The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1255 South Gate Narrative

At the south gate of Yongning City.In such a very strange atmosphere.Mu Changzuo has already arrived.

More than a hundred sergeants stopped.After that, they escorted the two carriages to Zhang Fan and the others.

other people.Maybe Mao Zhengqing.Or maybe Ding Youyang and the others didn't see anything.Mao Zhengqing and the others were still nervous.Don't dare to make any big moves at all.Still in terms of identity now.Anyway.Zhang Fan should be the one to do it all.So they stayed quietly behind.Speaking up.They also understood the purpose of Mu Changzuo's coming here.If it weren't for the fact that they were officials of Yongning Mansion.This depends on the words that must be present.It doesn't matter if they come or not.

It was Ding Youyang and his group.Naturally, he was very happy about Mu Changzuo's arrival.In their view.Mu Changzuo came here to support them.Save face.only.Because they say it anyway.They are also the identities of the common people.Even Ding Youyang is Mu Changzuo's father-in-law.But it is also the identity of the people.And now.Mu Changzuo has arrived.Naturally, Zhang Fan should be the first to greet this.Ding Youyang was very upset.He even wanted to rush over.Talk to your son-in-law first.It's just that he's not crazy enough.If you really did that.That's interesting.

At this time said.The curtains of the two carriages had already been lifted.One person got on and off the unremarkable carriage in front.Of course it was Mu Changzuo.Speaking up.For a person who has never met but heard about.In fact, the first impression is naturally to observe the person's appearance.This Mu Changzuo.On the contrary, he looks gentle.If it is said that he is the son of everyone.That was really fitting.Even though he didn't say a word.But like that.He looks like someone from a wealthy family.Not the kind of rich man.But really speaking.There is only one point that makes people feel concerned.This Mu Changzuo.It doesn't look like the "General Zhengnan" at all.

This is naturally something that can be seen.The precipitation and introversion of that kind of background.It is completely deceiving.

Speaking up.This is also beneficial.If you were born in this kind of family.As long as you are not a fool.No matter how unintelligent.At least after 20 years of **.Make a first impression.Always so gorgeous.

but.This is for Zhang Fan.It has long become a habit.Maybe in a previous life.Even when he just stepped into his official career in this life.For these things.Zhang Fan still couldn't get used to it.but.After a while.Zhang Fan was used to this kind of person.

After all, in the capital.In the palace again.He has seen too many people like this.Up to the prince.Down to the descendants of the dignitaries of the dynasty.Even at first it was very uncomfortable.We have to deal with these people with trepidation.but.After a while.Zhang Fan no longer had any fearful attitude towards these people.

Come to think of it, that's true.Think about what kind of people Zhang Fan has met.A lustful emperor.In the end, it even died on a woman.And for my own hobby.The emperor did not hide it at all.A naughty prince.Love money like life.Even after ascending the throne.This habit has not changed in the slightest.Several ministers who were originally very famous.But when Zhang Fan got in touch with these people.Turns out that's not the case at all.Everyone has flaws.And it's the kind of flaw that has to be said.

In short.For this kind of thing today.Zhang Fan is completely used to it.In this way.He also didn't have any reaction to Mu Changzuo's appearance at all.It's just a very common thing.even.Zhang Fan still has time to observe Mu Changzuo carefully.

Mu Changzuo was not wearing court clothes.Just a normal suit.But even so.It also gives people a luxurious feeling.But Zhang Fan's first impression of him was that.His body.And the aura he displayed.It really didn't match the carriage he was riding in at all.Mu Changzuo acted in a low-key manner compared to what it sounded like.It's more like he made it on purpose for others to see.

The expression on Mu Changzuo's face was also very calm.After getting out of the car.He looked at Zhang Fan.They even made a somewhat happy look.It looks like this.It's like meeting a friend.It seems.This person is not easy to deal with.

Whether it is Zhang Fan or Feng Bao.All of them had roughly the same understanding of Mu Changzuo.It was Liu Xian who was on the side.Something is different.Liu Xian is a general.Command the army.He didn't care what these rich and powerful children looked like.He would not look at such a person.what he is interested in.Naturally, it is a military matter.

so.Liu Xian's gaze.From beginning to end, it all fell on the sergeants who escorted Mu Changzuo.

Speaking up.There is a strange circle here.The imperial army.Most of them are trained by generals.But once there is no war.No matter how hard these soldiers practiced.But it is not as good as someone who has been on the battlefield once.But for now.Although the Ming Dynasty could not be regarded as peaceful in the world.There are battlefields everywhere.But in fact there are still many people who do not fight.

In comparison.Guards everywhere.If there is no war on weekdays.No matter how much you practice.It's not as good as those private soldiers.And these people in front of them.Although it is said that Mu Changzuo is the general who conquers the south personally appointed by the imperial court.As the Mu family, they need to guard Yunnan for generations.But his army.In fact, he could be regarded as a private soldier of his Mu family.

Liu Xian had never seen these people before.But now I have only seen a hundred or so.But for Liu Xian.Quantity is not a big deal.These hundreds of people have been able to explain the problem.It started when these people entered Liu Xian's sight.Liu Xian kept staring at them.

No matter the pace of the march.Still vigilant.None of these people are bad.The queue is also very neat.Not confusing.visible.The fighting power of these people.Definitely not low.Of course.Although these people are Mu Changzuo's guards.The requirements are naturally much higher.but.To be able to pick out more than a hundred people under his command said such words.It can be seen that the army under Mu Changzuo.Nothing vegetarian either.

certainly.Even Liu Xian gave these people a high evaluation in his heart.But he still has confidence.If Mu Changzuo's army confronts his own men.with the same number of people.I am absolutely sure of winning.

This is not just Liu Xian's blind self-confidence and contempt for the other party.In fact, as long as it is related to the above things.Liu Xian was never kidding.He can definitely do it justice.Even if one party is his it.It was also because he cared about the lives of the soldiers.

Let alone Zhang Fan and the others.After Mu Changzuo showed up.Ding Youyang and his group over there.The atmosphere can be said to have reached its peak.even.Ding Youyang wanted to come forward immediately.Pass Zhang Fan.Say hello to Mu Changzuo first.say something.Fortunately, he was held back by someone beside him.If not.If you really let him rush over.That scene was hilarious.

Zhang Fan naturally saw this.He even saw that Mu Changzuo had discovered his father-in-law's behavior.The brow is also slightly wrinkled.It seems.For my old man.Mu Changzuo knows everything.And obviously there are dissatisfaction.

here.Mu Changzuo also looked away.He looked at Zhang Fan again.Walked over with a smile.Said: "This is Mr. Zhang Fan, Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang's name. Even in Yunnan. I have heard of it. I have wanted to see Mr. Zhang for a long time. Now I have my wish. I am really happy .” Mu Changzuo can speak.He didn't use any title.Just call yourself "I" very often.And for Zhang Fan.Respect is not that kind of too much attitude.People will naturally get close.

"The Duke is really polite." Zhang Fan saw that the other party was polite.I can't speak with a straight face.Also put on a smiling face.said with a smile. "Speaking of it, the Duke of the State came to Yongning. I was also disappointed. It's really a sin." Although he was talking about apologizing.But Zhang Fan is also very kind.

Fortunately.Both of them are people of great status.And in comparison.The status of the two is each other so.Of course there is no problem.

"That's right." Zhang Fan said suddenly. "I want to come to the Duke from a long way. The journey is exhausting. It's noon now. I have had people prepare the food and drink. Please don't refuse the Duke. Is the lady behind?"

"Master Zhang also knows. My father-in-law lives here." Mu Changzuo didn't respond to this matter at all.Still smiling.Said. "Now that Yongning has suffered such a catastrophe, she is naturally worried about her family. So this time I heard that I will come here. She insisted on following. It's just that she is weak. It's not suitable for you to be recommended by Mr. Zhang."

"Sigh. What did the Duke of the country say?" Zhang Fan waved his hand.Said. "In this case, the resting place has been prepared in the city. I will let someone lead the way. By the way, I haven't introduced it to the Duke. This is General Liu Xian Liu. I have heard about it before coming to the Duke. This Yongning was able to survive this calamity once. It's all thanks to the general."

"General Liu's name. Naturally, I have heard about it." Mu Changzuo hurriedly greeted Liu Xian.

Liu Xian also returned the salute in a well-regulated manner.

"This is the chief eunuch in the palace. Feng Bao, Eunuch Feng." Zhang Fan continued to introduce. "This time I came from the capital to deliver the decree. But I stayed here until the war was over."

"Master Guo. Our family has met before." Feng Bao also put on a smiling face.Said. "Originally, our family planned to return to Beijing soon. But we didn't expect to see the Duke. It's really a blessing."

"Ah. It''s Eunuch Feng from the palace." Mu Changzuo was really surprised at this moment.Hastily changed to a more smiling appearance.Said. "I didn't know that my father-in-law was here. It's really disrespectful. Disrespectful."

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