The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1284 Leaving Yongning

Zhang Fan has already agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request.Regardless of whether Fang Zhenqian's answer to Zhang Fan is true or not.It doesn't matter if there is any conspiracy at that time.But Zhang Fan also had to be prepared.And Zhang Fan's so-called preparation.Actually people.That's right.Take two hundred people.In this way.No matter what conspiracy the other party has.That can be easily dealt with.

For Zhang Fan's preparation method.Maybe others will be surprised when they hear it.And I was surprised.I am afraid that Zhang Fan is too cautious.Of course.This is to put it bluntly.In other words, Zhang Fan was simply afraid of death.

But for Wang Meng and Liang Chao.They will do this to Zhang Fan.That was no surprise at all.this kind of thing.Let alone Jin Yiwei.Even in the entire court.That's all very common.Don't look at marching and fighting.Sometimes they are outnumbered.Your own number is far less than that of the enemy.Most of this happens suddenly.It's just because they haven't been given a chance to prepare.

Regardless of whether it is the emperor or the minister.Or those generals who lead troops to fight.To them.Naturally, the more fully prepared I am, the better.It is best to bring 1 people here.But there were only one or two thousand enemy troops encountered there.

Jin Yiwei is doing business.It is also considered in this way.Be fully prepared at all times.something else.For example, those who inquire about news will not talk about it.But if it comes to this kind of thing that needs to draw a sword.It's the same.Definitely the more people the better.In fact, this can be seen from Jin Yiwei's daily behavior.Even if it is to rob the house.It's such a small thing.I'm afraid that even the servants over there will add up.That is to say, there are a dozen people.But here I am afraid that there will be a lineup of hundreds of people.

now.Zhang Fan also planned to do so.It's not that I don't know what Fang Zhengan's plan is.That being the case.Then bring two hundred people.Although it is said that there are only 100 people in the Five Poisons Sect.But in comparison.If those people only talk about their skills.Compared with the 200 people in Jinyiwei.Maybe they are even more powerful.But this kind of group battle.Zhang Fan believed it.They are people who roll in the rivers and lakes.It may not be able to be the opponent of one's own troops.

Moreover.With the preparation of 200 people.It is also able to deal with any situation.

Now that it has been so decided.Then the next thing.That is to say, Wang Meng and Liang Chao should notify the staff.What Zhang Fan explained.It is from three places in Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou.Call 200 people over.

Speaking up.Jin Yiwei, although from the perspective of establishment.There are only 5000 people in scale.But actually it's now.People who are actually in Jinyiwei.There are already more than [-] to [-].Of course.This is not because the commanders and envoys of Jinyiwei in the past dynasties wanted to develop their own power in secret.Just because.From the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present.Jin Yiwei has always played a pivotal role.Also let it be when needed.Constantly pull in people.At this time.Even if you want to reorganize.There is no way to lay off so many people.That would be big Yiwei's situation.Now it has been acquiesced by the people in the court.No matter how much you hate Jin Yiwei.And I won't take this matter as an example.

The reason why it is still called Jinyiwei.That can be regarded as ancestral rules.Can't forget.Jin Yiwei.Anyway.Even if it has 10 people in the future.But it comes down to it.It is also one of the emperor's twelve personal guards.This cannot be changed long as the Ming Dynasty exists for one day.Jin Yiwei will exist one day.And as long as Jin Yiwei exists for a day.No matter what it becomes.Its name will not change either.

Said it is too big to drop.It can't be said that it is correct.only.Although it seems something is wrong now.But if you look back at its history.can understand.If Jinyiwei didn't have the scale it has today.That's rather weird.

but.Saying this is not the point.The point is.Jinyiwei is of such a scale.He is in the provinces.Including state capitals.Even some big states and counties.There are also yamen.Even small places.There is no Yamen.But there are definitely people.It can be said.Jin Yiwei's eyeliner.It was all over the north and south of the territory of Ming Dynasty.There is almost no news that they can't find out.But it depends on whether they want to inquire.

That is.If Zhang Fan wants to mobilize manpower.In fact, it is only from one of the two provinces of Yunnan or Sichuan.It will be able to mobilize enough manpower of 200 people.But in this way.There will be a lot fewer people in this province.If it affects the daily affairs.That's not good.Plus this time.It is to deal with the Five Poisons.In response to Fang Zhenqian's possible conspiracy.So go people.You also have to have some skills.If the light is mobilized from one province.Not only the quantity may not be enough.There is also a chance that quality will drop.That's why Zhang Fan asked Wang Meng and Liang Chao to mobilize manpower from these three provinces.In order to be able to cope with this time.It will not affect the daily affairs.

Although it is very fast to mobilize manpower.But after all, manpower was mobilized from three provinces.No matter how fast.It also takes some time.It will take about three to five days.Only in this way can the mobilization be completed this time.

But fortunately.Now this matter is not too urgent.Although the matter here is over.But Zhang Fan couldn't just leave without saying goodbye.There are still some things he needs to do.Secondly, even the Five Poison Sect didn't let Zhang Fan go there now.Fang Yueling and the others went back to prepare first.And Fang Zhenqian still has to discuss with Zhang Fan what to do when the time comes.

Let's talk about the Yongning mansion this time.Now that the decree has come down.Then it will be easy to handle.For those 2 people.A ruling has already been made.Don't want their lives.Instead, send them to the frontier.Defend against the Tartars.certainly.This is in some respects.It is also equivalent to letting them go to die.But these people are against the verdict.Although it is quite critical.But no one stood up and yelled anything.

Speaking of things like distribution.If it is replaced by someone.That also takes time.But this time, there was a large lineup of more than 2 people.In addition, it is distributed to the frontier.Let them go to war with the Tartars.Even now.After the imperial court told me that it was already a mutual market of tribute.The fighting on the frontier has not stopped.There are many small strands of tartar.Still harassing the frontier of Ming Dynasty there.Almost every day people die under the knife and arrow.So this thing.It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is urgent.

therefore.This is the imperial decree just received.But Liu Xian had already left.He has 5 people under his command.And he is very serious about this matter.A full 4 people were sent to send these people over.He himself did not go.He will also command the remaining 1 people.Continue to be stationed in Sichuan.

Of course.Continue to stay here.In fact, it's just a defense.In this short period of one year.It has experienced the great battle against the Bo people.Coupled with the current rebellion on the side of Yongning Mansion.And these two things.Without exception.It all ended with Ming Ting's victory.

This also made the local ethnic minorities scared to death.The Bo people have been rampant on this land for thousands of years.Always been a big hassle.But in the end it was destroyed by the Ming court.And those 2 people rebelled.The result is that there is no action at all.These people were captured.

Southwest today.It's not what it used to be.People of all ethnic groups are in a state of war.Ming court's two big victories.Let them all be afraid.these people.No matter how it is now.In the past, there were always conflicts with the Han people.And now.The Ming court won two big victories.When the momentum is in full swing.They are also afraid.This side will take advantage of the situation to retaliate against those who were most right with people can be said to be very peaceful now.In fact, there is no need to defend anything at all.

Of course.Actually these people don't know.even though.Ming Ting's two big moves.It all ended in a big victory.But the two actions.But it also consumes a lot.If Liu Xian is asked to send troops to fight again now.I'm afraid it won't be such an optimistic result.Of course.Of course, these people will not let those people know.It's not a bad thing to scare them.

but.Even so.Liu Xian still needs to stay.Just in case something unexpected happens.In case something happens.And if others are not there.It is absolutely impossible for him to rest assured.

And Zhang Fan.There is nothing for him to do in Yongning Mansion.

The matter of Mao Zhengqing.He already planned to go to the imperial court to ask for credit for him.even though.The reason why the city gate was opened at that time.It was because someone was causing trouble in the city.But no one else will know this.And the culprit is Zheng Yang.It has also been confessed.Naturally, he will be escorted to the capital for interrogation immediately.

And this thing.Naturally, the imperial court would not say that any official from the imperial court had defected to the enemy.This is for the court.Even if it was just a small seventh-rank official.But it is definitely a great shame.And I am afraid that many people will be implicated.therefore.It's time for this Zheng Yang.I'm afraid he might even die.They will all see the light of day.

If so.About the city gate.It can only be said to be a good thing in reverse.And this good thing.In the end, it would fall on Mao Zhengqing's head.Only Mao Zhengqing's identity is the most suitable.

This can be regarded as a bargain for Mao Zhengqing.And this.Zhang Fan had no objection.Even Mao Zhengqing would make his way to the top by relying on this incident.But Zhang Fan didn't care.After all, Mao Zhengqing's experience.It is also determined that he will never be the kind of person who likes to stand out.Let this kind of person go up.Maybe nothing will happen.But there will be absolutely no trouble.This is the most important.

And in Yongning Mansion.Except for these things.There is also Mu Changzuo.But for Mu Changzuo.Zhang Fan didn't care too much.Even if he did something small.Both Zhang Fan and Feng Bao had already made preparations.Not afraid of what he does at all.

In this way.The matter of Yongning Mansion is considered to be over.And next.Before Zhang Fan went to the Five Poison Sect.He still has to go back to Chengdu Mansion.There's still some work to be done over there.

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