The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1269 The Imperial Decree Arrives

now.Things in Yongning Mansion.It's already nearing the end.Although the world is not peaceful yet.There are many trivial things to worry about.But obviously.Those things are not what Zhang Fan has to do.Or rather.Those trivial things.Even Zhang Fan didn't have to worry about it.Others can do it well too.

so.Zhang Fan now.It's a little free.

Since Mu Changzuo's arrival.It's been two days.And these two days.Zhang Fan also had nothing to do.Instead, I spent more time with Joanna.I said it before I said it.The scenery here.It's really good.Although there are not as many magnificent cultural landscapes as in the capital.But the natural beauty here.It is also a must.For Joanna.Lived in Portugal since childhood.Even to the British Isles.Also been to India.I have seen many things.But speaking up.Compared with the scene here.But it also surprised her.

even though.Now there is nothing wrong with Yongning Mansion.But Zhang Fan couldn't go far away from Yongning.So a place for the two to hang out.Most of them are around Yongning.But even so.It can be regarded as an eye-opener for Joanna.

However.This is just a part of Zhang Fan's leisure time.There is more.He also went to Ding Youyang's place.Talk to Mu Changzuo or something.Although it is said that everything is possible to prevent Mu Changzuo.But even so.Zhang Fan still wanted to get some news from him.

how to say.It's not really a feeling of uneasiness.But maybe it's because Zhang Fan has been a Jinyiwei for a long time.For this kind of problem.He still wants to know the answer as soon as possible.

only.Obviously Mu Changzuo is not a vegetarian either.It was absolutely impossible for him to let Zhang Fan get the answer so easily.Although there was only one contact after that.But actually.Neither of them said anything substantive.Just chatting.

Zhang Fan suddenly found out.It turns out that this Duke Qian has always been very low-key.It really does have some means.Every time he wants to bring the conversation to the question.It will be easily resolved by him.either.He has already done a lot of research on this kind of thing behind the scenes.Either that or he really has a talent for this sort of thing.

but.Zhang Fan felt that the second possibility was more likely.Not for anything else.After all, this kind of person-to-person contact.How to talk about something.Not only theory can be successful.Even if a person studies in secret, he will not be able to produce any results.The best thing is to do it yourself.Accumulated a lot of experience.

And Mu Changzuo.Anyway look at it.He didn't have much experience like this either.But without experience.However, he was still able to compete with Zhang Fan, who was already regarded as a veteran of the Jianghu.And it still looks like a do-it-yourselfer.It can only be said that this is his talent.

But speaking of it.Such talent.It's really enviable.This is simply born to be an official.Let him be a Duke of Qian.It's too condescending.Mu Changzuo is the kind of person who should speak eloquently above the court.

Of course.This is for Mu Changzuo.For Zhang Fan.Or the words of anyone in the court.I'm afraid no one wants such a person to enter that kind of place.That would make it seem peaceful now though.But in fact, the court is undercurrent.It's getting more confusing.

In short.this time.Zhang Fan went out to accompany Joanna.It was just to talk to Mu Changzuo.But there was a little interlude.It's about Joanna.

Although Zhang Fan has not yet married Joanna into his family.Otherwise, this time he came to Sichuan.It was also impossible for Joanna to come with him.But the relationship between two people.Now it has already been determined.Not to mention those under Zhang Fan.Or someone like Feng Bao who already knew about it.Even in Yongning Mansion.There are also many people who know.The reason is not because Joanna just came over that day.Give Zhang Fan a warm hug.

But this thing.It doesn't have any bad effects.After all this.Anyway.It can only be regarded as a matter of Zhang Fan's personal style.Can't get involved in other things.Plus.Now Yongning Mansion can be calmed down so quickly.Zhang Fan can be said to have contributed a lot.Not to mention the few items he raised.these things.The common people in Yongning Mansion have all seen and heard it with their own eyes.That being the case.They wouldn't care about Zhang Fan's personal problems.

These two days.Zhang Fan has been to Ding Mansion once.And Joanna was also brought along.

Ding Youyang.Presumably, they should have heard the identities of Zhang Fan and Feng Bao from Mu Changzuo.And the reason for how much power they can have.This time Zhang Fan came to Ding Mansion.I did see him.only.This time Ding Youyang.Where is he still as arrogant as before.It's just changed.For Zhang Fan, it's nice to have a pleasant smile.If it wasn't for Mu Changzuo also present.I'm afraid he might grovel.And after greeting Zhang Fan.I hurried away.A very frightened look.

But Mu Changzuo's wife.The lady of the country.Ding Youyang's daughter.They were very calm about Zhang Fan.Cope with it.Be it words or demeanor.All with ease.No pretentiousness.Will not be slighted.But not too polite.

All this made Zhang Fan maliciously suspect in his heart.This Mrs. Duchess.Is it Ding Youyang's biological daughter?But fortunately.Although Ding Youyang has no brains.He also thinks highly of himself.But the looks are not bad.Even in old age.You can also see the handsome appearance when you were young.And his daughter.Mu Changzuo's wife.It is also very beautiful.It is also somewhat similar to Ding Youyang.This is what made Zhang Fan dispel the malicious thought in his heart.

Mu Changzuo and his wife.For Zhang Fan's arrival.Naturally very welcome.and.When Zhang Fan was talking with Mu Changzuo.Obviously Ding has a lot of interest in Joanna.Although the appearance is obviously not from the Central Plains.But Joanna spoke very smoothly in one mouthful of Beijing film.This aroused her curiosity even more.

She immediately invited Joanna to the backyard.He probably invited her to his room.I don't know what to say.But Zhang Fan didn't care about it.I think they are talking about some things in the boudoir.Even if this Ding family has some crazy idea and wants to fight.Zhang Fan didn't feel like himself either.Or maybe Joanna will fall for it.

In short.This is what happened for the past two days.Although a little boring.But after what happened some time ago.Today's boring.But it was exactly what Zhang Fan needed.He needs to relax himself.Otherwise it's so tense.There will definitely be problems in the end.

And the third day.Zhang Fan finally got what he wanted.There are people from the capital again.It is to preach the decree.

It was a father-in-law who came.But that was Feng Bao's subordinate.After coming.The imperial decree has not been read out in a hurry.Just hurry up to greet Feng Bao.Even Zhang Fan did not fall behind.His expression was even more respectful.

This gave Zhang Fan some ideas.It seems that Feng Bao treats his subordinates.In other words, it was under the control of the Supervisor of Rituals.That's pretty tight.Originally speaking.This is not a good thing.If Feng Bao's grasp of this place is too strict.There is no guarantee that he will have any other thoughts in the future.But Zhang Fan passed several observations.After confirming that Feng Bao has really changed.This kind of thing becomes another possibility.

As long as Feng Bao is in power.Then no one can touch him.And as long as he can always hold this mentality of not taking the initiative to find trouble for others.That's even easier.If there is no trouble coming to the door in the future.He, Feng Bao, was able to stay in this center of power for a long time.

this kind of thing.The longer the time.Even if your power is beyond compare.But come down for a long time.But it can still be improved.

As long as Zhu Yijun is in power in the future.Feng Bao was still able to hold this position without moving.Then he can go on until he dies.And obviously.If that's the case.Feng Baohui will become a veritable monster-like existence among the court forces.No one can touch him.No one can control him.But he can affect anyone.

This also gave Zhang Fan a new idea.That's right.The relationship between him and Feng Bao is already very good.But obviously.After what happened today.Zhang Fan had already made up his mind.It is necessary to continue to manage the relationship between him and Feng Bao.

But this thing.It can't be too obvious.If Feng Bao could see it.It will backfire.The best way.Don't make big moves.Don't do things that are too obvious.And the little details are in place.But it needs to be carefully considered.How can I make Feng Bao feel that I really have a better relationship with him.And don't let him realize that this is what he did on purpose.

This is a discovery that is not a discovery.Speaking of it, Zhang Fan didn't seem to need to do this.Rather than having a good relationship with Feng Bao.It's better to deepen the relationship between myself and Zhu Yijun.In the future, Zhu Yijun will conscript himself.That Zhang Fan is just like Feng Bao.No one can touch him anymore.

only.Zhang Fan still planned to do the very least.Feng Bao had many ideas.some places.It is true that Feng Bao has the advantage.In case something happens.People like Feng Bao can discuss together.Definitely a big plus.

here.Zhang Fan had already made up his mind.under.The reading of the imperial decree is about to begin.

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