The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1273 So Delayed

Mrs. Lee's later letter.It really scared Zhang Fan.But to be scared or not is to put it aside.The key is this letter.It made Zhang Fan mess up at that time.This is the worst.If Feng Bao hadn't discovered Zhang Fan's change in time.And stopped him immediately.After getting the memorial and handing it over.What will become of it.Even Feng Bao already had expectations in his heart.But even he himself can't guarantee that it will turn out to be worse than he thought.

And under Feng Bao's scolding.At the same time, under the words of reason.Finally.Zhang Fan woke up.I realized the seriousness of what Feng Bao said.Zhang Fan was no longer so stubborn.

But speaking of it.After Zhang Fan woke up.first thought.That is the word "dangerous".But he thought of danger.It was different from what Feng Bao thought.In Feng Bao's opinion.Zhang Fan would show such a scared look.It was because he thought that if he played it once.Things in Sichuan are about to get worse.

And what Zhang Fan thought.That's right.He really wanted things to get worse.only.It wasn't this bad that he was thinking.what he thought.Actually it was him.Just think about it.It is very likely that it will destroy the image he has built up with Queen Mother Li over the years.How will it affect your future self.Zhang Fan felt scared.

After all.Zhang Fan is just a mortal.Especially him who has been a human for two lifetimes.I understand more about what I have gained now.How difficult it is.If let him lose once.He didn't know what he would become.

good.He does have ambitions in his heart.This cannot be denied.but.Unleash your ambitions.There is also a prerequisite.And this premise is.You have to ensure your own safety first.

That's why.With Zhang Fan's current status.Many things can already be done.But he still had no reason to do it.He didn't want to become like Zhang Juzheng.Although capable of doing these things.But after doing it, it will make everyone dislike him.

in this regard.He persuaded Zhang Juzheng many times.Overtly and secretly.But Zhang Juzheng just didn't listen.Still have to go my own way.Originally, what he did was obviously a good thing.But because of the lack of time.Even doing good things.No one will thank you either.It will only hate you more and more.

Seeing Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Fan didn't listen to his advice at all.Gradually, I stopped trying to persuade him.but.If you don't persuade, don't persuade.And more so.The more I saw Zhang Juzheng's current appearance.An idea came to Zhang Fan's mind.That is, I absolutely cannot follow Zhang Juzheng's path.

Even if you have any ambitions in your heart.Need to display.But definitely not now.It is absolutely impossible to go against the wishes of most people.Otherwise.No matter how strong you are, you will be unlucky one day in the future.Even at the end of your life.This revenge has not yet come.But when you're gone.Your family has to live on.You can't just focus on this life.You have to think about it in your next life.

so.For Zhang Fan.big ambitions.It is indeed very, very important.But compared to my own affairs.This lofty ambition.It seems that some can't keep up.

but.About this matter.Zhang Fan never said anything to anyone.Even himself.This is also the first time I realize that I have this kind of thinking.And once this thought arises.There is no way to remove it.

even.Zhang Fan thought of another thing.That is.Seems like he's running the business these days.Still not enough.good.His current net worth.It is indeed very thick in the court.but now.Zhang Fan suddenly found out.I still seem to be a little too tender.It seems.It still needs to be strengthened.certainly.This enhancement also has to be done silently.before reaching the goal.It cannot be seen by others.Or even if someone felt it.But what you do.You also have to make others speechless.And wait until someone notices.They are already helpless.

In short.How should this matter be done.But it is also a science.But now there is no need to worry.Everything will be discussed after returning to the capital.Zhang Fan now.Just remember.After going back.There is such a thing that needs to be done.That's enough.

And now.It still depends on the situation in front of you.

This letter from Queen Mother Li.Although it was just to tell Zhang Fan.He must bring the most critical Zhu Xuanluo back to the capital intact.But actually.This letter is more like a urging.Urging Zhang Fan to return to Beijing now.

It seems.Even Queen Mother Li has not yet made up her mind on how to deal with Zhu Xuanqi.But she is definitely impatient.

And this is for Zhang Fan.Not all good news.Even just now.Feng Bao had already persuaded him.But this news.But it gave Zhang Fan a bad premonition.Although Queen Mother Li may not have made up her mind on how to deal with Zhu Xuanqi.But obviously.She was very anxious about it.And this kind of thing above.Zhang Fan was the one who was most afraid and anxious.Get up in a hurry.Absolutely nothing good will happen.Anxious about this emotion.will cover your eyes.It will also make you flustered.Make random decisions.

This is the case with the current Queen Mother Li.This was the situation that Zhang Fan didn't want to see the most.But he is thousands of miles away now.He couldn't immediately appear in front of Empress Dowager Li to persuade her.Of course.Maybe someone can go back to Beijing to pass it on.Let's just say that things here will not be over for a while.Let Queen Mother Li wait a little longer.But Zhang Fan was afraid that Empress Dowager Li would blame him for this.

Let Feng Bao do it.Feng Bao is not a fool.Zhang Fan knew what he said.Empress Dowager Li will vent her anger.How could Feng Bao not know.

but.Just when Zhang Fan was at a loss what to do.It was Feng Bao who gave him an idea.

"Master Zhang is thinking about how to delay this matter for a few days." Feng Bao saw Zhang Fan's expression.Zhang Fan didn't need to say anything at all.He could already guess what Zhang Fan was thinking.His words.Although it is a question.But actually.That is affirmative words.

"Eunuch is right." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "There is really no rush for this matter. If not, I'm still afraid that the queen mother will be impatient and do something big. That's not good."

"Master Zhang is right." Feng Bao also said with a sigh. "It's just. This matter. We don't have many ways to delay Queen Mother Li. If we let you and I pass on the message, the Queen Mother would agree to allow a few days. But if this is the case, you The two of us will be in trouble."

"Then. What should we do?" Zhang Fan asked.He also noticed a few words in Feng Bao's words just now.asked right away. "My father-in-law said just now. There are not many ways. That is to say, there is still a way to do this. I hope my father-in-law will enlighten me."

"I don't dare to teach you. Mr. Zhang has heard it." Feng Bao heard what Zhang Fan said.said with a smile. "That's right. Our family did say so. And our family also thought of a way. It should be able to delay this matter for a few days. And it won't let the Queen Mother blame us both."

"Oh." I heard Feng Bao say this.Zhang Fan immediately asked. "Please also tell me about it, Eunuch."

"I want to delay this matter. There are two reasons." Feng Bao said. "Or tell the Queen Mother. We can't do this now. But if this happens, the Queen Mother will blame us both. So naturally we can't do this.

"Or that's the thing. It can't be done now."

"This matter..." Feng Bao said.It made Zhang Fan think for a while.He also thought of something.But he looked at Feng Bao.But he shook his head.Said. "My father-in-law wants to say. What's going on at the Prince of Shu's mansion. Is there no way for us to send that Zhu Xuanluo to the capital now? Although this is also a reason. And there is no way to come to the Queen Mother. But if this is the case, the Queen Mother Wouldn't he hate Zhu Xuanqi even more?"

"Master Zhang is right. If such an excuse is used to prevaricate the Queen Mother, we two will be fine. But Zhu Xuanqi must be in great trouble." Feng Bao said to Zhang Fan.nodded.But then.He shook his head again.Said. "However. Our family has never said so. We must use Zhu Xuanqi as an excuse."

"Then... Eunuch means..." Hearing what Feng Bao said.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.Don't use them yourself.There is no need for Zhu Xuanqi to make a reason.So what should be the reason?

"Master Zhang, why don't you think about it?" Feng Bao said. "This matter. Now. What does Empress Dowager Li want most?"

Feng Bao's reminder.Let Zhang Fan understand immediately.He looked at Feng Bao.There was a slight look of excitement on his face.Said. "My father-in-law means to make a fuss about Zhu Xuanluo."

"That's right. That's what our family means." Feng Bao also nodded with a smile.Said. "Use us or Zhu Xuanqi as the reason. It will make things more troublesome. But if you use Zhu Xuanluo, there will be no such troubles. At that time, even if the queen mother will be angry, she will not be angry with us. Also I won’t be angry with Zhu Xuanqi. I’ll only be angry with Zhu Xuanluo. As for what will happen to Zhu Xuanluo then, it’s not something Mr. Zhang wants to care about.”

Feng Bao's idea is very simple.Just put everything together.Push it all on Zhu Xuanluo.

And Zhang Fan.After hearing Feng Bao's plan.Naturally, I agree very much.As long as this matter can be settled, it will be fine.As for what will happen to Zhu Xuanluo then.What does this have to do with Zhang Fan? "

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