason.Just imagine.There are more than 2 people there.And there is only Wang Meng alone.And no other helpers.He is alone.How to monitor the actions of [-] people.In short.This is entirely a reason.Fortunately.For Wang Meng.Zhang Fan was completely relieved.So what kind of thoughts does he have in mind to do this.Zhang Fan didn't ask at all.

And today.Wang Meng is back.And that look.How to describe it.It should be said to be somewhat satisfied.only.He just informed Zhang Fan.I haven't had time to meet Zhang Fan yet.Liang Chao rushed in just like that.

"Yo. Brother Wang is back." Seeing Wang Meng.Liang Chao greeted him warmly.Just this passion.It was not aimed at Wang Meng.But the current Liang Chao is probably like this to almost everyone. "How about over there?"

"It's nothing." Wang Meng still couldn't figure out why Liang Chao looked like this.But for Liang Chao's words.He did answer. "Although those people were locked up, they were allowed to eat. Their family also brought them some meat. It was delicious and easy to live in. It didn't make any trouble. However, what's going on with you. Why is it so? Happy."

"You don't know. I..." Liang Chao wanted to explain to Wang Meng.But stopped. "I can't explain it for a while. After I tell the adults, I will explain it to you, Brother Wang."

Sounds like something serious.Since it is business.Wang Meng didn't bother him anymore.The same goes for listening to it later.

That's it.Zhang Fan also came out.He did get the news of Wang Meng's return just now.It was also the intention to come out and talk to Wang Meng.Just didn't expect it.Just didn't expect it.Just now he heard Liang Chao's voice.and.Even just listening to Liang Chao's voice.No one saw him.But the joy revealed in Liang Chao's voice.That was passed to Zhang Fan's ears without any if he hasn't seen Liang Chao's face yet.Zhang Fan also knew.Brought by Liang Chao.It must be good news.

And now Liang Chao.The good news that can be brought.And only that one.Think about it.Zhang Fan also became happy.

"How's it going?" Zhang Fan's people hadn't walked in yet.The sound came. "Has the person been found?" Wait until the words are finished.Zhang Fancai appeared in front of Liang Chao and Wang Meng.and.his face.Also with a hint of joy.And now.He was staring at Liang Chao.Waiting for his answer.

See here.Wang Meng understood a general idea in his heart.Although I still don't know what it is.But want to come.It also has something to do with today's Yongning Mansion.And Zhang Fan's words.let him understand.I'm afraid it's someone important.Now it was found by Liang Chao.and.Can make Zhang Fan look so happy.Not that this person really matters.It's just that the current situation has fallen into something unfavorable to Zhang Fan.Think here.Even Wang Meng didn't know anything.But he was also happy for Zhang Fan.

"I have found it." Speaking of this matter.Liang Chao also became very excited.But it's true if you think about it.After all, this little Zheng Yang.But it took them two days.And it also made Liang Chao a little bit uncomfortable in front of Zhang Fan.Finally found this person now.Naturally, Liang Chao was very happy.Or it can be relieved.only.The joy he showed just the next moment.But it turned into a somewhat dull look. "Speaking of it, it's really embarrassing to be humble. I should have thought of it in the first place. But I didn't find it until today."

"How do you say that?" Zhang Fan was suddenly aroused by Liang Chao's words.asked. "What is what should have been thought of?"

"My lord, that's what happened." Although Liang Chao was a little embarrassed.But still explained to Zhang Fan. "The news I got before. It's not about this Zheng Yang. He was imprisoned in the northwest corner of the city with Mao Zhengqing and the others before. Then he disappeared. Originally, the humble post should let the brothers search the northwest corner first. Yes. But Xiaozhi thought. No one would just stay where he was. So I started searching from the east side where he lived. The results continued until early this morning. The brothers found the northwest. But they found him .Ask the people next to him. I heard about this Zheng Yang. He was hiding there for several days before. We found him this time. It was because he was hungry. We inquired about the news when he ran to the neighbor’s house to steal food. Will He found it."

"There is such a thing." Zhang Fan also listened.laughed. "This is really interesting." Although he said so.But in Zhang Fan's heart.It's not just as simple as being fun.Actually.This further proves Mao Zhengqing's innocence.And there is definitely something wrong with this Zheng Yang.Just imagine.If there is nothing you want to hide from others.How could he hide like this.

He doesn't say anything.He is also the seventh-rank promotion official of this Yongning Mansion.In charge of the criminal law of a government.Definitely a big hit here.But such a person.After the war ended.But he didn't come back.Instead, they hid not far from home.They even rely on stealing food to survive.It is not obvious that there is a big problem.

"And..." Liang Chao continued. "Brothers found him. They wanted to arrest him. This Zheng Yang was about to arrive. I heard that we were members of the Jinyiwei. We were scared to shit on the spot. We wanted to kill ourselves with a knife. Fortunately, our people immediately He was arrested. Now he has been locked in the prison of the yamen."

"Hmph." Zhang Fan said.I don't know if it's a sneer.Or something else. "This Zheng Yang. I also want to hear it now. What does he want to say?"

"Then. Are you going to the Yamen now?" Liang Chao asked.

"No. Don't panic." Zhang Fan waved his hand.Said. "Before going to the yamen. I'll go find a few people first. Let's go there together."

Liang Chao didn't understand what Zhang Fan meant at first.Just about to ask.But he figured it out right away.Changed clothes with a clear expression.Said: "My lord wants to...get those people over here. Trick that Zheng Yang."

"Not bad." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "But before that. Let me listen first. What else does Zheng Yang have to say."

"Are you going to interrogate that Zheng Yang in person?" Liang Chao asked.

"Of course I'm going," Zhang Fan said. "It's just that I won't interrogate him. If you think about it, it's not an interrogation. It's just to talk to him." Zhang Fan said these words with a very relaxed posture .

only.What Zhang Fan said was easy.But the obedient Liang Chao and Wang Meng.Even if they were not the ones Zhang Fan was going to question.But I don't think it's so easy.Actually.The two had already anticipated some of the situations that would arise at that time.The bare minimum.Zhang Fan was in front of that Zheng Yang.Identification is always required.but.Just do it.It was enough to scare that Zheng Yang half to death.Not to mention that he still has ghosts in his heart.

Speaking up.So go.don't do it.No punishment.Just by words.But it is more terrifying than any punishment.Especially for those who have done something wrong.And this is what Zheng Yang did.It is also second to none.

only.Zhang Fan said he wanted to find someone to deceive him.I'm afraid they want to make him confess directly.This can indeed save a lot of things.After that, even if the imperial court has another imperial decree.Ask Zhang Fan to thoroughly investigate this matter.But now that it's been resolved.That's even more convenient.Zhang Fan only needs to report the things that have been investigated.As for after.How will the imperial court punish this Zheng Yang.It was to cut off his head.Or Ling Chi executed.Then there is no need for Zhang Fan to worry about it.

Of course.Although it is so convenient to say.But actually do it.But it won't be smooth sailing.after all.this kind of thing.As long as once admitted.That must be a capital offense.There is a saying that it is better to live than to die.Since that Zheng Yang has been hiding for so many days.It can be seen that he still wants to live.He is not a fool.It is natural to understand that once you plead guilty.Then he would not him to plead guilty.It will definitely not be an easy task.

but.This is not easy.It is also relatively speaking.for others.Maybe it's not easy.But for Jin Yiwei.But it may not be the case.

after all.Under Jin Yiwei's inquiry.Still able to keep my heart.And people who will not disturb their own steps at all.It is indeed too little.And those people who have ghosts in their hearts.This is even more unlikely.This Zheng Yang.Is one of these people.

so.Although this matter seems difficult.But that also depends on which side is responsible for the job.And more obviously.Whether it is the government or the court.It was not as quick as Jin Yiwei came out.Especially in this kind.One is not certified.[-]. In the absence of physical evidence.Want to make the other party plead guilty.You can only ask what you want from the other person's mouth by asking questions.This is definitely not the court or those in official uniform who only know to follow the rules.And what people who are good at operating behind the scenes can do well.

In short.That's it.

Speaking up.It's also convenient.After all, those people Zhang Fan was looking for.Also live in the post house.Although they have now surrendered.It can be regarded as a prisoner.But since Zhang Fan didn't let them be taken away by Liu Xian's men along with their subordinates.Instead, they brought them into the city together.That being the case.Zhang Fan naturally didn't lock them up either.Just let them live together in the post house.Of course.Naturally, there are always case.

The reason why Zhang Fan brought them into Yongning Mansion.In fact, this is what it was for.but.Originally, Zhang Fan hoped that these people could help.In the end, they didn't help at all.Of course.It's not their fault either.After all from beginning to end.That Zhang Yong and Wang Xin planned the whole thing.But they didn't tell anyone.Especially this kind of thing.It was simply regarded as the top priority by these two people.It was completely kept secret.Never mentioned a word to Fan's intention to bring these people.It can be said to be completely lost.

but.When I thought they had lost their effect.up to now.But they found another way to use them.Of course.Said to use.In fact, it is a bit exaggerated.Just talk to them.Tell them something.Later, I met Zheng Yang.Let them say what they have to say.Even if it is written.Exactly what Zhang Fan told them.It's that they don't know it at all.

but.In this way.want to achieve.Thinking about it, it shouldn't be a difficult thing to do.

Now that the idea has been decided.Zhang Fan and the others went to the prison in Yongning Mansion.

Speaking up.Now in this prison.Many people are still locked up.When those people entered the city before.Didn't touch here.After all, what they aimed at was only property and food.And obviously.There are no such things in the who were originally locked here.Also still closed.But not many people are still here.There are only a few people.And they were all strong men.So I didn't eat for a few days.But it survived.

And now.Inside this prison.These prisoners were not released because of those who surrendered.It was their bad luck.

After Zhang Fan arrived here.Did not pay attention to these people.But under the leadership of Liang Chao.Go all the way to the depths of the cell.

This prison.It is not built underground.So no matter how deep you go.But the light is still good.It doesn't make people feel that kind of eerie feeling.In addition, there really haven't been too many closed here.And because of Mao Zhengqing.Coupled with the special location of Yongning Mansion.On average, people are sentenced to death each year.Less than one.So this cell.It can be regarded as the one that Zhang Fan has been to.The most comfortable place.

certainly.Naturally, Zhang Fan didn't come here for fresh pictures.

Go inside.There are mostly empty cells.Only the top one.locked.Shut up people.This is exactly where Zhang Fan is going.

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