The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1263 An Apology First

In the final analysis, the arrival of Mu Changzuo now is what makes the people in Yongning most curious, that is, the reason for his visit. In the end, why Mu Changzuo came to Yongning at this time is a very important question.

It is true that since he, Mu Changzuo, is Duke Qian and General Zhengnan, he is responsible for guarding Yunnan, and now that such a big thing has happened in Yunnan, even now, this matter has been settled by Zhang Fan and Liu Xian. He went down, but as the Duke of Qian, he still has nothing to say when he comes here.

However, there are some problems at this time. Since you have the responsibility to guard Yunnan, then you should take action immediately when this matter has just emerged, mobilize the army, counter the rebellion, etc. Matters, this is your duty, Mu Changzuo, but you didn't come at that time, and you didn't even say anything, and you couldn't hear from you at all.

However, after everything was over, you suddenly appeared now, and the timing of your appearance was after the conflict between Zhang Fan and your father-in-law Ding Youyang. Appeared suddenly, so if you come here, the reason why you Mu Changzuo came to Yongning City is really intriguing.

Generally speaking, if this is the premise, there are only two reasons why Mu Changzuo came here. One is because Zhang Fan had a conflict with his father-in-law, and Mu Changzuo came here , it's clear that they want to trouble Zhang Fan, whether it's for his face, or for the face of his wife and old man, it's not bad if you think about it this way.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Mu Changzuo came here this time to apologize to Zhang Fan. Why did Zhang Fan come to apologize when he clearly had a conflict with his father-in-law? If you slap your left cheek, you have to stick out your right cheek to let others continue to slap you. Of course, such things happen, but most of them are manifested in two people with very different identities.

But the identity difference between Zhang Fan and Mu Changzuo, even if there is, is not obvious. Logically speaking, Mu Changzuo shouldn't do this.

It's just that there is an exception in this matter, and that is Mu Changzuo himself. It has been mentioned many times before. Because of the various misdeeds of the former Qian Guogong Mu Chaobi, he eventually harmed others and eventually harmed himself. Not to mention for the common people, it can be said that it is extremely miserable to die as a guest in a foreign land in the end, and Mu Changzuo, who followed Mu Chaobi, after becoming the Duke of Qian, can be said to be terrified by this incident, so whether it is He was careful about everything he did, even if a commoner bumped into his frame, he would have to be punished, and he would have to go to the Yamen to try the case and set up a desk, in case someone would use this matter to find him in the future trouble.

Regardless of what Mu Changzuo is thinking in his heart, one thing is certain, that is, Mu Changzuo absolutely does not want any form of trouble to appear on his body.

If you think about it this way, the second possibility can make sense. Zhang Fan had a conflict with his father-in-law. Although he said that he was his father-in-law, it is obvious that he cannot escape from Mu Changzuo. If it was related, if it was based on his idea of ​​not wanting to be involved in anything, the reason why he came here to apologize to Zhang Fan would make sense.

It's just that, even though that's the case, no one can guarantee that it's true. Moreover, after Mu Changzuo arrived here, although Feng Bao's sudden appearance gave him a lot of surprises, the rest Yes, but he acted very forcefully. In short, it was hard to see that he was here to apologize.

Since he didn't come to apologize, it means that he came to find fault. However, from what he said before, there is nothing to find fault with. That's right, what he said was indeed very rude , but if you really want to pick out the meaning of finding fault from his blunt words, there is no way. Many things, Mu Changzuo said inexplicably, make people feel that maybe this is the case, maybe is not.

And now, after dealing with him for so long, Zhang Fan also feels that it is not an option to go on like this. Even if there is something that is not suitable to be said immediately after the first meeting, it has been so long now It's time, and the atmosphere between them, even if it's not very harmonious, is not bad. In short, now Zhang Fan feels that it's such a suitable time, so he doesn't plan to continue to deal with it, so he opened his mouth I asked Mu Changzuo what it meant to come to Yongning.

And Mu Changzuo also understands this meaning. In fact, he has sat down to now and feels that this kind of gag chat is enough, and it will be over if it goes on. In this case, it is better to end the business as soon as possible However, Mu Changzuo is not the host of this banquet, but Zhang Fan is, so no matter how you think about it, Zhang Fan must first raise this matter, and now, Zhang Fan has indeed said It came out, which made Mu Changzuo feel the tension at the beginning of the main show, but at the same time he felt a sense of relaxation.

As for Zhang Fan's question, Mu Changzuo had already considered it before he came. He knew that Zhang Fan would definitely ask this question, so he had already started preparing how to answer it.

"Master Zhang, why bother to ask questions knowingly? I came this time to apologize to Master Zhang." Mu Changzuo looked at Zhang Fan and said with an appearance that you clearly knew, but what he said made everyone present Everyone was taken aback for a moment, originally thought that Mu Changzuo might say that, and the possibility was very high, but when Mu Changzuo really said it, Zhang Fan and the others had another I feel it, I always feel that this is too sudden.

However, Mu Changzuo didn't care what they thought, he naturally saw Zhang Fan's expression after he said these words, but he didn't pay attention to it, and continued to say to himself: "Master Zhang Now that you know that I am the Duke of Guizhou, you will definitely know my other identity, General Zhengnan, guarding this Yunnan is the duty of my Mu family for generations, and now, such a big thing happened in Yunnan, although now Well, this was put down by General Liu's army before there was any trouble, but for me, this matter is endless.

"Since the incident happened in Yunnan, and it's still this kind of incident, it will naturally be blamed on me. Now that General Liu has settled the incident, I heard that Mr. Zhang has also contributed a lot in it. When the time comes, Naturally, the two of you are indispensable for the imperial court to reward meritorious deeds. However, at that time, someone must be responsible for this matter. I am afraid that when that time comes, I will be the one to bear the blame.

"It's not that I dare to do it or not. It's really this kind of thing. Everyone here, Mr. Zhang, Eunuch Feng, and General Liu all understand it. This kind of thing is not so easy to solve. , It is also possible that my head is in a different place, I don't want to take that road yet, so I am here this time to apologize to Master Zhang and General Liu, "

Originally, he was indeed very nervous. What Mu Changzuo said at the beginning was to apologize to Zhang Fan, which made the people present naturally think of Ding Youyang's incident.

However, after waiting nervously, what Mu Changzuo said was the following. He said that his reason for coming was because of the incident where Zhang Yong and Wang Xin gathered people to rebel.

Indeed, if this matter came out of Mu Changzuo's mouth, it would be understandable, and the reason is exactly as he said just now, there is nothing wrong with it, that's what happened, as Zheng General Nan is responsible for guarding Yunnan. Now that such an incident happened here, but he did not show his face from the beginning to the end of the incident. If no one in the court thinks about it in the future, forget it , but once someone thinks about it, he will be guilty of dereliction of duty.

Just a little bit.

"My lord," Zhang Fan thought for a while, and said to him, "I understand everything you said, and it's true. If someone in the court brings up this matter in the future, the lord will The Lord's troubles are absolutely inescapable, so it is natural for the Lord of the Kingdom to remedy something now.

"But if this happens, there is one thing I can't figure out. For this kind of thing, it should be that the Duke himself submitted the memorial to the court to plead guilty. As long as the Queen Mother sees the memorial of the Duke's plea first, and Don't let anyone take the first step and the wicked file a complaint first, then there will be no problem.

"However, Lord Guo didn't do this, but now he came to me and apologized to me. I really couldn't figure it out. After thinking about it, Lord Guo met me for the first time this time. It's because they have heard each other's names, but they have never met face to face. What's more, no matter what I think this time, the Duke of the Kingdom has never done anything to apologize to me. Come and apologize to me.

"This matter, you have to make it clear. Otherwise, even if you apologize, it is an apology without reason. If I don't agree or say it, I still have to blame you, Duke Yu," said the last address. , Zhang Fan used honorifics, but his tone became tougher than ever. He put on a look that if you don't speak clearly, I will turn against you.

Seeing what Zhang Fan said, Mu Changzuo was not angry. Instead, he laughed at himself and said, "Since Mr. Zhang has said so, I won't hide it anymore. In fact, there is a reason for me to tell Mr. Zhang like this. Yes, I did not do anything against Mr. Zhang before, but I will do one thing soon, and I hope Mr. Zhang can forgive me in advance. ,"

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