The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1289 Future Plans

After Zhang Fan returned to the Shu Palace.Being with Zhu Xuanqi is like old friends.And it was also because Zhang Fan was leaving in a few days.The two of them really chatted happily these days.It seems that a little time is not spared.Start with getting up in the morning.Just talking together.And the same goes on into the evening.Even everyone else has gone to bed.But they still drank wine and chatted.

But they do.It also makes others feel very curious.after all.these two people.Looks like old friends.But in fact the relationship between them is understood by everyone else.They definitely don't have that much gossip.

But actually.That's it.Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanqi really didn't have so many homely things to say.The reason for so many days.The two people showed such acquaintance.In fact, he was talking about some things in the court.Of course.Let's be more realistic.In fact, it was Zhu Xuanqi who was asking the question.And Zhang Fan was answering.

Perhaps it was because Zhu Xuanqi felt that Queen Mother Li had given up.And Zhang Fan had absolutely no reason to fight against him.If so.Maybe Zhu Xuanqi thought so.Since Zhang Fan already had nothing to argue with him.Then he can ask Zhang Fan about some matters that concern him.

Of course.For Zhu Xuanqi.His worries.In fact, there are only some in the court.That's all that he couldn't know in Sichuan.The reason to know these.Actually that is.Zhu Xuanqi already felt threatened.This time thing.Perhaps it seemed to him that he had passed it safely.But even through it safely.But Zhu Xuanqi didn't just feel relieved.On the contrary, it made him feel the sense of crisis inside.

the main thing.It is because of this time.Zhu Xuanqi finally realized it.Even if he is a prince.But in today's world.A person who is a prince.Even if he is the most powerful vassal king today.But it can't be arrogant.Otherwise.The unlucky one is always himself.

This.It is not the most important truth that Zhu Xuanqi understands.What this incident really told Zhu Xuanqi this person.No matter how powerful he is.There is no other way.He must have friends.And obviously.This is precisely Zhu Xuanqi's weakest point.It's not that Zhu Xuanqi doesn't have many friends.only.Zhu Xuanqi had no friends in court.In this way.In such crucial matters.There will also be problems.

And now.Zhang Fan is here.This is for Zhu Xuanqi.It just happened to be an opportunity.Zhang Fan is a big celebrity in the court.Coupled with his status as Jin Yiwei.And Zhang Fan's gentle way of treating others.Even if there are people in the court who are not against him.And definitely not too much.That is.Regarding the situation in North Korea and China.Zhang Fan was someone he was absolutely familiar Xuanqi asked him about these things.That is of course no problem.

but.Ask Zhang Fan about these things.It was not the original intention that Zhu Xuanqi needed.The reason why he did it.Actually because.He wanted to ask Zhang Fan about the current situation in North Korea and China.Then find someone he can get close to.Then go get in touch with these people.

Of course.The reason why Zhu Xuanqi did this.It's not about forming cliques or anything.He did it because of this incident.let him understand.To a person of his status.It is absolutely impossible to have no one in the court.If not.Like this time.It might happen again in the future.And if it happens again.Zhu Xuanqi was not sure whether he would be able to avoid it with such luck as this time.

so.What happened this time made Zhu Xuanqi make a decision.We must find a few talents in the court.Once something happens.Not only can he be notified of these things in advance.More importantly, if there is any decision against him in the court.These people will be able to stand up and speak for him.This.This is what Zhu Xuanqi needs most.

certainly.In fact, Zhu Xuanqi didn't need to be so troublesome at all.Instead of looking for such a task through Zhang Fan's narration.But it would be better to just pull Zhang Fan into his camp.

Nature.Zhu Xuanqi naturally thought about this problem.But in the end.Zhu Xuanqi still gave up this idea.the most important is.Zhu Xuanqi understood.It was obviously impossible for Zhang Fan to be drawn to his side by him.

Zhang Fan is the commander of Jinyiwei.Able to be at this time of dynasty change.You can still sit comfortably in this seat.It also shows two generations of emperors.No.It should be said that Emperor Longqing and Empress Dowager Li trusted him.Speaking up.The commander of Jinyiwei.After the change of dynasty.Basically either it was replaced right away.Or just can't do it for long.

but.Zhang Fan was able to stay in this position steadily at this time.even.Not just safe.Zhang Fan was in this period of time.The status is only rising but not falling.

And in this way.It also illustrates a problem.It seems that there are not just two generations of rulers.Even Zhu Yijun, who will be in charge in the future.He has great trust in Zhang Fan.And the reverse is also true.Zhang Fan was the ruler of the Ming Dynasty.Also extremely loyal.

Although no one has said that.But it is a very easy to see things.But for Zhu Xuanqi.This is also a very obvious thing.Actually.Zhang Fan came here this time.That has already explained the problem.

He is the prince of Daming.Anyway.He is also a member of the royal family.Regardless of whether Queen Mother Li has the power to deal with him.But if you want to deal with him.She also had to find someone she could trust.Since she can send Zhang Fan here.That is to say.Empress Dowager Li trusted Zhang Fan extremely.And vice versa.

A person like Zhang Fan.He is naturally extremely loyal.Moreover, Zhang Fan's faithful choice is also very good.Whether it is Emperor Longqing, Empress Dowager Li, or Zhu Yijun in the future.There is no contradiction between them all.As long as Zhang Fan can really assist them loyally.Zhang Fan's life will definitely not be turbulent in the future.certainly.It means that he is in the affairs of the government.

And Zhang Fan will naturally understand this.If only he could understand this.It is impossible for Zhang Fan to have two hearts.This is tantamount to self-destructing the Great Wall.As long as it is a slightly smarter person.He would never do such a stupid thing.

so.He wanted to convince Zhang Fan to do things for him.This is almost impossible.And Zhu Xuanqi is not stupid.He saw it.So he didn't have such a plan at all.therefore.He can only use this troublesome and tactful way now.Ask Zhang Fan about the affairs of the court.Of course, the most important thing is that there is someone who can let him approach.Speaking.Maybe he was planning for his future.

even though.It seems that Zhu Xuanqi is only now starting to think about this kind of thing.It seems a bit too late.but.A remedy for the dead.But it is also something that has to be done.

and.Although Zhu Xuanqi planned to do so.Speaking of it, it came from his misunderstanding of Zhang Fan's current attitude.And this kind of thinking that comes from being too optimistic about your own situation.but.In fact, Zhu Xuanqi thought so.Didn't do anything wrong either.after all.Seriously speaking.Zhang Fan's plan for Zhu Xuanqi.He also had no intention of letting Queen Mother Li do anything to him.And Zhang Fan is also confident.I am confident that I can persuade Queen Mother Li not to do too much to Zhu Xuanqi.

That is.Final words.Zhu Xuanqi might have some troubles.But it is not the kind of life-threatening.If so.He now thinks about these issues.It should be too.

Wait until this matter is really over.Naturally, the preparations he has made now cannot be in vain.

And Zhang Fan.Of course, he also understood Zhu Xuanqi's thoughts.only.After all, Zhang Fanzhi did not support Zhu Xuanqi in doing so.But it is also not certain.

possible.Because of this incident.Zhu Xuanqi will be a man with his tail between his legs in the future.Ambition is gone.Some only want to protect themselves.If so.It's good.Even if he had so few people in the court.That's not bad either.If Zhu Xuanqi can save a few troubles in the future.For Zhang Fan, it had to be said that it was an easy task.

but.What about another situation.Just in case.this matter.Not only did Zhu Xuanqi not suffer any setbacks.But it made him feel it instead.It's because his arrogance is not enough.And in the future, he will find a helper in court.Will it be time.He began to take this opportunity to start some crazier ideas than now.

if it is like this.Isn't Zhang Fan now tantamount to helping Zhu Xuanqi?

but.This idea did not stay in Zhang Fan's mind for too long.He gave up on it.

Zhang Fan suddenly thought of a question.Even if it is time.It really happened that he least wanted to happen.But so what.that time.Naturally, someone will worry about this matter.And that situation.Not sure Fan now has no need to worry at all.Even if something happens at that time and he needs to trouble you.That's about time.

Figured this out.Zhang Fan no longer entangled in these is but can.He even began to carefully analyze the situation in the court for Zhu Xuanqi.

Zhang Fan's change.Zhu Xuanqi felt a little strange.but.Although he didn't know why Zhang Fan suddenly changed his mind.But he doesn't care about these.Moreover.This is also a good thing for him.

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