The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1271 Another letter

This time I came to deliver a decree.Just a little eunuch.The surname is Wang.Looks like he's in his twenties.For this age.Even entered the palace since childhood.But it won't have any great status in the palace.certainly.This is also because Zhang Fan is familiar with the palace.He had heard of this little eunuch.But not too familiar.

But even so.Zhang Fan also politely called him Wang Gonggong.Actually.This little eunuch.It's Feng Bao's man.Although young.But listen to Feng Bao.His understanding is really good.People are also very smart.Talk to people or something.It is also very good.So Feng Bao asked him to follow him.It seems.Feng Bao also started to cultivate his own talents.This can be regarded as a change of Feng Bao.If it was replaced by Feng Bao from before.It is absolutely impossible for him to do this.

For Zhang Fan.He is a big celebrity in the palace.Even these eunuchs.Even with Zhang Fan's memory.Even if you can remember them one by one.But it won't take such a thought.

but.This is for Zhang Fan.And for those for sure.There was no one who didn't know Zhang Fan.Speaking up.These eunuchs are for others.Even if it is like Zhang Juzheng.You can also hang your voice and say a few words.But for Zhang Fan.They won't do that.

first.After all, it is Jinyiwei.In addition, the relationship between Feng Bao and Zhang Fan is so good.So they treat Zhang Fan.In respect.With some fear.Second.Zhang Fan has always been a kind and expectant person.Out of Jinyiwei.Or when dealing with those people he wants to deal with.Zhang Fan has always been friendly.Especially for these people in the palace.Zhang Fan has always been like this.So for these eunuchs.Zhang Fan was a person who made them a little afraid.But at the same time, it is also a person who makes them willing to approach.

not to mention.Obviously for Zhang Fan.They are just people who don't matter.But Zhang Fan can always take them seriously.Always greet them with a smile.They are from Zhang Fan.Also got a lot of benefits.

This can be regarded as Zhang Fan's unique place.If you change someone.To Zhang Fan's current status.They definitely won't care too much about these eunuchs.But Zhang Fan will not be like this.Don't say it's here to deliver the imperial decree.Even if it's a little thing.Zhang Fan will also be more generous to them.This is why these eunuchs like to get close to Zhang Fan.

The reason why Zhang Fan did this.The idea is also very simple.That is not to offend others.things in the palace.Even people who live in the palace all year round.Even Queen Mother Li herself.I dare not say that I can fully grasp the direction.Who will know.An insignificant person you offended today.Will it rise to a height that you can't reach in the future?

In it.There is nothing wrong with nature.

And now.This is the prince who came to Yongning Mansion to deliver the decree.Originally, Zhang Fan also wanted to give him some benefits.but.He insisted on not accepting it.It's not because of a confrontation with Zhang Fan.After all, he belongs to Feng Bao.And now Feng Bao is here.If Feng Bao is not here.He was very happy to accept these benefits from Zhang Fan.But now Feng Bao was right in front of him.How could he accept Zhang Fan's money in front of him?

but.These are not the point.The point is.After the decree was read.After handing it over to Zhang Fan.When everyone thought it was over.But this prince came to Zhang Fan.Tell him that Queen Mother Li still has a letter to give to him.

This made everyone present curious.Speaking up.If Empress Dowager Li has something to tell Zhang Fan.It only needs to be said that there is an oral decree.In this way.It seems very normal.And since it is an oral order.In other words, it was only for Zhang Fan alone.In this way.There is a reason not to let others know.

If you want to let others know.That's even easier.You just need to write things down in the imperial decree.Or it will be in the next imperial decree.

but.But it said that there was a letter to hand over to Zhang Fan.Letter words.Naturally, he didn't want anyone other than Zhang Fan to know about it.But this prince said it clearly in public.Presumably this is what Queen Mother Li told him to do.Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for a young eunuch like him to have the guts to do so.

This is somewhat contradictory.Let the people present do not understand for a while.What did Empress Dowager Li want to tell Zhang Fan?It also made them all curious.Even if they know.What was written in the letter.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to tell them.But the more so.They became more and more curious.

but.The prince hadn't finished speaking yet.It didn't wait for everyone's curiosity to be hoisted to the highest level.He just continued talking.The words of the letter.It was indeed for Zhang Fan.But look at it.But it wasn't just Zhang Fan.Feng Bao can also read it on the sidelines.

This made the other people present even more curious.It also made them want to know more about what was said in the letter.

Why.don't think about it.What are the identities of Zhang Fan and Feng Bao?What do you have at hand.A brocade guard.An East Factory.Those two are enough to make you shiver.And now.This letter is for both of them to read.This makes people even more curious.

The most direct idea.That's who Empress Dowager Li wants them to deal with.This can't help but make them feel a lot of sadness for the person they will deal with.After all.There are two people dealing with that person at the same time.It will definitely be very unlucky.

and.There is one more important point.That is.Why at this time.In such a place.Mention such a thing.What do you think.It should also wait until both of them have returned to the capital.but now.Empress Dowager Li ordered someone to send the letter here.what does that mean.The most conceivable point.That was the person Queen Mother Li wanted them to deal with.It's here now.Maybe not in Yongning Mansion.But definitely not far from here.

Of course.This kind of thinking.It's also mostly speculation.After all, they couldn't see what was written in the letter.So jump to conclusions.Naturally it is wrong.but.At this juncture such a thing be honest.They really just couldn't think of anything else.

And this thought.It also made their hearts extremely tense.Although believe it.That person should not be me.But no one can guarantee it.After all, everyone has done something that should not be done.Even now they are all comforting themselves.the things I have done.Even let the above know.But it shouldn't be enough for Dongchang and Jin Yiwei to join forces to deal with him.But this panic.But there is no way to remove it.Maybe it's in a place like official career.Make people feel uneasy.

but.These people are worrying about these things.But Zhang Fan and Feng Bao did not.Actually.When I heard that Empress Dowager Li had a letter for the two of them.They already somewhat understood in their hearts what Empress Dowager Li wanted to say.

Wait until other people are left behind.When it's just the two of them.Opened the letter and took a look.really.Believe what is said above.Exactly what they thought.See here.The two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled.

Letter above things.It was about Zhu Xuanqi.Before.Zhang Fan had already found evidence that Empress Dowager Li could use against Zhu Xuanqi.It was that genealogy.even though.If you use that genealogy.It has nothing to do with the fact that Zhu Yijun was assassinated during the autumn hunt.But in terms of this kind of thing.Reason or something.Really not important.What matters is how it turned out.

As long as this letter can make Zhu Xuanqi have a good drink.There are enough ways to let Queen Mother Li.Do whatever you want with him.That's enough.

And obviously.As long as Queen Mother Li has that genealogy.Coupled with Zhu Xuanluo's personal testimony.That can be implemented.At that time, it will really be as Queen Mother Li hoped.What does she want Zhu Xuanqi to do.It's all up to her to decide.

but.Empress Dowager Li's goal has been achieved.But Zhang Fan's wish was not these.good.Now that Queen Mother Li has already spoken.And Zhu Xuanqi had indeed crossed the line.Then punish him.That is as it should be.only.Zhang Fan didn't want Empress Dowager Li to make things worse.That is.I don't want Queen Mother Li to really put Zhu Xuanqi to death.After all, if the king of Shu has changed.There will be a lot of trouble.

therefore.After seeing this letter.Zhang Fan and Feng Bao are two people.Did not take pleasure in guessing correctly what was written in the letter.They care more.Or how will Queen Mother Li deal with Zhu Xuanqi.

only.This is going to disappoint them.letter.Instead, he praised Zhang Fan a few words.But the most.Still telling Zhang Fan.Zhu Xuanluo must be brought back to the capital.It is absolutely impossible to lose an arm or a broken leg.

but.What Zhang Fan and the others are most concerned about.How will Queen Mother Li deal with Zhu Xuanqi?There was no mention of it in the letter.This made Zhang Fan feel very uneasy.

Generally speaking.If this happens.That is to say.Empress Dowager Li is probably going to make a big move against Zhu Xuanqi.

And this was what Zhang Fan didn't want to see the most.

Think of Zhang Fan here.Even impulsive.I can't wait to go back to the capital and tell Queen Mother Li face to face.He wants to play now.Make things clear.I hope Empress Dowager Li can raise her hand to Zhu Xuanqi.

but.Feng Bao at the side could see what Zhang Fan was thinking.And he.Naturally, Zhang Fan was to be stopped.

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