Chengdu Mansion.It's still Chengdu.And Shu Palace.It was still the same as before Zhang Fan left.Nothing much has changed.No matter how it looks from the outside.Or just take a look at what's in it.Zhang Fan didn't even feel that there was any change.It still looks so calm on the outside.But there is still that kind of unrest.

But this is for Zhang Fan.There is no problem.After all, no matter how complicated the situation in Shu Palace is.This is irrelevant to Zhang Fan.He was leaving soon anyway.So how complicated is it here?To Zhang Fan, it was irrelevant.Even if it was a mess.Zhang Fan didn't care either.

Now the problem is.How to send Zhu Xuanluo to the capital safely.Of course.As long as Zhu Xuanluo disappears.Zhu Xuanqi must have noticed something unusual.Of course.Thinking about it, even Zhu Xuanluo disappeared.I'm afraid Zhu Xuanqi couldn't think of it either.He turned out to be the younger brother he gave up back then.But he will definitely find something unusual.

but.This is for Zhang Fan.It's not too big a problem.Even Zhu Xuanqi discovered this.And it was also discovered that the real genealogy book had been dropped.but.Even if he found this out.In fact, he was already powerless.after all.Whether it's the genealogy or Zhu Xuanluo's people.They have all been sent to the capital.

therefore.Although the matter here is not over yet.But actually.But there are not many things that need to be paid attention to.These are all achievable.

Of course.In order to minimize that possibility.Zhang Fan already had plans.Time to send Zhu Xuanluo away.Definitely not now.But after Zhang Fan left Chengdu.After making Zhu Xuanluo think that he had left.Then send someone to take Zhu Xuanluo away.If so.Even if Zhu Xuanqi discovered something.It is also certain that there is no time to make any countermeasures.

In this case.Empress Dowager Li told him what to do.It is already basically completed.And Zhang Fan's trip to the southwest this time.In addition to going to the Five Poisons Sect again.There is no other problem.

Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanqi are two people.From the gate of Shu Palace.Go all the way to the backyard.It's a long way to go.After all, the Shu Palace is the current Ming Dynasty.Except for the Forbidden City.The most extensive palace complex.But even that is a long way.Neither Zhang Fan nor Zhu Xuanqi looked tired at all.Not that they were slow.It's just that while walking and talking.Although the two seem to be chatting in general.But in fact, both of them are thinking about what the other said.

Sit in the room.Drinking tea.The two are still talking.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang." Zhu Xuanqi asked. "Speaking of Master Zhang's trip, it was really hard work. Obviously, he came to investigate the matter of conscripting the Bo people. But I didn't expect it. Such a thing happened in Yongning Mansion. It also delayed a lot of time for the adults. Year after year Been here.

"Master Zhang is the commander of Jinyiwei. There must be a lot of things on weekdays. This time it took so long. I am afraid that there are already a lot of things backlogged in the capital. Now the things here are finally It's all over. I think Mr. Zhang will return to Beijing soon."

"What the prince said is true." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "The things here have indeed been done. And there are indeed some things in the capital that can only be done after the minister returns. But those things are not urgent. They are really urgent. Naturally, the capital will send Come here for Weichen. It is okay to delay other things for a while.

"It's just now. Weichen has other things to do here. I can't go back to Beijing right away. There is no letter from my family. But I think they are anxious to let me go back. But I have to wait a few more days. "

"Oh." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Xuanqi became a little curious.Can't help but ask. "I don't know what Master Zhang has to do here." It seems that he is not simply curious about what Zhang Fan wants to do.I'm afraid he still thinks so.Zhang Fan's matter has something to do with him.

after all.The reason why Zhang Fan came back to Southwest this time.He may not have said it himself.But Zhu Xuanqi knew it clearly in his heart.

but.Zhu Xuanqi's doubts about Zhang Fan.And that's not all.He didn't know it was in the dark.Zhang Fan has already finished the matter.So it seems to him.Zhang Fan didn't find any flaws in him.But Zhang Fan was about to leave before completing the task assigned by Queen Mother Li.This made Zhu Xuanqi a little curious.Even he felt it.Was it something that Zhang Fanzai hadn't noticed yet?It's actually done.But Zhu Xuanqi checked again and again.But no problem was found.

In this way.Zhu Xuanqi even hinted to himself.Zhang Fan didn't find any flaws in him at all.And the reason why Zhang Fan would leave like this.It must be because the Queen Mother Li has already passed the news.Let Zhang Fan no longer have to do anything against him.

How did the news come.It makes sense.Because Feng Bao is here.

Feng Bao came to deliver the decree.But the problem lies in this decree.Although this decree is very important.Let Zhang Fan and Liu Xian go to suppress the rebellion.but.Even this decree is very important.But there is no need for the great eunuch Feng Bao to deliver the decree.That is.In Zhu Xuanqi's opinion.Since Empress Dowager Li asked Feng Bao to deliver the decree.Obviously, it's not just a simple matter of reading the imperial decree.There must be other things to explain to Zhang Fan.

And what is that "something else" anyway.Now with Zhang Fan saying so easily that he is leaving.So Zhu Xuanqi took it for granted.Feng Bao came this time.It must have come to convey Queen Mother Li's decision to Zhang Fan.And this resolution is.things about him.It is no longer important.This.It was also the reason why Zhu Xuanqi felt that Zhang Fan would say that he would leave so easily.

Of course.Zhu Xuanqi is not a person who can paralyze himself like this.The reason why he would think so.It is also because of this idea.He couldn't think of any other possibility at all.but.He didn't feel it in his heart.There would be no other possibility.

so.When Zhang Fan said that he hadn't finished the matter here.Still have to stay here for a while.Zhu Xuanqi immediately became alert.He quickly asked Zhang Fan.Want to know what the hell is going on.

"It's nothing." Zhang Fan naturally understood what Zhu Xuanqi meant.Although he didn't know that Zhu Xuanqi thought so much.But he also understood why Zhu Xuanqi asked him such a question.But this time.Naturally, I want Zhu Xuanqi not to become nervous.So when Zhang Fan was explaining.Also try to relax as much as possible.Said. "Actually. I have some private affairs to do. I have a concubine's room. It's from the Miao family. My home is not far from here. Now something happened to her family. I want to ask Weichen to help. Or else After Wei Chen goes back, it’s noisy. It’s really unbearable. It’s better to spend less time to get it done now than to spend so much time.”

"It turned out to be something like this," Zhang Fan said.Zhu Xuanqi immediately relaxed a lot. "But this kind of thing. There is no way. Women. There are always these troubles. You can help. It feels inappropriate. But if you don't help, it is extremely troublesome."

Zhu Xuanqi's expression changed.Let Zhang Fan see it so clearly.After he said this reason.Zhu Xuanqi was visibly relieved.This also made Zhang Fan feel.Zhu Xuanqi is indeed relieved now.

But about it.Zhang Fan didn't feel guilty at all.even though.He put this topic on Yingyue.Perhaps it was a bit unfair to Yingyue.But this didn't make Zhang Fan feel sorry for Yingyue.If you really care about it.What Zhang Fan said was actually not wrong.after all.Yingyue is really a Miao person.And she is also a member of the Five Poisons Sect.And the current Five Poison Sect really needs his help to do something.

Of course.Those last words.Zhang Fan is talking nonsense.After all, Yingyue has nothing to do with the Five Poison Sect now.Even if Zhang Fan doesn't help the Five Poison Sect.At that time, it would be impossible for Yingyue to blame Zhang Fan for anything.even.very likely to be.Yingyue would also like to thank Zhang Fan for not going to help.

Although speaking.The Five Poisons Sect didn't feel sorry for Yingyue.But Yingyue didn't like it either.If it is said that the Five Poisons Sect became chaotic because of this incident.For Yingyue.Maybe she would find it funny.

"Looks like your lord. I've encountered this kind of thing before." Zhang Fan didn't care about anything else.On the contrary, Zhu Xuanqi started to tease him.

"There is no way to do this kind of thing." Zhu Xuanqi said. "Although Mr. Zhang is in charge of Jinyiwei. And this king is a prince. But in the end, he is just an ordinary person. There is no way to avoid this kind of family troubles. Especially women. You like them. But sometimes it's annoying as hell."

"What the lord said is true." Zhang Fan echoed.

And in the next time.Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanqi started to make daily routines.Just like two old friends.It was as if there was no conflict at all between them.But actually.The two faced off against each other before.It's not bad at all.Very nervous.

But now.But there is no need to think about these anymore.Zhang Fan has completed what Queen Mother Li told him.But Zhu Xuanqi felt that Zhang Fan was helpless.

It is in such a wonderful situation.Zhang Fan returned to Shu Palace again.

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