The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1278 Can't be fooled

Zhang Fan has finished what he should say, and now it is time for Fang Zhenqian to think about it. Zhang Fan has no intention of urging him. For the Poison Sect, it was a matter of life and death, so it was right for him to think about it.

However, while waiting for Fang Zhenqian's reply, Zhang Fan suddenly had a strange idea. Originally, this conversation should be a bargaining conversation. Discuss, various matters after forming an alliance, and then argue with each other for their own interests.

Of course, the matter we are talking about now is naturally very important. This is a fundamental problem, and it is more important than those things. However, Zhang Fan has a strange feeling that he is not Knowing whether Fang Zhenqian did it on purpose or not, after these few words, Zhang Fan always felt that he, or Jin Yiwei, was looking forward to forming an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.

When it comes to those advantages and disadvantages, Zhang Fan still has to accommodate Fang Zhenqian and let him think about it. It seems that whoever fights who is the weakest, and who can benefit from this alliance seems to be completely reversed.

However, Zhang Fan didn't care about this matter. After all, as mentioned above, among the two alliances, the Five Poisons Sect was just a quack gang. Even though it had a long history and a large number of followers, But it is still a Jianghu gang in the final analysis, and the place where it can operate freely is only in the southwest area.

As for the Jinyiwei, it is an organization of the imperial court. The place where the Jinyiwei operates is the territory of the entire Ming Dynasty, and even outside the territory of the Ming Dynasty, there are also their figures. It is already very obvious. In this case, it should be Zhang Fan who is carefully considering what will happen after forming an alliance with the Five Poison Sect, or what precautions should be taken against them, but now, it has become Fang Zhenqian. Thinking about these things.

However, there is no big problem with Zhang Fan's idea. It is just a way for him to entertain himself. After all, Jin Yiwei is such a huge existence compared to the Five Poison Sect, and, Not only is it huge, Jinyiwei has accumulated such a deep foundation over the past 200 years, and most importantly, Jinyiwei belongs to the imperial court, that is to say, as long as the Ming Dynasty is still there, Jinyiwei will always exist.

Therefore, Jin Yiwei doesn't have to worry about anything about the alliance with the Five Poison Sect. It's just for a while, if it really shakes the foundation of Jin Yiwei, it is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Zhang Fan didn't have the slightest burden at all, but Fang Zhenqian really needed to carefully consider the pros and cons of it.

Compared with these things, Zhang Fan is now thinking more about another thing, which is what Fang Zhenqian said, about whether he has thought about it or not.

Although Zhang Fan played a sloppy eye and temporarily avoided that question, but he avoided it for a while, but he couldn't avoid the next question. Fang Zhenqian would definitely ask that question again, and that was what Zhang Fan really wanted. something to consider.

What's the matter? It's about Fang Zhenqian's invitation to Zhang Fan to visit the Five Poison Sect.

The matter of forming an alliance is nothing, and Zhang Fan no longer intends to worry about the pros and cons of it. This is the only thing that Zhang Fan has been thinking about, but he has never been able to think clearly.

Why did Fang Zhenqian insist on letting him go to the Five Poisons Sect, and he didn't explain the reason, which made Zhang Fan even more concerned. If he said anything else, Zhang Fan could think of something, but only this matter No matter how much he thought about it, Zhang Fan couldn't figure out what Fang Zhenqian was planning.

Speaking of which, since Fang Zhenqian said so, it is obvious that there must be some kind of conspiracy. However, Zhang Fan imagined many possibilities, but none of them could be confirmed.

If it is said that Fang Zhenqian intends to use the reason of forming an alliance this time, and then deceive Zhang Fan to the Five Poison Sect and harm him, not to mention why this matter is unreasonable, or after the Five Poison Sect did this, These things that will definitely be wiped out by the court, Zhang Fan is not too worried even if it is just discussing this matter. After all, when Fang Zhenqian brought up this matter, he did not stipulate that Zhang Fan Fan couldn't take other people with him, so he had to go by himself. Of course, if Fang Zhenqian really said that, wouldn't it be the same as telling Zhang Fan clearly that he wanted to harm him.

But even so, Zhang Fan still felt that it shouldn't be. Even though it was the territory of the Five Poison Sect, all of them were members of the Five Poison Sect, and Zhang Fan's side was weak, but it was not too much to worry about.

Although this is not the capital city, there are Jinyiwei yamen everywhere. Now, the matter of Yongning Mansion is over, and even the Shangyuan Festival has passed. Nearby places, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou called for manpower, but Zhang Fan was able to gather more than 200 people in just one day.

Since it is going to the place of the Five Poison Sect, it is not too much to bring more people, not to mention, since it is an alliance, it is natural to have more people, otherwise there is no way to show sincerity , and this kind of thing, there is no need to worry about losing face because too many people go there. After all, it is necessary to be defensive.

In this way, even if he is on the other side's land, with so many people around, Zhang Fan doesn't have to worry about it at all. Whatever he does, Zhang Fan has the capital not to be afraid.

However, this is just the worst plan, and no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for this matter to develop to this extent.

Of course, even if it doesn't develop like this, Zhang Fan still needs to be prepared for this.

However, in addition to this situation, Zhang Fan also has to consider other possible situations. Of course, if he really considers the details of what will happen at that time, then It's really endless. It's impossible to consider all these details. After all, no one can consider such ever-changing things comprehensively. After all, these are unpredictable things, or You have to see the improvisation of the time.

The most critical question is to understand why Fang Zhenqian insisted on letting Zhang Fan go to the Five Poisons Sect. As long as he grasps this general direction, he will be able to cope with all changes without change, even if he is halfway through. There are some small changes, but as long as you can figure out the general direction of the other party's intentions, you don't need to pay too much attention to the small things.

However, this is where the problem arises. It is this general direction that Zhang Fan can't grasp. No, let alone he can't grasp it. In fact, he has no clue at all. Why, Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.

If I still want to say something, I can only say that Zhang Fan has a feeling of uneasiness about this matter, but it is not a very uneasy feeling. It is not a major event that is life-threatening. What kind of means will be used to trick Zhang Fan at that time?

However, this kind of feeling is more uncomfortable than life and death. If it is really a big deal, then there is no need to hesitate any longer. You just need to make a plan, and it will be over if you come forward. But this kind of smaller place requires careful planning to settle it. Compared with it, Zhang Fan doesn't like it, which makes him feel even more aggrieved and panicked.

These days, after thinking about it intermittently, Zhang Fan still can't figure out what Fang Zhenqian's plan is, and just now, when Fang Zhenqian was thinking about it, Zhang Fan still took no time to think about it, but In the end, he couldn't figure out what was going on, which made Zhang Fan feel very bad.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Fan really couldn't figure out what was going on, and he planned to give up. After so many days, he couldn't think of any solution. Zhang Fan didn't think that he could do it in just a short while Figured it out.

What's more, Fang Zhenqian seemed to have already thought about it, Zhang Fan planned to put this matter aside first, and listen to what Fang Zhenqian had to say before making plans.

"I have thought about what Mr. Zhang said carefully just now," Fang Zhenqian looked at Zhang Fan, and said, "It is indeed the case, and the old man has also thought about it. There is no need to put my Five Immortals to death.

"Besides, to be honest, the old man also feels that Jin Yiwei seems to care a lot about the Southwest. If I, the Five Immortals, can provide you with information, Master Zhang will save a lot of trouble."

"That is to say, the old leader Fang has already figured it out," Zhang Fan said, "There will be no such thing as an alliance between the two of us, and we will not admit it. In this way, everything will be easy to talk about." , as long as there is a covenant, all problems can be solved, and in this way, everything will be easy to handle, right?"

Still wanting to avoid that question, Zhang Fan planned to fool around.

"Master Zhang, don't be too busy." However, it is absolutely impossible for Fang Zhenqian to let Zhang Fan just fool around like this, "The matter of forming an alliance is settled, but Master Zhang still hasn't answered the old man's previous question.

"Before, the old man mentioned to Mr. Zhang that he wanted to invite Mr. Zhang to the Five Poisons Sect. Our two families form an alliance. If we don't even enter the other party's house, what is going on? Of course, the other party's side, The old man also knows the difficulty of Master Zhang, but here, Master Zhang must come here, "

It sounded like a discussion tone, but Fang Zhenqian, who had finished speaking, stared at Zhang Fan closely, waiting for his answer.

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