The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1274 1 Pieces Left

This is indeed thanks to Feng Bao.Otherwise.It is very likely that Zhang Fan will rush to play Queen Mother Li because of his anxiety.And once he played the words.Things would go from bad to worse.It's not just that there is nothing to do about Zhu Xuanqi's matter.It even involved Zhang Fan himself.

And Feng Bao's reminder.It also woke up Zhang Fan who was in chaos.Recognized this.This also made Zhang Fan sweat a lot.I also thought of it.In case Feng Bao is not by his side.Even if Feng Baowan didn't remind him.If he really wrote the notebook and handed it up.What will be the result.

Thought of these.Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel a little scared.But I'm afraid.He was also very grateful to Feng Bao.but.Such gratitude.But he couldn't say it.Will not say it.It was also impossible for him to say anything grateful in front of Feng Bao.He would not give Feng Bao anything as a thank you.

This is not Zhang Fan being unfeeling.Just this kind of thing.If you really say something to thank Feng Bao.That's not right.This is effectively the equivalent of saying.You, Zhang Fan, already owe Feng Bao a favor.If Feng Bao needs your help in the future.Speak up.You just need to remember that you still owe him a favor.Then of course you have to help.

but.If you say thank you in person now.It's almost like saying.I don't want to owe you Feng Bao any favors.I thank you right now.From now on, we'll be clean.this kind of thing.replaced by anyone.They also don't want to hear it.Even Feng Bao, who has changed his face now.You will definitely not be happy either.

Zhang Fan naturally understood this in his heart.So he also followed this rule.therefore.He didn't say any words of gratitude to Feng Bao now.And Feng Bao naturally understood.

but.If you want to procrastinate.Of course, it is necessary to give Empress Dowager Li a reasonable reason.And obviously.Whether this reason is because Zhang Fan has something to do.Or did Zhu Xuanqi delay the time unknowingly.None of this will work.

Using Zhang Fan as an excuse.Obviously, Queen Mother Li will turn her angry target to Zhang Fan.if it is like this.Zhang Fan would definitely not be willing.This is not the same as before.And let Zhang Fan catch up with him for Zhu Xuanqi.He is absolutely not willing.

But if you use what happened to Zhu Xuanqi as an excuse.The effect is exactly the other way around.If so.Zhang Fan was fine.But it will make Empress Dowager Li resent Zhu Xuanqi even more.When the time comes.I'm afraid there will be new troubles coming out.if it is like this.Zhang Fan didn't want to see it either.

but.Just when Zhang Fan was in such a dilemma.Feng Bao suggested a solution for him.this time.That must be delayed.But reason for delay.Zhang Fan cannot be used.Or Zhu Xuanqi.Instead, Zhu Xuanluo should be used to delay this matter.after all.Regardless of what Queen Mother Li is going to do.But obviously.No matter what she intends to do.Zhu Xuanluo is definitely her prerequisite.If there is no Zhu Xuanluo.anything she wants to do.None are likely to succeed.

And if you make up some reasons.It is said that Zhu Xuanluo has something to do now.This is what prevents Zhang Fan from sending him to the capital now.Then everything will be easy to handle.

By the time.Even if Empress Dowager Li couldn't sanction Zhu Xuanqi immediately because of this.Even Zhu Xuanqi could be blamed for this resentment.Certainly not too many.Most of the rage.It's still going to be sprinkled on Zhu Xuanluo's head.but.No matter how Queen Mother Li treats Zhu Xuanluo.What does this have to do with Zhang Fan and Feng Bao?As long as it doesn't involve yourself.And even Zhu Xuanluo suffered.Don't make too much of an impact.That's enough.

Zhang Fan made up his mind.I just wrote a book.Send someone to the capital.The above content is not much.Only a few words.all in all.That is to say, Zhu Xuanluo still has a lot of important things to do here.I won't be able to go to the capital for a while.And Zhang Fan also said that these things are all about how to deal with Zhu Xuanqi better.If so.Thinking about it, even the current Empress Dowager Li was anxious.But won't say anything more about it either.After all, these were all things she had told Zhang Fan.He was asked to find evidence against Zhu Xuanqi.

certainly.Perhaps after the Empress Dowager Li saw this excerpt.Will be angry.Will also order right away.Tell Zhang Fan not to worry about that.It might be possible to bring Zhu Xuanluo back to the capital directly.but.It is thousands of miles away from the capital.This time and time again.Even at a fast pace.It will take several days.With such a delay for some time.It is also very important to Zhang Fan.

all in all.Now this method has been decided.And what's left.About that decree.In fact, Zhang Fan has already done everything.That is.Today's Zhang Fan's work here is over.As for those who will be sent to the frontier.Naturally, Zhang Fan didn't need to worry about this kind of thing.Just leave it to Liu Xian to do it.

Speaking of this matter.Liu Xian was rather happy.

Although he has never fought in northern Xinjiang.But he is also a general after all.It is natural to be very concerned about this kind of thing.Although it is said that the Ming Dynasty started from the beginning of the founding of the country.until now.The war in northern Xinjiang has never stopped.And generally speaking.There are more wins and fewer losses.But once the battle is defeated.The consequences are very serious.The change of the civil fort that year.It's a perfect example.

therefore.For Liu Xian.He also knows.No matter how to strengthen the defense of northern Xinjiang.It is not too much.therefore.From Liu Xian's point of view.Send these people to northern Xinjiang.Nature is a good thing.Not to mention that these people's original combat effectiveness is not weak.Even if they were all sent to be cannon fodder.Just being able to help.Liu Xian thought it was worth it.

In short.Now Zhang Fan has nothing to do.If you really want to say something else.That's about Mu Changzuo.but.This matter about Mu Changzuo.In fact, Zhang Fan thought about it now.But still haven't figured out what it is.

What kind of plan does Mu Changzuo have?What exactly is he trying to do to himself.Or maybe he had other ideas.etc.these things.Zhang Fan didn't have a clue for a while.

The only thing he could feel.Just no matter what.In short, Mu Changzuo didn't have any good intentions.But what is wrong with his thoughts?To be honest, Zhang Fan didn't have a clue.

only.This matter is not the main thing.between the two.There was no contradiction at all.Even because of Ding Youyang's matter.Zhang Fan would not feel that Mu Changzuo would compete with him just for this.

Except for the matter of Mu Changzuo.Zhang Fan has one more important thing here.Before.The Five Poisons Sect over there.No.It should be said that Fang Zhenqian unilaterally proposed the alliance with Jin Yiwei.and.The conditions proposed by Fang Zhenqian.It really surprised Zhang Fan.He almost didn't even accept it.

but.Seeing Zhang Fan's attitude.And immediately it was Fang Zhenqian who made the change.In the end, Zhang Fan was moved by this idea.

good.Zhang Fan did have such a plan.and.If you form an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.There are also many benefits.For example, the control over the southwest area.before.Although Jin Yiwei has not yet formed an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.But there are not many related news that they can receive.But after all.Things are very different here.Even if you can receive a lot of news.But it is really useful but not many.

Not to mention the rejection of the Han people by various ethnic groups.Even their own people.There are not many things that can be known.more importantly.among these nations.mutually exclusive.even.Even people of the same nationality.But the tribes are different from each other.They also had disputes.

There are many in this clan.There are more tribes in the Southwest under each nation.Here's the relationship.It can be said to be extremely complicated.And want to be in this intricate environment.Be well informed.get everywhere.The news that Jin Yiwei wanted to know.It can be said that it is extremely difficult.

Of course, the Han people need not be said.But even Jin Yiwei has people from these tribes to be his spies.Gather news for yourself.But the number of such people.It is very few.And just rely on these people to collect information.It simply wasn't enough either.

but.If there is the joining of the Five Poison Sect.That's different.Although it is said that the Five Poisons Sect is still a gang established by the Miao people.But it is a quack sect.Especially in this piece of land in the Southwest.That was definitely huge.All tribes also have to give them some face.

As long as the Five Poison Sect is willing to provide Jin Yiwei with some information.That would definitely be a great thing.

And now.The Five Poisons taught themselves a request for an alliance.But for Zhang Fan.He is naturally happy.Even Zhang Fan understood.The reason why the Five Poisons Sect wanted to form an alliance with them.It's just for themselves.It was Fang Zhenqian.The reason for wanting to consolidate the status of the Five Poison Sect.

But no matter what is wanted over there.In short, this can achieve Zhang Fan's goal.Then this reason is enough.And now.Southwest side.Everything else has been done.That's all that's left.

It's just the one that's left.But it made Zhang Fan a little confused.Fang Zhenqian wanted to invite Zhang Fan to the site of the Five Poison Sect no matter what.Said to ask him to see the situation.

But Zhang Fan didn't think so.The reason why Fang Zhenqian invited him to go is that simple.I'm afraid Fang Zhenqian is planning something else.

but.Between half an hour.Zhang Fan also couldn't figure out what kind of reason Fang Zhenqian had.

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