The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1277 quite worried

Although always feel.It's unreasonable to think that way.But Zhang Fan still had to think about it in his heart.Looking at Fang Zhenqian in front of him.Always felt.It seems to be well-conditioned during this time.The reason is that the body is recovering well.How Fang Zhengan felt for Zhang Fan.It was also different from the meeting that time.

Last time.I met Fang Zhenqian in Liu Xian's camp.But Fang Zhenqian gave Zhang Fan the feeling.In fact, he was just a weak old man.Although his skills are indeed good.Even in that time of extreme weakness.Just relying on his skill.It can almost make Wang Meng suffer.But other than that.Fang Zhenqian didn't give Zhang Fan too much impression.Difficulty is true.But nothing else.

But now.Fang Zhenqian sat opposite Zhang Fan.And now Fang Zhenqian.Give Zhang Fan the feeling.But it's not the same at to say.If you talk about the feeling of shock.There are some.But Zhang Fan didn't care about these things.After all, the people he has met.Someone even more imposing than Fang Zhenqian.It's just too much.Zhang Fan no longer cared about these things.

but.Zhang Fan still noticed something.It's not about how fast Fang Zhenqian recovered.It's the way he feels.Zhang Fan realized one thing.Fang Zhenqian's aura.No matter how you think about it, it was done by the leader for decades.A kind of momentum that naturally arises.But it's not all.Zhang Fan thought suddenly.Maybe Fang Zhenqian.Or the Five Poisons Sect.In this southwest.It's not like what I thought.I'm afraid the Five Poison Sect's power here is even stronger than he imagined.

In this way.It made Zhang Fan feel that.It might really be a good deal to form an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.It's just that Zhang Fan couldn't say it.And more so.The more you haggle, the harder it is.

To know.Jin Yiwei formed an alliance with the Five Poison Sect this time.This is the first time.old days.Even if Jin Yiwei is involved in the gangs on the rivers and lakes.It is simply impossible to be treated equally as an alliance.What's more, these gangs are attached to Jin Yiwei.No matter how big it is.How about a gang with a long history.The relationship with Jin Yiwei.They are all from this group.

And this time with the alliance with the Five Poison Sect.It is a Fan also needs to be more cautious in this matter.

But speaking of it.Jinyiwei was originally an institution of the Ming court.It does not say that it is not an alliance with others.For the Five Poisons Sect.This is just a name that allows both parties to be treated equally.But even so.For the Five Poisons Sect.It can also be said to be a big bargain.

after all.After forming an alliance.What the Five Poisons School can provide to Jin Yiwei.In addition to their unique means.There is only some help in the southwest.But for Jin Yiwei.They want to help the Five Poisons Sect a lot.If the followers of the Five Poison Sect leave the southwest.If you walk in the Central Plains.It will be troublesome in the future.

If it is a question of cost-effective or not.Zhang Fan no longer wanted to think about it.His immediate problem.That's how to get this done.only.Want to get this done.It doesn't seem easy.

This is not.Just sat down.I didn't even have time to take a sip of a cup of tea.Fang Zhengan asked Zhang Fan.Ask him if he has thought about it.

Zhang Fan naturally understood what he was talking about.But he can pretend to be confused.Looking at Fang Zhenqian.He showed a somewhat puzzled expression.He opened his mouth and asked: "This... I don't know what the old leader Fang is talking about. If it is about the alliance between the two families, hasn't this been discussed before. I am in Jinyiwei. It is indeed a bit domineering. But What you say can definitely be fulfilled. Please rest assured, Old Master Fang."

"Master Zhang is really good at pretending to be confused." Fang Zhenqian said in a mocking tone.Said. "However, since Mr. Zhang wants to talk about the alliance, then I will talk to him again. Speaking of the alliance between my Five Immortals and the Jinyiwei. I think Mr. Zhang is quite upset. The matter of Jinyiwei, I also know A few. It seems that it has been so many years. Even those great sects in the Jianghu. At most, they are only attached to the Jinyiwei. But there is no alliance.

"The meaning of Jin Yiwei's doing this. The old man naturally understands. There is nothing unconvinced. After all, Jin Yiwei belongs to the imperial court. If people like us in the world are allowed to come here randomly, it will be messed up.

"And this time, the reason why Mr. Zhang agreed to form an alliance with my Five Immortals Sect is not because I want to relieve the danger of Yongning Mansion. I forced Mr. Zhang to agree. At that time, time was tight. Mr. Zhang had nothing else There is a solution. So I can only agree to the old man.

"That's right. Mr. Zhang is right. And the old man also believes in Mr. Zhang. I believe that Jin Yiwei will do what he says. Since he said that he wants to form an alliance with my Five Immortals, he will naturally not repent. But I'm afraid Mr. Zhang is in his heart. I don't want to be like this. So, now the old man has to be on guard."

"Be careful." Other words.Zhang Fan didn't care.Just this last sentence.Zhang Fan cared very much.quickly asked. "Old leader Fang's so-called defense. What exactly do you want to guard against?"

"Master Zhang is pretending to be confused again." Fang Zhenqian was still smiling.Said. "What else can we guard against. Why don't we let you go. It sounds a bit unpleasant to say. But what if you just formed an alliance with us and the result is immediately turned back. Then the old man will lose all his family property. "

"Old leader Fang is right. Naturally, we need to be on guard against this matter." After listening to Fang Zhenqian's words.Zhang Fan didn't mean to be angry at all.Instead, he smiled.Said. "It's just like what the old leader Fang said just now. But it's wrong to just listen to what the old leader Fang said.

"My side. I have to be on guard. In case the two families have just formed an alliance. The Five Poison Sect will take this opportunity. If you want to do something, then I will suffer. And. Once this kind of thing happens, what I want to pay is not only my family property, but also my own family and my life. "

Zhang Fan did not refute Fang Zhenqian's words.It's just that he asked the question in reverse.Push the possible responsibility back to the Five Poison Sect.

Although the conversation between the two.It sounds like you're messing around.But what they said was quite true.Who knows what will happen next.In case it is really like what the two of them said.This is just the alliance.One of them immediately showed his fierce face.What to do then.

"That sounds good. But Mr. Zhang made a mistake." Fang Zhenqian said to Zhang Fan.shook his head.Said. "Zhang Fan didn't figure it out. For Jin Yiwei, my Five Immortals Sect has no grievances. Since there is no grievance, and after forming an alliance, it will only be good for my Five Immortals Sect. There is no harm. If this is the case, why should we do this? Isn't that the same as cutting off your own money?

"But for Jin Yiwei, it's not the case. If you really care about it, whether it's Jin Yiwei or Mr. Zhang, there are some festivals with my Five Immortals. Mr. Zhang's side. The old man also heard what the little girl said. Back then I once kidnapped Mr. Zhang and escaped from the capital. I also heard that Mr. Zhang was almost killed. I don’t know if Mr. Zhang will report this worry.

"Also. If there is an alliance, Jin Yiwei will definitely not be happy. If it happens, the people under Mr. Zhang will become dissatisfied. I am afraid that Mr. Zhang may not be able to suppress them. At that time, we will be in bad luck. .”

"It's true what the old leader Fang said." Regarding Fang Zhenqian's words.Zhang Fan did not refute.Instead, he nodded.agreed. "Indeed. Back then, Lingqianjin held me hostage so that her subordinates could escape from the capital. I went to the gate of hell that time. I almost couldn't come back. Now if I say it, I don't care about it. Think about it Old Hierarch Fang would not believe it either. But Old Hierarch Fang can think about it. If I really hold on to this matter, why would I agree to Ling Qianjin’s proposal to rescue Old Hierarch Fang? Because at that time I wanted to deal with what Zhang Yong and Wang Xin said. Before that, when Ling Qianjin was going to Yongning to rescue you. I didn’t need to be so troublesome at all. I didn’t have to worry about your life at all. Just let my men kill you It's enough to kill those two people. But I didn't do any of these. In this way, the old leader Fang can be believed.

"As for the matter in the Jinyiwei. I'm afraid the old leader Fang still doesn't understand some things. There are indeed some people in the Jinyiwei. Even I can't control it. But those people will never say anything about this kind of thing. Sound. As for the people who are related to the alliance with your church, I can suppress them all. I can guarantee this.

"Speaking of this, I think the old leader Fang can believe my words. If it comes to grievances, I can't say no. But it is definitely not a deep hatred. So neither Jinyiwei nor I will treat the Five Poisons Sect Do it.

"Let's talk about it. Once we do something, the other gangs must think that I, Jin Yiwei, have betrayed their trust. They have turned against each other. If this happens, our troubles will only be greater. What I hate the most is trouble. That kind of thing I will never do it."

Zhang Fan's words.Fang Zhenqian fell silent.Presumably he was thinking.Zhang Fan's words.Can you believe it?

And Zhang Fan.It didn't mean to bother and urge.For Zhang Fan.Having said that, it can be regarded as being kind to him.If he still doubts.Then there is no need to talk about it.

In Zhang Fan's heart.Although it is an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.It was indeed Jin Yiwei who suffered.But this time the trip to the Southwest.It also made Zhang Fan realize the complexity of the situation here.If there is a helper from the Five Poisons Sect.For Jin Yiwei.The future is here in the southwest.Naturally, it is much more convenient.

In this way.Zhang Fan felt the same way.Forming an alliance with the Five Poison Sect is not too much of a disadvantage.

And now.It all depends on what Fang Zhenqian thinks.

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