The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1251 Someone is Coming

" is this possible." This Zheng Yang.Still can't seem to accept the fact.A look of despair.And still mumbling. "How did this happen. Those two people... Those two people have clearly promised me. They will never tell my name. Why. Why is this happening." Now Zheng Yang didn't find out at all.He had already explained the matter just now.

"Listen to Mr. Zheng's words. You must have admitted it." Zhang Fan would naturally grasp this point.He asked immediately. "Now that you have admitted it, then everything will be easy to handle. As long as Mr. Zheng can obediently confess his guilt, then I can avoid a lot of trouble here. You are happy, and I am happy. Wouldn't it be better."

"But...but..." Zhang Fan's voice seemed to be the most effective.Let Zheng Yang turn his head and look at him.only.His eyes were out of focus.A hollow look.After seeing Zhang Fan.This is what went crazy.He rushed to the edge of the cage and grabbed the cage.shouted. "Then...those two people have promised me. They won't tell me about me. Why...why do these people know."

Although clearly know.Zheng Yang is currently being held in a cell.Can't get out at all.It is also impossible to pose any threat to Zhang Fan.But he does.It still made Liang Chao, Wang Meng and others on the side nervous.Some even drew their knives.

Zhang Fan waved his hand.stopped their movements.With a funny look.Looking at Zheng Yang.Slowly said: "Master Zheng. Up to now. Do you still not understand this matter? Whether it is a corrupt official or an honest official, when dealing with people and doing things, you have to show your tricks. Corrupt officials. There are also those kinds of I have been greedy all my life. But nothing happened. I can still end a good life. An honest official. But there are also times when I make mistakes. I am clean all my life. But I still have to be labeled as a treacherous person. I am a wimp all my life.

"So. Knowing people is really the most important thing. Before talking to them, you have to find out who they are. What kind of people are Zhang Yong and Wang Xin? I think you, Mr. Zheng, won't read them. I don’t understand. But you don’t care about these things. You just want to make a small fortune for yourself. Or for other reasons. Dare to do business with them. Dare to help them rebel.

"Speaking of it. You have ended up where you are now. But what I want to say. When you promised to come down with them, you should have thought of this. Now things have come to this point. No one can blame you. You can only blame yourself .”

Although Zhang Fan is saying so.But obvious.Then Zheng Yang didn't listen at all.He has already been overwhelmed by what he just heard.I've lost my mind.Where can I hear what Zhang Fan is saying.only.So what if he heard it.That would only make him lose his temper even more.

Seeing Zheng Yang like this.Zhang Fan also understood what happened to him.If you still want to say something to him now.He couldn't hear it either.Now this Zheng Yang.Already on the verge of madness.Just let it sit for a few days.Surely he could turn into a madman.

Confront a madman.Obviously not worth the time.Zhang Fan finally looked at him.He said to Liang Chao who was on the side: "You go and write the statement. Finally, let him sign it. It will be submitted to the court at that time." Finished.Zhang Fan no longer cared about Zheng Yang.Turned around and left the cell.

up to now.Everything here is done.As for what will happen here.That's not what Zhang Fan needs to do.after that.Naturally, someone later will deal with it.It's not something Zhang Fan can worry about.

Speaking up.This time thing.It's actually been very smooth.It's not yet time for the court to ask him to verify it.He has already done what he should have done.Wait until the imperial edict.He just needs to report the things that have been checked now.It's all right.

Think of the family in the capital.I thought of my mother.Thinking of Ru Xue and the others.And a few kids of my own.Zhang Fan suddenly felt very homesick.Since coming to Sichuan.Zhang Fan was naturally homesick from time to time.Those days in Chengdu.It should be accompanied by Joanna.His homesickness was not yet so strong.But now.He was suddenly very homesick.

And now.Everything is done here.That means.It won't be long before he's able to go home.

certainly.before going home.Actually there is one more thing to do.It's about the Five Poisons Sect.Before.Zhang Fan had already agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request for an alliance.Although this time the alliance.For the Five Poisons Sect.It has great benefits.But for Jin Yiwei.It's not all useless either.Jin Yiwei has connections with many gangs in Jianghu.Overt and implicit connections.And here in the southwest.If there is an extra Five Poison Sect.Nature has its benefits.

but.Fang Zhenqian insisted on letting him go to the Five Poisons Sect in person.Said to let him see with his own eyes.

And actually.For Zhang Fan.Fang Zhenqian's request.It's actually pretty weird.If the two parties form an alliance.Zhang Fan personally went to see the Five Poisons Sect.Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it.But like Fang Zhenqian.He insisted on going.Here one can't help but wonder what could be the problem.

Plus before.Fang Zhenqian even wanted to marry his own daughter Fang Yueling to Zhang Fan.This is to ensure the alliance between the two parties.And after being rejected by Zhang Fan.He made this request.This made Zhang Fan feel even more strange.always feel.Fang Zhenqian seemed to be brewing some conspiracy.But no matter how Zhang Fan thought about it, he couldn't think of what Fang Zhenqian dared to do.

but.Although in the face of such unknown things.But Zhang Fan finally agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request.Ready to go to the Five Poisons Sect.Find out what he's up to.And after that.He planned to return to the capital immediately to reunite with his family.

correct.Mention Joanna.Just finished asking Zheng Yang.After walking out.Zhang Fan heard the news.It is said that Joanna really can't stay in Shu Palace anymore.Come to Yongning.Find Zhang Fan.

If it was before.Zhang Fan naturally would not agree.After all at that time.Not only did he have things to do.And this Yongning mansion is not very stable.But now it is different.With the resolution of Zheng Yang's matter.This is in Yongning Mansion.It also settled down.Let Joanna come over.It's also not Fan also agreed to this matter.

only.In fact, it doesn't matter whether Zhang Fan agrees or not.Joanna is already on her way.After Zhang Fan heard the news.He hurried to find Liu Xian.After Liu Xian listened.Didn't say anything.Immediately send people to the army stationed in the care of the [-] prisoners of war.Let them send someone to meet Joanna and her party.Escort her to Yongning Mansion.

even though.Now it has settled down here.But now is just the past.And the journey from Chengdu to Yongning.Not far or near.In case of any trouble along the way.That's not good.

To this.Zhang Fan was naturally extremely grateful.

only.Zhang Fan didn't just receive a message today that someone was coming to him.Wait until Joanna's news.He received another message.It is said that someone is coming to Yongning.Although he didn't say that he was coming to find him.But Zhang Fan understood.In addition to looking for him.Nothing else will happen.

Who is it.He is a very distinguished person.It is the current Duke of Qian.Mu Changzuo.

After hearing the news that Mu Changzuo was coming.Zhang Fan's first reaction.That is, he came to find himself.After all, what happened to Ding Youyang happened not long ago.How could Zhang Fan forget it?

And Mu Changzuo came over at this time.Obviously it was because of what happened between Zhang Fan and Ding Youyang before.only.In the end it is good or bad.Now Zhang Fan still doesn't know.

even though.Since Mu Changzuo became the Duke of Qianguo.He has always been a man with his tail between his legs.Because of the predecessor Qian Guogong.Today's Mu Changzuo.It can be said to be more careful.Just be careful.I'm afraid that I did something and offended someone.Get yourself down again.

If you think so.Mu Changzuo came here.He wanted to vent his anger on his father-in-law.And the possibility of finding trouble with Zhang Fan.It can already be said to be very low.Of course.Naturally, the possibility of finding trouble cannot be ruled out.It's just very small.

but.Zhang Fan still couldn't figure out why Mu Changzuo came here.Whether it's an apology.Or to ask for trouble.Neither is necessary.Although Zhang Fan had some conflicts with his father-in-law.But that was his old man after all.Not himself.not to mention.The whole thing.It's no big deal at all.Just do nothing.Think about it, no matter how narrow-minded people are.It won't be all right to find such trouble.

And so motivating words.It may also have the opposite effect.Zhang Fan didn't believe Mu Changzuo who acted so low-key.I can't figure this out.Even Mu Changzuo himself couldn't figure it out.The people around him don't understand.

but.It's useless to think about it now.after all.Zhang Fan had never met Mu Changzuo before.I don't even know what kind of person he is.Even now he is very low-key.But maybe he has other ideas in mind.

In short.Now Mu Changzuo has come towards Yongning.From Yunnan Mansion to Yongning Mansion.Not very far actually.And when Zhang Fan heard the news.Mu Changzuo and his party.It is already at Huichuanwei.Another day's work.You can arrive at Yongning.

And Zhang Fan.There is no time to think about why Mu Changzuo came here.but.He wouldn't be too matter what.It doesn't seem like a big deal.Wait until Mu Changzuo arrives.You can also understand.

What the hell is going on.I'll think about it later.Not too late.

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