The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1248 Someone Sues You

Whether it is the government.Or Jin Yiwei.Dongchang is worth mentioning.them.Countless prisoners have been interrogated.If you ask about the specific quantity.I am afraid that those recorded dossiers may be wrong.And make the number unclear.but.After they interrogated so many people.Regardless of whether the other party is guilty or innocent in the end.The sentence they heard the most.Not "I'm innocent".It's the "I was wronged" kind of thing.

seem.Whether they are guilty or not.After entering such a place.All have to shout this sentence.Or feel it.I must have no way out.

This sounds like a completely unreasonable thing.But even so.People still follow it.I don't know how many years I have been doing it.But for Zhang Fan and the others.This is the word they are most used to.

Especially for Zhang Fan.This sentence made him feel.Actually a lot.Remember the time in the previous life.on television.He has also seen many characters say such a sentence.But then he never took it seriously.Nor will I sympathize with these people.Perhaps it seemed to him.Those are just characters on TV.There is no authenticity whatsoever.

But after getting here.Zhang Fan was a little different.Actually.After he entered Jinyiwei.The first time I saw a prisoner being interrogated.I also heard the other party say such a sentence.but.That's different from what's on TV.That's not acting.No matter how good the acting is.But after all, there is no such encounter.It feels different too.And that.It's real.But he was wronged.Or really is innocent.These things happened to him.So let the other party say this sentence in person.It gave Zhang Fan a deep feeling.

Actually.For Zhang Fan who just arrived.As soon as the other party said such a sentence.It hasn't even been said why he is innocent.Why was wronged.Zhang Fan had already believed him.But fortunately.Zhang Fan was not the chief judge at that time.Even appreciated by Zhu Zaihou and Zhu Xizhong.But he has just entered Jinyiwei.Even if others would fawn on him.But he hasn't realized that yet.So even Zhang Fan felt that the other party might be innocent.But he still didn't say anything.

And the final result.Obviously.In the big dye vat of the imperial court.No one is innocent.Whoever it is.Even if it's not the original crime.But he did do some things he shouldn't have done.For Zhang Fan.He should be angry about it.After all, the other party lied to him.But Zhang Fan thought of another point.Unpredictable.

but.Obviously.Lesson learned once.There is no way to completely change a person yet.Especially this kind of error.It didn't make Zhang Fan pay any painful price.therefore.After a few times.He was on the sidelines during these interrogations.Some people still profess their innocence.When I was wronged or something like that.He still feels that what the other party said may be true.

only.anything.There is also a change in habit.Even Zhang Fan never caused any trouble because of his wrong judgment.There are no hard lessons.But this kind of thing is heard too much.There was also a change in his heart naturally.

Wait until Zhang Fan takes charge of Jinyiwei.It is also time to personally interrogate those more important cases.He has long been immune to this sentence.Whoever it is.No matter how clean and honest the other party's previous deeds were.Be aboveboard.But Zhang Fan will never trust the other party again.

Just like now.After teasing Zheng Yang for a while.He was obviously terrified.Begging for mercy in a hurry.Also said this famous saying.But Zhang Fan didn't care about this sentence at all.after all.This is what he has heard countless times.not to mention.After investigation till now.This Zheng Yang made it clear that there was a big problem.There is simply no way to be innocent.

so.When Zheng Yang said this sentence.Everyone present.Even including just coming back.It was also on the road that Liang Chao informed Wang Meng of the general situation.They all laughed too.

"Zheng Yang. It's wrong for you to say that." Zhang Fan was still smiling.He looked at Zheng Yang and said. "Whether you are innocent or not. Whether you are wronged or not. That is not up to you. Of course. I can't help you. Whether you are guilty or not is up to the evidence. Since you Said that you were wronged. Can you produce evidence that you were wronged?"

What Zhang Fan said sounds good.But actually.He is completely changing the concept secretly.Court trial.Whether it is Yamen or Jinyiwei.There is no way for a prisoner to produce evidence to prove his innocence.It's all about the evidence that proves the criminal's guilt.

Not that it's unfair.It is really if they are allowed to do so.Those fakes are just too much.But now.It's not a question of whether it's fake or not.In fact, even Zhang Fan said so.It made Zheng Yang feel very fair.But actually.Zheng Yang couldn't come up with any evidence to prove his innocence.

Looking at Zheng Yang's anxious look.Zhang Fan wanted to laugh again.But this time he didn't laugh.Instead, the whole face was adjusted.Looking at Zheng Yang.Said. "Speaking of it. I don't know if you noticed something. You should know who we are. Even if you don't know my identity, you should know that we are Jinyiwei."

Obviously.As for why Zhang Fan would say that.Zheng Yang didn't understand.But the three words "Jinyiwei".But he could hear clearly.He naturally knew the identity of Zhang Fan and the others.In fact, when Liang Chao and the others arrested him.He already knew.after all.Jin Yiwei was dressed in brocade clothes.And the embroidered spring knife at the waist.And that arrogant attitude.These are all excellent proofs.He, Zheng Yang, is an official of the imperial court.Naturally if they don't understand why Zhang Fan would ask such a question.But he nodded anyway.

"Then do you know what this place is?" Zhang Fan continued to ask.But this time.Zhang Fan has not waited for Zheng Yang to answer.He took the initiative to say. "This is the prison of Yongning Mansion. As the pusher of Yongning Mansion, Mr. Zheng must be no stranger to this place."

I still don't understand why Zhang Fan asked himself these things.But Zheng Yang.Still nodded in agreement.This is indeed the place he is most familiar with.He is the seventh-rank promotion official of Yongning Mansion.In charge of the criminal law of a government.For this prison.Even if he doesn't come often.But it will definitely not be unfamiliar.

"Since these things, Mr. Zheng already knows about them. Then I have another question to ask." Zhang Fan continued. "This is the prison of Yongning Mansion. And it was our Jinyiwei who arrested Mr. Zheng. If you think about it, Mr. Zheng should know. Jinyiwei arrests people. It doesn't matter whether the person is wrong or not. They are always taken back to the Jinyiwei's yamen for interrogation. But Mr. Zheng has ever thought about it. Why did we lock Mr. Zheng in this prison in Yongning Mansion."

this problem.Zheng Yang really never thought of it.Actually.Since he was caught.He didn't have time to think about these things in his heart.He just knows.What he did has been exposed.And even Jin Yiwei came to arrest him.In such a panic.He didn't have the time to think about these issues at all.

And now.Zhang Fan raised this question.This also reminded Zheng Yang.only.Although he doubted it.But compared to his current situation.These problems are all small things.He didn't care too much.

but.Zheng Yang today.It is necessary to look at Zhang Fan's face to act.therefore.Even if Zhang Fan asked something that he didn't need to care about.But he also had to obey Zhang Fan.And consider these things.

only.In such a panic.Zheng Yang obviously couldn't think about that much.So in his mind that was bewildering.After thinking for a short time.The conclusion is: "I don't know."

"You don't know." Zhang Fan seemed to ask back.But it sounded like a question.asked a question.then said. "Since you don't know, then I'll tell you. The reason why you were imprisoned in Yongning Mansion's prison, but not in Jinyiwei's yamen. The reason is actually very simple. Because. Someone sued you .”

"Sue me." Now.It made Zheng Yang even more confused. "Yes... who is it. What are you suing me for?"

"What are you suing?" Zhang Fan seemed to have heard something funny. "What have you done yourself? You don't know it yourself. It's just that. Corruption for officials, selfishness and perversion of the law. But these can be forgotten. But the crime of collaborating with the enemy and rebellion is a crime that deserves punishment. Absolutely Unkind."

This time.Zheng Yang was shocked.Although he said what Zhang Fan said.He's done it all.Even when Jin Yiwei was arresting him.The first reason that came to his mind was the rebellion.after all.This is something he has done that is unjustifiable.

but.How he thinks is one spoken out by others.It's another particular.Said these words.Still a member of Jinyiwei.This is simply equivalent to a death sentence for him.

Such a moment.Zheng Yang was stunned.But not for long.He yelled loudly: "My lord, this... this is a frame-up. I... I really didn't do these things."

"Oh." Zhang Fan still said the same thing. "You say you haven't. Then you might prove it."

"This..." Now.Zheng Yang was silent again.But this time he was not silent for too long.I don't know it's quick wit.Or an outbreak in this adversity.Zheng Yang asked again. "Then... the lord has evidence that I colluded with the enemy and rebelled."

yes.Since you can't prove your innocence.Then change the method.Let the other party prove their guilt.If not.Then he is not guilty of anything.

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