I don't know why.It's true that Mu Changzuo really wanted to find fault with Zhang Fan when he came to Yongning this time.Or is it hidden under his seemingly forbearance.But it was his face-saving nature.Everyone has to respect him.Don't look down on him.

If not.Why this is when I just came to Yongning City.Don't tell me in front of so many people at the gate of the city.But here it is again.Let's talk about this kind of thing.Not when there are more people.The more it makes sense.Dare to say more.Isn't it.

only.Others may think so.But Mu Changzuo was not.He had to pick such a time to talk about this matter.And there are not many people here.And most of them belong to Zhang Fan's people.This is simply confusing.Even if you want to find uncomfortable.But don't do this kind of thing.

only.Mu Changzuo obviously left room.He didn't just attack Zhang Fan blindly.I didn't want to use that kind of quick-fix tactics.Immediately separate high down.Because he understands it very well in his heart.Even he had never met Zhang Fan before.Even many things about Zhang Fan are not very clear.But he understood this.So he didn't intend to do it in the first place.

but.If not.He felt a little uncomfortable again.therefore.He thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.Against Zhang Fan.Of course there must be.But in the process of confrontation.In discourse, it cannot just be said in this way.If so.It was fine.Have to say something.

therefore.When Mu Changzuo was talking.Still very careful.in words.It was indeed with a sense of displeasure towards Zhang Fan.There is no doubt about this.Not only Zhang Fan.Even the others here.He also heard the meaning of his words.

but.If it is because of this that he cares about it.Zhang Fan also understood that he would eventually become unreasonable.After all, in Mu Changzuo's words.Although with those things.But there are still many things that cannot be explained clearly.If it is forced to say that he said something bad.Then there is a problem.

so.Zhang Fan didn't care about what he said.But very generous.Even pretending to be confused and fooling around.but.Zhang Fan didn't just do that.If only that was the case.This is tantamount to showing weakness to Mu Changzuo.that's all.Zhang Fan did not follow up on this sentence.But the following words.Zhang Fan made it very clear to him.And what is carried in the words.It's not right to say that it is Li Wei.It can be regarded as a threat.

and.Zhang Fan's threat.But it is much more effective than other accusations or blatantly speaking.Zhang Fan never said anything directly.It's just a possibility.The rest needs to be considered by Mu Changzuo himself.

If it is said clearly.Even what you say is true.But the other party may not buy it at this time.And if you didn't make it clear.It's just telling the other party a possible threat.If so.The other party will think a lot.You may even think of a lot that you don't know.Things that could threaten him.this.That's the number one threat.

And obviously.Zhang Fan's approach.That definitely worked.

Originally, it was just an insignificant matter.But when Zhang Fan said it.But suddenly it was related to Mu Changzuo.And it turned into a threatening speech.

And Mu Changzuo.It also did not live up to Zhang Fan's "expectations".After Zhang Fan finished speaking.His complexion also changed immediately.Although it can't be called pale.But that look.Definitely not the easy kind.I don't know what Zhang Fan said.What made him think of something that could threaten him.In short.It will definitely not be a good thing for him.

Mu Changzuo looked like this.Naturally, let Zhang Fan see clearly.And Zhang Fan also has a city mansion.He saw Mu Changzuo's expression clearly.But it didn't mean to say it.Even the expression on his face remained unchanged.He pretended not to care.It seems that the words just now.It's just that he accidentally mentioned it to Mu Changzuo.It's not words that threaten others.Just finished here.Zhang Fan chatted and laughed with the other people at the table and began to exchange glasses.It seemed that he didn't look at Mu Changzuo at all.But actually.Zhang Fan was naturally looking for an opportunity to see Mu Changzuo secretly.

It did not disappoint Zhang Fan's "hard work".See Mu Changzuo's expression now.Zhang Fan was naturally very satisfied.certainly.If it wasn't for him, he would have to maintain his expression.I'm afraid he already laughed out loud.

Zhang Fan said so.Not only Mu Changzuo.Even other people.Even Liu Xian who doesn't understand these things the most here.You can already hear what he meant.As for Feng Bao and Liu Xian, there is no need to talk about it.Although they don't like each other.But in the face of Mu Changzuo.They are still consistent.now.They saw that Mu Changzuo was deflated.I am naturally very happy in my heart.Let's drink with Zhang Fan.It seems that the quality of this wine has been upgraded to a higher level.It is almost indistinguishable from the fine nectar and jade liquid in the fairy world.

Only Mao Zhengqing was alone.But he couldn't be as happy as the three of them.He naturally understood the meaning of Zhang Fan's words.even.It was because Mao Zhengqing cared very much about this matter from the very beginning.So after seeing Mu Changzuo's face.He just kept staring at it.So just now.When Zhang Fan had just finished speaking that sentence.Even the person involved, Mu Changzuo.And when Feng Bao, who was most concerned about this kind of thing at that time, hadn't reacted to the connotation of Zhang Fan's words.Mao Zhengqing had already understood.

Speaking words.This really made him very embarrassed.original.He was very worried that he would be involved in this matter.But because he is the prefect of the prefecture.You can't be absent either.Originally, he planned to be cautious.Don't get burned.but now.Zhang Fan did this.She just wanted to hurt him.In case Mu Changzuo cared too much about this matter.There was nowhere to vent and it was sent to his head.He was really in bad luck.

So now.Mao Zhengqing was really difficult to do.He wanted to be with Mu Changzuo.He also made a look of embarrassment.but.He is afraid.If Zhang Fan saw his appearance like this.Just in case Zhang Fan felt uncomfortable.Still have to tease him.so what should I do now.Although the current Zhang Fan is in Mao Zhengqing's eyes.Already a good guy.But he still didn't dare to take the risk.

but.in reverse.Compared to offending Zhang Fan.He didn't dare to offend Mu Changzuo either.If you want him to choose.Naturally, he hoped to be able to laugh with Zhang Fan and the others even more.But he considers.In case Mu Changzuo felt dissatisfied when he saw his appearance.What should I do.To know.Zhang Fan and the three of them.One is the commander of Jinyiwei.He is still the imperial tutor.One is the general who commands the troops.One is the eunuch.These three people are naturally qualified to laugh.But he is Mao Zhengqing.He, Mao Zhengqing, was nothing more than a small fourth-rank magistrate.If Mu Changzuo took his anger out on him.so what should I do now.

Zhang Fan and the three of them.It doesn't matter.After all, after the things here are over.They are leaving.But what about Mao Zhengqing?He is the magistrate of Yongning Prefecture.He has to stay here and continue to be an official.His family is here too.He can't escape.Mu Changzuo wanted to trouble him in the future.Didn't it come hand in hand.

The current Mao Zhengqing.Can only circle around the four of them.If Zhang Fan met his eyes here.He can't help it.Had to forcefully show a smile.Saying that he agrees with what he said.But if Mu Changzuo's eyes glance over occasionally.He immediately put on a bitter face.Showing that he is also helpless about his affairs.

but.This scene.Mao Zhengqing was never the point.The focus is on Mu Changzuo's side.

And Mu Changzuo's performance this time.Also very qualified.For Zhang Fan's words.He did have a lot of ideas.He did indeed show a lot of displeasure on his face.But obviously.He finally held back.It didn't explode completely.at last.Forbearance still prevailed.

Even at the end.Not only did he not show any excesses.Instead, he picked up the wine glass.He also joined Zhang Fan and the others with a smile.All of a sudden.They were talking and laughing.only.Three of them were genuinely happy.And the other two.One is a forced smile.One is very guilty.

But this kind of thing.After all, it was just a small episode.Even Mu Changzuo.It was also quickly revealed.

Drink three rounds.After the five flavors of the dish.They also talked a lot about things that should be chatted.Also enough.

Wait a little longer.Zhang Fan did the math and it was almost the same.I knew in my heart that I should get to the point.He raised his glass.A toast to Mu Changzuo.He poured wine for him himself.While pouring wine.He said at the same time: "That's right, Lord Guo. I have said so much. I have something to ask Lord Guo. Speaking of it, since I heard the news that Lord Guo is coming to Yongning. I've been thinking about this matter, but I haven't figured out why. Now, I have to ask the Duke for advice."

"Master Zhang, please tell me." Mu Changzuo saw Zhang Fan's attitude.To be clear is to talk about business.He also reset his attitude.Ready to deal with it.

"Actually, it's not a big deal," Zhang Fan said. "I just can't figure it out. Why did the Duke come to Yongning at this time?"

This is the most important part.And all four of them were waiting for Mu Changzuo's answer.

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