The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1280 The So-Called Father

Zhang Fan never bought it.And under repeated questioning.Fang Zhenqian finally explained the reason why he insisted on inviting Zhang Fan to the Five Poison Sect.but.This reason.It may be different from what Zhang Fan originally thought.It's not the ambition that Fang Zhenqian harbored.Instead, it was his worry.This.It also gave Zhang Fan some different ideas.

"Today. The Five Immortals Sect looks like this." Fang Zhenqian continued. "It seems. Even though people have been kicked out of the house. But there is no damage. There are not many people. And no one escaped. All together. As long as they can return to the church, they can make the church The altar was opened again. However, this is only what it looks like. But there are some things in it, the old man is very worried.

"Even if you don't talk about it. If you talk about it later, it will worry me even more. Although I didn't pass on the throne to Yueling, it was because I was kidnapped. And the church can't be without a leader. So the leader The seat. Yueling has to be on top. And I understand it. She wants to rescue me. She can't do it alone. Someone needs to help. So the position of the leader. She is Must sit.

"However, Yueling is a little different from the old man. Master Zhang also knows about it. My Five Immortals Sect has a kind of medicine. It's called 'Five Immortals Honeydew'. This kind of poison. After taking it, if you can't get it within a year The antidote. Knowing the poison method. I feel unbearable pain all over my body. This is the method used by the Five Immortals to control the people in the sect. However, the reason why the old man can ascend to the position of the leader of the sect is that he can sit still for decades. It is not just these. Speaking of which, the old man was able to be passed on as the leader of the sect. It was also because the old man was not only skilled, but also did several great things for the sect. Not only that, the old man knew how to deal with those people.

"If you want to be under control, you don't just rely on tyrannical means. It depends more on how to deal with them. How to persuade them. How to keep them from making trouble. Mr. Zhang is also in charge of Jinyiwei. You should also understand this truth That's right. 'Five Immortal Honeydew' is in the final analysis. It's just a small trick. More depends on how to do it on weekdays.

"And Yueling her. If I hadn't taught her the recipe of 'Five Immortals Honeydew' privately, she would definitely not be able to become the leader. It's not that she is not smart. It's just that she is smart .Not on this. She can suppress these people for a few years. But once the time goes by, there will definitely be troubles.

"After the old man came out, I saw this kind of sign. To Yue Ling, they are indeed respectful. But the little bit of dissatisfaction in the respect, the old man can still see it.

"Think about the future. In the future, Yueling will naturally be the leader of the church. Although the old man has come out, since Yueling has already become the leader, there is absolutely no talk of doing it again. The future Five Poison Sect. Yueling is the leader. Naturally, the old man will advise her behind the scenes.

"In this way, the teaching will be able to settle down again. However, the reason why those people are stable is not because of the old man. The old man's means. They understand. If there is a real commotion, there is no need to 'five immortals' Honeydew'. This old man can make their lives worse than death. But, Mr. Zhang. The reason why he calls himself 'old man' is not because he is old. The old man will leave one day. Even if the old man is very skilled, he can look around with all his martial arts. There are not many enemies in the world. The body is also very strong. But after all, there is a day to go. Maybe it is because the body is not good, or it may be because of some accident.

"But once I'm gone, Yueling will never be able to support such a big stall by herself. Moreover, she is only alone. Even in the past few days, I can see it. In teaching Among the people who sincerely agree with her as the leader, I am afraid that there is only the girl Yu'er. And the others, although they seem to be very obedient on the surface, but in fact, they are very dissatisfied with Yueling in their hearts. Even if there is still Yu'er who can always listen to her orders. But what's the use of relying on the two of them alone. Yu'er is not even considered a member of the church. Everyone else is a person who is sincere to Yue Ling. No.

"These are the things that the old man has been worrying about for the past few days. It's also the reason why the old man insists on letting Mr. Zhang go."

perhaps.words before.It was all fabricated by Fang Zhenqian to deceive Zhang Fan.After all those words.No matter how serious it is to say it.Neither is convincing.But now.What Fang Zhenqian said.It made Zhang Fan believe it.

Of course.The reason why Zhang Fan believed Fang Zhenqian's words.And not just because of what he said.Nor was it when he said it.So sincere.None of this has anything to do with it.Zhang Fan is already pretty good at knowing people.But he is speaking as Jin Yiwei.Still get used to speaking with facts.And not through something ambiguous like emotion.

That is.The reason why Zhang Fan believed Fang Zhenqian's words.Not just because of what he said.More because of.Zhang Fan also discovered the problem.

It's actually not something to hide.Hard to find be honest.That is a very simple question.First point.That is Fang Yueling.It's a woman.Except in this sect.All are female disciples.Or more women.There is a woman as their leader.That is of course no problem.

but.Not to mention that there are very few such special sects.other places.It is also rare for a woman to head the house.Why.It's not that women are overly sentimental.not smart.Or eccentric or something.In fact it is.This society is like this.It is the respect of men.Women are humble.That being the case.under this general direction.Even if there are a few special ones.But it can't change the minds of most people.

For the Five Poisons.Zhang Fan was also investigated.Although there are not many things that can be found.But some are still understandable.The Five Poisons Sect has also gone through hundreds of years.But apart from the current Fang Yueling.It's true that no woman has ever been a leader.even.Not just the leader.Even the guardians and hall masters below.These hundreds of years add up.Only three or five women have done it.And even Fang Yueling.Finally, this precedent was broken.Became the leader as a woman.But there are really too many particularities in it.If it develops too according to normal things.It is also impossible for her to sit on the position of leader.

And even without saying this.Zhang Fan could also feel it.Those in the Five Poisons Sect.For Fang Yueling.Not really respect either.That kind of obedience.The appearance of daring to die for her.Definitely not respectful.It's more like calling it fear.and.They were simply afraid of the "Five Immortal Honeydew" that Fang Yueling had mastered.It's not that she's afraid of Fang Yueling herself.

This is what Zhang Fan originally wanted.In addition, I had several contacts with people from the Five Poison Sect.Even what they do leave no trace.But Zhang Fan could still vaguely see this matter.only.For Zhang Fan at that time.These are irrelevant the very least.It doesn't matter what he Fan didn't care about anything either.

And now.Fang Zhenqian said this.In this way.Zhang Fan who listened to his words.Plus those things he himself had observed before.This is what made Zhang Fan believe.Fang Zhenqian's words.It's true.


"What the old leader Fang said. I understand. And. I also believe what the old leader Fang said." Zhang Fan turned to Fang Zhenqian.nodded.Said. "It's just. I still don't understand. What does this matter have to do with Master Fang's insistence on me going to your church?"

"Master Zhang should still remember. I was interested in letting Yue Ling marry you before." Fang Zhenqian did not immediately answer Zhang Fan's question.Instead, he talked about it. "What the old man was thinking at the time was actually to find a backer for Yueling. Obviously, there is no one more suitable than Mr. Zhang. Not to mention being in charge of the Jinyiwei. He has also won the favor of the emperors of the two dynasties. Among the ministers, there is no one more suitable. People will fight against you. Even the queen mother who is in power now has a lot of favors for Mr. Zhang.

"At that time, the old man thought. As long as Yueling can marry you, then she can really find a backer. Even if she is a concubine. In the old man's opinion, it is nothing compared to losing her life. However, Mr. Zhang Now that I have refused, then the old man will not be able to force it. But the backer of Mrs. Zhang, the old man must let Yue Ling attach to her."

"That is to say..." Now.Zhang Fan finally understood what Fang Zhenqian meant. "The reason why Master Fang insisted on letting me go to your teaching. That's it."

"That's right. That's it." Fang Zhenqian nodded and said. "Although I said that I, the Five Poison Sect and Jinyiwei form an alliance. But what I want more. In fact, it is the alliance between Mr. Zhang and Yue Ling. In this way, as long as Mr. Zhang can help her behind Yue Ling's back Help. Not only can my Five Immortals Sect grow stronger, but more importantly, Yue Ling will never be in danger.

"And the old man insists on letting Master Zhang go. It is to let those people see. Master Zhang is on my side, Yue Ling. In this way, they are even more afraid of Yue Ling. Although, just being afraid is not enough. It’s not considered a top-notch skill to control subordinates. But if they are too scared, they can still be intimidating. As long as they can be obedient in the future and don’t cause trouble for Yue Ling, this old man will be satisfied.”

It went in so many circles.In the end, Fang Zhenqian answered Zhang Fan with these words.Although the reason is simple.But it was very acceptable to Zhang Fan.It seems.What Fang Zhenqian did.That's not the Five Poisons religion at all.It's his baby girl.

This.It is human nature.Anyone can understand it.

"Master Zhang. How is it?" Fang Zhenqian asked again. "The old man has already told you all the reasons. Do you agree or not?"

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