The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1282 2-hand preparation

After Fang Zhenqian said so much to Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan thought about it for so many days, Zhang Fan finally agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request this time. He will go to the Five Poisons Sect in the near future. Once, the purpose of going there was not to form an alliance with the Five Poison Sect, but to support Fang Yueling.

Of course, when Fang Zhenqian said this, it was actually equivalent to letting Zhang Fan form an alliance with their father and daughter, but for Zhang Fan, it was like giving him a chance to completely control the Five Poisons Sect This is also the reason why Zhang Fan agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request in the end.

Speaking of which, Jin Yiwei has controlled many Jianghu gangs, and there are definitely not a few gangs who have subdued their heads and obeyed their orders. However, these so-called manipulations also have limitations. However, it is impossible for Zhang Fan to ask them to do something that is simply impossible. Zhang Fan still understands this.

However, regarding the matter of the Five Poisons Sect, Zhang Fan supports Fang Yueling behind his back, but in fact, Zhang Fan controlled the Five Poisons Sect by supporting Fang Yueling. If they were asked to do it, they would not tell the other members of the Five Poison Sect at all, they would just tell Fang Yueling directly, and then let him make the arrangements.

And at that time, even if the people below have any objections, Fang Yueling will deal with those people. If it is true that the people below are so violent that even the Fang family father and daughter can't deal with it, wait until At that time, Zhang Fan will stand up and help them.

In this way, there is an advantage, that is, Zhang Fan's troubles will be much less. At that time, all orders will be told to Fang Yueling, instead of directly telling those people of the Five Poison Sect. , avoiding the contact between those people of the Five Poison Sect and Jin Yiwei, and in this way, Zhang Fan would not appear directly in front of those people, and it would become impossible for those people to find Jin Yiwei.

And even if there is any trouble, Fang Yueling's methods are able to suppress most of the things. After all, Jin Yiwei is behind her to support her, and those people don't dare to cause any trouble casually. of.

Even when the time comes, if something really gets serious, it will be too late for Zhang Fan to help. Moreover, this is not a big trouble for Zhang Fan. After all, dealing with a Five Poison Sect Moreover, according to Zhang Fan's understanding of Fang's father and daughter, the possibility of this happening is really quite low.

That is to say, for Zhang Fan, this is actually more worry-free and labor-saving than forming an alliance with the Five Poison Sect. If this is the case, Zhang Fan has absolutely no reason not to agree to Fang Zhenqian's request.

Therefore, after thinking about the pros and cons, Zhang Fan nodded and agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request, promising that he would go to the Five Poisons Sect.

After Fang Zhenqian heard that Zhang Fan agreed, he was naturally very happy. He even made preparations long ago. As long as Zhang Fan agreed, he would ask Fang Yueling to take people back to clean up. After all, at that time, the reason why Fang Yueling and the others would It was not because of Li Yang's "rebellion" that he came to Chengdu. Although Zhang Fan didn't go to see it with his own eyes, he heard from Li Yang that Li Yang really did a lot to gain the trust of those two people, especially for the five The site of the Poison Sect was also wrecked.

Fang Yueling and others will go back to pack their things first, but Fang Zhenqian will stay here. When the time comes, he will have to lead Zhang Fan. Of course, since Li Yang has become a member of Jinyiwei, Zhang Fan will It can be said that it is easy to find the location of the Five Poison Sect, but because of the special relationship between Li Yang and the Five Poison Sect, including the father and daughter of the Fang family, it is obvious to let Li Yang lead the way and let them go there. It's a bit inappropriate.

Of course, Fang Zhenqian didn't say these reasons, but even if Fang Zhengan didn't say anything about this kind of thing, Zhang Fan would understand it. Moreover, it can be seen that Fang Zhenqian is really looking forward to this alliance or cooperation. , or even attachment, I'm afraid he can agree with it, and under this kind of strong expectation, he has thought through everything and is very well prepared.

In Fang Zhenqian's view, the first thing is that Zhang Fan can agree to his proposal. Only in this way can he continue to do the following things, and the next thing is to let this matter go from beginning to end without giving any trouble to both parties. It's okay to cause any embarrassment, so Fang Zhenqian thought of this.

Of course, it's not just about Li Yang, there are other things that Fang Zhenqian needs to prepare for, and those are the second reason why Fang Zhengan wants to stay.

Although Zhang Fan has already agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request, and agreed to support Fang Yueling behind her back and lead her to lead the Five Poisons Sect. If any problem occurs, Zhang Fan will help, but when the time comes, Zhang Fan After arriving at the Five Poison Sect, what should be done and how to speak, so that he can tell those people that he will support Fang Yueling behind the scenes in the most effective way, and it still needs some preparations.

The people in the Five Poison Sect are all people who have been walking in the rivers and lakes for many years. It is no exaggeration to say that those people are extremely slick.

So when the time comes, if this matter is said too clearly, it will appear that there is no plan here, and it will not be able to convince those people, but the words are too cryptic, although those people can understand the meaning, But they are likely to feel that this is underestimating and playing with them, or they may not buy it.

At that time, what method should be used to make those people understand this matter, but at the same time make them unable to express any objections to it. These are the things that should be discussed now.

Even though Fang Zhenqian and Zhang Fan have not discussed this point, both of them understand it in their hearts, and what they should do at that time is for them to discuss it slowly. Fan is quite familiar with this kind of thing, but Fang Zhenqian is more familiar with those people of the Five Poison Sect.

If you think about it this way, only the two of them can figure out what to do if you think about it.

Zhang Fan has no reason not to agree to this matter. On the contrary, he is quite interested in this matter. If it is really as expected, doing so will naturally only benefit Zhang Fan. It won't hurt.

Moreover, the preparation with Fang Zhenqian is also an opportunity for Zhang Fan to learn more about the Five Poison Sect. After all, the Five Poison Sect is about to become a gang that Zhang Fan can control. If you understand it, it is naturally impossible, and when you are doing countermeasures with Fang Zhenqian, Zhang Fan can take this opportunity to learn about the various situations of the Five Poisons Sect, ranging from the relationship between the factions, including those personalities. Dharma protectors, hall masters, and so on, as small as everyone in it, what kind of things, or handles, tempers, and the like.

Although doing this sounds extremely troublesome, and for Zhang Fan, these are actually trivial matters, and he doesn't need to worry about them at all, but for Zhang Fan, knowing these things is naturally helpful. It's good, and Zhang Fan believes that with his own memory, he can definitely remember these things one by one. Even if Fang Zhenqian said it just once, Zhang Fan is confident that he can remember that sentence.

These are all things that Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian need to discuss in the next time.

But before that, there is one more thing, that is, Zhang Fan still needs to make preparations, what kind of preparations, in case these are not true, in case Fang Fangzheng is not for these things at all, but still wants to treat Zhang Fan If there is any conspiracy, what can I do.

It's still the same as the previous sentence, letting go is essential, whether Zhang Fan can trust Fang Zhenqian, I'm afraid no one is sure except Fang Zhengan himself.

Since Zhang Fan didn't know, he needed to be prepared.

Even just now, when Zhang Fan agreed to Fang Zhenqian's meeting, Zhang Fan had been observing the expression on Fang Zhenqian's face.

At this time, if Fang Zhenqian's face showed even a little bit of news that the conspiracy had succeeded, Zhang Fan would know it well. For the old Jianghu, it is absolutely impossible for him to be exposed at this time.

But the fact is that after Zhang Fan agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request, what Fang Zhenqian showed was a look of comfort. From this, it seems that what Fang Zhenqian said is also true. He was really worried about his daughter's future, and Zhang Fan's promise undoubtedly gave him an affirmative answer, an answer that could make him feel at ease.

Of course, even if this is the case, it is not enough to prove that these are all true, and this may be the appearance Fang Zhenqian made on purpose in order to paralyze Zhang Fan.

Therefore, no matter what Fang Zhenqian's thoughts are, Zhang Fan already has a way to deal with it. The alliance with Fang's father and daughter naturally needs to be prepared, and he must be well prepared, after all As long as this matter can be done, it will be very beneficial to Zhang Fan.

But apart from these, Zhang Fan still needs to be prepared. If Fang Fang turns his back on his words and wants to take advantage of this opportunity to deceive Zhang Fan to do something, Zhang Fan must also make preparations to make himself fully Just be ready to go back.

These two preparations are not too much trouble for Zhang Fan, but for Jin Yiwei, it is even more of a housekeeping skill.

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