The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1260 Relatively speaking

Hearing Zhang Fan tell the truth so straightforwardly and unabashedly.Not many people sat at the table though.But none of them spoke.This makes the room that was originally not crowded.became more silent.

Needless to say, Liu Xian and Feng Bao.Although after meeting Mu Changzuo.What is he going to say.They don't know either.but.They have also discussed how to deal with Mu Changzuo.In general, now that we already know what to do.So this little detail aspect.Even without saying it.Then you can probably guess.therefore.Even if they didn't know what Zhang Fan would say before.But now I heard what Zhang Fan said.But also not surprised.

but.It's different from Zhang Fan and the three of them.Mao Zhengqing didn't know anything about this kind of thing.Mao Zhengqing was naturally not a fool.Not long after that incident happened between Zhang Fan and that Ding Youyang.That's when I heard the news that Mu Changzuo was coming to Yongning Mansion.It is absolutely impossible for him to have no thoughts at today's thing.He was nervous about the possibility that he might be harmed by Chi Yu.He even had a lot of worries about Zhang Fan.After several conversations between Zhang Fan and him.He is also very grateful to Zhang Fan.What's more, Zhang Fan also helped him solve a big problem.In short.Mao Zhengqing was so nervous.

And now.He heard Zhang Fan's questions to Mu Changzuo, which were clearly probing and questioning.He didn't hide it at all.There's no point in turning a corner.Said these words so bluntly.This made Mao Zhengqing's heart suddenly tense.For a moment he was at a loss.He always feels.The current scene gave him a sense of urgency.

And besides them.Mu Changzuo also didn't make a sound at all.Naturally, there was a reason why the others were silent.Of course he is no exception.But his reasons are different from others.obviously.Mu Changzuo didn't think of it at all.Zhang Fan would actually answer his question like this.

original.The reason why he would ask this.I just want to find out Zhang Fan's tone first.What is his purpose in coming.Let's not mention it for now.But facing Zhang Fan.He also has to be careful.Originally, he shouldn't have been so nervous to test Zhang Fan.After all, this is just met.And even if there is a problem with Ding Youyang between the two.But there is absolutely no need to create such a tense state.

But originally.Mu Changzuo shouldn't be so concerned about Zhang Fan's performance.Even Zhang Fan is in charge of Jinyiwei.Even Mu Changzuo knew it in his heart.If it is really more vigorous.He also couldn't do anything about Zhang Fan.But he didn't care too much.Even Jin Yiwei couldn't have done such a thing.What's more, he didn't see any reason for Zhang Fan to do this now.

only.When he knew that Zhang Fan was not the only one here.On the contrary, there was still a time when Feng Bao was there.It can be said that Mu Changzuo's heart flustered immediately.He knew Feng Bao's identity clearly.Even if he had never dealt with Feng Bao before.Haven't even met once.But for Feng Bao.Mu Changzuo definitely knew it very clearly.

Why.Very simple reason.Think about it and you will understand.Mu Changzuo because of many reasons.In short, even if he sat on the seat of Qian Guogong.The hands are all very Yunnan.Even the Southwest should be able to run amok.But he didn't do that.Or maybe he couldn't do it.He was afraid that if he did something that would be hated by others.Another step forward in Mu Chaobi's future.

But be aware.Want to avoid this kind of thing.It's not just that you can do well on your own.There are many times.You don't take the initiative to cause trouble yourself.Trouble will also take the initiative to find you.this kind of thing.No one can tell.No one can guarantee that it can be Changzuo also did a lot of preparatory work for this.One of them is.He had to figure out who was the center of power in the court.

This is not necessary.But for Mu Changzuo.It is something that has to be done.He did it just in case.Just in case.If something happened suddenly at that time.He needs to find someone to clear the relationship.Let's settle the troubles that may arise.therefore.For those people in the DPRK who should go find them at that time.He had to know what to do.

Take Feng Bao as an example.then.Mu Changzuo had just become Duke of Qian.The situation in North Korea and China is different from now.that time.But Gao Gong is in power.Whether it is Zhang Juzheng or Feng Bao.All of them are under the pressure of a high arch.Logically speaking.The person Mu Changzuo should inquire about most is Gao Gong.but.Mu Changzuo is still very discerning in this regard.He saw that Gao Gong might not be jumping for long.So he didn't bother to focus on Gao Gong.Instead, he focused on Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, the two "stars of tomorrow".

only.What Mu Changzuo did was not an ordinary action.He's not that kind of before things happen.People who are already going to have a good relationship with each other.Mu Changzuo is not that kind of person.certainly.Of course he thought about that.But he never wanted to do that.It's not that he lacks vision.It's that he knows where he stands.Not to mention.For some people.Approaching each other so rashly.It will be able to let the other party see that this approach is ill-intentioned.

If so.Isn't it that nothing has been done.It has already made the other party wary.And if it goes on like this.Wait until something really happens.Whether those people will help you is still a question mark.If so.Didn't he lose his wife and lose his army?Mu Changzuo won't go back and do this kind of thing.

so.Although Mu Changzuo has not met many people in the court.But for those he feels should know.He was definitely well prepared.And very well prepared.Not to mention knowing everything.But it has definitely reached the point where he needs to use it.

Of course.For Zhang Fan who was already very conspicuous at that time.Mu Changzuo naturally didn't let it go.But for Zhang Fan.Maybe it's because others are not in the capital.Although he also attaches great importance to it.But he didn't want to do that to Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.After all, no matter Zhang Fan's age or time in his official career.and his qualifications.All of them are not as deep as Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.Even at that time, Zhang Fan was already very impressive.But after all, it was also relying on the emperor's favor.therefore.Mu Changzuo is not too optimistic about Zhang Fan.

But after.When Longqing died.After Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.Who knows Zhang Fan's status.It's not just that he didn't receive the slightest shake.On the contrary, it is more stable than before.and.And that's not just stability.It can be said that it has become more powerful.Although so described.It is too general.Also too tacky.But it is also appropriate.Zhang Fan.It is indeed becoming more and more powerful.

but.This is for Mu Changzuo.It didn't surprise him too much.Or regret something.Although Zhang Fan's change.It was indeed something he hadn't thought of before.but.This is not a problem for Mu Changzuo.After all, he never thought of approaching these people on his own initiative.Build relationships beforehand.

Not to mention.Zhang Fan's identity is there.He is the commander of Jinyiwei.If you want to investigate clearly.Not easy at all.And even if you know something.At that time, it will be difficult to find Zhang Fan to do business.The particularity of Jinyiwei.Mu Changzuo still understood very well.

But here we go.Maybe someone will ask.Since for Zhang Fan.Mu Changzuo made such a decision.So what about Feng Bao?Logically speaking.Although Feng Baona is not yet the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies.But under the general trend.It can be seen that he is determined to win that position.What's more, he is still in charge of the East Factory.That was deeper than Jinyiwei's water.Now that Zhang Fan felt a little powerless.But why do you want to provoke Feng Bao?

The truth is actually very simple.Because of Feng Bao who is in charge of the East Factory.He is a eunuch.And since it is a eunuch.Then there are many such and such problems.Feng Bao.It is no exception.He is greedy for money, power, and vanity.Perhaps Feng Bao was not like other eunuchs.For these look so heavy.But he does have these problems.

therefore.In Mu Changzuo's mind.As long as you can find the right place.Want to deal with Feng Bao.That's definitely a very, very easy thing to do.

But Zhang Fan was different.Zhang Fan was born as a scholar.And it is because of the emperor's favor that it has today's Fan's way of reaching the sky in one step.Maybe a lot of people will look down on it.But at the same time.Zhang Fan's approach also has an advantage.That is, it is difficult to leave any handle on the other party.

It was precisely because Zhang Fan was so smooth.Hence his question.There is simply no time to reveal it.It has been hidden.

But for Mu Changzuo.Want to deal with such a person.Obviously it is much more difficult than Feng Bao.

Now.That's it.Even Mu Changzuo.It didn't even occur to Zhang Fan.How could he answer his own question so bluntly.This made him not know how to answer for a while.

But that was only for a while.this problem.He still has to answer.Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing.

Facing Zhang Fan's problem.After a period of thinking.After figuring out what to say.Mu Changzuo smiled at Zhang Fan.Started to speak.

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