The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1276 Full of Confidence

Compared with the people who came before, like Feng Bao, Mu Changzuo and others, these people have status, whether in the court or in the folk, they are very important, and the arrival of these people, Zhang Fan naturally needs to greet them with a smile, after all, it is impossible to treat these people in an ordinary way.

But this is only for these people, but now, it is not these glamorous and dignified people who come here, but a group of people from the Five Poison Sect headed by Fang Zhenqian. Of course, if you talk about it, These people naturally have identities, and in the Jianghu, all of them broke through, so in terms of names, they are not bad at all.

However, this is just the status of these people in the Jianghu, and to Zhang Fan, the status of these people is really irrelevant. But no matter how old you are, you are no bigger than Jin Yiwei, and even bigger than the imperial court.

Of course, Jin Yiwei can accept many people from the Jianghu, and if Zhang Fan sees these people, he will naturally greet them with a smile, but if it is really talked about, the identity gap between Zhang Fan and these people is really big. It's too big, there is no need for any question of conceited or not, Zhang Fan looks down on these people from the bottom of his heart.

It's just because these people are very useful sometimes. It is precisely because of this that Zhang Fan will smile at these people and show concern for them when he needs it. If so, those things are things that Zhang Fan doesn't need and doesn't want to do.

However, this is just a general theory, just like what happened this time, although Fang Zhengan and his group are also people in the Jianghu, and there is no difference from other people in the Jianghu, but facing these people, Zhang Fan had to do it in a different way.

The reason is that the Five Poison Sect, or Fang Zhenqian, is really a special existence in this whole matter, which makes Zhang Fan very concerned, and what Fang Zhenqian said to Zhang Fan before Zhang Fan was very concerned about what he said, and he had to do so. At the very least, before he figured out what Fang Zhenqian was going to do, Zhang Fan didn't intend to be too aggressive. After Fan figured out what Fang Zhenqian was going to do, and what he should do, Zhang Fan hadn't made up his mind yet. After all, he still didn't know what was going on.

Hearing that Fang Zhenqian brought people to Yongning Mansion, Zhang Fan seemed a little strange, and it couldn't be said to be strange. It should be because of the ambiguity of Fang Zhenqian's purpose, which caused Zhang Fan to have a strange psychology. His appearance may seem a bit strange, but anyway, this is Zhang Fan's most relaxed preparation this time.

Maybe it's because he doesn't know what the other party's intentions are, or Zhang Fan really has nothing to worry about about Fang Zhenqian. Right now he is completely clueless, but Zhang Fan is not nervous.

The news that Fang Zhenqian and others came to Yongning Mansion came after noon that day, and when they arrived, it was already the next day.

Originally, Zhang Fan heard the report from below, not only Fang Zhenqian, but also Fang Yueling, and those people from the Five Poison Sect came. In other words, there were only a dozen or so people who came.

It's just that these ten or so people seem to be a small number, but for those who know them, these ten or so people are quite extraordinary. Just imagine, the two leaders of the Five Poison Sect, The two protectors, and several hall masters, these are actually equivalent to the whole of the Five Poisons Sect.

As for the entire gang of the Five Poisons Sect, they are well-known no matter in the southwest, or even in the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains. After all, the special methods of the Five Poisons Sect and Miao Jiang's unique interest , also gave it a more mysterious quality, so for those who know it, it is indeed a kind of shock for people to appear together for such a short while.

However, to Zhang Fan, this didn't mean to intimidate him at all. Even seeing such a scene, Zhang Fan found it very interesting, which made him suddenly have an idea that if he If you ordered to kill all these people, wouldn't it mean that the Five Poison Sect would disappear in such an instant?

Although it is true that Zhang Fan looks down on Jianghu sects, the possibility of subverting a sect at will still makes Zhang Fan feel very good. Perhaps, this is the pleasure that this kind of power brings to people However, Zhang Fan doesn't think it's a bad thing, and it's not because he has been addicted to this kind of power game, but in comparison, to have this kind of power, for Zhang Fan , not only a happy thing, but also a symbolic meaning, a symbol of his current identity.

However, now is not the time to think about this issue. Now is the time to discuss what Fang Zhenqian intends to do.

However, seeing Fang Zhenqian walking all the way, with such a smile on his face all the time, to be honest, Zhang Fan didn't feel very happy, and even the previous relaxed mood was not so pleasant. It disappeared. Fang Zhenqian's smile always made Zhang Fan feel a little unhappy. Although he was a little uneasy, it didn't mean that he really felt that there was any danger in this matter. It was just because Fang Zhenqian's kind of It seemed that he was not afraid of anything, and he could even be said to be full of confidence, which indeed made Zhang Fan feel a little uncomfortable.

But what exactly is it, Zhang Fan has no idea yet, what is the reason why Fang Zhenqian, who should be on the weaker side, can show such confidence and fearlessness.

Even if the two parties have agreed to form an alliance, but this is a business with Jin Yiwei, there will be any risks in it, Zhang Fan does not believe that Fang Zhenqian will not know, but since he knows, he will still be so relaxed, which makes Zhang Fan not vigilant Get up, let's see if Fang Zhenqian will make any preparations, or if there is something he can't think of.

As I said before, Fang Zhenqian is not someone who has a lot of status in the court and among the people. He is just a man in the rivers and lakes. ,you are nothing.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan saw Fang Zhenqian, he didn't choose any good place, but at the same time, Zhang Fan didn't choose any special place like Sheni. It doesn't matter, what matters is what the conversation is about.

Now that he knew Fang Zhenqian's reason for coming, Zhang Fan would not bother him about anything at all, and took them directly to the place prepared in advance. It was indeed not a good place, but it was just a place that didn't look too luxurious. It’s just a teahouse, and in Yongning Mansion at this time, only this kind of place is still open, but even if it is open, there are very few people who come here to drink tea. Of course, this place is also related to Jinyiwei. The relationship is over, let alone anything else, the most important point is that talking here can definitely be conservative.

There were indeed quite a few people who came, but in fact, they were separated. Zhang Fan didn't care about other people, but the protagonists of this conversation were actually only Zhang Fan himself and Fang Zhenqian. Individuals are sitting in a single room, and besides them, there is no one else at all.

Of course, there are none in the house, but for the sake of Zhang Fan's safety, there are none in the house, and there must be some outside the house, but these people who protect Zhang Fan, or those who specialize in such things, are really a little It's thankless, and it is necessary to protect safety, but at the same time, they will also hear some things that they should not be able to hear.

But these are not the key points.

After sitting down, Zhang Fan began to look at Fang Zhengan carefully. Although he had only seen him in Liu Xian's barracks before, and it hadn't been a few days, and Zhang Fan also saw his appearance just now. .

But even so, after the two sat down face to face like this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but look at Fang Zhenqian more, not because of anything else, it's just that after such a short time, Zhang Fan found that Fang Zhenqian was a It's a big change.

When I first saw Fang Zhenqian in the barracks, he had a sallow complexion, which was very unattractive, but because he has been locked up for so long, it is very rare to have his complexion.

However, not only his complexion, Fang Zhenqian was skinny at that time, and he had no martial arts. Even if his skills were still there, if his body hadn't recovered, he couldn't do it.

But now it seems that Fang Zhenqian is not the same, his face has become rosy, presumably it is the result of Fang Yueling's careful care, and his body, although Zhang Fan did not see obvious thickening, but after all a few days ago he It still looks like that, and it is very rare to be able to have this look now.

However, in comparison, these are all thanks to Fang Yueling's careful care, but in Zhang Fan's view, this is more to say, in fact, it is because of Fang Zhenqian's good health, if not, he would not be able to hold on After so many years of torture, and once he is allowed to take good care of him, he will recover very quickly.

If it were someone else, there would be no way to recover from that state within a year or a half. But for Fang Zhenqian, after Zhang Fan thought about it, he might only need two or three months to recover. Really surprising thing.

"Master Zhang," seeing Zhang Fan sizing him up, Fang Zhenqian didn't think he was being rude, but asked instead, "I wonder if Master Zhang has figured it out?"

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