in the end.What kind of thoughts did Fang Zhenqian have?why.He had to ask Zhang Fan to go to the Five Poisons Sect.some of.What is the reason.It was he who was really plotting something.Or rather.This is what he said.It's just a way of showing goodwill before forming an alliance.Which one is the truth.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.

If you have to say it.What conspiracy does he have to say.But Zhang Fan really didn't see what he had planned.Or maybe he didn't know what he was going to do.even.Zhang Fan thought about it.Fang Zhenqian had no reason to do so.Even if it is said.Fang Zhenqian might want to take advantage of this opportunity.Control Zhang Fan.I want Jin Yiwei to be able to use him in the future.But Zhang Fan didn't think Fang Zhenqian would do such a thing.

if it is like this.Fang Zhenqian's calculations will definitely come to nothing.and.Zhang Fan didn't think that Fang Zhenqian would not know.Jin Yiwei is the head of the imperial court.Or as the emperor's personal guard.this particularity.It is destined to be difficult to be manipulated by people other than those few people.Take the present as an example.Even if Zhang Fan passed by then.And Fang Zhenqian did use some method.Poison is also good.Threats are fine too.In short, Zhang Fan is under control.

but.Think about what happens next.Maybe it will be fine at first.The Five Poisons Church relies on Zhang Fan and Jin Yiwei.Rapidly grow in power.but.If things go on like this.The Five Poisons Sect will also move towards the edge of the cliff step by step.Once Zhang Fan becomes dissatisfied at that time.Will definitely try to smooth it out.

And even Zhang Fan just endured it.Not willing to take the risk of losing both sides.But in the long run.Even if Zhang Fan didn't say anything.Others can see the problem too.To know.The eyes of those people in the court.Even if the old eyes are dim.It is also very clear.

If so.An obvious piece of news appeared in front of them.It was supposed to be for the imperial court.For the Ming Dynasty.For the emperor's Jinyiwei.Now it's actually doing things for a sect of the rivers and lakes.It's not easy to say.They are working hard for the Five Poisons Sect.This is absolutely not allowed.

By the time.The emperor will definitely replace Zhang Fan.Replace it with someone who can completely listen to yourself.And even the emperor favored Zhang Fan extremely.Zhang Fan will not be taken down because of this matter.But the emperor did not speak.The ministers below will never remain silent.At that time, if the ministers all care about it.The emperor also had to move Zhang Fan.

And wait until then.As long as Zhang Fan is replaced.Waiting for the Five Poisons.It is a catastrophe.And wait until then.I'm afraid Jin Yiwei is not the only one doing this.Instead, they directly dispatched troops to wipe out the Five Poison Sect.That would be absolutely extinct.And it's lifeless.No matter how powerful your Five Poisons Sect is.After all, you are just a gangster.It's just a Jianghu sect living in the southwest corner.How could it be against the Ming court who ruled the whole world.

Zhang Fan didn't believe it.The wily Fang Zhenqian would never have thought of these things.Otherwise.How could he sit on the position of the leader of the Five Poison Sect for decades.That doesn't just rely on things like "Five Immortals Honeydew".There are more ways to do it.

so.Zhang Fan decided that Fang Zhenqian would not do such extreme things.

but.Exclude this word.There is only one possibility left.That is Fang Zhenqian invited Zhang Fan to go this time.There is really no conspiracy.It is simply because of the alliance between the two.I want to invite Zhang Fan to take a look.

but.What the hell is the point of this?Whether it is the Five Poisons Sect or Jinyiwei.Whether they are in the arena or in the court.Even if it is their territory.But they are also a very special existence.These two.Absolutely won't care about this kind of thing.For them.How to realize the benefits is the most important.And like this superficial effort.Really not much use.

and.No matter how you look at it.Fang Zhenqian didn't seem like a person who would do such boring things.therefore.Zhang Fan came to a conclusion.This time he invited himself to the Five Poison Sect.There must be a purpose.But unluckily.Zhang Fan couldn't think of the purpose.So there is only the most normal possibility left.

And now.Fang Zhenqian was staring at Zhang Fan closely.Waiting for his answer.

"Old Hierarch Fang. I'm not in a hurry to answer you. I want to ask Old Hierarch Fang a question first." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Finally, he spoke to Fang Zhenqian and said. "In the end. Why did Old Master Fang insist on asking me to go to the Five Poisons Sect? Don't talk about the alliance between the two. We are not the kind of people who will believe in such reasons. It is useless to talk about it. In the end. Master Fang invited me over. What is the purpose?"

"The purpose. Of course there is." Unexpectedly.This time Fang Zhengan was so frank.He admitted that he did have a purpose in inviting Zhang Fan. "However. Before saying the purpose, the old man wants to ask. Is it possible to say that Mr. Zhang is so scared. Mr. Zhang. But it insults the prestige of Jinyiwei. My Five Immortals Sect is just a martial art. Jinyiwei will be afraid ."

"Old Master Fang. Don't use aggressive methods." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "Although I am dozens of years younger than the old leader Fang, the things I have experienced, the dangers involved, are by no means younger than what the old leader Fang has encountered in decades of wandering in the rivers and lakes. If you use the aggressive method, you can succeed. I will never sit here and talk to you now. I have already been lying in the coffin. Therefore, there is no need to talk about it in circles. I also ask Master Fang to explain clearly. Why do you have to let me go? .”

Zhang Fan's words.Fang Zhenqian was a little surprised.And what it looks like.Dare to love Fang Zhenqian always felt that Zhang Fan was young.Being able to become the commander of Jinyiwei is all because of the emperor's favor.So he has never been taken seriously.In his opinion.It must be that Zhang Fan is young and vigorous.They can't bear the contempt of people in the rivers and lakes that they think of as their official career.Just a little excitement.You will be able to submit immediately.

And obviously.Zhang Fan did not fall into his trap.Speaking up.A scheming person like Fang Zhenqian.It should not be such a mistake.but.If you think about it.It is also possible.After all, he has been the leader for decades.This way of being looked up to by others all the time.It might even make him feel ecstatic.And that's why.He began to underestimate Zhang Fan.

"Master Zhang has misunderstood something." Although Fang Zhenqian was pointed out by Zhang Fan, his intentions were revealed.But he didn't panic.On the contrary, he put on a more calm look.Even with a smiling face.Said. "This old man has been in the rivers and lakes for decades. Naturally, he understands this truth. People in the court. Naturally, it cannot be underestimated. What the old man said just now is also a temporary old problem. It has not been corrected. Please don't get angry, Mr. Zhang.

"Furthermore, the old man really has no other intentions. This time, I sincerely invite Mr. Zhang to visit the Five Poisons Sect. I really have no other reason. Besides, the location of my teaching is also a good place. The scenery is very good Yes. If Mr. Zhang still has some time, you should take a good tour after you go there. It’s definitely not worse than the scenery of the north and south of the river.”

After Fang Zhenqian finished speaking.Zhang Fan just looked at him and didn't speak.It seemed to be to see if Fang Zhenqian's complexion would change.

And Fang Zhenqian obviously understood Zhang Fan's intentions.I don't know if he did it on purpose.Always on a calm face.With a faint smile.It looks completely harmless to humans and animals.only.Even Zhang Fan who didn't know Fang Zhenqian in detail.I also understand that it was just a look he made.If you really believe his words.It will definitely be bad luck.

"Although I said it. The words of the old leader Fang made me unable to think of any other possibilities." Zhang Fan said. "However. I still don't believe it. I don't believe it. It's just because of this. Master Fang has to ask me to go. This matter. You have to give me a reason. Give me a reason that makes me understand. . If not, I will never buy it."

This is also Zhang Fan's heart.What Fang Zhenqian said.He really couldn't think of anything else.But he always felt.Things are not that simple.But for Zhang Fan.You have to be confident in everything you do.Not sure about things.He will never do it.on this matter.If Fang Zhenqian doesn't give him a reason that can make him think clearly.He will never agree.

"Oh..." Zhang Fan said.Fang Zhenqian let out a long sigh.His waist also bent down at this moment.I thought about it for a while.He looked at Zhang Fan again.Finally he spoke. "Since Mr. Zhang has talked about this point. It seems that the old man will not explain it. Mr. Zhang will not agree. If this is the case, the old man will talk about it.

"Speaking of it, it's not something that can't be said. The reason why the old man said that is because he was worried. This matter. Since the day when he was kidnapped by those two people, the old man has been thinking about it. Not bad. The reason why the old man was kidnapped by them that time was also because the old man was careless. However, it was not just because of carelessness. At that time, the old man realized that the Five Immortals Sect was not as good as before. If not. Back then, even Wei Yinbao had to give me three points. How could it be the turn of those two people who dared to attack the old man.

"And now. Although the old man came out, what the old man saw was more serious than what he thought before. I don't blame Li Yang for anything. After all, he also did what Mr. Zhang wanted. But...just because of him One person, but Yue Ling had to take everyone away. This time, it can be regarded as letting the old man see clearly. If it continues like this, the Five Immortals will come to an end at some point.

"The old man has thought of a lot of ways, but there is no way to change it completely. Until that day, Mr. Zhang, you came to ask me to lobby those people for you. The old man suddenly came up with the idea of ​​forming an alliance."

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