The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1259 Be very cautious

Although this is not considered to be a prestige, after all, the current situation has indeed become like this after Zhang Fan's arrangement. Therefore, it is not a problem for Mu Changzuo, who is a guest, to ask this question. However, even so, it still makes people feel that Mu Changzuo's words are no different from getting off the horse.

However, no matter what kind of attitude Mu Changzuo had when he asked this question, Zhang Fan had to respond, and the response had to be very particular, otherwise, this scene would be terrible. It will be out of control immediately. Of course, Zhang Fan has expected the out-of-control scene a long time ago. Even Zhang Fan has prepared some ways to deal with this kind of thing, but even so, Zhang Fan Fan never thought that things would turn into this way immediately, even if something out of control happened, it would be after a while, definitely not now.

However, if you want to have this effect, the most important thing is to look at the present and see how Zhang Fan is dealing with the current Mu Changzuo. Speaking of it, even Mu Changzuo really came to Yongning Mansion to trouble Zhang Fan Yes, and now is indeed not the right time, but Zhang Fan still has to control his emotions and the way he speaks, after all, no one knows what Mu Changzuo will say next.

Therefore, in Zhang Fan's long-awaited response to Mu Changzuo, calmness is naturally the first and most important point, but you must know that not only calmness can work, Calmness is just a prerequisite, the first prerequisite for you to calmly analyze the things in front of you, but more importantly, you must have a specific way to deal with this kind of thing in your heart.

Facing Mu Changzuo is actually not very easy to deal with. Zhang Fan doesn't know him too well. Even though he was relatively low-key before, there are many reasons for that. Before Mu Changzuo, Mu Chaobi, who was the Duke of Qian, committed many injustices, and finally ended up like that.

And Mu Changzuo inherited the title of Duke Qian, even if he is him, Mu Chaobi is Mu Chaobi, but after all, this is just the past, and for sure, there must be many people in the whole country They are all staring at Qian Guogong's position, not because they want to plot something, but because they have to keep a close eye on Mu Changzuo.

Once Mu Changzuo does something wrong, even if it's just a very small thing, as long as he does anything that shouldn't be done, someone will definitely trouble him. Mu Changzuo has any grievances, and it doesn't mean that he has any grievances with their Mu family, or with Mu Chaobi. Sometimes, those people just look unhappy.

In short, no matter whether it is to say that these people are psychopaths, or there is really something ulterior, but it is also a reason that has to be said, in short, they will definitely do this.

Since Mu Changzuo inherited Duke Qian, he has been cautious in everything he does, as careful as he can be. Zhang Fan has even read some files about Mu Changzuo, and there is a record in it. It's hilarious to read at first glance.

It is said that Mu Changzuo was going out, but on the road, some people bumped into his frame. Logically speaking, there is no need to think about such things. After all, he is the Duke of the Ming Dynasty and General Zhengnan Well, even those magistrates, county magistrates, etc., when they encounter this kind of thing, they don't need to talk about it. Naturally, they have to teach them a lesson.

Logically speaking, Mu Changzuo didn't need to say anything else at all. It would be enough for someone to push the person who collided with his frame to the ground and hit him with a stick, but that's not the case for Mu Changzuo He did it, but the result was the same, but the process in the middle was not so simple.

Before Mu Changzuo beat him, he actually had someone arrest the civilian who had bumped into his frame into the government office lobby of Yunnan Mansion, and had him try this as a case. After that person really bumped into Mu Changzuo's frame, he was dragged down, with [-] hits.

It sounds like this is really a very interesting thing, even when many people see this thing, the first thing they think is funny, and this point, Zhang Fan is no exception, when he was watching After seeing the incident recorded in the dossier, he also laughed. What this Mu Changzuo did was really interesting.

However, after laughing, thinking about this matter carefully, it is a little different. Why, as the Duke of the country, Mu Changzuo obviously has this power, but why does he still have to do such troublesome things? As for the matter, he, Mu Changzuo, is the Duke of Qianguo, General Zhengnan, who is in charge of guarding Yunnan. In this case, he has little contact with the common people. Even if he needs to do something, it seems People think that Mu Changzuo is so good, so fair and just, but that is not necessary. You know, things like crashing into the frame of the car are also clearly stipulated in the criminal law of the Ming Dynasty. People will definitely be beaten.

Zhang Fan didn't know what other people thought, but Zhang Fan had some ideas about Mu Changzuo's matter. It just showed his caution. The reason why he did this was to not give anyone else any reason to trouble him. In fact, Mu Changzuo did this to guard against the people in the court Those people are gone.

Don't underestimate this kind of thing, and don't underestimate the person he beat is just a commoner with no identity and no background. Are there few big people who are unlucky because of this kind of thing? Let’s talk about Mu Chaobi before Mu Changzuo. Why did he fall down? Yes, it’s because Zou Yinglong was very righteous and he went to read a copy of him; yes, it’s also because he really offended some people. Although his status is not as high as his, there are people who should not be offended, but these are not the point in the final analysis. The point is because Mu Chaobi is too much for the people below. It can be said that Mu Chaobi The reason why it ended up like that, [-]% of the reason is because of the common people.

Therefore, Mu Changzuo has to be as cautious as possible in this regard. He will never be willing to follow Mu Chaobi's old path. It is obvious that he, the Duke of the country, has the reason for things like this. , but who can guarantee that no one will stand up and sue Mu Changzuo maliciously, saying that he bullied the people like Mu Chaobi did.

This kind of thing has not been long in the past. Even if there is only such a person, the court may not pay attention to it. What's more, if someone adds embellishments to say something, I am afraid that Mu Changzuo will be in danger. up.

And if Mu Changzuo does this, it will be completely impossible for people to find an excuse. Even if someone wants to go to the court to sue him, he can still produce evidence. Those files in the government office are the most favorable evidence. It proved that he did nothing wrong, that even if he hit someone, he deserved it, and he couldn't find any faults.

If this is the case, it will be fine. Mu Changzuo not only eliminates possible troubles, but also saves the face of Duke Qian. Even if he does this, it does make people feel a little useless, but It's okay, and since Mu Changzuo can do this, it means that he is also a person who can tolerate this, so there is no problem at all.

In short, for Zhang Fan, although he doesn't know everything about Mu Changzuo, he still knows these things. A general understanding, and this understanding will definitely not go wrong.

Now Zhang Fan can only, and must, follow the only path and go down.

But now, facing such a question from Mu Changzuo, Zhang Fan looked at him and said with a smile: "Master Guo really has good eyesight. If even the waiter in a restaurant is like this, then I Jin Yiwei should have closed down a long time ago," these words not only acknowledged what Mu Changzuo said, but also told him the origins of these people.

"Oh," Mu Changzuo became a little curious, "So these people are all members of Jinyiwei." He did see that these people were not ordinary people, but he never thought about Jinyiwei. He originally thought that these people might be Liu Xian's sergeants, so when Zhang Fan told him that these people were Jin Yiwei, he was indeed a little surprised.

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "Even if the Duke of the State is not clear about the current situation in Yongning Mansion, even if he thinks about it, he wouldn't be ignorant. In a place like this restaurant, there are no mistresses. They don't know where they are hiding, and they have to have these things to greet the Duke of the country, and the soldiers and horses under General Liu are also responsible for the defense. There is not much manpower, so I have to let my men come over first, "

"So that's how it is," Mu Changzuo nodded with an expression of understanding, but after saying these five words, he fell silent, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Fan, including Liu Xian and Feng Bao, didn't intend to speak, just sat quietly like this.

Fortunately, at this time, the dishes have already started to be served, and the drinks have already been poured.

Zhang Fan knew that this was another good time to break the deadlock.

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