The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1253 Be Prepared

that night.Joanna arrived at Yongning Mansion.even though.As this time Zhang Fan came to the southwest.The only woman who followed him.Compared to Ru Xue and others who stayed in the capital.Joanna really felt very happy.But even so.I haven't seen Zhang Fan in just a few days.She already felt very lonely.Especially after something has happened.otherwise.Joanna would not be in such a hurry.Zhang Fan was not even notified first.So I went to Yongning to look for Zhang Fan.

Of course.Joanna didn't come here entirely impulsively.She also saw the timing.Came here after inquiring.She had heard that the war here was over.Although she didn't know what else Zhang Fan would do after the war ended.But she also expected this.So she waited for a few more days.This is the move forward.

really.In this way.Zhang Fan would not blame him at all.And he's coming.It also made Zhang Fan very happy.To be here with Joanna.It is indeed compared to him alone.Much better.

only.It seems that Joanna really misses Zhang Fan too much.that night.When Joanna and her party arrived at the gate of the post house.Zhang Fan was waiting in front of the door.He even prepared a lot of words of apology to Joanna.After all, women.Always ask for good words to coax.only.What Zhang Fan didn't expect was that.After Joanna got out of the car.First thing to do.He didn't talk to Zhang Fan at all.Instead, he rushed to Zhang Fan.Suddenly threw himself into his arms.

fine.Joanna is just that.Didn't do anything else.Especially without kissing Zhang Fan.but.If only that.It has already surprised the people around.There is a saying that a man and a woman cannot give or receive kisses.Even couples.Even to put it in a bad way.Even the girl in the building.In broad daylight.Before the public.It will not do such a thing.This is simply too scandalous.

but.Fortunately, Joanna doesn't look like a Central Plains native.Feel free to deal with the matter in front of them that makes them ashamed to see it.The people around them regarded it as an indecent custom of the barbarians.

It's just Zhang Fan.It was also really frightened by Joanna.Fortunately for this kind of thing.Zhang Fan has also gotten used to it.and.It seems that Joanna really misses herself.Think here.Zhang Fan couldn't help saying sorry in his heart.He also stretched out his hand slowly.Give her a hug.

And Joanna.It was indeed because of seeing Zhang Fan again.It's a very happy reason.This is what he did subconsciously.But when she was embraced by Zhang Fan.She also came back to her senses.I want to understand that this is no longer my hometown.And here he made this kind of hugging gesture to Zhang Fan.Even if she doesn't care.But Zhang Fan couldn't.Thought of these.Joanna hastily let go of Zhang Fan.Smiled apologetically at him.And in that smile.Not just having joy.But still a bit naughty.

Zhang Fan didn't intend to get angry at all.Now I saw Joanna's appearance.Even more so.

only.They were both fine.He even flirted.But the people next to them are different.If it was due to Joanna's background just now.The kind of customary words that they don't understand.It makes sense.But if you say.In broad daylight.flirting.This is really not seen.

even's here.Men have a high social status.Generally speaking.If there is any scandal.Much of it is to be blamed on women.But facing Zhang Fan.Coupled with this scene.People can't help but refer to the source of such things.It was on Zhang Fan's head.I think it's because of him.That's what Joanna would do.

And it doesn't matter how many beautiful wives and concubines you have in your family.None of that mattered.But in public.Just can't do it.Forget about hugging that stuff.But this flirting.It's just too for a moment.In the minds of everyone.Zhang Fan has already been given a nickname.

certainly.This kind of thing is for Zhang Fan.It's nothing.but.after that.It also caused some trouble for Zhang Fan.This is a funeral.Let's not mention it for now.

In short.Joanna is coming.As for the matter of Yongning Mansion.She has no opinion.It was Zhang Fan.After the joy of meeting.But he also calmed down.Speaking up.Although the current Yongning Mansion has recovered a lot.But it's also really choking.The bare minimum.Where to live is nothing.Where do you live.For Joanna who was once hovering on the edge of life and death.As long as there is a room that is sheltered from the wind and rain.That's not bad.

But Zhang Fan is very dissatisfied with the current environment.It is on the food.Speaking up.Yongning Mansion is now.There is no shortage of food.But those rice grains alone are not enough.Eat this three times a day.No one can stand it.The common people don't need to say anything.But Zhang Fan and the others ate for a while.They all feel that the military rations that were originally uncomfortable to eat.It is much better than this immutable thing.

Fortunately.There are many rivers near Yongning Mansion.Even game is not very easy to hunt at this time of year.But fish is still relatively easy.Finally, some taste problems were solved a little bit.

But for this matter.Zhang Fan's self-mockery was aimed at complaining.In his opinion.The very least.There is already a difference in this regard as well.Once or twice is okay.But if it goes on like this every day.He couldn't take it anymore.

Of course.These are actually minor issues.The real question is about what comes after.That's what the Duke of Qian, Mu Changzuo, was about to come over.

Speaking of which, Mu Changzuo came here.No matter what his reasons are.Did he come to trouble Zhang Fan?But Zhang Fan always wanted to meet him first.Although only temporarily.But Zhang Fan is now the head of the Yongning is the friendship of the landlord.It also needs Zhang Fan to be the host.

not to mention.No matter what the other party says.The identity is also a prince.You can't be negligent.therefore.Zhang Fan also ordered people to prepare a lot of things.Naturally, there will be no shortage of fine wine and food.But it's not too exaggerated.

And these.After all.It's just a small thing.really need.It is to formulate tactics on how to deal with Mu Changzuo.Regardless of whether the other party's intentions are good or bad, you must deal with it early.

only.Time is not much.Even Mu Changzuo is far away from Yongning Mansion.There is actually almost a day left.Ten or so hours.Ten or so hours.Indeed a lot.But I want to make a perfect response in such a short time.Think about everything before and after.But it is not an easy task.

but.Even so.You can't stop doing it just because you can't be perfect.Still have to step up preparations.Even if it's not perfect.Just do your best to deal with it.

sometimes.Zhang Fan thought so.Is it a little too much to make a big fuss here?This Mu Changzuo is General Zhengnan after all.And there is also the duty to guard Yunnan.What is happening in Yongning Mansion now.It did happen on the border of Yunnan.He, Mu Changzuo, came over to take a look.Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it.

not to mention.Even Mu Changzuo wants to get back some face for his what.After all, it was just his old man.relationship with him.And only his wife.and.This kind of face matter.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out if he didn't believe Mu Changzuo.He really would care about his father-in-law's face.And start a war with Jin Yiwei.Zhang Fan didn't think so.Coupled with what I learned about Mu Changzuo's low-key behavior after he inherited the position of Duke Qian.Zhang Fan didn't think he would do this anymore.

but.But you can't just think about it that way.Just in case.In fact, Mu Changzuo has never been reconciled to living this kind of life.Just in case.He, Mu Changzuo, had actually been waiting.Waiting for an opportunity.So you can change your attitude.

if it is like this.He just needs to show off his power.And the beginning of this matter.It can't have anything to do with him.and.After solving this matter.It must end with Mu Changzuo's complete victory.

What if that is the case.If so.That is.This time thing.Mu Changzuo was given a chance.And Zhang Fan is going to become a stepping stone for his strong rise.

even though.This possibility is not too great.But it is not without.after all.Youdao is unpredictable.Who knows if Mu Changzuo really thinks so.

so.Zhang Fan was before his arrival.It is necessary to be the very least.If Mu Changzuo really didn't come with any kind intentions.Then he needs to prevent him from finding any chance to attack.

but.If Mu Changzuo's intention for coming here is not the case.Zhang Fan also had to do other things to deal with it.For better or worse.Anyway, being prepared is always a good thing.

so.In this tight time situation.Zhang Fan had no choice but to find his own subordinates.Fortunately, Wang Meng has returned.And there is Feng Bao.And Feng Bao is very interested in this kind of thing.Volunteer to help.Several people began to discuss this issue.

This made Joanna who had just arrived here.Although Zhang Fan was clearly beside him.But still can't see it.This made her a little unhappy.

Zhang Fan naturally understood this too.But he has nothing to do now.But in the heart.He had already thought about how to compensate her in the future.

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