The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1268 Written by Two People

In fact, Zhang Fan had already made up his mind on this matter. Ever since Mu Changzuo said his request, Zhang Fan had already started to think about what to do about this matter. This is the most appropriate thing to do.

Now that Mu Changzuo has already spoken, and it is a request, and Zhang Fan has already agreed, then no matter what, this matter must be done. After all, this involves a problem of credibility. How dark things are, but once you agree to other people's things, then you have to do it, otherwise, if you spread the word that you broke your promise, then in the future, who will come Looking for you to do business.

It's just that there is a difference here. You agreed to other people's affairs, so it is natural to do it. However, the other party didn't say anything, but they didn't say that you can't go. Do that, and Zhang Fan's idea is precisely on this.

He will naturally do what Mu Changzuo told him, and there will never be any discounts. He will definitely do all the things that have been promised to him. Didn’t Mu Changzuo ask him to tell the Queen Mother Li? Those things, the reason why he didn’t show up this time was all because Zhang Fan had told him in advance, telling him not to do it, and Zhang Fan would definitely do it, absolutely impossible. discounted.

And Mu Changzuo also requested that this memorial be written by Zhang Fan and received by the Empress Dowager Li. In the middle, it will not be in the hands of anyone except for the people who are sent to the capital and received into the palace. , the content of the excerpt must not be leaked before Queen Mother Li sees it. Since Mu Changzuo also raised this point, Zhang Fan can also satisfy him.

However, in addition to these things, on the memorial that Zhang Fan handed to Queen Mother Li, Zhang Fan would also write other things. The ins and outs of this matter, as well as the things in the booklet, were written by Mu Changzuo to Zhang Fan, and all these things were written in the booklet for Empress Dowager Li to read.

Zhang Fan originally thought so. In fact, the whole thing, including Mu Changzuo coming to him to talk about it, made Zhang Fan a little strange.

This whole matter, from the beginning to the end of the matter, Mu Changzuo did not show up, even when the imperial decree was handed down from the Empress Dowager Li, Zhang Fan and Liu Xian were fully responsible for this matter , and did not mention Mu Changzuo's name. In short, this matter has never had any relationship with Mu Changzuo from the beginning.

In the final analysis, Mu Changzuo has no need to worry at all, he just needs to do nothing and just stay in Yunnan Mansion so honestly, but now, he didn't do that, but appeared in a grandiose manner In the sight of others, he talked about this matter with Zhang Fan openly. Although he said that he wanted to settle the danger he might face, in Zhang Fan's view, it was more like asking for trouble. , as long as you keep silent, you'll be fine, but he just wants to stand up and shout.

This made Zhang Fan have to wonder whether Mu Changzuo actually had some kind of conspiracy. However, no matter how Zhang Fan thought about this matter, he couldn't figure out what Mu Changzuo would get if he did so. As the Duke of Qian, he has reached his peak, and he has no other pursuits, and when it comes to framing Zhang Fan, it seems that this matter cannot be done.

After all, when he asked Zhang Fan to do this matter, he actually involved himself in it. As long as he dared to use this matter to frame Zhang Fan, his matter would also be exposed. At that time, he would not be able to escape by himself, and he did not have any great enmity with Zhang Fan, so he needed to risk his life to frame him, so it was obviously unwise to do so.

However, if this is not the case, then no matter how he thinks about this matter, Mu Changzuo will not be able to get any benefits or other things, so in fact, Zhang Fan can rest assured.

However, no matter how much Zhang Fan thought about it, he couldn't think of anything wrong, but he still couldn't rest assured about this matter. Maybe it was just a little paranoia on his part, or maybe his time as a Jinyiwei was too short. It took too long to have such thoughts similar to occupational diseases, but he just couldn't let go of his mind.

Therefore, Zhang Fan has such a plan for this matter. Even if he can't think of anything wrong, he still needs to be prepared. Therefore, he plans to present it to Queen Mother Li. , Write down all the things that Mu Changzuo asked him to write, but after that, he will also write on the notebook. The reason why he said this is because Mu Changzuo asked him to say so.

Of course, you can’t just write it like this. If so, Zhang Fan obviously pushed Mu Changzuo to a very dangerous place. Although he said that he did this to prevent Mu Changzuo, he never could. In this way, Mu Changzuo was sued. It was obvious that he was impeaching Mu Changzuo for deceiving the emperor, which would cost his head.

And Zhang Fan also understands that Mu Changzuo must not just go on like this, at least not now, he has only been the Duke of Qian for more than a year. The vibrations in the whole Yunnan are not small. Now, it is only now that it has calmed down. If there is another one at this moment when it has just calmed down, Yunnan is bound to be in chaos.

Of course, Empress Dowager Li is not the kind of person who doesn't understand the overall situation, and Zhang Fan doesn't even need to say it. She absolutely understands what troubles will happen in Yunnan if Mu Changzuo is replaced at this time, but even so, Zhang Fan Fan still needs to make it clear.

Chaos belongs to chaos, but it depends on what kind of chaos it is, or what it is compared with. Yes, Empress Dowager Li does not want the world to be chaotic. She wants to leave Zhu Yijun with a peaceful world, but peace is not It means that there will be such a group of jumping clowns below who can do whatever they want.

In case, when Empress Dowager Li reads this paper, she thinks of some bad past, or he is in a bad mood, and suddenly feels that Mu Changzuo should not stay in this seat anymore, then why not? It's going to be a big mess.

So, just in case, Zhang Fan still had to write in the back, hoping that the Empress Dowager Li would deal with it lightly, not to do anything to Mu Changzuo, and just tell her the priorities.

This is Zhang Fan's thinking on this matter, that's how he thinks about it.

After returning to the post house, Zhang Fan began to write this memorial by hand, and Feng Bao, who knew the importance of this matter, had been discussing this matter with Zhang Fan since he came back. There are many thoughts on this matter.

After talking with Feng Bao, Zhang Fan found that Feng Bao had really changed. If it was the former Feng Bao, he would definitely do something behind his back when encountering such a thing. At the very least, if he changed If he became him, even if he would help Mu Changzuo with this matter, he would definitely not just make him comfortable like this, and would definitely cause Mu Changzuo a lot of trouble.

But now, after Zhang Fan discussed with Feng Bao, he found that what Feng Bao thought was exactly the same as him. Write it to Queen Mother Li, but write it down. You must write your own affairs clearly. You must not let Queen Mother Li have any misunderstandings, and you must not let other people catch any handles.

Finally, for this matter, it is absolutely necessary to write clearly about the powerful relationship in it. It is absolutely impossible to let Queen Mother Li have any unexpected situation that Zhang Fan and the others cannot see, so that she suddenly changes her mind, and then Mu If Chang Zuo got it down, it would be troublesome.

As for how to write this note, it will be Feng Bao's turn to show his power. Although Zhang Fan has a very good relationship with Queen Mother Li, even if it is not every day, he will always enter the palace every now and then. Seeing her and talking about some things, but in comparison, Zhang Fan certainly did not understand the situation better than Feng Bao, who spent most of the day with Empress Dowager Li.

How to write it, even if it has the same meaning, if it is written in different words, it will give people a different feeling. Only Feng Bao can know which one Empress Dowager Li likes more.

Therefore, this booklet was basically written by Feng Bao and Zhang Fan. The person who wrote it was naturally Zhang Fan. Feng Bao took care of the complete sentences, and even what words should be used in individual places.

In other words, Feng Bao actually helped Zhang Fan arrange the words and sentences of this memorial, but it was written by Zhang Fanlai himself.

Although it has not been counted, this memorial can definitely be called the one that the Empress Dowager Li can most agree with. Not to mention the contents, but the words used in many places, maybe others read it He would think it was nothing, but Feng Bao, the person involved, understood that doing so would definitely please the Empress Dowager Li.

In short, this scripture can be regarded as completed.

However, it was sent to the capital not by Zhang Fan's people, but by Feng Bao's person who was the supervisor of ceremonies. It can be said that there was only one person in the middle who took over from Zhang Fan. After arriving at Zhezi, he went all the way to the capital without changing people on the way, directly entered the palace, and delivered it directly to the Empress Dowager Li. For this reason, Feng Bao also specially wrote a letter to that person so that he could go to the palace smoothly. Get this thing done.

Now, these things are done, basically, Zhang Fan has nothing to do, just wait for the imperial decree, of course, this only refers to Yongning Mansion, outside Yongning Mansion, in the southwest, Zhang Fan There are other things to do,

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