Before.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.Why did Fang Zhenqian insist on inviting him to the Five Poison Sect?this matter.Although he has such a high-sounding reason.But how could Zhang Fan be fooled so be honest.Even for that reason.But in fact it is dispensable.There was no need for Zhang Fan to go there.

therefore.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.Why did Fang Zhenqian insist on letting him go.But Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.But he didn't immediately reject him.but.It was also because Zhang Fan did not refuse him.So today.The two have just met.Fang Zhenqian asked the first question.Still this thing.Ask Zhang Fantong if he agrees.

Although it was said that Zhang Fan was fooling around with other topics.But that was only for a while.Since Fang Zhenqian has been thinking about this matter in his heart.He will never give up.So after saying those words.finally.Fang Zhengan still asked Zhang Fan this question.and.This time, Zhang Fan had no reason to fool Fang Zhenqian anymore.

but.Before he figured out what Fang Zhenqian's purpose was for doing this.It was naturally impossible for Zhang Fan to agree to him.and.It's not just that he can't promise him.At the same time, you can't refuse him.And obvious.After thinking for so many days, Zhang Fan couldn't think of the answer.There is simply no way to figure out what the reason is in such a short period of time.

so.Zhang Fan spoke.It's just his opening this time.It's not an answer to Fang Zhenqian's words.Instead, he asked Fang Zhenqian in turn.Why did he have to go to the Five Poisons Sect?Although Zhang Fan didn't explain clearly.But the tone made it clear that he was talking.If you, Fang Zhenqian, don't explain the reason clearly.I, Zhang Fan, are not just not going.Even the matter of our two alliances.Might have to reconsider.Although there are not many words.But there is no shortage of threats in the words.

In this way.Fang Zhenqian had no other choice.I don't know if I understand.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to just promise himself like this.That's when he opened his mouth to tell Zhang Fan the truth.

only.The truth that Fang Zhenqian said.It was quite different from what Zhang Fan had expected.original.In Zhang Fan's mind.Fang Zhenqian must have some kind of conspiracy.And even what he said now.Not yet the truth.Or those things he made up.But it should also be some major event related to the interests of the two parties.

but.As a result, Fang Zhenqian said what he said.But it was different from what Zhang Fan thought.It is quite different.There is no conspiracy at all here.Totally a father.Worries about her daughter's future.And this worry.Let even someone like Fang Zhenqian.They could also humbly start begging Zhang Fan.

and.What Fang Zhenqian said.Zhang Fan also couldn't see that this was another lie he made up to deceive himself.these words.Fang Zhenqian can be said to be most affectionate and reasonable.and.His look and tone of voice.Plus the things he said.It is already believable.

Of course.Zhang Fan was able to believe Fang Zhenqian's words.It's definitely not just because what Fang Zhenqian said makes sense.What's more.Zhang Fan is also concerned about the Five Poisons Sect.There is also an investigation involving the father and daughter Fang Zhenqian and Fang Yueling.The news obtained through Zhang Fan's investigation.In addition to what Fang Zhenqian said just now.Combine these two sides.This was the reason for Zhang Fan to believe what he said.

And if Fang Zhenqian is because of this reason.Instead of asking Zhang Fan to go to the Five Poisons Sect.That is, to show them.Jin Yiwei's alliance with the Five Poison Sect.In essence, Zhang Fan would support Fang Yueling behind her back.Just to make such a that the future.Fang Yueling was able to better control the Five Poisons Sect.And not just because of Fang Zhenqian's presence.

If so.In the future, Fang Zhenqian will be a hundred years later.The Five Poisons Sect will definitely not become agitated because of this.It will not cause Fang Yueling any trouble.

Just like Fang Zhenqian said.True.The art of imperial power.Absolutely not just relying on threats.To give kindness and majesty at the same have better control.but.If only by threats.But it's not impossible.As long as the threat exceeds a certain level.While making people feel scary.It also makes these people completely afraid to have any sense of resistance.In this case.Of course it is also possible.

And Fang Zhenqian came up with this method.It is also a good way.If so.Let those people of the Five Poisons Sect know.Behind Fang Yueling.Jin Yiwei is supporting him.And even Jin Yiwei formed an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.It is not because of the Five Poisons Sect.Most of them were on the body of the Fang family father and daughter.No matter how dissatisfied these people were, Fang Yueling took the position of leader as a woman.Rule them all.But he absolutely didn't dare to do anything because of it.

If so.For Zhang Fan.This question is better answered.this matter.If Zhang Fan does not agree.Perhaps Fang Zhenqian would be unhappy.But nothing.but.Even Zhang Fan agreed.But it won't have any effect on him.

this be honest.The influence on Zhang Fan.It is very small.Even if he agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request.Even let Zhang Fan speak up when the time comes.In front of those congregants of the Five Poison Sect.Tell them openly.Jin Yiwei's alliance with the Five Poison Sect.It was actually Zhang Fan.In other words, Jin Yiwei's treatment of Fang's father and daughter.Or to be more precise.It is to support Fang Yueling alone.This will not make Zhang Fan have any influence.Trouble he can find in the future.And definitely not many.

Why are you so sure.Zhang Fan also considered it.And the result of considering this matter is.It only needs Zhang Fan to express this attitude.Those people from the Five Poisons Sect will already be afraid.future.These people will take the initiative to find trouble for Fang Yueling.That's a lot less.

and.As far as Zhang Fan knew Fang Yueling.She may indeed be as Fang Zhenqian said.It is not suitable to be the seat of the leader of this religion.But she is also as Fang Zhenqian said at the same time.Is a very smart man.and.Zhang Fan also knew.Fang Yueling is definitely not the kind of person who would take the initiative to make trouble with those people.If so.Nothing will happen in the future.

If so.Zhang Fan just came up with a name.Ninety-nine percent chance.Things within the teaching of the Five Poisons.He will not be needed for help in the future.Of course.Since it is ninety-nine percent.Not ten to ten.That is.There is still a slight chance.what will happen in the future.What troubles will come in the future.

And even if such a thing did happen.Zhang Fan didn't think it was too troublesome.Even if he really helped Fang Yueling what.Moreover.It's just a Five Poison Sect to deal with.Zhang Fan didn't pay attention to these things.

and.If you form an alliance with the father and daughter of the Fang family.For Zhang Fan.There are also benefits.

Think about it.The reason why Zhang Fan agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request in the first place.Form an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.It's not just because they want them to be able to provide news about the Southwest in the future.

If it is an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.Nature is able to achieve this goal.But this will also give birth to new problems.To know.Five Poisons.No matter how much it laughs compared to Jin Yiwei.It is also a sect of rivers and lakes.And one that has been around for a long time.And it's not a small Jianghu sect.Since it is a sect.There are many people among them.And there are bound to be many this point.Li Yang had already mentioned it to Zhang Fan.even.Even if Li Yang didn't say this to Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan also wanted it.

after all.this kind of thing.Whether it is among his Jinyiwei.Or in the court.It is absolutely indispensable.

If so.Someone will definitely come up with something in the future.Some people may think so.Get rid of other people.Because of the fact that the Five Poison Sect has formed an alliance with Jin Yiwei.Talk to Zhang Fan and the others alone.Or plan something else.

if it is like this.Zhang Fan will definitely have a lot of troubles in the future.Of course.Naturally, Zhang Fan could also choose to ignore these matters.But if there is such a commotion over there.For Jin Yiwei.More than a nuisance.And it will delay the collection of information on the southwest side.

If so.Isn't it worth the candle.

And if it is as Fang Zhenqian planned.Let him show that he supports Fang Yueling.In this way.Those people in the Five Poisons Sect in the future.He will not cause any trouble for Zhang Fan anymore.Even if someone did it.Zhang Fan didn't have to do anything himself.Just send someone to tell Fang Yueling about the matter.Of course she will clean up those people.

And if this is the case.Under the leadership of Fang Yueling.The Five Poisons Sect will then be able to concentrate on collecting various news about the Southwest for Zhang Fan.This is what Zhang Fan wants.rather than those troubles.

so.After listening, I understood Fang Zhenqian's reason.And after he thought about it himself.Zhang Fan also had a plan.Doing so seems to be extremely beneficial to him.There is no reason not to say yes.

"I understand what the old leader Fang meant." Zhang Fan thought it over.nodded.The other party Zhenqian said. "In this case, I have agreed to this matter. As for the date and where. I also ask the old leader Fang to give me a letter of approval. I have to be prepared."

"That's great." Seeing that Zhang Fan had already agreed.Fang Zhenqian was naturally very happy. "If that's the case, please forgive the old man for saying goodbye on behalf of the little girl. I have to clean up first when I go back. Otherwise, how can I meet guests. As for the old man, I will stay here. I have to tell Mr. Zhang what will happen at that time Just do it."

Regarding Fang Zhenqian's words.Zhang Fan naturally nodded in agreement.But Zhang Fan was also thinking in his heart.Although he has already agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request.But he still had to prepare.That's it.Again.The heart of defense is indispensable.

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