The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1290 There Are Always Obstacles

During this period of time, the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanqi was really good. Perhaps, even if it was true, it could not be said to be good, but at the very least, the two of them showed that they were like good friends This is indeed a strange thing.

As for the appearance of Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanqi, other people may think it doesn't matter. Whether they are sincere or false, it has nothing to do with other people. Quite concerned, of course, this person is none other than the person involved in this matter, Zhu Xuanluo.

Although Zhu Xuanluo has already made preparations for his future, even if he will be imprisoned in the capital in the future, he will not be able to come out again in this life. Zhu Xuanqi took down the throne of the King of Shu, and even killed him, but Zhu Xuanluo also understood that by then, he still had no bright future.

However, even so, Zhu Xuanluo has already made up his mind to do this, and he wants Zhu Xuanqi to pay the price for what he did to him when he was a child.

Speaking of it, Zhu Xuanluo didn't know at all that neither Zhang Fan nor anyone else in the court wanted Zhu Xuanqi to be affected by this incident. That is to say, the only uncertain factor now is only Empress Dowager Li is alone. It sounds like it is enough to solve the problem of Empress Dowager Li, but this is the most troublesome problem. However, Zhang Fan believes that with so many people, he will be able to persuade Empress Dowager Li's.

And Zhu Xuanluo didn't know these things yet, he still naively thought that the Empress Dowager Li would definitely find trouble with Zhu Xuanqi, but there was no way he would think so. After all, since Zhang Fan came to the Chengdu Mansion, only Just to be able to approach the Shu Palace in a natural way, I don't know how much trouble it took, Zhu Xuanluo knew all about it.

In addition, whether it is about the genealogy, or Zhang Fan and the others plan to secretly send him to the capital, all of these will require a lot of effort. If this happens, Zhu Xuanluo can't help but not believe it. Well, Empress Dowager Li spent so much effort to do this, she is indeed going to make some big moves against Zhu Xuanqi.

But the direction in which things are likely to develop in the future is completely different from what Zhu Xuanluo thinks in his heart.

It's just that although Zhu Xuanluo cares about these things, Zhang Fan doesn't care about these things. He can't control what Zhu Xuanluo thinks. For Zhang Fan, he only needs to get this matter done. How to persuade Empress Dowager Li is a matter for the future, but he doesn't need to worry about it now.

However, Zhang Fan thought this way, but Zhu Xuanluo didn't think so anymore. Moreover, as time passed, Zhu Xuanluo became more anxious.

No, Zhang Fan and the others will leave in two days, and the plan to bring Zhu Xuanluo back to the capital will be implemented at that time, but even so, Zhu Xuanluo still became anxious, even Yu, that night, when it was already very late, he also found Zhang Fan to talk about this matter.

At that time, it was just after Haishi in the evening, and Zhang Fan said goodbye to Zhu Xuanqi and walked towards his residence. Speaking of which, Zhang Fan also gave Zhu Xuanqi a lot of ideas in the past two days, perhaps because he understood Zhu Xuanqi's heart. Therefore, Zhang Fan also began to tell Zhu Xuanqi about the current situation in the court.

Along the way, thinking about the events of these two days, Zhang Fan also felt a little funny in his heart. Zhang Fan had already told Zhu Xuanqi about the situation in the court as much as possible. Moreover, in order to prevent Zhu Xuanqi from becoming suspicious, Zhang Fan used a This kind of words is relatively obscure, but it is also able to make those smart people understand clearly, to tell Zhu Xuanqi the situation in the court.

Although Zhang Fan already understood what Zhu Xuanqi wanted to do, it was naturally impossible for him to tell Zhu Xuanqi clearly who he should be looking for. What kind of groups are they? Tell Zhu Xuanqi such news, but in fact, this is enough. At that time, Zhu Xuanqi only needs to do a little investigation based on what Zhang Fan said. , when the time came, if Zhu Xuanqi wanted to find someone, he just had to ask and he would know. This was the greatest help Zhang Fan could give Zhu Xuanqi.

But this kind of thing, Zhang Fan is actually a little bit of fun, and Zhang Fan is doing nothing now, so doing this thing makes him feel a lot more interesting.

Moreover, tonight, Zhang Fan's interest was quite high, not because of Zhu Xuanqi, or any other matter. Presumably, the things that can make Zhang Fan so happy are naturally related to women , When talking about women, in fact, he is only referring to Joanna alone.

During this time, Zhang Fan not only spent all his time on Zhu Xuanqi, but besides talking about those things with Zhu Xuanqi, Zhang Fan actually spent all his time on Joanna. As for Fang Zhenqian , since Fang Zhenqian has already discussed the matter with Zhang Fan, there is no need to be more verbose. In this case, compared with those boring things, Zhang Fan naturally hopes to spend more time with Joanna.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan has always felt a little guilty about Joanna.

Before, even though Zhang Fan agreed to Joanna and took her back to live in the capital, Zhang Fan didn’t have much affection for Joanna at that time. Although they both had good feelings for each other, the reason why Zhang Fan would do this , but still because they met before and knew each other.

After Joanna came, Zhang Fan also learned about the things that Joanna encountered from Wang Xiliang. Naturally, Zhang Fan felt a lot of sympathy for Joanna. Although sympathy is not the same as love, but Sympathy is one of the causes of love which is very easy to produce.

For Zhang Fan and Joanna, what really made them express their hearts to each other was what happened between Zhang Fan and Joanna when they accompanied Zhu Yijun to Qiushou. The two realized that the feeling between them was really love.

It was also from that time that the two truly accepted each other.

But since then, Zhang Fan has been very busy. Even though he was in the capital, he still didn't have much time to talk to Joanna.

This time, going to Sichuan was full of many things, but Zhang Fan always felt that this time, no matter what, he could spare a little time. In name, he came to investigate whether the conquest of the Bo people was a great victory, but Zhang Fan thought Clearly, this matter is simply an excuse, there is no such thing at all, so Zhang Fan can deal with this matter at will, that is to say, a lot of time can be left in this way .

As for the matter of Zhu Xuanqi, in fact, Zhang Fan didn't take it very seriously from the beginning. When Zhang Fan first thought of it, even if Zhu Xuanqi was a prince, in Zhang Fan's opinion, this matter would not happen. How difficult.

But the facts prove that it is indeed the case. Zhu Xuanqi's matter was settled without any effort from Zhang Fan. Of course, this is also because of Zhang Fan's good luck. Zhu Xuanqi had Zhu Xuanluo who had a deep hatred come out, and he also investigated this matter for a long time, which gave Zhang Fan great convenience.

All in all, this matter can be said to be very smooth, and this is equivalent to giving Zhang Fan a lot of convenience.

Originally, at this time, Zhang Fan could be considered to be able to relax. He brought Joanna out specially this time to show her the scenery, and then take the opportunity to develop a relationship. Now, this time is finally available.

However, no one expected that such a matter of Yongning Mansion suddenly happened before. The matter of Yongning Mansion has already kept Zhang Fan busy for a long time, but it is not only about the matter of Yongning Mansion, but this matter is also involved. After doing something about the Five Poisons Sect, it took up most of Zhang Fan's time all of a sudden.

Therefore, this is what made Zhang Fan feel sorry for Joanna.

Of course, Joanna is quite smart, even though Zhang Fan never said it, she can see what Zhang Fan is thinking, so she often tells Zhang Fan that she doesn't need to pay too much attention to her.

However, Joanna didn't understand it. The more she said that, the more Zhang Fan felt sorry for her.

Therefore, during this period of time, apart from giving Zhu Xuanqi some reminders, Zhang Fan has nothing else to worry about, and even the Five Poison Sect doesn't need to worry about it now, so Zhang Fan He used all the free time he could spare to accompany Joanna.

Speaking of which, this woman really didn't mean what she said. No matter how much Joanna understood what she said, in his heart, he still hoped that you would stay by her side more, even if it was only a few days. Kung fu, what Zhang Fan did was also to make the relationship between them heat up quickly. For example, today, Joanna has already given Zhang Fan a lot of hints.

Perhaps as a person who has lived in this era since he was a child, he may not be able to understand Joanna's hints, but Zhang Fan is a modern person, and he is still aware of such things.

All in all, today's Zhang Fan is very happy.

However, on the way back, a person blocked Zhang Fan's way, which made him very upset.

"Zhao Huwei, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Fan frowned and said to the person who stopped him.

That's right, the person who stopped Zhang Fan was Zhao Zijie, that is, Zhu Xuanluo,

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