The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1252 Good Momentum

After learning the news that Mu Changzuo would come over.The first to worry.It wasn't Zhang Fan and the others.Maybe Zhang Fan will express a lot of doubts about Mu Changzuo's arrival.But not to worry.after all.The purpose of Mu Changzuo's visit.It is still not known at all.If you worry about it indiscriminately and mess up your own position.It's really not the best policy.not to mention.Even if you haven't met Mu Changzuo.But his behavior since he became the Duke of Qian.It really doesn't look like he came here to ask for trouble this time.

Of course.Although I think so.Mu Changzuo didn't seem like someone who would come to make trouble.But this kind of thing.It's still a matter of prevention.Not afraid of ten thousand.Just in case.No.

only.Zhang Fan and the others were not worried.But Mao Zhengqing was extremely worried.Speaking up.Mao Zhengqing didn't know that Zhang Fan had already used his name.He sued Zheng Yang for the crime of collaborating with the enemy and rebelling.but now.Mao Zhengqing felt it.Was it because of a fight between Zhang Fan and Ding Youyang?This is what attracted the Duke of Qian.

Mao Zhengqing naturally understood it in his heart.Zhang Fan.Certainly not afraid of Mu Changzuo.Zhang Fan didn't need to be afraid at all.Even Mu Changzuo came here just to get face back from Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan also had absolutely no need to be afraid.

But Zhang Fan didn't need to be afraid.He is not Mao Zhengqing.Mao Zhengqing didn't have any decent background.There is no one I know in court.What's more, he himself is only a fourth-rank Zhengqing was just afraid.just in case.In case Mu Changzuo really came looking for trouble.But it was impossible for him to get any advantage from Zhang Fan.It will only get worse.Zhang Fan couldn't find any cheap words there.Will Mu Changzuo vent his anger on other people?For example, he didn't help Ding Youyang against Zhang Fan before.

this.It was when Mao Zhengqing heard that Mu Changzuo was coming.The first thing that comes to mind.Although.Mao Zhengqing can be said to be the person most worried about this matter.therefore.After this worry arose in my heart.The first thing he did.He came over immediately to find Zhang Fan.I want to ask him what to do with this matter.

so.Not long after Zhang Fan learned that Mu Changzuo was coming to Yongning.Mao Zhengqing appeared in front of him.And now.In front of Zhang Fan.Although Mao Zhengqing hadn't cried yet.But worried to death.And in the end, Mao Zhengqing, who kept muttering "what to do. What to do", was gone.

Speaking up.If it was another person, it would be like this in front of Zhang Fan.Or in other words, change one thing.I'm afraid Zhang Fan will find him annoying.But on this matter.In addition, it was Mao Zhengqing who was in front of him now.Zhang Fan had a different idea.

certainly.Annoying for sure.But it hasn't reached the point where Zhang Fan feels extremely troubled.even.Zhang Fan looked at Mao Zhengqing's appearance.I feel a little funny.

This Mao Zhengqing.Really timid as a mouse.Now this matter.Even if it is said that Mu Changzuo is coming.But it was obvious that they also came to look for Zhang Fan.It has nothing to do with his little magistrate.But he looked so frightened.It was as if the other party was here to trouble him.This made Zhang Fan look at it.I find it very funny.

And Zhang Fan faced Mao Zhengqing like this.In fact, there is no other way.I can only comfort him.Say something nice.Let him not worry.Mu Changzuo is here and there are good things about him.

only.Zhang Fan said so.It has had little effect.Even Zhang Fan said so much to Mao Zhengqing.But Mao Zhengqing was still extremely worried.

For Mao Zhengqing.Zhang Fan didn't want to scold him.So Zhang Fan had no choice but to change the subject.Talking about Zheng Yang.

Not to mention.It really works.Mao Zhengqing heard Zhang Fan mention this matter.Worry about Mu Changzuo.It is indeed much better.Although there is still some worry on his face.But actually.But it has gradually let go of that matter.

"My lord. Originally, I wanted to talk to you about Zheng Yang." Mao Zhengqing said. "However, I heard about it later. My lord has already caught Zheng Yang. And I heard that Zheng Yang also pleaded guilty. The next official didn't come again. Please forgive me."

"It's nothing." Zhang Fan waved his hand.Said. "The most important thing is that he has pleaded guilty. This is enough. Although it took me a little time. But it would be best if he could plead guilty. By the way, Mr. Mao. There is something I haven't told you. It's just right now Let me tell you clearly. Zheng Yang is currently being held in the prison of the government office. The reason why he is held there is also what I mean. I have someone write a pleading for you. Sue Zheng Yang for corruption Violating the law, collaborating with the enemy and rebelling. Come to think of it, Mr. Mao probably wouldn't care about it." Although it was in this questioning tone.But what Zhang Fan said really made people feel helpless.After all, he has already done this.Now I am talking about this kind of afterthought with Mao Zhengqing.It didn't help at all.

really.Mao Zhengqing heard what Zhang Fan said.Not to mention how surprised.He has been an officer for so many years.No matter how good you are.Also received a lot of pleadings.Punishes quite a few annoying people.But when it comes to filing a complaint.He himself has never done it.For those who are in office.He mostly turned a blind eye.Don't ask at all.

But now.I heard Zhang Fan say that.Not to mention how surprised he was.For the first time in my life, I filed a complaint.And he also sued his colleagues.Although he didn't tell it himself.It was Zhang Fan who sued in his name.But for Mao Zhengqing.It doesn't make a difference.

Now.Mao Zhengqing was a little stunned.For a moment nothing was said.Or maybe he didn't know what to say.

And Zhang Fan saw his appearance.I thought in my heart.I'm afraid he's going to start whining about himself again.

Only this time.Zhang Fan guessed wrong.Mao Zhengqing.Didn't do that.After surprise on his face.However, there was no expression that Zhang Fan expected.On the contrary, it showed a kind of relief.Or a look of relief.

"What?" Zhang Fan wondered.Can't help but ask. "Lord Mao doesn't blame me for doing this. I'm not talking about my status as an official. Doesn't Lord Mao object to me making decisions like this in my heart?"

"No." Mao Zhengqing shook his head.Said. "Xiaguan doesn't have any intention of blaming your lord. If it was before, Xiaguan would definitely not want to. But now, Xiaguan doesn't think there is anything wrong with doing this. Then Zheng Yang. He did it on his own. Now he got it Punishment. There is nothing wrong with it. The adults can do this. It can be regarded as saving the people of Yongning Mansion from a great harm. How can the lower officials blame it.

"Perhaps the lower official is still as timid as a mouse. But being timid does not mean that the lower official is unmoved. The lower official is naturally afraid of such a sudden disaster. But this kind of thing, the lower official is Not afraid. After all. The fault is not with the lower officials. It is with Zheng Yang."

"You..." Mao Zhengqing said.Or the change that his words brought about.Zhang Fan was also surprised. "What's wrong with you. You said before and after. Maybe something happened today."

"My lord is right. Many things happened today." Mao Zhengqing nodded.Said. "Your Excellency came to Xiaguan's house today. Maybe it was just to know about Xiaguan's affairs. But your Excellency did this. It solved the knot between my husband and wife. Although I was in love with her before, there was always something The inexplicable things are separated. And now. Thanks to my lord. This..."

"Then I really want to congratulate Lord Mao." Zhang Fan said with a smile.Although this kind of thing is just a common thing.But Zhang Fan heard this.Nature is also happy. "There are more Lord Mao. When you have an heir. Don't forget to let me know. I will also send a congratulatory gift. Thinking about Lord Mao's age, it's not too late."

"This..." Mao Zhengqing heard this.I feel a little embarrassed.But he still said with a smile. "sure."

"Hmm." Zhang Fan thought for a while.continue to ask. "That's right. How about the money?"

"That's right. Don't mention it, my lord. The lower officials will forget about it." Mao Zhengqing slapped his forehead.Said. "It's only a day. When my lord just decided on this matter, no one came to claim it. Until last night, only one family came to the yamen. They said that their house was in disrepair. Hurry up It collapsed. I want to get a sum of money. The official immediately sent someone to look at it. It is true. I also asked some craftsmen. About how much it would cost to repair it. According to the amount, the official gave them an extra finished silver." Up to this point.Mao Zhengqing looked at Zhang Fan.It seems to be watching Zhang Fan's reaction.

"Mm. It's a good idea to do so." Naturally, Zhang Fan would not object.nodded.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this.Only then did Mao Zhengqing embolden himself.continued. "As a result, as soon as this matter got out, the common people flocked to see the real money. In just one day, more than 100 applications were received in the Yamen. The officials also followed the orders of the adults. Those urgent things that come out. Let people investigate first. Now 320 taels of silver have been distributed. I remember everything clearly. There is no deviation of a penny."

"That's good. Just do it like this." Zhang Fan said. "I think this money is quite a lot, but it won't be long before it's used up. When it's almost used up, you have to pay more attention. Just remind the people more. Also, wait until this thing is done. .If nothing goes wrong. I have other things for you to do."

"Yes, my lord." Mao Zhengqing bowed and said.It's just that there are many doubts in his eyes.He couldn't figure it out.There is also what it means to hand over things to him.

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