The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1254 Yongning South Gate

In the early morning of the next day, when the time was just around the corner, someone came to inform Zhang Fan that Mu Changzuo, Duke of Qian, and his party were about to arrive, and they were still a few miles away from the south gate of Yongning Mansion. up.

As for this news, it is naturally considered relatively big news in this city. To the common people, it is nothing. For example, for Zhang Fan and others, for example, for officials in Yongning Mansion, for people like Mao Zhengqing, and for people like Ding Youyang, it is naturally impossible to dismiss this matter with a single sentence.

You know, Mu Changzuo's identity may be placed elsewhere, and people's thoughts about him are nothing more than a prince of the country. Even if he holds a heavy army, even if he guards Yunnan, even if most people We all have to respect him very much, but that's all.

However, this is not any other place. This is Yunnan, where Mu Changzuo was guarded by Lord Qian. Gao, in this Yunnan, even if he does not have a title, he is a well-deserved uncrowned king. The officials here must bow their heads to him.

Therefore, the arrival of Mu Changzuo really affected many people, especially those who were originally in Yongning Mansion.

Needless to say, people like Mao Zhengqing, Mao Zhengqing is the magistrate of Yongning Prefecture, and the others are officials at all levels of Yongning Prefecture. Now that Mu Changzuo is here, they will be nervous no matter what. , This is not because they have done anything wrong. It seems that every time a subordinate has a relationship with a superior, it always seems to be like this. From ancient to present, and to the future, it will not change.

On the other hand, Zhang Fan and the others acted relatively calmly. After all, they had already discussed this matter, and they already had a rough idea of ​​what to do, even if this idea is not too complete. , is not perfect, there will definitely be some flaws or flaws, but after all, there is not much time, and it is not easy to be able to negotiate to the point where it is now. Now, Zhang Fan and the others, in addition to coping, the most important thing is to do You have to calm down. If you can't calm down, many things, no matter how well planned, will be powerless when the time comes to change temporarily.

Therefore, Zhang Fan and the others, although there were changes regarding Mu Changzuo's arrival, they were generally calm and did not make much movement. On the outside, it seemed that they were just routine.

However, there was another group of people who were different from Mao Zhengqing and the others, or Zhang Fan and the others. Naturally, this group was headed by Ding Youyang.

Speaking of it, Zhang Fan understood that maybe it was Ding Youyang, or maybe someone with good intentions must have told Mu Changzuo what happened between himself and Ding Youyang before, otherwise, Mu Changzuo would not have chosen to be in this place. Zhang Fan came here when he was still in Yongning. After all, he was the Duke of Qian and guarded Yunnan. Now that such a rebellion happened on the border of Yunnan, he was indifferent, even In the end, it was all thanks to people like Liu Xian and Zhang Fan who came from Sichuan.

If it is really pursued, he, Mu Changzuo, has committed dereliction of duty, but now, Zhang Fan has not looked for him, so he should be honest and wait until Zhang Fan leaves. Wouldn't it be a good reminder to come here now? Did Zhang Fan fail to perform his duties well?

And Mu Changzuo is indeed here now, that is to say, there is something in Yongning Mansion that requires him to come here now. Therefore, no matter how you look at it, it is all because of Ding Youyang.

And Ding Youyang and those people are naturally full of joy for Mu Changzuo's arrival, regardless of others, let's just say Ding Youyang, in Ding Youyang's view, his son-in-law, the prince of the country, has rushed to Yongning at this time It's definitely not for anything else, just to help him, the old man, to vent his anger and save face.

Speaking of which, when Ding Youyang first suffered setbacks, he really resented Zhang Fan in his heart, but it hadn't reached the level it is now. But when he was the second time, his simple plan was easily dismissed by Zhang Fan. After being resolved, although Ding Youyang did not suffer any retaliation that time, he resented Zhang Fan even more. The hatred had blinded his eyes, and he could no longer understand what Zhang Fan's identity represented. What's the matter, he didn't know that even his son-in-law might not be able to control Zhang Fan, he just wanted to save face for himself.

Speaking of it, many people are like this, and they should understand that compared to things like face, more practical things should be more important, such as power, such as money, such as, life, but, Many people actually can't see this layer, they are only confused by the superficial things, they only care about the superficial things, but they can't see the actual things that are more meaningful to themselves .

However, there is no need to discuss these now. In a word, the arrival of Mu Changzuo made the group headed by Ding Youyang very excited. He will apologize to his group with humiliation, and of course, there are many compensations.

So, the nervous group, the calm group, and the excited group all gathered at the south gate, waiting for Mu Changzuo's arrival.

At this moment, Ding Youyang and the others wanted to make a statement. Needless to say, Mao Zhengqing and the others all had nervous looks on their faces, which made it clear at a glance that they were obviously I don't know how to deal with what will happen next, I don't know how to speak, and they don't even know how to greet the Duke of Qian. However, speaking of these people's worries, it is unnecessary They don't have to worry about these things at all. After all, no matter what they think, Mu Changzuo will come to Yongning Mansion, and it will definitely not be for them. Maybe, he will say hello to them, but it is absolutely impossible to say anything to them of.

As for Zhang Fan and the others, they stood there calmly. He had already thought of some ways to deal with Mu Changzuo. Now they just need to calm down and deal with Mu Changzuo.

However, only the group of people headed by Ding Youyang, not to mention excited, can be used to describe these people with joy. Despite their happy faces, they kept talking to each other about something.

In particular, they would occasionally see Zhang Fan coming over and see Zhang Fan and the others looking calm, but to them, Zhang Fan and the others were completely pretending to be calm, and then these people would start laughing Zhang Fan and the others talked, although their voices were very low in this regard, and the small ones could not be heard at all, but seeing what they looked like after a while, it became clear that they were talking about mocking Zhang Fan, One is to discuss the ugly situation that Zhang Fan will encounter.

Seeing the appearance of this group of people, Zhang Fan and the others did not express anything, and they would not express anything to them, even though Mu Changzuo's people have not arrived yet, and nothing has happened yet, but Not only Zhang Fan, but as long as they saw the appearance of Ding Youyang and his group, they all had the same thought in their hearts, thinking that they were simply equivalent to clowns.

However, obviously, it is absolutely impossible for these people to use this kind of consciousness now, and I am afraid that others have told them clearly that their current appearance is really unsightly, but for them, it is absolutely impossible They will recognize it, and even, they are more likely to say that it is just jealous of them.

As a result, the south gate of Yongning Mansion turned into such a strange appearance, three parties, one of them was awkward and didn't know what to do, the other two parties, one was waiting calmly, while the other, It is constantly provoking something.

Finally, after a while after Sishi, they received the news that the other party had arrived, and after a while, about halfway through Sishi, Zhang Fan and the others could see the man slowly coming from the official road in the south. A bunch of people.

When the other party got a little closer, Zhang Fan and the others saw it very clearly. There were about a hundred people who came, all of them were sergeants. The clothes they wore looked different from those of the officers and soldiers of the imperial court. I haven't seen it before, but the maverick sergeant and the banners of "Qian" and "Mu" can already show that these people are naturally soldiers under Qian Guogong, no, they are under the command of General Zhengnan It should be more appropriate for the soldiers.

In the middle of the hundred guards, there are two carriages. The front one is nothing special. Although it can't be seen clearly, Zhang Fan can be sure that the carriage is definitely not something expensive, at least It doesn't match the identity of Mu Changzuo's Qian Guogong.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan had some thoughts. He didn't know whether Mu Changzuo was really living his life in a low-key way, or if he did it specially to deal with today's situation.

However, there is another one behind this carriage, and that one looks like a woman's ride. Being behind Mu Changzuo, the identity is already very obvious. Naturally, it is his wife. It seems that, Mu Changzuo also brought his wife.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help turning his head to look at Ding Youyang. Sure enough, Ding Youyang was smiling, and the smile was even brighter than before.

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