The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1247 Entertainment

Walk in the passage of the prison.The old man on both sides.Except for the few cells that were just entering the door, there are always a few people locked up when they are popular.There are already empty cells in the back.The prison in Yongning Mansion.Not small.If it counts.One room per person.It can also hold more than 30 people.But now.In fact, only six people were locked inside.Except after the first five cells.That's why Zhang Fan came here this time.The room that Zheng Yang locked.

So this goes all the way.Add up the sides.There are more than 20 cells in total.All are empty.this way.Speaking up.Zhang Fan and the others don't know how many times they have walked by.only.They've never felt this way before.It doesn't matter whether there is anyone in the cell next to it.But it will definitely give people a gloomy feeling.

But now.But it makes people have a different feeling.I said it before.This is the prison in Yongning Mansion.It is not built underground.but on the ground.Although also in the city.But it was in a very remote place.Except for this one.There are no houses nearby.Not even a few trees.

but.Although this seems a bit desolate.But it's also because there is nothing covering it.So the sunlight can shine in.Actually think about it.But in the prison cell.Let alone sunshine.Just a little bit of light.That's all extravagant.But in this prison in Yongning Mansion.But he is not stingy at all.

In short.It's been a long way.Not only will it not make people feel gloomy and depressing.Even knowing that this is a prison.But it still doesn't feel that uncomfortable.This is the cell of Yongning City.Really different.

but.No matter how good the prison in Yongning Mansion is.But it was still a prison.Since it is a prison.Fiber optics no matter how they look.But its essence.But there is no way to change it.and.Even the road ahead.It still looks bright and warm.But it also has dark and deep places.after all.No matter how peaceful Yongning Mansion is.There are also those big villains who do evil.Not to mention.There are so many tribes and so many people here.Such people are naturally not rare at all.

so.The cell up front looks fine.But inside.There are also places where no light can be found.And that Zheng Yang.where it is now locked.It's the kind of cell with almost no light at all.No.That's not true.After all, the front cells still had strong sunlight shining in.Although here.It is indeed black and smeared.I can't even see my own hands.But the light coming in from the front.But still can see clearly.only.Actually so.It just seemed darker here.

but.Not so at this time.After all, Zhang Fan wanted to come here.It has already been notified.Although this is the prison of the government office.But because of Zhang Fan.The front is still the jailer from before here.But behind this.But it was replaced by Jin Yiwei.And now.Even lit a torch.

Walked to the cell.Although there are already four torches lit here.This light is also considered sufficient.But even so.Look inside the cell.There is still a feeling that people can't see clearly.

Zhang Fan just arrived here.I haven't gotten used to it yet.So look in.Only a vague figure could be seen.But wait a minute.Wait until Zhang Fan's eyes have adapted to the surrounding environment.Then you can clearly see the people in the prison.

Speaking up.After all, Zheng Yang had just been arrested not long ago.So there was no torture.It didn't suffer too much now.Not in that impression.The miserable appearance of being imprisoned for so many years.

but.This Zheng Yang.Speak the truth.It doesn't look like much either.Not wearing prison clothes.Instead, he was wearing his previous uniform.Looks like a good deal too.It's just that it's dirty.I guess it was done like this before.

and.Because I heard someone coming.This Zheng Yang turned his head to look at Zhang Fan.It also allowed Zhang Fan to see his appearance clearly.Speaking up.This Zheng Yang has pretty features.Sven is very handsome.She doesn't look too old.Definitely under 30 years old. 26 seven is about the same.

Don't say anything else.Just this age.You can sit on the pusher.It's really not easy.Although it is only the seventh rank.But the position of the push officer.It's a little different.after all.This is the criminal law of the chief executive.If done well.future prospects.Even if it is not lofty.But there is definitely light.

only.This Zheng Yang doesn't seem to be satisfied with these.He also wanted to find something else to do.certainly.Originally, Zhang Fan was out of his control.whatever you do.Even if it is embezzlement of some silver taels.Even forming a party for personal gain.Buying and selling official positions.Just compare and do something out of the ordinary.Zhang Fan didn't want to bother.After all, there are too many such things.

but.This Zheng Yang belongs to the kind of brain that is not very good.Crossed the line.something else.As long as he doesn't go too far.Zhang Fan didn't care about him either.But he did this kind of thing.How dare you cooperate with those rebels.And it was the most notorious Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.

Seriously.about this point.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.Whoever it is.No matter what kind of thoughts he has.It shouldn't be cooperating with these two people.If we talk about Wei Yinbao back then.That's another matter.After all, Wei Yinbao's personality charm.Even if it is not in the Zhuang nationality.Even among the Han people.It's all good.

but.Zhang Yong and Wang Xin are not Wei Yinbao.what they do.But it's a lot worse.Regardless of being found by these two people.Or take the initiative to find them.It's all things that shouldn't be done.But this Zheng Yang.How dare you risk the disgrace of the this kind of thing.

to here.Zhang Fan didn't know that he should be called a maverick.Or a born idiot.Or maybe.He has no other story to make.

This Zheng Yang.Apparently it was the way he hid before.Not only was the clothes on his body dirty.Even the complexion is very bad.A disheveled face.It was obvious that he was living a life without a meal during this time.

This made Zhang Fan have to think about the previous things again.Why would he do such a thing.And make yourself look like this.

"You are Zheng Yang." Zhang Fan asked.these words.Not just asking Zheng Yang.In fact, it is also verifying with the people next to it.

really.For Zhang Fan's question.Zheng Yang who was locked inside had no intention of opening his mouth at all.

Liang Chao who was standing next to him immediately said: "My lord, this can never be wrong. After the humble officer caught him, he has been seen by someone who knows him. This is definitely the real Zheng Yang. It can't be faked."

listen.Zhang Fan then turned his head to look at Zheng Yang in the prison.Zheng Yang at this time.Although he didn't take Zhang Fan's words into consideration.But you could tell from the look in his eyes.He was just pretending to be calm.And actually.He was already very scared.

And after a while.His feeling of fear.Don't even look him in the eye.Also have come to understand.his body.They've all started shaking.

Looking at Zheng Yang's appearance.Zhang Fan always felt a little funny in his heart.Obviously did such a disgraceful thing.But he still has to show such an awe-inspiring look.This is totally asking for trouble.Rather than that.It's better to bow your head quickly.But this Zheng Yang.But I don't want to.

Thought of here.Zhang Fan has a way to deal with this kind of people.He deliberately raised his voice.Said: "Since it has been confirmed that it is Zheng Yang himself. What do you want me to do here? Just kill him. At that time, it will be submitted to the court. It is said that he is dead. Anyway, we did not lie People. It can also save a lot of trouble. Wouldn’t it be good.”

Zhang Fan's words had just come out of his mouth.Zheng Yang couldn't take it anymore.He rushed to the prison door suddenly.Kneel there.It seems to want to say something.But because it is too nervous.It will be half past one.Just keep your mouth open.But he couldn't say a word.

And Liang Chao on the side.Naturally, he understood what Zhang Fan meant.this kind of thing.They really did a lot.And even after having done it so many times.But it's still fun.Speaking up.This has become a standard entertainment item for them.But whenever you meet Zheng Yang like this.He was obviously scared to death.But he has to force himself to be a calm person.They will come to this trick.Scare scare them.

only.To them it's just a scare.But for those people.This is already enough to scare the shit out of them.I can't save my life.Where is there still time to keep one's integrity.Moreover.Since these people will fall to this point.There has long been no morals at all.

so.After Zhang Fan said these words.Liang Chao understood immediately.He immediately half-drawn the Xiuchun knife from his waist.With a wicked smile on his face.Slowly walked towards Zheng Yang's cell.Not just Liang Chao.Even the people next to me.They all showed this kind of smile.

And Liang Chao didn't just smile like that.He didn't even stop talking: "Since your lord has ordered it, then you should obey it. Speaking of it, it's General Liu's army that is doing the work this time. But the brothers didn't do it once. It's already happened. My hands are itchy. Although it is really meaningless to kill someone who has no strength to restrain a chicken. But it is better than not doing it. Brothers. Sorry. This is mine." Finished.Liang Chao just gave the person next to him a look.

And that person is also very suitable.Take it out immediately.Walk towards the cell.

Here.But Zheng Yang was terrified.He backed away hastily.But this time.There was also a voice in his mouth: "Wait...wait...wait. I was wronged."

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