The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1270 The So-called Trust

This edict.There are many things mentioned above.than before.Naturally, there are many more.After all, the war is over now.There is so much to say.

the earliest.Needless to say.Naturally, Zhang Fan and Liu Xian should first be commended for quelling the rebellion.And Liu Xian's sergeants.Speaking up.This time thing.It really went smoothly.Do you still remember why Zhang Fan came to Sichuan?Not because of it.Do you doubt Liu Xian's big victory after he conquered the Bo people?

But this time.The people in the court didn't have any doubts at all.Maybe people don't know.But Feng Bao and the others understood very well.The reason why this time it was so smoothly awarded at the first level.It wasn't because Liu Xian acted beautifully this time.No big fights were made.It stopped this time.Not because of this.The main reason.That's because Zhang Fan participated in it.

Remember the edict from before.It was the one who ordered Zhang Fan and Liu Xian to rebel.That's right.Counter-insurgency counter-insurgency.Of course, the army must be dispatched.And the army.Naturally, it refers to Liu Xian's men and horses.After all.This is the basics.If there is no Liu Xian and his soldiers.This time thing.Wanted to fix it so fast.Almost impossible.No matter how many and best strategies you think of.But there is no strength to implement it.It's all empty talk.

but.This is not the point of the imperial decree written in this way.The point is that Zhang Fan is among them.Moreover, Zhang Fan is also the chief general in charge of this counter-insurgency event.Even if he is a civil servant.But it was clearly written in the previous imperial decree.Everything is defined by Zhang Fan and Liu Xian.If there is a dispute between the two parties.Zhang Fan's claim shall prevail.That is.Liu Xian also wanted to listen to Zhang Fan.

And Zhang Fan hosted.It was also the reason why this imperial decree was praised so easily.After all, Zhang Fan's current status.Plus his relationships in the capital.Definitely not to be underestimated.Not to mention Empress Dowager Li's trust and reliance on Zhang Fan now.Even just talking about Zhang Fan's relationship in court.For example, Zhang Juzheng.Just this one.It is already that the court's proposal will unknowingly favor Zhang Fan.

Of course.For this kind of thing.Liu Xian also understood.and.After he understood.If he didn't feel dissatisfied with this kind of thing in his heart.It is also impossible.Actually.Before this decree came.Liu Xian thought about this matter.And what he came up with.It is also written seriously with the imperial decree.Almost the same.

Liu Xian is concerned about this kind of thing.Naturally, he was dissatisfied.It's not that he blames Zhang Fan so much.Actually because.These two things.Obviously it was all his effort.But for the first time.The court did not believe his good news.And this time.It was because of Zhang Fan's participation.The court believed it so easily.It really made him feel very unfair.

But about it.Liu Xian didn't say much.He thought about it.But he also understands.How deep is the water in here.If you force yourself to figure it out.I'm afraid he has to put himself in it.Liu Xian is a general.Naturally, he is full of blood.But after so many years.He also learned something.Everything is too much.I must be unlucky.

Fortunately, the ending is very good.That being the case.There is not so much to worry about.

This time on the decree.Although the achievements of the two have been affirmed.But there is no real reward or anything.Zhang Fan's side is easy to talk about.After his affairs are over.Back to the capital.Those rewards are naturally indispensable.

But Liu Xian was a little different.Things about the Bo people before.Although it caused a lot of trouble.But in the end.Because of Zhang Fan's performance.The imperial court also agreed with Dajie's statement.

Now that it has been recognized.Then things like rewards are naturally indispensable.but.It has not waited for the imperial court to discuss how to reward Liu Xian.This is the case with Yongning Mansion.So.For Liu Xian's reward.It was also postponed.

And now.The matter of Yongning Mansion is over.Although Liu Xian was not the one who presided over this matter.But he has made great achievements after short.No.It's not too short.After all, two things count.It's been almost a year too.but.After all, Liu Xian made two real great achievements.How should it be rewarded.I'm afraid it will make it difficult for those people in the court.

but.this matter.It made Zhang Fan think about a problem.

He had been wondering before.Why was it written in the previous edict.It is to let him preside over the overall situation of this matter.Instead of using Liu Xian directly.Although Zhang Fan is also a person who has been on the battlefield several times.But after all, he is still a civil servant in essence.This is still the case even after taking charge of Jinyiwei.And leading the battle situation.Naturally, it should be better left to the generals.

Just like last time.Although the matter was handled by Liu Xian and Zeng Xingwu at the same time.And speak up.Zeng Xingwu's role in that incident was the same as Zhang Fan's role in this incident.But then.Obviously, all the power has been handed over to Liu Xian.

Why this time.But Zhang Fan is going to host it.If you come to a eunuch.Although Zhang Fan felt something was wrong in his heart.But it doesn't feel like a problem.But now.But it happened to be him.

And this decree came down.Zhang Fan understood immediately.The reason why the court made such a decision.In fact, it was because of Liu Xian.After all, the Bo people's conquest was a great victory.This is just the past.The court has not yet decided how to reward Liu Xian.And at this juncture.It happened this time.

It's not that the court is too confident.Just obvious.Just let Liu Xian go to suppress the rebellion.That would definitely settle the matter.That is.Liu Xian's two major contributions.It is definitely available.

At that time.I really don't know how to award Liu Xian to be appropriate.Only then can Liu Xian be satisfied.It will not cause dissatisfaction with other generals.

And if Zhang Fan is allowed to preside over this matter.By then the war is over.Although Liu Xian still has credit for it.But Zhang Fan was above him after all.And in this way.Reward Liu Xian's words.It is easier to do.

Zhang Fan thought of this matter.But it's not all that much.He also discovered what kind of identity he is in the court now.

The bare minimum.The one who issued the edict.It was not Zhang Juzheng's idea.That's what Empress Dowager Li thought.But no matter which one of them arranged it.They were obviously very relieved of Zhang Fan.

after all.The Ming Dynasty has seen it for a hundred years.Whether internally or externally.All fought so many battles.A lot of victories.There are also many defeats.And in defeat.How many of them are caused by the blind command of the shit-stirring stick who knows nothing about war.This point is known to everyone in the DPRK.

But even so.Whether it is Zhang Juzheng.Or Queen Mother Li.Still hand over such a task to Zhang Fan.visible.While they knew Zhang Fan very well.Also very trustworthy.

Say nothing else.At least know this.This already made Zhang Fan happy.With his current status.As well as the power in hand.Take it to the next level.It's hard to reach the sky.But compared to more more trustworthy.That was what Zhang Fan wanted most.

After all now.Zhang Fan has already entered the center of the power of the Ming Dynasty.To know.As the saying goes, "accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger".Seemingly calm now.But as long as there is a slight difference.That would be smashed to pieces.Not even a scrap left.At such a time.Gain the trust of more people.Obviously compared to giving Zhang Fan any rewards.It is also more practical for him.

And these.It's just the first half of this edict.the content behind.But it showed even more trust in Zhang Fan.

The lives of those 2 people.It has already been said above.As long as they didn't massacre the people of Ming Dynasty.The imperial court could not kill them.but.Capital punishment is exempt.There is no escape from living.Want to not punish them.It is absolutely impossible.

And the punishment given by the DPRK.But it is not light.what is it.Break up these people.Issued border service.Although it is not for them to be cannon fodder.But where is the border.Zhang Fan couldn't be more clear in his heart.This is not a death sentence.But it is equivalent to letting them go to die.

But it's also said in the decree.Let them go with their families.

But Zhang Fan understood in his heart.It said ten years.Let alone ten years later.How much more can these people survive.Even survived.I'm afraid ten years have been spent there.They may not come back.

only.These are not what Zhang Fan cares about.As for whether those people are willing or not.Now it's beyond their control.

in addition.The imperial decree also said how to deal with this time.This is the one that best reflects Zhang Fan's current status.How should things be handled this time.The imperial court handed over everything to Zhang Fan.That's the thing.Everything was decided by Zhang Fan.He said what to do.So what to do.

original.Although Zhang Fan did that before.But he was not completely free from worry.but now.He didn't worry at all.Since it's all in his hands.That would be the best.and.He's actually done it all.

That is.Zhang Fan is now able to return to the capital.

certainly.There are other things not done here.He can't go back now.

but.Although the imperial decree has been read.It's not over yet.

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