"That's it. My lord has already agreed with what Fang Zhenqian said." Liang Chao turned to Zhang Fan.Use a word that contains a lot of questioning tone.Said to Zhang Fan. "My lord. This is not very good. That Fang Zhenqian. Although he is not too old, but it is said that he is old and mature. I think it is not an exaggeration. The time when I saw him was earlier than my lord. But at that time. Even when he was extremely weak. To be honest, I can't see anything from the humble position. This. It's definitely not easy to deal with.

"And he said something like this now. It's almost equivalent to telling the adults. It's like wanting their father and daughter to enter our guard to help the adults. The humble staff really didn't see that Fang Zhenqian would have such a condescension I am afraid that he invited you to visit the Five Poisons Sect. There is also an ulterior motive. You should be careful. How could you agree to him so easily?"

The location is in the post house.After Zhang Fan finished talking with Fang Zhenqian.Fang Zhenqian asked Fang Yueling to leave first with the others.And Zhang Fan settled him down first.Now that he has agreed to his business.The preparations can't be rushed for such a day.

after.Zhang Fan took Wang Meng and Liang Chao back to the post house.into the room.Just the three of them.Zhang Fan told them what he had said to Fang Zhenqian.

And after listening to Zhang Fan's words.There was no movement from Wang Meng over there.But Liang Chao was the first to speak.nature.Liang Chao's words.It means that Zhang Fan does not agree to do so.In his opinion.Fang Zhenqian would never have any good intentions.Since he made this request.There must be some conspiracy behind it.Even Zhang Fan told him about Fang Yueling.But Liang Chao still disagreed.He still insisted.Fang Zhenqian must be planning some ulterior conspiracy.And about Fang Yueling.It was just fabricated by Fang Zhenqian.It was just a lie to win Zhang Fan's sympathy.

Of course.Liang Chao would say so.It was also within Zhang Fan's expectation.first.Zhang Fan naturally understood.Liang Chao definitely cared about himself very much.So I have always been more sensitive to this kind of thing.The second is.Although Liang Chao is not stupid.And also very smart.But compare.Liang Chao was also very impulsive.many things.He may not think too clearly.But he will speak his mind first.Of course.After he figured it out.He is not the kind of face-saving.People who insist on holding on to what they have said.

This is also an aspect of Zhang Fan's appreciation for Liang Chao.Can afford to put down.Since it is wrong.can be corrected immediately.Instead of dying to save face and suffer.

so.Even Liang Chao said such a thing.But Zhang Fan didn't mean to blame him.And now.In Liang Chao, it starts with talking.Until he finished speaking.Zhang Fan also kept a smile all the time.

only.Zhang Fan's smile.But it made Liang Chao anxious when he saw it.He hastened to say: "My lord, why are you still in the mood to laugh. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be real trouble. If it endangers your lord, it will be a terrible thing."

"Liang Chao. How do you talk?" At this time.Wang Meng at the side spoke.Obviously.He spoke to Zhang Fan in this tone to Liang Chao.Very upset. "You can think of all this. My lord will not think of it. I think the reason why my lord agrees with Fang Zhenqian's words. It must be prepared in my heart." Of course.Although Wang Meng's tone.It sounded like he was blaming Liang Chao.But in fact what he said was not serious.after all.Even Liang Chao.as a subordinate.Speak so loudly to your superior.It is indeed disrespectful.But the reason.It was also because Liang Chao was very worried about Zhang Fan's safety.all in all.His intentions are good.That being the case.There is no need to be too harsh on him.

and.Wang Meng said so.It's not that he really blamed Liang Chao for anything.Just to calm him down.And what he just said.It wasn't just for Liang Chao to calm down.And he said it because he believed it.Since Zhang Fan would agree to Fang Zhenqian's words.Then it must have been planned.In Wang Meng's mind.Zhang Fan would never do such an unprepared thing.

but.This is not Wang Meng's blind trust in Zhang Fan.Moreover.Wang Meng is definitely not that kind of person.The reason for saying this.All because of what Zhang Fan did in the past.Wang Meng had no choice but to look at it this way.That's right.Zhang Fan naturally also encountered danger.But that wasn't because Zhang Fan didn't judge correctly.More because of the helpless situation.

And this time.But that is not the case.For Fang Zhenqian's request.In fact, the initiative is in the body.If Zhang Fan really thinks it's inappropriate to do so.That only needs to reject Fang Zhenqian.There is nothing wrong with him at all.And now that Zhang Fan has agreed.That also meant that Zhang Fan was ready.Zhang Fan definitely did this because he already had an idea.at this point.Wang Meng is convinced.

And when he looked at Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan also expressed the expression that Wang Meng wanted to see in his heart.This also reassured Wang Meng a lot.

"I see." Liang Chao also came to his senses because of Wang Meng's scolding.I was no longer as excited as before.He looked at Zhang Fan.asked. "My lord. Speaking of which, Fang Zhenqian wanted to invite your lord to go there a few days ago. At that time, your lord didn't agree. Why did you agree now?"

"Because at that time. I still don't understand what he wants to do." Zhang Fan said. "What are we going to do? If we can't even figure out the reason, how can we do things with confidence."

Zhang Fan's words.Let Liang Chao nod frequently.But he's next.Immediately he asked: "In this way, since the lord has agreed to him. In other words, the lord has already figured out the reason why he did this."

"No. I haven't." Never thought.What Zhang Fan said was wrong.Obviously just said that.But I didn't do that myself.

This time.The expression on Liang Chao's face became even more strange.only.Because Wang Meng scolded him before.It also prevented him from asking the question in his mind immediately again.Liang Chao, who had calmed down, also thought of it.Since Zhang Fan did this.There must be a reason.

"I haven't figured it out myself. What's going on here." Zhang Fan explained. "Original. Let's think about this matter. No matter how we think about it, we feel that there must be some conspiracy. But what is it? After so many days, I can't figure it out.

"Today I asked Fang Zhenqian in front of him. And I told him. If you don't give me an explanation, I will never go back. After that, he also gave me an explanation. He said that the reason why he insisted Invite me over. It's not for anything else. It's for his daughter. That's because of Fang Yueling."

"For Fang Yueling." This time.Even Wang Meng was a little confused.this matter.From the beginning to the end, it was proposed by Fang Zhenqian alone.Now, how did it get involved in Fang Yueling's body?This made Wang Meng unable to understand for a while.

"It's very simple to explain." Zhang Fan said. "In general. It's because Fang Yueling is a woman. Obviously, the Five Poisons Sect is the same as our Central Plains. They don't agree with the fact that women are in charge of the house. And the Five Poisons Sect has never abdicated and re-elected." The matter of the leader. Therefore, Fang Zhenqian is worried. In the future, some people in the Five Poison Sect will dissatisfy Fang Yueling. Maybe there will be riots.

"That is to say. It is not so much that we form an alliance with the Five Poison Sect. It is better to say that we are going to support their father and daughter. In the future, if someone in the Five Poison Sect really wants to harm Fang Yueling. He thinks Let us help out."

"I see." Wang Meng heard Zhang Fan's explanation.Also nodded.Said. "If you put it this way, it can be explained. Why Fang Zhenqian insisted on marrying his daughter to an adult before. It seems that in the Five Poisons Sect, even if there is the 'Five Immortals Honeydew', it is not peaceful. ah."

"Not bad." Zhang Fan nodded. "And it's good for us. If you want to know the news of the Southwest in the future, you just need to tell Fang Yueling. As for the affairs of the Five Poison Sect, we don't need to participate. To be honest, I don't bother to participate." Those things. Just doing our duty is exhausting enough.”

"However, my lord." Liang Chao thought of other problems. "Although you said that, all of this can be explained. If you think about it, Fang Zhenqian insisted on asking the adults to go there. It is also because he wants the people of the Five Poisons to see that the adults will really support them. In the future There will be no fuss.

"It's just that. Can we really believe what Fang Zhenqian said? Maybe. He is still deceiving us by saying this. The purpose is to lure the adults over. Then we may do anything." Calm down Liang Chao.I quickly thought of the problem here.

"Of course I also thought of this." Zhang Fan said. "To be honest. I can't tell whether Fang Zhenqian's words are true or false. But I still decided to go. If it is true, we will have a lot of trouble left in the future.

"Of course. It is imperative to be defensive. When we go, we must be prepared. In case of that time. If Fang Zhenqian really intends to do something, we can deal with it easily."

"Does your lord have any ideas?" Wang Meng asked.

"I've thought about it. It's a good idea." Speaking of which.Zhang Fan laughed.It's just that his smile is really weird. "You two. Go and gather people right away. From Yunnan, Sichuan, and Guizhou. Call more of our people. Not too many. Two hundred is enough. Take them with you when the time comes. Didn't Fang Zhenqian ask me to support him? Since I promised him, we have to work hard."

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