The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1250 Advance Arrangement

"My lord, we are sincerely surrendering,"

As soon as Zhang Fan entered the door, he heard someone talking to him like this.

Time went back to half an hour ago, Zhang Fan had just heard that Liang Chao had captured Zheng Yang, and when he was about to go to the prison, he came to another room in the post house. It can't be called a room anymore, it looks like an ordinary room, but with so many guards in front of and behind the door, it is not an exaggeration to call it a prison cell.

That's right, there are many people locked up here now, and they are the leaders of the [-] coalition forces of various ethnic groups. Naturally, Zhang Fan came here to ask them to do something, but obviously they didn't know it, and they asked Zhang Fan for advice. But speaking of it, they should have this kind of thinking, and that's what they should be. Now that they have surrendered, even if they should worry about their own ending, they shouldn't be like this.

Therefore, if they were given a choice, they would rather stay with the people of their own tribe, even if they were locked up, but now, they are with Zhang Fan and the others, and they are still in such a close place. This shows that it is impossible for Zhang Fan to do anything to them, but it makes them feel extremely nervous, so in comparison, they would rather stay far away from Zhang Fan.

In the past few days, Zhang Fan hadn't had time to pay attention to them, which made them feel even more nervous. Today, Zhang Fan came to them suddenly, and they immediately became nervous without knowing the truth. As soon as they entered the door, they impatiently expressed their sincerity of surrender to Zhang Fan. They were afraid that Zhang Fan would come here and do something to them.

This kind of worry has been in their hearts for the past few days, and because Zhang Fan has not come to them these few days, and there is no movement, this kind of worry is gradually gathering. Until now, Zhang Fan's people They really came here, and the worries that had been gathered before exploded at this moment. They thought that Zhang Fan came here today to do something to them.

It's just that Zhang Fan couldn't see their worries. In fact, he didn't think about it. From Zhang Fan's point of view, since these people had already surrendered, and he had promised not to do anything to them, Then they will naturally keep their promises, not to mention, they have already brought them by their side. It is obvious that there is something that needs their help. If this is the case, how can it be against them.

However, Zhang Fan didn't think about it. This was just his own idea. If he was from there, what kind of thoughts would he have? Zhang Fan didn't think about it.

Speaking of it, this matter is a bit weird. After all, Zhang Fan in the past would always consider these things, but in fact, as long as you think about it carefully, you can understand why Zhang Fan did this. It is very simple. These people, No matter how innocent they are, no matter how they were deceived by Zhang Yong and Wang Xin, none of these can change their participation in this rebellion.

Even if Zhang Fan won't do anything to them, it's because if he does that, it will have a great impact. If these things are removed, Zhang Fan doesn't mind killing others. Zhang Fan is not the kind of person who has no big picture Well, if he could sacrifice some people and keep the peace here for hundreds of years, he would do it too.

In short, this is what happened, and Zhang Fan, who has never thought about this issue before, just walked into this room, and they spoke in such an obvious begging tone, and he was a little confused for a while. , but immediately, he also understood what they were talking about.

It was a little funny in his heart, but he still had a serious look on his face. Zhang Fan looked at them and said, "Why do you say that? I didn't mean to do anything to you. Naturally, I have something to do to bring you here. It's just that it wasn't your turn to play a few days ago, but now, the time is right, it's time for you to play, so I came to find you, "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, these people have finally settled down, and after they settled down, they began to think about what Zhang Fan said, helping, this is a good thing, if at this time , when they just surrendered, if they could help Zhang Fan, it would naturally be beneficial to themselves.

Although Zhang Fan had already promised them that he would not do anything to them, they were not that kind of naive people, they knew what they had done, and they also knew that such things, capital punishment is inevitable, living crime is inevitable, Of course they didn't want to die, but suffering alive was not what they wanted. In comparison, if they could help Zhang Fan, then they would suffer less, which is naturally the best. Therefore, Zhang Fan asked them to help, and they were very willing.

It's just that they were willing, but they didn't know how to help. In fact, they didn't know how much they could help Zhang Fan from the very beginning. It was designed by Yong and Wang Xin, and they didn't know the reason at all. These people who didn't know anything were very suspicious of what they could help Zhang Fan.

"My lord asked us to help, of course we are willing," another person immediately said to Zhang Fan, "But we don't know anything, we don't know how to help your lord,"

"No, it's not that you don't know everything." Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "For example, there is one thing that needs your help now. Remember what I said before, the reason why you can enter Yongning so easily Is it about the government?"

"Of course I remember this," one of them said, "That's what those two people told us clearly. They said that there was someone in Yongning's mansion who helped to open the city gate, so we could enter the city so smoothly."

"That's right, this is what I want your help with," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "Now that all the other things have been done, this is the only thing left. If you can prove someone , I have nothing to do, "

"But my lord, it's not that we don't want to help. It's just that we can't help you with this matter." The other person said with a puzzled look on his face, "Though those two people told us so, They said that someone was helping us in the city, and they even said that that person was an official in the city, but they didn't say who that person was, or even what official position they were. Know how to help adults, "

"You don't need to worry about finding someone. In fact, I have found this person now," Zhang Fan said, "Although there is no evidence yet, after investigation, he is the only one who has this possibility. However, Now I can't get him to confess, that's why I need you.

"I don't understand, let me tell you what to do. You don't know the name of this person, and you don't even know what his official position is, but the same, he doesn't know you, and he doesn't know the name of that person. Have Yong and Wang Xin mentioned him to you, now that I have caught him, all you need to do is to say that you know him and point out his name."

Zhang Fan's words immediately made these people understand what to do. Although such things rarely happened in their lives, it didn't mean they didn't understand these things.

"This man, surnamed Zheng, with a single name of Yang, is the seventh-rank promotion official of Yongning Mansion." Seeing that they understood, Zhang Fan said, "He has been caught by my people and locked in a prison. Here, I will take you to meet him later, and when you see him, you can just say that Zhang Yong and Wang Xin mentioned his name and official position to you, and that’s fine.”

"Don't worry, my lord, we understand how to say it," these people immediately agreed. After all, this is not a troublesome thing at all, it's just a sentence.

"Also, be careful when you say it," Zhang Fan reminded them, "Don't say it as if you know him, after all, you haven't met him before, just say that those two mentioned his name. ,"

"Don't worry, we understand what to say," said the person who started talking, but immediately, he showed an awkward look, "It's lord...this...if we...if..."

His awkward appearance, coupled with what he said, made Zhang Fan understand what he meant at once, smiled, and said: "Don't worry, if this matter is handled well, it can be regarded as You helped me a lot and saved me a lot of trouble. If I did well, I would naturally intercede with the imperial court for you, but what you have done will definitely be punished and you will be innocent. I can't do it, but I can make you suffer less." These people must be thinking about this.

Sure enough, after Zhang Fan finished speaking, they immediately showed happy expressions, and some even said immediately: "Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely do a good job in this matter."

This is what happened before, and what Zhang Fan did also made this matter extremely smooth. After these favors appeared in front of Zheng Yang, and he used the kind of method that was obviously heard from others. After saying Zheng Yang's name and identity, Zheng Yang's complexion immediately turned pale.

Seeing Zheng Yang's appearance, Zhang Fan understood that he had collapsed. He had no way to keep the things he relied on before. After all, there were witnesses to testify against him, and he couldn't refute these words. .

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Fan knew that he had already settled the matter.

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