Mu Changzuo's words.Once again, everyone present was silent.good.The words he just said.Of course there is nothing wrong with that.This time thing.If no one mentions Mu Changzuo's name by then.That's all.That's it.But once someone mentioned Mu Changzuo.I'm afraid that would be a bit difficult to end.

But judging from the current situation.This thing has to be said to be too eye-catching.There are also a lot of people who care about this matter.Although Zhang Fan is thousands of miles away.I don't know what it looks like in the capital.But he also heard it from Feng Bao.After Zhang Fan's memorial was sent back.It can be said that there was a lot of discussion in the court.Although the decision was made on the same day.But until Feng Bao left Beijing thinking about traveling here.Voices talking about it can be heard everywhere.

From this point of view.I want to not mention Mu Changzuo's name in the future.That's probably too difficult.And once Mu Changzuo's name was mentioned.Troubles will keep coming.Even if it is time.Zhang Fan went over and made it clear.This matter has nothing to do with Mu Changzuo.That didn't help either.At that time, someone will definitely impeach Mu Changzuo for dereliction of duty.

Maybe someone will say.In the Ming and Ming Dynasties, the imperial decree has already been issued.Leave this matter to Zhang Fan and Liu Xian for questioning.That being the case.Doesn't it have nothing to do with Mu Changzuo?But that's not the case.And even if it's not messing around.It can also make sense.You, Mu Changzuo, are Duke of Qian and General of Zhengnan.It has the responsibility to guard Yunnan itself.And now this incident happened in Yongning Mansion.It is also on the border of your Yunnan.

That being the case.This matter is naturally your Qian Guogong's business.And if so.Why do you have to wait for the imperial edict.There is no need to mention this kind of thing.You should take the initiative to mobilize troops to counter the rebellion.

but.The fact is that you, Mu Changzuo, did not do this.Not just not doing it.Even from the beginning to the end of this whole thing.You didn't even show your face once.If so.You, Mu Changzuo, were charged with dereliction of duty.That is to say, it is solid.Definitely didn't run away.Perhaps such a thing is not important.But this kind of thing.If there is one, there are two.There are two and there are three.Even if it is the second time, it can be resolved so easily.Who can guarantee that it will be the same for the third time.Will Yunnan.Give such a large piece of land of Ming Dynasty to you, Mu Changzuo, to guard it.Can the emperor rest assured?

If so.That's even easier.Since you can't reassure the above.Then change to someone who can make people feel at ease.

Of course.Maybe someone else will say it.Mu Changzuo inherited the position of Duke Qian in the sixth year of Longqing.And after he became the Duke of Guizhou.It has been very low-key.No offense to anyone at all.That being the case.Why would someone in the court want to put him to death?

The rationale for this question.That's even easier.There are always a few good people in the court.This is indeed true.But that's not the real reason.The real reason is.Someone wants to replace it.The ancestor of the Mu clan is Mu Ying.That is Zhu Yuanzhang's adopted son.It is the person who helped Zhu Yuanzhang fight the country.And the history of the Mu family.It is as long as the Ming Dynasty.

up to now.There are more than 200 years.The Zhu family has reproduced so many descendants.But anyway.The next thing is that there are many seats for King Qing.Even if someone is dissatisfied.But he didn't dare to say anything.But what about his Mu family?There is only such a seat as Qian Guogong.Of course.Through the Mu family's relationship.Find another job in the court.That also works.But that's not as happy as being a duke of the state of Qian, isn't it?

When Mu Chaobi had an accident.I was really happy and ruined many people in the Mu family.Because if something happens to Mu Chaobi.The position of Duke Qian is now vacant.Anyway.It always has to be done.That is.In this way.As long as they are descendants of the Mu family.Then there is a chance.Although the opportunities are big and small.But after all, there is a chance.

And finally.This opportunity fell on Mu Changzuo.What about him?Naturally, I also grasped it.Became the Duke of Qian.In this way.For other descendants of the Mu family.That was naturally very unpleasant.And for Mu Changzuo.Naturally, they were itching with hatred.They can't wait.Mu Changzuo could have the same fate as Mu Chaobi.Give them another chance.

And Mu Changzuo.But he clamped his tail tightly to be a man.In this regard, it can be described as watertight.Didn't let those people find the slightest chance.

But this time the thing.Undoubtedly, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has been found for those people.good.It is not an exaggeration to describe it as once in a thousand years.Although it has been said since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.During these 200 years.The rebellion happened one after another.But here in Yunnan.But it is rare.Little momentum.Basically, it's a matter among the local ethnic minorities.Momentum.Just relying on him as a general who conquered the South is not fair.

And this time things.But it was just right.Quantitatively speaking.It happened to be within the scope of his Mu Changzuo's jurisdiction.And it is.Mu Changzuo just didn't come forward to ask about this matter.

By the time.Others don't say it.Other people from the Mu family.He will definitely be messing with this matter behind his back.By the time.What means.Let the people in the court impeach Mu Changzuo without mentioning it.But this thing will definitely happen.Once so.Mu Changzuo's troubles can not only be measured by size.

In short.Things are very troublesome now.

And now.Mu Changzuo said so.It is also very normal.only.what he said.I want to apologize to Zhang Fan first.This already made Zhang Fan and the others feel very strange.After all, Mu Changzuo is strictly speaking.He didn't do anything to feel sorry for Zhang Fan.Even if he did it because of his father-in-law's affairs.It also seems to be a bit too much.

but.Just when Zhang Fan and the others couldn't figure it out.What Mu Changzuo said later came out again.He said he apologized.It wasn't because of what he did to Zhang Fan before.He apologized because of what he was going to do to Zhang Fan.

Speaking up.Since it is possible to say such a thing.That is to say.At least Mu Changzuo couldn't do anything excessive.But the way things look be honest.Several people present.No one can guarantee it.Mu Changzuo would not say the kind of words that hide the knife in his smile.It looks very friendly on the face.The tone of voice is also nice.But wait until you hear what exactly he said.But it's completely changed.

Of course.Although the chances of this are not great.But let's be honest.people present.Coupled with the previous scenes.None of them can guarantee.Mu Changzuo really didn't know how to say that.

All of a sudden.The atmosphere became tense.

"The Duke said..." Zhang Fan thought.It's better to talk to yourself and ask.Then he opened his mouth and said to Mu Changzuo. "Apologize to me first. Listen to the tone of the Duke. I understand this matter. I just don't know what sorry things the Duke wants to do to me."

"I told Master Zhang before." Mu Changzuo explained. "I'm afraid that someone in the court will make trouble for me. Maybe for Mr. Zhang. I am such a Duke of Qian. It's really too far away from the capital. It doesn't matter. But I can't be indifferent. This matter If the matter is small, I don’t want to cause trouble; if it is big, it means that I cherish my wealth and life very much.

"Therefore. For this reason. I can only do one thing to be sorry to my lord. It's just this thing. It's not to force Master Zhang to do something. It's to ask Master Zhang to help him do something."

"Oh." Zhang Fan heard Mu Changzuo say this.Also a little curious.quickly asked. "Duke don't say that. If you have something to do, it's okay to say it. As long as I, Zhang Fan, can do it, there is nothing to say. Why do you need an apology from the duke. "

"Hey. Master Zhang said so. I'm a little worried." Mu Changzuo said with a wave.Said. "No matter what. I ask Mr. Zhang to finish listening to me before speaking.

"What happened this time. Naturally, I want to report to the imperial court to explain what's going on here. It's just that I've said it before. If I'm the only one doing this, it won't work at all. So .What I mean is. Mr. Zhang also submits a copy. Just talk about this matter."

"Don't worry, my lord. Of course I will do this." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "It's just that. I've thought about this before. I'm afraid even if I say so, those people below may not let the Duke go."

"Master Zhang. I haven't finished talking yet." Mu Changzuo was not in a hurry.Said. "This book. Mr. Zhang will naturally want to submit it. But. This book. Mr. Zhang should not go to the court. It is best to be in the court. It is better that no one sees it at all.

"Master Zhang's booklet. It was uploaded directly for the Empress Dowager to read."

"Oh. Just give it to the Empress Dowager." Zhang Fan continued to be curious.

"That's right. Send it directly to the Empress Dowager." Mu Changzuo nodded.Said. "In this case, those people in the court will not know. They will not know. They will not tell the Queen Mother in advance. At that time. Even if there are a few people jumping up and down. My side It’s easy to talk.”

"It seems that the Duke is very thoughtful about this matter." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "But this matter is the same. I have to be careful. But. I still don't understand. It's okay to do this. Why does the Duke of the Kingdom insist on apologizing to me? What does the Duke of the Kingdom want me to say to the Queen Mother .”

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